Lietuvos kulturos paveldo mokslinis centras • • v. • • envieci Ir rami ral• a MoksliniL{ straipsniL{ rinkinys • • "SA V ASTIS" Vilnius 1994 n.erurrwUl - etnOKUllunnlS pozymis Keramilaz - etnokultiirinis potymis 153 ----------------------------------~~-" ~" ~--------~~------------------------ lcultiiroo keramikoo susiliejimas rylliausiai pa­ Kaunas). Afer 1984 there were found three A chapter in the research A The influence of "cordedization" of stebimas rekonstruotoje taureje (pav. 4). Neolitnio settlemenLf with the ceramics mo- the late neolithic culture of Kujawy - the • Taures pavi~iaus apdaila ir molio mases su­ terial in the basin River Sesupe,~ Kuhileliai, on the South-Baltic Dnieper-Vistula and the Elbe-Oder detis artima Sakiq lankos gyvenvietes Nemu­ Gluobiai 1 and Gedupis (district Sakiai). waves" cultural contex in the " no lcultiiroo keramikai, tuo tarpu joo forma More than 6()()() sherds were recovered from The area of Kuiavia and in a wider per- biidinga Pamariq kultiiroo puodams (5). plow zone and humic /o;yer at Kubililiai. The development of the great spective the eastern-great valley was, in light ceramics from hurrlic /oyer were divided into if the most recent studies, in the "classical" - Poland-Kuiavia U1ERATURA two basic types. Temper of first type ceramics cOimnunities from the period of CWC submitted twice to the pro­ 1. RRimantieni. Akmens amiius Lietuvoje. usually consists of ro~k and quar/zit. Ihe thic­ cess of "cordedization" influence. The role v., 1984, p. 219-224. kness of sherds worries from 0,4 to 1,2 centi­ tilne of the horizon of the of the late neolithic substrate in both cases 2A.Girininkas. Kretuonas. Vuiurinysis ir metres, most fregrumtly from 0,6 to 0,8 centi­ "classigal" corder ware was pla;ed by the Funnel Beaker Culture velyvasis neolitas II Lietuvos archeologija, L Z metres. 1he vessds were decorated with hori­ (FBC) . v., 1990,p. 102-106. zontal cord impressions and with small pits culture The older period - identified with the 3. P.Ku1ikflllskas. CJznel'l'lW'lfs piJiakalniai. v., lines. Temper of second type ceramics cvnsifts Dnieper-Vistula "wave" falls to the A hori­ 1982 of sand. Rock were lees frequently utillized for zon of CWe. In the area of Kuiavia it is do­ • 4. S.SiSka. Praveke hmcWstvo. Bratislava, temper. The sherds of second type ceramics AJeksander }(osko cumented by the grave assemblages at 1980, p. 16, paY. Z were hard, decorated with cord impressions or The eastern part the great valley zone Krusza Zamkova, Bydgoszcz Voivodeship, 5. RRimantiene. Nida. S elUJiIf balnt with incised lines. 1he surface of sherds wa.s of the Central European Lowland (fig. site 3 (Bln-1812:2445±70 B.C.) and possib­ gyvenvieti. v., 1989, p. 107, pay. 60. smooth or deep stroced. 1he color of both 1:6) is found in the regionalization of the ly those at Zarctmbowo, Wloclawek Voivo­ types pottery varies from different shades ofgrey circle of cultures with corder ware (CWC) deship, site 1 and observations of the alle­ , fliustracijos to browiyh, reddi s'h and yelJowiYh The vessels as a transitional territory; a settlement ged assemblages of the settlement pottery Pay. 1. Vuvelines keramikos puotht sukes is had C,1 and S - shoped necks and pointed area of not very legible characteristic of of the FBC from mC-IVA phaases (Le. Nendrinilf kapinyno. bases. 1here were recovered some shedr with cultural separateness. This "group" dis­ from the years 2600-2450 B.e.) with a spo­ Pay. 2. Kubilililf l1eolito gyvenviete. PWXUt the numerous holes. This type of pottery was tinguished here - western-Polish (J.Kostr­ radic share of "old-corded" features (mainly sukes bnlkSniuotu iforiniu pavirsiumi. us"sed for keeping up the fire. zewski, T.Sulimirski) 1 or the Great Po­ fragments of beakers of A type). Separation Pay. 3. Kubilililf neolito gyvenviete. Puodll 1he pottery from Kubileliai has the features land - Kuiavia or Kuiavia - Great Poland of pottery from horizon A among the FBC kakleli!f (1-11, 16) irdugneli!f (12-15) sukilf both of the culture of Corded ware and both of (J.Machnik) 2 CWC (fig. 1:10) - is hence materials was made by KJ azdzewski in • •• PJUVUlL the Neoltthic Nemunaf culJure. 1he settle­ characterized in a taxionomically not very 1936, the so called vessels with the horizon­ Pay. 4. KLlbilililf neolito gyvenvieti. menLf Gluobiai 1 and Gedupir are on initial distinct manner as "synthesis" of geneti­ tal groove ornamention 4. However, only Rekonstruotas puoda~. stage of excavation and the ceramics mmerial cally different "corded ware" communi­ the 70s and 80s as an effect of observation Pay. 5. Kubilililf neolito gyvenviete. in still less numeroUf. ties. Howaver, due the scarcity of availab­ of recurrence of the discoveries of cooccu­ Omamentuollfpuodlfsukes (1-11) irqselis le sources there have not been made an rence of the above mentioned "type" of ma­ (12, 13). Lirt offigures analysis of the origin of development of terials within a number of settlements from Pay. 6. Kubililill neolito gyvenvieti. Figure 1. Sherds' of the corded pottery from this phenomena. That is why it was not Kujawy the hypothesis of the parallel char­ Kinurafienes keramikos sukes. Nendriniai. possible to characterize the course of the acter of the development of great valley Pay. Z Gedupio neolito gyvenvieti. Keramikos Figure 2. NeoliJic settlefnent at Knbili/iai mentioned "synthesis", Le. establish the communities: the oldest CWC (phase Ia) ,Iukes. Sherdy with stroked surface. stages in the development of "the group" and FBC from phase me-IVA could be Figure 3. Neolithic settlement at Kubi/i/iai. pointing to the changes in the generators outlined with more validity. The foundation THE NEOLITHIC CERAMIC FROM Rims and bafes. of its transformations. for the topogenetic identification of this "ol­ SOUTHWESTERN LI11JUANIA (uiNE- Figure 4. Neolithic settlement at Knbik/iai The stimulus for writing this essay were dest CWC:' is provided by the analysis of • MUNE) the reconstruction of vessel the results of the most recent studies on the the grave in Krusza Zamkowa. As its result Vygandaf Juodagalvif Figure 5. Neolithic settlement at Knbi/i/iai late neolithic culture of Kuiavia. One of it could be said that "the community which SUMMARY Decorated ritr.s, sherds and lugs'. their effects is the possibility of undertaking is represented by the studied burial had a Until the 1980s there waf not one excavated Figure 6: Neolithic settlement at Kubi/i/iai studies on the concretization of the above very extremely complex origin combining Neolitic settlement in the southwestem lithua­ Pottery with the numerour holes. Outhned picture of the eastern great valley many cultural traditions of the area be­ nia (Uinemune). A few sherds of Neolitic ce­ Figure Z Neolithic settlement near river Ge­ CWe. In this work we shall focus mainly on tween the Dnieper and the Vistula rivers". ramic,s' were found by chane at Nendriniai (di­ dupis. Rims and sherds. the selected southern-Baltic context of con­ This conclusion is authenticated in the ana­ strict Marijampoli) and La.umenai (dir/rct ditions of its development. lysis of chronologically, and probably gene- 154 Keramika - etnokultilnnlS potymis Keramika - etnokultilrinis poiymis 155 • rally culturally as well, close to the burials in The hitherto best developed version of + 1 Modliborzyce, Bydgoszcz Voivodeship, site reconstruction of the origin of the develop. 7 I or those in Bozejewice, Bydgoszcz Voivo­ ment of the "beaker" lineage may be sum­ • 2 , 3 8 • deship, site 8 5. In the area of Great Poland med up in the following way 8. ,,Along with • 4 the symptom of existence of a chronologi­ disintegration in the eastern part of the cally adequate, and maybe genetically as great valley zone of the Lowland of the I 5 9 well, "cordedization" horizon may be consi­ FBC system (ca. 2200 B.C.) this area expe­ 11M 6 -- 10 dered some "loose" finds of axes of A type rienced a new influx of colonizers from the -- , (fig. 1:3,5). Elbe zone - to be more precise from the , Within the area of Kuiavia the above circle of the early (Untergrabzeit) and clas. mentioned influence did not directly bring sical (Bodengrabzeit) culture of unitary gra­ , the transformation of FBC with the "clas­ ves (Einzelgrabkultur . EKG), representing , , sic" CWC (e.g. in contradistincion to the "the Jutland-Low Elbe" CWC centre". In , , , Old Upland - Little Poland zone of the Vis­ the area of Great Poland and Kuiavia the , , , , tula River valley) 6. The "old-corded ware" EGK features are registered only against , , features fall into disuse here, in a not very the FBC pottery treating them as one of the I modified version, in two different environ­ distinguishing discriminants of the above I ments of the FBC communities: the Ra­ mentioned epibeaker horizon. They cooc­ dziej6w group and the so called epibeaker cur, within the indicated taxonome, with a groups (Ib phase of the CWC). We have typically decline neolithic complex, set of two radiocarbon determinations of this phe­ traditions varying genetically, within it main­ nomenon: Gd-1983: 23OO±70 B.C. /Krusza ly from the "forset" - eastern European Podlotowa, Bydgoszcz Voivodeship, site 2) subneolithic cultures. The route through and Bin 2187: 1970±60 B.C. (Krusza Zam­ which the ,,Jutland-Lower Elbe" population kowa, Bydgoszcz Voivodeship, site 13). arrived led along the Odra, and then the The YOlmger period - identified with the Warta and the Notec rivers (fig. 1:8). In the - Elbv-Odra "ware" falling to the "classical" proglacial stream valley of the second of • horizon of the CWC. And so in the area of these rivers and in its immediate hinterland Kuiavia and Great Poland it is mainly docu­ there was created, between Srem and Kolo - mented by the settlement materials, recent­ a zone of the extremely their "eastern great ly qualified within the so called epibeaker valley" adaptation (fig.
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