Index Abdul Aziz Angkat 17 Turkmenistan and 88 Abdul Qadir Baloch, Lieutenant US and 83, 99, 143–4, 195, General 102–3 252, 253, 256 Abeywardana, Lakshman Yapa 172 Uyghurs and 194, 196 Abu Ghraib 119 Zaranj–Delarum link highway 95 Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) 251, 260 Africa 5, 244 Abuza, Z. 43, 44 Ahmad Humam 24 Aceh 15–16, 17, 31–2 Aimols 123 armed resistance and 27 Akbar Khan Bugti, Nawab 103, 104 independence sentiment and 28 Akhtar Mengal, Sardar 103, 104 as Military Operation Zone Akkaripattu- Oluvil area 165 (DOM) 20, 21 Aksu disturbances 193 peace process and Thailand 54 Albania 194 secessionism 18–25 Algeria Aceh Legislative Council 24 colonial brutality and 245 Aceh Monitoring Mission (AMM) 24 radicalization in 264 Aceh Referendum Information Centre Ali Jan Orakzai, Lieutenant General 103 (SIRA) 22, 24 Al Jazeera 44 Acheh- Sumatra National Liberation All Manipur Social Reformation, women Front (ASNLF) 19 protesters of 126–7 Aceh Transition Committee (Komite All Party Committee on Development Peralihan Aceh) (KPA) 24 and Reconciliation ‘act of free choice’, 1969 Papuan (Sri Lanka) 174, 176 ‘plebiscite’ 27 All Party Representative Committee Adivasi Cobra Force 131 (APRC), Sri Lanka 170–1 adivasis (original inhabitants) 131, All- Assam Students’ Union (AASU) 132 132–3 All- Bodo Students’ Union–Bodo Afghanistan 1–2, 74, 199 Peoples’ Action Committee Balochistan and 83, 100 (ABSU–BPAC) 128–9, 130 Central Asian republics and 85 Bansbari conference 129 China and 183–4, 189, 198 Langhin Tinali conference 130 India and 143 al- Qaeda 99, 143, 207 Iraq War and 197 Bangladesh and 133–4 jihadis and 134 China and 184, 190 Kashmir and 145, 147–9, 152, 155, ETIM and 254 261 in Federally Administered Tribal Pakistan and 93, 143 Areas 147 pipeline projects and 85, 88, 90–1 geopolitics and 256, 263–4 refugees in Balochistan 99 Kyrgyzstan and 194 Soviet invasion of 247 Thailand and 40, 42, 44 Tajikistan and 93 in Xinjiang 185, 188, 197, 253 Thailand and 41, 44, 53 al- Zawahiri, Dr Ayman 185 training camps in 183–4, 188, Amangul 187 190, 196 Amarasekera, Sirisena 166 269 270 Index Ambon 17, 32 Myanmar and 57, 59, 60, 62, 66–7, Amirthalingham, A. 162 71–2, 74–5, 76–7 Amman, Pottu 163 US–China–ASEAN Forum (USCAF), on Amungme people 27 Myanmar 60, 72 Anals 123 Atasu pipeline 197 Anand Panyarachun, Prime Ataullah Mengal 103–4 Minister 47 Athens, pro- Tibet protesters and Beijing Anandasangaree, V. 165, 167 Olympics 207 Anargul 187 Athulathmudali, Minister for National Andorra 149 Security Lalith 162 Anglo- Manipur war 122 Atlantic Council 143–4 Anglo- Siamese Treaty (1909) 37 Aung San Suu Kyi 58–9, 62–4, 70–2, Arabian Sea 85 75, 77 Arab–Israeli conflict 246, 247, 251 Australia Arakan gas fields 67 East Timor and 258 Armed Forces Journal 1 Papua New Guinea (PNG) and 234, Armed Forces Special Powers Act 236, 237 (AFSPA) (India) 118, 126 Autonomous Bougainville Government Armitage, Richard L. 194 (ABG) 231, 238–40 Arunachal Pradesh 120, 129 Awami League 133 Asahi Shimbun 74 Ayutthaya 37 ASEAN see Association of Southeast Aziz, Tariq 255 Asian Nations (ASEAN) Asia Baglihar Dam dispute 145–6 nationalism and 244 Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian rise of 9 language) 20 Asian Development Bank (ADB) 167 Bakhtiar Abdullah 24 Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation Balach Marri, Nawabzada 104 (APEC) 254 Balasingham, Anton S. 257 ‘Asia’s rice bowl’, Myanmar as 59 ‘balkanization’ theory, Myanmar Askew, M. 40 and 64 Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) 129, 130 Baloch 2 Aspinall, E. 17 Baloch Republican Army 107 Assam 120, 121, 122, 124, 127, 134 Balochistan 83–115, 145 Assam movement 128 Baloch nationalism 95–100 Assamese 131 energy issues 86–7, 88–91, 91–5 ‘dominant Assamese Gwadar, Central Asia transport nationalism’ 127 corridor and 91–5 Governor of 122 natural gas pipelines 88–91 insurgency 117 Pakistan state responses 100–7 Scheduled Tribes 131 Balochistan Liberation Army ‘Assam Bandh’ (shutdown) 132 (BLA) 96, 104, 107 Assam Disturbed Areas Act 118, 130 Balochistan Liberation Front Assam Jatiyatabadi Yuva Chatra Parishad (BLF) 96, 107 (AJYCP) 132 Balochistan National Party (BNP) 103 17th Assam Rifles 126, 127 Baman Kampu Mayai Leikei Association of Southeast Asian Nations village 126 (ASEAN) Ban Ki- Moon 175–6 ASEAN + 3 60–1 Banda Aceh 22, 23 ASEAN + 5 60 Bandar Abbas 94 Index 271 Bangladesh 120, 133, 134, 251–2 Bodo Women’s Justice Forum 131 al- Qaeda and 133–4 Bodoland 117–18, 120, 122 Bangladesh Nationalist Party 133 Autonomous Council (BAC) 130–1, Bansbari 129 132 Banten 16–17 Hinduism and 119 Baren uprising 192, 196 Territorial Council (BTC) 117–18, Barisan Nasional Pembebasan 132, 135 Pattani 38 Bougainville 231–43 Barisan Revolusi Nasional (BRN) 38, 43 Autonomous Bougainville Barisan Revolusi Nasional–Koordinasi Government (ABG) 231, 238–40 (BRN–C) 42–3, 51, 52 Constitution 231, 238 Barpujari, H. K. 129 Constitutional Planning Committee Baruah, Paresh 134 (CPC) 234–5 Baruah, S. 116, 135 identity 234–8 Basumatary, Golap 131 peace agreement (2001) 237–8 Basumtary, Binay Khungur 128 referendum on independence 238–9 Battagliadi Algeri (film) 245 Strategic Action Plan 2006–2010 239 Beall, C. 209 weapons disposal plan 238–9 Beijing Olympics (2008) see also Papua New Guinea (PNG) terrorism and 184, 186 Bougainville Interim Government Tibet and 206–7 (BIG) 236–7 Bengal 127 Bougainville Peace Agreement, Joint Bengalis in Thailand 250 Supervisory Body 239 Bengalis in Tripura 117, 121 Bougainville Resistance Forces Bengali, K. 97 (BRF) 234 Bequelin, Nicholas 185 Bougainville Revolutionary Army Bereueh, Daud 19 (BRA) 233, 236–7 Bertrand, J. 17 Brahma, Upendra 129 ‘Better Institutions, Not Partition’ Brahmaputra (Weinstein) 5 Tibetan Plateau as source of 219 Bhanugachh 133 valley 127 Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Britain see United Kingdom (UK) (India) 219, 255 Brunei, 2005 joint maritime patrols Bhattacharjee, C. 127, 131 agreement 260 Bhaumik, S. 133, 134 Brus, conflict with Mizos 122 Bhumibol Adulyadej, King 38 brutality Bhutan 120, 134, 209 colonialism and 245–6 Bhutto, President Zulfikar Ali 84, 100, in Philippines 251 103, 107 Buddhists Bhutto, Prime Minister Benazir 63 in China 188 bin Laden, Osama 185, 194, 196 Dalai Lama and 209 Bintang Kejora (Morning Star) 26, 28 Shan in Myanmar 58 Bishkek 194 Sri Lanka and 169 ‘Blood Borders: How a Better Middle Thai 37–8, 259 East Would Look’ (Peters) 1 in US 217 Bodman, Samuel W. 90 Bugti tribe (Balochistan) 86, 95, Bodo Liberation Tigers (BLT) 130, 96, 102 132, 133 Burgher community (Sri Lanka) Bodo Sahitya Sabha (Bodo Literary 168, 169 Society) 128 Burki, S. J. 150 272 Index Burma Chin National Front (CNF) 58 ‘Burma Forum’ 59, 74, 77 China 9 Burma Plus Three discussions 68 Balochistan and 99 ‘Burmanization’ 58 China–European Union Burmans 58, 62–3 summit 220 see also Myanmar Defence White Paper (2008) 188 Bush, President G. W. 89–90, 142, 154, energy cooperation with 253–4, 255, 256, 263 Kazakhstan 197 ethnic groups and 245–6 Call for Global Islamic Resistance (al- Suri garrisons, Xinjiang region 189 video) 184–5 geopolitics 253–4, 261, 264 Cambodia 71, 73–4, 250 Gwadar project and 92–3 Cambodian Muslims, in Thailand 44 India and 120, 134 Camp Hale, Leadville, Colorado, Japanese invasion of 209 training camp 214 Kazakhstan rail link 197 Canada Myanmar and 57, 59–62, 64, 66–7, Tamils and 175 68–74, 76–7, 249 Xinjiang and 195 Pakistan and 85, 105 Carter, President Jimmy 247 post-9/11 253 Caspian Sea 94 Shanghai Cooperation Organization oil/gas reserves 197 (SCO) and 189, 253 Ceasefire Agreement (CFA) (Sri Lanka, Sino- Burmese oil pipeline 69 2002) 161, 162 Sino- Indian relations 212, 222 Center for American Progress Sino- Pakistani strategic interests 93 (CAP) 142, 143, 148 Sino- Soviet relations 215 Central Asia State Council 189 republics (CARs) 85, 92–4, 105, 149 ‘strike hard’ campaigns 193, 198, transport corridor 85, 91–5 199, 212 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) 214, Thailand and 41 215, 248 Tibet and 248 Central Kalimantan 17 Tibet White Paper 208, 212, 222 Central Treaty Organization Turkmenistan gas pipeline 198 (CENTO) 247 United Liberation Front of Assam Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (ULFA) and 134 (HDC) 22 US and 73, 214–15, 218–19, 252 Cessation of Hostilities Agreement US–China–ASEAN Forum (USCAF), on (CoHA), in Aceh 23 Myanmar 60, 72 Chabahar 92, 94 Western Development policies Chakri Dynasty 37 191–2, 197 Cham Muslims, in Thailand 250 see also Tibet; Uyghur separatism Chaudhry Shujat Hussain, Prime China Southern Airlines Flight CZ6901, Minister 105 attempted bombing 187 Chechen secessionism 254 China Tibetology Research Chechnya 199 Centre 211 Chelvanayakam, S. J. V. 160 Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Chelyabinsk 190 187, 217 Chen Jian 212 anti- rightist policy 189 Chenab river 145–6 Central Committee 208 Chevron 69 Tibet, governance in 207, 209–12, Chin 58, 62 213, 215 Index 273 Chinese National Islamic Council 190 Council for National Security (CNS) Chinese People’s Political Consultative (Thailand) 48 Congress (CPPCC) 190, 191 Croats, population movement 4 Chirus 123 Cultural Revolution (1966–76) Chittagong Hills Tracts 133 189, 211 Chothes 123 cyclone Nargis 58 Chotodamai 133 Czechoslovakia 5 Christians Filipinos 250–1 Daimary, Ranjan 130 in Indonesia 15, 17–18, 26, 30 Dalai Lama 206, 209, 210–12, 213–15, in Myanmar 58 220, 248 National Democratic Front of Nobel Peace Prize 217 Bodoland (NDFB) and 133 Damal people 27 Chua, A. 8–9 Danish cartoons 192 Chulanont, General Surayud 37 Darrang 129 Chushi Gangdrug 214 Darul Islam 19–20 Civilian Military Police Unit 43 Dauletabad gas field 88 (CPM–43) 39, 41 Davis, A. 63 civil–military relations, Myanmar decapitation 103–4 57–60 Delaram highway link, Zaranj 92, 94, Clinton, President Bill 141, 153, 154, 95 248, 255 Delhi Durbar 125 Clinton, Hillary, Secretary of Democratic Party (Thailand) 41 State 153 ‘Democratic Reform in 1959’ 211 Cold War 252–3 Deng Xiaoping 191, 211 post- Cold war years 246–52, Der Spiegel (magazine) 8 260–1 Dera Bugti 86, 102, 103, 104 Tibet and 214, 215, 216 ‘de-Sanskritizing’ 123 Coll, S.
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