The Archaeology of Elam: Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State D

The Archaeology of Elam: Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State D

Cambridge University Press 0521563585 - The Archaeology of Elam: Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State D. T. Potts Index More information INDEX A’abba, 179 Aleppo, 169, 170 Apollophanos, 364, 369 Aahitek, 207, 208 Alexander, the Great, 348–50, apples, 137 Abadan, 14 355; I Balas, 373, 383, 387, 388 Arahir, 136 Aba-Enlilgim, 140 al-Hiba, 92, 95 Aramaic, 384, 399, 424 Abalgamash, 105, 106 Ali Kosh, see Tepe Ali Kosh Arashu, 285 Abbashaga, 135, 140 Allabria, 263 Arawa, 89; see also Urua Ab-i-Diz, see Diz Allahad, 168 Arbimazbi, 140 Ab-i-Marik, 22 almond, 155 Archalos, 349 Abiradu, 328 Altyn-depe, 118 archons, at Susa, 363 Abu Fanduweh, 55 Alumiddatum, 136, 138, 141 Ardashir, 410–16, Fig. 11.2 Abu Salabikh, 58, 88, 242 Amar-Sin, 135, 137, Areia, 323 Abulites, 348–50 ambassadors, 138–9 Argishti-henele, 301 Aburanum, 137 amber, 33 Ariaramnes, 287 accountancy, 59–60 Amedirra, 283 Arjan, 124, 303–6, 412 Achaemenes, 287 Amel-Marduk, 293 armour, 203, 277 Açina, 317–18 Ammiditana, 171 aromatics, see incense Acropole, see Susa, Acropole Ammisaduqa, 165, 189 Arrapha/Arraphe, 242 Acts, Book of (2.9), 3 Amorites, 167 arrowheads, copper/bronze, 95 Adab, 121 Ampe, 391 Arsaces, 376–7, 388, 391, 392 Adad, 347 Ampirish, 306 Arsames, 287 Adad-erish, 204 Amurru, 193 arsenic, 218 Adad-nirari III, 263 Amygdalus, 23 Artabanus I, 391; II, 391; III, 369; Adad-rabi, 177 An(?)turza, 347 IV, 401, 412 Adad-sharru-rabu, 191 Anahita, 383 Artaxerxes I, 335, 337, 318; II, 7, Adad-shuma-iddina, 231 Anarak, 33, 34 335, 337, 359; III, 339 Adad-shuma-usur, 208, 231, 235 Andia, 263 Artemis, 383, 392 Adamdun, 135, 136, 138, 143, Anigi, see Itnigi Artemisia, 20 145 Annales, xx asafoetida, 37 adda lugal, 163, 164 Anni-ilha, 306 Ashkar Mukram, 412 A-DU3-a, 89 Anni-Shilha, 306 Ashuhash/Ashuhish, 242 Afghanistan, 169; see also Bactria Anshan, 4, 106, 125, 135–9, 143, Ashur-nadin-shumi, 270, 274, Agapit, 431 149, 285, 311; see also Anzan 275 Agapta, 424 Antigonus, 355, 374–5 Aspasine, 378–9, 390; see also agate, 236 antimony, 33 Hyspaosines Aginis, 391 Antioch (on the Orontes), 418 Assarabad, 33 Ahasuerus, 7, 330 Antiochia-in-Persis, 357, 394 as-Silh, 387 Ahuramazda, 317, 318, 326–7, Antiochus I, 357, 369; III, 355, Assur, 117, 118, 132, 135, 167, 346; see also Zoroastrianism 357, 369, 374, 380, 382, 383, 227, 230, 392 Ahu-Wer, 140 386; IV, 355, 383–4, 390; VI, Assurbanipal, 227, 230, 236, 277, Ahwaz, 10, 14, 15, 395, 412, 415 387; VII, 391 280, 282–3, 285, 287, 289, 370 Ainsworth, W.F., 12 Anubanini, 318 Assurnasirpal II, 263 akinakes, 342, Pl. 9.7 Anzan, 272–3 Assyria, 168 Akkadianization, 111, 126 Anzaze, 392, 394, 399 Astyages, 295, 311 Akrna, 347 Apadana, see Susa, Apadana Atamaita, 318, 348 Akshak, 108, 124 Apamea, 382, 387 Atameta, see Atamaita Aksi-marti, 306 Aphrodite, 383 Atamrum, 168 Al Untash-Napirisha, see Choga Aple, 391 Athena, 371, 392 Zanbil Apollo, 397 Athibu, 204 AL.UR.KA, 123 Apollodoros, 357, 365, 369 Atta-hamiti-Inshushinak, 283, alabaster, 210 Apolloniatis, 380 297, 318, 348, Pl. 8.1 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521563585 - The Archaeology of Elam: Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State D. T. Potts Index More information 482 index Atta-hushu, 162–5, 174, 177 Behistun, 287, 315–318, 345, 373, Carchemish, 170 Atta-merra-halki, 164 Pl. 9.3 Carians, 328 Attametu, 281 Bel, 383 Carmania, see Karmania Attar-kittah, 205, 207, 209, 211, Belala, 212 carnelian, 33, 135, 328 223, 236 Belânum, 170 carts, 277, Fig. 8.3 Attata-ekal-likrub, 238 Belapaton, 421 Caspian, Gates 375; Sea, 11, 38, Attata-mitik, 238 Beli-arik, 135, 140 40, 103, 141 Aurelian, 421 Bel-ibni, 282–3 Chanhu-Daro, 118 Avva, 302 Belilit, 223 Characene, see Mesene Awal, 124, 242, 243 Bel-iqisha, 276 charcoal, 22 Awan, 85, 87, 88, 92–3, 97, 102, Beltibanitis, 367, 370 chariot, 177, 201–3, Fig. 6.6; 103, 105, 109, 111, 122–3, 127, Beltiya, 210 burials, 95; tyres of, 201 135, 138, 143, 145, 236, 248, Benjamin of Tudela, 8 Chatleh, 16 268, 284, 299, 328, 428 Beth Huzaye, 424, 430–1 cheese, 137 Ayapir, 299, 303 Beth Lapat, 421–3, 430–1 Chenopodiaceae, 20 Aza, 147 bezoar, 33 Chigha Sabz, 306 Azahar, 136, 141 Bilalama, 146, 162 chlorite, 33; see also Âzâr Sâbur, 395 Billatu, 269 Intercultural Style, série Azar, 395 Bishapur, 415–16, Fig. 11.7 ancienne, série récente Azara, 103, 141, 392, 395 Bit Hulmi, 238 Choga Gavaneh, 174 azurite, 33 Bit Turni, 238 Choga Mish, 55, 60, 67, 175, 337 Bit-Burnaki, see Bit-Burnakka Choga Pahan East, 173, 206, 232 Baba Jan, 97, 335 Bit-Burnakka, 271, 285 Choga Zanbil, 205, 222–30, 236, Bab-Duri, 266 Bit-Dakkuri, 266, 275 248, 284 Babdusha, 140 Bit-Imbi, 265, 283 Chogha Kal, 419 Babylon, 124, 140, 171, 208, 252, Bit-Jakin, 263, 268, 274 Chorasmia, 328 265, 284, 379 Bit-Karkudî, 377, 388 Christianity, Nestorian, 418, Bactria, 37, 118, 120, 169, 178, Bit-Karziabku, 253 421–4 181, 328, 357 bitumen, compound, 33, 67, 90, chromite, 33 Badakê, 272, 355 218; vessels of, 108, 175, Pl. Chronicle, Babylonian, 263, 269, Badatma, 140 6.1, Fig. 6.5 274–5; Dynastic, 262; Bafq, 34 Bitum-rabium, 138 Nabopolassar, 289 Bakhtiyari mountains, 16, 253, borax, 33 Cincikhri, 317 375, 382 Borsippa, 265 climate, 15, 19–22 bala, 135; see also tax bow, Elamite, 263, 290, 345 cobalt, 33 Balahute, 242, 299 bowmen, Elamite, 267, 268, 277, coinage, Elymaean, 397, 401, Balippiti, 236 435; Elymaean, 380, Fig. 10.7 Table 10.3; Parthian, 391; Baluchistan, 24, 103 Brdatka, 347 Sasanian, 428; Seleucid, 355, Bama, 299 brick, glazed, 209, 224–6, 240, 371, 383 Banana, 138, 140 264, 326–7, 330, Pl. 9.5; colonies, Uruk, 56–57, 67 Bandar Abbas, 15 moulded, 240, Fig. 7.11 copper, 32–33, 105, 135, 177, 248 Band-e Kaisar, 418 bronze, 135, 177, 203, 218, 227, coral, 33 Banesh, see Tal-i Malyan, Banesh 248, 299, 428; see also couriers, 137 phase metallurgy, metalwork courte durée, 436–7 Bani Surmah, 93, 97, 119 Bubilu, 283 crystal, 428 Banu Ka’b, 19 buckles, belt, 95 Cyaxares, 290 Barahshum, 89, 102, 103, 105, bullae, 63, 428, Table 3.1, Fig. Cyrus I, 287, 306; II, 287; III, 287, 106–7; see also Marhashi 3.11; see also envelopes 295, 311–314; Cylinder, 287, Baraz, 419 Bulma, 138, 141 306; tomb of, 23 Barbarranamba, 136 Bunban, 102 Cyrus the Great, see Cyrus III Bard-e Nechandeh, 382–4, 395, Burna-Buriash II, 207–8, 230 397 Burujird, 16 Daba, 136 Bard-i But, 402 Bushire, 10, 14–15, 37, 106, 173, Dada, 137 barley, 36, 155, 347, 358 180, 209, 212; see also Liyan Dadusha, 168 Barsine, 355 Buzua, 147 daggers, 95; Elamite, 342, Pl. 9.6 Bar-Uli, 240 Buzurg-Sabur, 416 Dagu, 102 Bashime, see Pashime Byblos, 118 Dahst-i Lut, 24 Bâtiment de Suse I, see Susa, Dalta, 267 Bâtiment de Suse I Cambyses I, 287; II, 287, 313–4, Damghan, 33 bdellium, 37 321 Danhili, 136 Be Lapat, 421 camel, 252 Daniel, Book of (8.2), 3 Behbehan, 15, 16, 303 caravanserai, 137 Dar Tanha, 97 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521563585 - The Archaeology of Elam: Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State D. T. Potts Index More information Index 483 Darab, 10, 416 Ebla, 88, 95 fauna, 25–31 Darius I, 287, 314–35, 340, 359; II, ed-Dur, 392 figurines, 116, 175–7, 194, 203, 337; III, 348–9; of Parthia, 391 Egibi, 313, 337 226, 392, Fig. 10.1 Darvazeh Tepe, 252 Egyptians, 328 Firdawsi, 444 Darwand, 119 Ekallate, 238 Firuzabad, 415 Daryacheh-i Niriz, 15 Ekallatum, 167 flax, Susian, 91; see also linen Dasht-i Kavir, 24 Ekalli, 244 flint, 81, 226 Dasht-i Lut, 125 Ekbatana, 374, 383–4, 401; see flour, 198, 202, 347 dates, 358 also Hamadan Flower, S., 5 Dauraq, 247, 412 Ekikuanna, 172, 174 frataraka, 355 deforestation, 22–23 Elam Major, 8 Fravartish, 317 Deh Luran, 15, 92, 119 Elam Minor, 8 frit, 226 Deh-e Now, 55, 206, 209, 232–3, ELAM(.MAki), 3 237, 264 Elam, metropolitan of, 430–1 Gabae (Gabai/Tabae), 371, 380 Demawend, 33–5, 37 Elamatum, 179 Gabiane, 371, 380 Demetrius I, 383; II, 358, 383–4, Elamite, Linear, 123; Old, 75 galbanum, 37 388, 391 Elamtu, 1 Gamasab, 16 Der, 88, 167, 242, 263–5, 271, elephants, at Susa, 426 Gambulu, 266, 276, 280 273, 277, 290 Ellipi, 263, 272 Gandhara, 328 diamond, 33 elûm, 1 Ganj Dareh, 24, 38, 40–41 Dieulafoy, M. and J., 330 Elymaea, 380 garasˇ-a-ab-ba, 130 Digidihum, 140 Elymaeans, 375–406 gardens, 334 Dilbat, 299, 306, 337 Elymaei, see Elymaeans garlic, 137 Dilmun, 179–80 Elymais, 375–406 garmsir, 19 Dimindan, 34 Emahsini, 109 Garnene, 136, 140 Diogenes, 384 Emutbal, see Yamutbal Garta, 136, 141 Diophantos, 364 Enannatum, 92 Gasur, 243 diorite, 105 Endingirmu, 140 Gaubaruva, 318 Dirtaq, see Tartaq Eninnu, 25 Gaud-i-Ahmer, 33 Diyala, 124 Enki, 123 Gaumata, 314, 317 Diz, 15–16, 396, 418 Enlil, 123, 138; temple of, 201 Genesis, Book of (10.22, 14.1), 3 Dizful, 14–15, 418 Enlilla, 140 Geoy Tepe, 118 Donjon, see Susa, Donjon Enlil-nadin-ahi, 236–7 Gilan, 38 Doriscus, 339–40 Enmebaragesi, 87, 88 GÌR.NÍTA, 102, 107, 109, 116, Drehem, see Puzrish-Dagan envelopes, 65, Fig. 3.11; see also 122, 123, 125, 146 dress, 277 bullae Girkinam, 136 Dudu, 108, 140 Enzag, 179 Girnamme, 144, 147 Dugga, 140 Epirmupi, 107, 109, 116 Girsu, 125, 160 Dum Gar Parchineh, 50 equids, 155, 252 Gisha, 136 Dunanu, 280 Eran-xwarrah-Shapur- Gizili, 136 Dunna-Sah, 208 Shahrestan, 419, 424–6, 428 Godin Tepe, 60, 92–4, 97–8, 155, Dura Europus, 406 Eridu, 48, 145 174, 335 Dur-Athara, 266 Erythraean Sea, satrapy of, 357 gold, 33, 105, 135, 167, 170, 177, Dur-Jakin, 267 erythrite, 33 202–3, 209–10, 218, Dur-Katlimmu, 288 Esagila, 252; see also Babylon Gondeisos, 396, 421 Dur-Kurigalzu, 236 Esarhaddon, 269, 274–6 Gondisapor, see Gundeshapur Dur-Ladini, 265–6 Eshnunna, 124, 142, 149, 162, Gordian, 416 Dur-Nabu, 266 168–9, 171, 174, 233; see also Gotarzes I, 391; II, 391, 397 Dur-Papsukkal, 263 Tell Asmar grapes, 155, 358 Dur-Untash, 284 Eshpum, 106, 107 grasses, 23 dushû-stone, 105 ESˇSˇANA, 191, 248 graves, 95, 115, 117, 176–7, 228, Duwairij, 272 Esther, Book of (1.1), 3, 330 284, 302, 392 ethnicity, 45 Greek, use of at Susa, 360–70, É.DÙ.A, 195, 198, 201–2 ethnogenesis, 45, 440–1 Fig.

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