[S" GOVERNMENT GAZETTE | Published by Authority tee ° f Vol. LXV, No. 15 13th MARCH, 1987 Price 40c > mm. General Notice 176 of 1987. - (c) depart Karereshi Tuesday, Thursd@y and Sunday 8.30 am., arrive Bulawayo3.54 [CHAPTER 262] p.m; ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT (d) depart Karereshi Saturday 8.30 a.m, arrive Kadoma . 11.56am - Applications in Connexion with Road Service Permits _ Zimbabwe Omnibus Co., a division of ZUPCO. — Motor. wae Permit: 25282. Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capa~- IN terms of subsection (4) of section 7 of the Road city: 76°, oe Transportation Act [Chapter 2 21, notice is hereby given that : the applications detailed in t e Schedule, for the issue er Route: Bulawayo - Gweru - Lalapanzi - Mvuma - Nharira amendment of road service permits,; have been received _ Turn-off - Dombo School - Sadza - Shumba. forthe consideration of the Controller of Road Motor Trans- By: ‘ portation. | . (a) Extension of route from. Shumbato St, Columbus. Any person wishing to object to any such application |: . (b) Alteration to route kilometres. ‘ Motor Transportation, must lodge with the Controller of Road (c) Alteration to times. ’ P.O. Box 8332, Causeway— The serviceSBerates asfollows— ‘(a) a notice, in writing, of his intention to object, so as to reach the Controller’s office not Jater than the (a) depart Bulawayo Friday 6 p.m., arrive ‘Shumba 1.05 a.m. 3rd April, 1987; (b) depart Shumba Sunday 7.15 am, arrive Bulawayo (b) his objection and the grounds . therefor, on form | - 220 p.m. R.M.T, 24, together with two copies thereof, so as to. The service to operate as follows— reach the Controller’s office not later than the 24th . {a} depart Bulawayo Friday 6 p.m., arrive St. Columbus April, 1987; y 25 a.m; - Any person objecting to an application for the issue or (b) depart St. Columbus Sunday 7 a.m, arrive Bulawayo amendment of a road seryice permit must confine his grounds1 |- - 3.25pm - - : of objection to matters directly bearing on the considerations referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (), (e), or (f) of section Zimbabwe Omnibus (SUCC), a division of ZUPCO. 8 of the said Act. : O/] 31/87. Permit: 23372. ‘Motor-omnibus.. Passenger-capa- oo : R. N. TSOMONDO, _city: 70 seated and 23 standing. 13-3-87. Controller of Road Motor Transportation. Route: “As defined in the agreement between the holder and the Bulawayo Municipality,* > approved by the Minister SCHEDULE .. ’ in {erms of section 18 of the Road Motor Transportation ct”. me 2 © MOTOR-OMNIBUSES By Amendments | 4 (a) Introduction of Route 2: Route to be “Throughout J. Zikhalo and Sons (Pvt)Ltd. | Zimbabwe.” 5 0/604/86. Permit: 25730. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capa- (b) Increase in passenger capacity to 76. - city: 76. : . j Condition: For private hire and for advertised or organized Route: Bulawayo - Gweru - Kwekwe- Kadoma - Chegutu - tours, provided no stage carriage service is operated on Chinhoyi - Karoi - Charles Clark Mission - Karereshi. any route. By: . Ss _ 8 . Alteration ‘to times. 0/32/87. Permit: 23371, Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: > @) 70seated and 23 standing. , “ (b) Alteration to route kilometres. Route: “As defined in the agreement between the holder and The service operates as follows— and the Bulawayo Municipality approved by the Minister v (a) depart Bulawayo Monday and Wednesday 10 am., in terms of section 18 of the Road Motor ‘Transportation arrive Karereshi 4.46 p.m. ct.” . aa (b) depart Bulawayo Friday 6 p.m, arrive Karereshi By: © / 2.46 a.m; . (a) Introduction of Route2: Route to be “Throughout ' (c) depart Chegutu.Saturday 330 p.m., ‘arrive Karereshi " Zimbabwe.” 5.57 p.m; (b) Increase in passenger capacity to 76. Tuesday,Thursday and Sunday 11 a.m. .(d) depart Karereshi For private hire and for advertised or organized Bulawayo 6.35 p.m.; Condition: arrive tours,provided no stage carriage service is operated on any ‘am., (e) depart Karereshi Saturday 9 arrive Chegutu route. 1125am — oO The service to operate as follows— 0/33/87. Permit: 23369. Motor-omnibus Passenger-capacity: (a) depart Bulawayo. Monday, Wednesday and Friday 70 seated and 23 standing. © , 8.30 am., arrive Karereshi 3.54 p.m; . Route: “As defined in the agreement between the ‘holder and {b) depart Kadoma Saturday 12.54 p.m., arrive Karereshi the Bulawayo Municipality, approved by the Minister in Act.” 3.32 p.m; * . : terms of section 18 of the Road Motor Transportation % ow : - Ome. “ty 228 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 131TH’ Marca,1987 By: 0/40/87. "Permit: 14985. Motor-omnibus.. ‘ Passenger- (a) Introduction of Route 2: Route to be “Throughout capacity? 76. Zimbabwe.” Route: Beitbridge - Mtetengwe - Siyoka - Zezant Mission - (b) Increase in passenger capacity to 76. 3. Dendele ~ Sukwe Store - Mangisi - Mathew Store,- Swisha Cendition: For private hire and for advertised or organized School - Nsumbo School - Gwanda - Mbalabala ~ - Esigodini tours, provided nostage carriage service is operated on any - Bulawayo. route. By:, ‘ a > * (a) Deletion of Saturday“outward service. — 0/34/87. Permit: 23368. Motor-omnibus: Passenger-capacity: ” (b) Extension of Sunday outward service to Beitbridge. 79 seated and 23 standing. (c) Alteration to times, ; Route: “As defined in the agreement between the hholder and -The service operates as follows—_ the Bulawayo Municipality, approved by the Minister in depart Beitbridge Tuesday and Thursday 7 am., arrive terms of section 18 of the Road Motor Transportation @) & Bulawayo 4.20pm; “ - {b) depart Beitbridge Saturday 6-p.m., arrive Mangisi By: . 9.50 p.m.; (a) Introduction of Route 2: Route to be “Throughout Zimbabwe.” (©) depart Mangisi Sunday “10.50 am.,. arrive Bulawayo 6.20 p.m.; (b) Increase in passenger capacity to 76. (d)_ depart Bulawayo Monday, Wednesday and Friday Condition: For private hire and for advertised or organized ‘10 a.m., arrive Beitbridge 7.05 p.m. tours, provided no stage carriage service is operated on any route, The service ito operate as follows— ' (a) depart Bulawayo Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday § am.,: 0/36/76. Permit: 23375. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: arrive Beitbridge 5.10 p.m.; 75 seated and 23 standing. (b) depart Beitbridge Monday, Wednesday and Friday R ute: “As defined in the agreement between the holder and 6am,arrive Bulawayo22.12 p.m.° the Bulawayo Municipality, approved by the Minister in verms of section 18 of the Road Motor Transportation Act.” 0/44/87. Permit: 12563. Motor-omnibus. ‘Passenger- By: ’ capacity: 76... ~ e tet (a) Introduction of Route 2: Route to be “Throughout Route; Mutare - ‘Nyanyadzi - Birchenough Bridge - Zimbabwe.” Mzokomba - Mutasa - ‘Buhera-.- Nharira - Chivhu - (b) Increase in passenger capacity to 76. : - Mvuma - Gweru. Condition: For private hire and for advertised or organized By: Alteration ito times. tours, provided no stage carriage service is operated on . The service operates as follows— any route. (a) depart. Mutare Tuesday, Thursday and. Sunday 9.a.ms“s arriveGweru 4,03 p.m.; ° 0/38/87, Permit: 23370. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: (b) depart Gweru Monday, Wednesday and Friday 70 seated and 23 standing. 6.30 a.m., arrive Mutare 1.33 p.m. Route: “As defined in the agreement between the holder and Theserviceto operate as follows— the Bulawayo Municipality, approved by the “Minister in terms of section 18 of the Road Motor Transportation (a) depart Mutare Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 6 arm., ct.” arrive Gweru 1.38 p.m.; By: (b) depart -Gweru Monday, “Wednesday and Friday 6.30 a.m., arrive Mutare 1.34 p.m. (a) Introduction of Route 2: Route to the “Throughout Zimbabwe.” (b) Increase in passenger capacity to 76. * Chitanda andSons (Pvt) Ltd, - Condition: For private hire and for advertised or organized go981 Permit: 16215; Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: tours, provided no stage carriage service is operated on any route. Route 1: Harare - Beatrice - Chivhu - Jenyure - Denhere -. Muhia School - Maware Sckool - ‘Gundura - Shashi River - P, Hall and Co.(Pvt.) Ltd. Mashava. Route 2: Within a 176-kilometre radius of the post office, 0/39/87... Permit: 25466, Motor-omnibus. Passenger- capacity: 76. Mvuma. Route: Bulawayo: - Esigodini - Gwanda - Gwaranyemba - Condition: . Mathew Store - Mangisi - Sukwe - Zezani Mission - Route: 2. - Makado Halt - Mtetengwa - Beitbridge. (a) For: private hire and for advertised or organized : By: . i tours, provided no: stage carriage ‘service is operated (a) Introduction to route stages Tengwe School - Chafuse. on any route, (b) Deletion of Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday (b) Noprivate hire or any advertised or organized tours — outward services and Monday, Wednesay and Friday shall be operated under authority of’ this permit, inward services. -during the times for which a scheduled stage carriage service is authorized in terms of this permit. (c) Introduction to Monday, Wednesday and Friday out- ward services and Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday ‘and By: Sunday inward services, (a) Extension of the route from “Mashava to ~“Zvishavane. (d) Alteration to times. (b) Alteration to times. The service operates as follows— _The service operates as follows-— (a) depart Bulawayo Tuesday and Thursday 8 a.m., arrive Route 1: . : Beitbridge 1.26 p.m.; : (a) depart Harare Monday and Wednesday 10 a.m., arrive (b) depart Bulawayo Saturday 6 pm, arrive Mangisi t Mashava 5.15 p.m.; 8.56 p.m.; ‘, (b) depart Harare Friday 6 p.m., arrive Mashava Saturday (c) depart Mangisi Sunday 11 .am., arrive Beitbridge 0.55 am.; 1.30 p.m.; (c) depart Harare Saturday 1 Pp.m., ‘arrive _Mashava (d) depart Beitbridge Monday," Wednesday and Friday 745 p.m; 7 a.m., arrive Bulawayo 12.26 p.m. @) depart Mashava Tuesday and Thursday 7 am., arrive, The service to. operate as follows— 3 Harare 2 p.m.; (a) depart Bulawayo Monday, Wednesday and Friday (e) depart. Mashava Saturday 5.45 am., artive Harare 8 am., arrive Beitbridge 5.10 p.m.; 11.45 a.m.; {h) depart.
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