ISSN 0704-3716 Canadian Translation of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 5377 Summaries of reports presented to the 4th All-Union Conference on Commercial Invertebrates Original title: Tezisy dokladov, IV Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po promyslovym bespozvonochnym. Chastu 1,2. 370 p. 1986. Publisher: All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO). Moscow Original language: Russian Available from: Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information National Research Council Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KlA 0S2 1988 476 typescript pages 90 - 01551/ Secretary Secrétariat of State d'État MULTILINGUAL ERVICES DIVISION — DIVISION DES SERVICES MULTILINGUES TRANSLATION BUREAU BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS LIBRARY IDENTIFICATION — FICHE SIGNALÉTIQUE Translated from - Traduction de Into - En Russian English Author - Auteur Title in English or French - Titre anglais ou français Summaries of reports presented to the 4th All—Union Conference on Commercial Invertebrates Title in foreign language (Transliterate foreign characters) Titre en langue étrangère (Transcrire en caractères romains) Tezisy dokladov,IV Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po promyslovym bespozvonochnym Reference in foreign language (Name of book or publication) in full, transliterate foreign characters. Référence en langue étrangère (Nom du livre ou publication), au complet, transcrire en caractères romains. same as title Reference in English or French - Référence en anglais ou français Publisher - Editeur Page Numbers in original DATE OF PUBLICATION Numéros des pages dans VNIRO DATE DE PUBLICATION l'original 1-173 Year Issue No. Volume Place of Publication Année Numéro Number of typed pages Lieu de publication Nombre de pages USSR dactylographiées 1986 474 Requesting Department Translation Bureau No. D F 0 3287260 Ministère-Client Notre dossier no Branch or Division I P B Translator (Initials) N. De. Direction ou Division Traducteur (Initiales) Person requesting Dr. G.Y. Conan Demandé par tiblEDITED TRANSLATION only Your Number --- For inforrna1ion Votre dossier no I. RADUCTION NON REVISEE -ion Date of Request November 12, 1987 infonna1 Date de la demande Canacr3 SEC 5-111 (84-10) Secretary Secrétariat I* of State d'État MULTILINGUAL SERVICES DIVISION — DIVISION DES SERVICES MULTILINGUES TRANSLATION BUREAU BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS Client's No.—No du client Department — Ministère Division/Branch — Division/Direction City — Ville D F 0 I P B Ottawa Bureau No.—No du bureau Language — Langue Translator (Initials) — Traducteur (Initiales) 3287260 Russian N. De. MAR 3 1 1980 IV Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po promyslovym bespoz- vonochnym, Tezisy dokladov (Summaries of reports presented to the 4th All-Union Conference on Commercial Invertebrates), Sevastopol, April 1986. Part I, p. 3-173, Moscow, 1986. Ministry of the Fishing Industry Academy of Sciences of the of the USSR Ukrainian SSR Ichtyological Commission of the A. O. Kovalevsky Institute of All-Union Scientific Research Institute South Sea Biology (INBYuM) of Sea Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO) UDC 639.27/29 This compendium of reports presented to the 4th All-Union Conference on commercial Invertebrates contains the results of research into various aspects of the biology, distribution, abundance and breeding problems of commercial and commercially promising crustaceans (crab, shrimp, crayfish, antarctic krill), cephalopods, bivalve mollusks, gastropods, echinoderms. A number of papers deals with the use of new methods of research, as well as the effect of environmental factors on marketable hydrobionts. (3)* GENERAL PROBLEMS. METHODS OF RESEARCH. UDC 574.52(262.5) Natural regulation of mass spawning of invertebrates in the coastal zone of the sea 114 (.1.1 by B.G. Aleksandrov (Odessa branch of INBYuM) › Pz The comprehensive July 1985 study of the results of a pro- "é :e longed wind-related drop in water level in 7e: o (".) Odessa Gulf enabled us f o to establish the stimulating effect of water temperature changes o 0 C on the mass spawning of coastal invertebrates. We recorded an o increase in surface water temperature from 9.0 to 18.5 ° C over a F.D period of 4 hours (gradient: 0.04 ° per min). Consequently, SEC 5-25 (Rev. 82/11) *The numbers in the right-hand margin are the pages of CanacM the Russian text - translator the abundance of lst-2nd—instarBalanus larvae,which up to that time had been kept in the brood pouch of mature individuals, increased 3 60—fold and reached 1800 specimens/m eleven hours after the stimulating effect of temperature change. The fertilization of the majority of invertebrates, particularly the commercially important Mytilus and Mya, takes place exogenously. The forma- tion and development of their larvae takes a long time, from 10 to 30 days in warm weather, and up to 3 months in cold weather (Torson, 1950). Indirect proof of the effect of brief wide—range water temperature changes on mass spawning of these organisms is the fact that larvae are encountered throughout the year and their numbers fluctuate frequently during the warm periods. Consequently, along with the factors known to stimulate mass spawning of invertebrates in the coastal zone of the sea, i.e. half—month and monthly lunar rhythms (Korringa, 1947) and the appearance of high concentrations of ultra— and nanoplankton, which is the main food of larvae (Rzhepishevsky, 1960), some sig- nificance should also be attached to tidal phenomena. (4) UDC 574.52(262.5) Present hydrochemical conditions in the northwestern part of the Black Sea by G.P. Garkavaya, Yu.I. Bogatova (Odessa branch of INBYuM) The study of the hydrochemical conditions in the northwestern part of the Black Sea at the present time is particularly impor- tant to the determination of biological productivity. The deve- lopment of eutrophication processes, which began in the 1970's and covered a large part of the Black Sea, altered the hydro- chemical characteristics of sea waters significantly. Research into the seasonal dynamics, salinities, pH, EH, and the content of oxygen, silicon and mineral and organic nitrogen and phosphorus compounds has shown that they depend greatly on the volume of river runoff and the time at which high water begins. A special role is played by the change in the qualitative characteristic of the freshwater runoff. During the period of 1977-1982 (high—water years), we have noted the formation of oxygen—deficient fields in the bottom layer of the sea from the mouth of the Dnieper—Bug Liman to the Danube. They are formed predominantly at depths of 10-20 m in summer, and at depths of 20-36 m in autumn, which is related to the period of accumulation and mineralization of organic matter in the bottom layer of the sea. As anaerobic processes take place and reduce the pH and EH values in the bottom layer, we note intensive discharge of ammonium compounds, phosphates and silicon from the muddy waters in the bottom layer of the sea. For example, the content of phosphates in the bottom layer with an oxygen content of less than 1 m1/1 increases from 0 to 10 pg—at/l. During the summer,when the nutrient salts in the photic layer of the sea are utilized to the maximum, the discharge of nitrogen and phosphorus from the muddy waters can effect a new spurt of phytoplankton development. Whereas the discharge of biogenic matter from the bottom sediments prior to the 1970's was usually caused by intensive turbulence due to storm activity or the activity of benthic organisms, the discharge of nitrogen and phosphorus salts and silicon from the muddy waters at the bottom under conditions of (5) oxygen deficiency is of an almost constant nature during the summer—autumn period. The hydrochemical conditions of the low—water year of 1984 differeddrastically from those of previous years. We have noted a decrease in the sea area affected by the anthropogenic runoff of rivers, which has resulted in a decrease of nitrogen and phos- phorus intheseawater. Maximum development of photosynthetic pro— cesses was noted only in the narrow coastal part of the freshened zone. This has affected the formation of organic matter and its accumulation in the bottom layer of the sea. A decrease in oxy- gen content (less than 2 m1/1) in the bottom layer of the north- western sector of the sea was noted only in some parts of the Danube—Dnieper interfluve. The decrease in the freshwater runoff into the northwestern part of the Black Sea due to the rechannel- ling of some of the Danube water via the Danube—Dnieper Canal, as well as the dam across the estuary of the Dnieper—Bug Liman, will reduce the content of mineral and organic nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in the water, which should improve the hydrochemical conditions of this region. The present intensive development of photosynthetic processes is effected by a high level of biogenic substances, particularly phosphates, 0.75 pg—at/1 in the northwestern part of the sea and 1.3 pg—at/1 (average con- tent for the photic layer of the sea) in the Dnieper—Bug area. A decrease in the inflow of phosphates with the freshwater run- off will reduce their concentration in the sea 2--3—fold, which will match the conditions of the 1950's, conditions that were conducive to the development of biological processes. UDC 574.586 Some approaches to the study of biological succession by L.B. Dalekaya, 0.A. Shakhmatova (INBYuM, Acad. of Sci. Ukr. SSR, Sevastopol) The purpose of our study was to supplement biological methods with physiological and biochemical ones which would enable us to come closer to the solution of questions related to the inter— (6) actions between the organisms of a - coenosis. For a number of years, we have observed recurrent changes in the structure of a community, changes related to periodic temperature flucutations and the duration of the functioning of the dominant species of interest to aquiculture (hydroids, mus— sels, ascidians). The number of species in a community depends greatly on the temperature conditions of the sea, whereas the succession of the dominant species is most likely determined by the biochemical conditions of the habitat.
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