AUGUST :1.0, 1942 PRICE 15 CENTS The Weekly TT- .sponsors pre/'er "PEGEEN PREFERS" starring smart, war-wise Pegeen Fitzgerald BECAUSE... "Pegeen Prefers" is geared to the times. It's a show deliberately planned to help women adapt their homes and habits to changing economic conditions. "Pegeen Prefers" gets results fast. One announcement, for instance, just pulled 1547 replies at a cost -per- inquiry of 4.8e. This is lower than the lowest cost -per- inquiry credited to any other media used by the sponsor. "Pegeen Prefers" is on WOR at one of the best women- listening spots in the WOR schedule; when the total audi- ence in New York, in fact, is 60% women! "Pegeen Prefers" is described in brief, but helpfully informative detail in a R booklet just prepared by WOR. Send at 1440 Broadway, in New York for your FREE copy today. Pr lina ryRe ad er BROA9ÁSTI N G Tho WP4w /owemnnnsinn nF Rne1in ONE OF A SERIFS PRESENTING THE MEN WHO MAKE FREE & PETERS SERVICE Four years, King College Two years, Lt., J. C., U. S. Navy Niue year.,, George Batten Co. Three years, Hommunn, Turcher & Sheldon Seven years, Account Manager and Vice President. Schechter Resigns CBS GROSS RISES As NBC News Chief BUT NET IS DOWN ALTHOUGH gross income of CBS Leaves Aug. 15 to Join Cowles for the 26 weeks ending July 4, In OWI in Washington 1942, reached a total of $30,901,661, an increase of nearly $750,000 over A. A. SCHECHTER, NBC direc- the same half -year period of 1941, tor of news and special events, re- the network's net profit for the signed last week, effective Aug. period after taxes amounted to only 15, to accept a post with the of- $1,647,738 as compared to $2,435,- fice of War In- 197. Thus despite higher gross, the in CBS net went down by more than fo oration $881,000 for the first half of the Wa hington. He current calendar year. will report t o Earnings per share on the 1,716,- Ga ner Cowles 277 shares of $2.50 par value stock Jr., assistant di- outstanding amounted to 96 cents rec r for Do- as compared to $1.42 for the first mestic opera- half of 1941. The CBS board on tions. His succes- HANDS IN FRIENDSHIP and farewell were extended C. Howard Lane, Aug. 5 declared a cash dividend of sor has not yet formerly business manager of McClatchy Broadcasting Co., Sacramento, 30 cents per share on Class A and named. Cal., at a banquet staged in his honor by the Sacramento Ad Club of B stocks, payable next Sept. 4. been which he was a director, on July 24. Event was attended by radio and Operating expenses, selling and A pioneer in Mr. Schechter business executives from all parts of Central California. Mr. Lane administrative costs and deprecia- the development resigned his West Coast post to become central division field manager of tion and amortization rose to $18,- of radio as a news reporting me- the CBS stations relations department, headquartering in Chicago. Well - 342,447 for the first half of 1942 dium, Mr. Schechter, a former wishers are (1 to r): George Ross, manager of KWG, Stockton; Gordon as compared to $16,104,415 for the nevispaperman, has been with Daniels, executive of California Western States Life Ins. Co.; Arthur same period last year. Provision for NBO since 1932, having joined it Dudley, secretary- manager, Sacramento Chamber of Commerce; Joe income and excess profits taxes, as writer. He was promoted to Brannon, manager of Sears, Roebuck & Co., that city; Mr. Lane; Will calculated under the 1941 Revenue nevi s editor in 1935 and added the Thcmpson Jr., manager of KROY, and Leo Ricketts, manager of Act, was $2,316,238 as against duties of director of special events $2,435,197, but a supplemental pro- vision of $668,500 is added for esti- in 1938. Recently he did special Wide Response to `Plug Uglies' Drive mated additional Federal income consultative work for the War De- and excess profits taxes calculated partment Bureau of Public Rela- t.c Rpepi.rpd Frnm. Renders of `ni,ffese under the pending Revenue Bill of NEW contracts show what national as well as local advertisers think of the new WSIX power and frequency and our potency in producing sales. Meantime, the rich Nashville market is getting richer daily. Crops are coming in . defense industries booming ... men pouring into army camps by tens of thousands. YOU CAN BLANKET THIS WHOLE NASHVILLE AREA now over WSIX -Old 250 -watt rate card still in effect for the time being -But hurry! NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVES - SPOT SALES, INC. 5000 980 WATTS KILOCYCLES BROADCASTING Broadcast Advertising .g111.;11st I0. ?-;r c rag, l.3 HEADS OWI Stack - Goble Goes Receiver Tube Advisory Board of WPB ZACHARY RADIO PRODUCTION Out of Business Weighs Civilian, Military Needs, Output GEORGE ZACHARY, former CBS STACK -GOBLE Adv. Agency, Chi- CONCENTRATION as a practi- fall within 35 types, according to producer now handling the Coca cago, one of America's oldest ad- method of production was con- the WPB. Cola Pause That Refreshes on that vertising agencies, was liquidated cal network for D'Arcy Adv., St. Louis, sidered at length Aug. 5 when As part of the simplification last week by the personal attorneys members will this week joins the Radio Bureau members of the War Production study, committee Office War Information as for the E. R. Goble estate. Mr. to Victory of the of Goble died May 6. Since that time Board's Radio Receiving Tube In- give careful attention head of its newly -created produc- the New York office of the agency dustry Advisory Committee met tube models, which will emphasize tion division. He will supervise all has been dissolved, with Richard A. with Frank H. McIntosh, chief of simplicity in range as well as use programs produced by the Radio Porter and Harold Kemp resigning the radio section of the communi- of as little critical material as Bureau, which under the recent re- to set up the New York office of cations branch and the presiding necessary. Division of production organization absorbed the former Roche, Williams & Cunnyngham Government officer, by authority of among factories by tube types will radio division of the Office of Emer- [BROADCASTING, July 6]. also be studied by the commit - gency Management, and he will act Leighton H. Peebles, chief of the Government de- The agency was organized in communications branch. tee. as advisor to all 1894 by J. L. Stack who withdrew optimistic sign in the partments and bureaus on pro- from the business in 1921 when the At present, WPB indicates there Another grams designed to aid the war late Mr. Goble, who had come from is an ample existing supply of re- tube supply picture is the current effort. the Chicago Tribune in 1910, be- ceiving tubes to cover civilian stock of tubes originally intended Mr. Zachary reports for duty came president. The agency was needs for at least six months and for use in automobile radios. Since Aug. 11 and will serve directly un- the first to place advertising for possibly for a year, with a few the gasoline rationing program der William B. Lewis, chief of the Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. in the 90's exceptions. Increasing military de- and rubber conservation emphasis, Radio Bureau, who in turn reports and the Atchinson, Topeka & Santa mands make it necessary, it was WPB claims that the normal wear to Gardner Cowles Jr., assistant Fe Railroad, which has not an- most ef- on tubes has been reduced. Al- OWI director of domestic opera- nounced appointment of a new pointed out, to plan the tions. He is the organizer and di- the ficient production method. In line though gasoline rationing only af- agency, had been with Stack -Goble country rector of the Ellery Queen series since its inception 48 years ago. with this aim, concentration of fects a portion of the at and formerly directed the Camp- Herbert Hulsebus, vice -president, production could allow delegation present national emphasis on rub - bell Playhouse and Goodrich Rub- J. M. Willem, account executive, of civilian production to one group ber conservation has reduced car ber's 100 Men and a Girl programs. and Frank Pettee, copy chief, have of producers with the rest devoted use. A reduced demand for auto Mr. Lewis last week announced not announced their future plans. completely to military needs. radio tubes allows for a diversion that Nat Wolff, who has been act- of raw materials to other tube ing as OWI liaison in Hollywood, Military Rejects manufacture has been promoted to deputy chief War Board Renamed However, there is an obstacle Members of the committee at- of the Radio Bureau coordinating EMBRACING a wider field in plan- and supervising all West Coast ac- to such a plan in the matter of tending were: M. F. Balcolm, Hy- tivities. Mr. Wolff has relinquished ning of Army and Navy communi- current- grade- Sylvania Corp.; Harry C. cations in wartime, the Washington price ceilings. Producers his talent bureau business and now Communications Board has been re- ly maintain that the rising costs Bonfig, RCA Mfg. Co.; Ray Bur - devotes all of his time to OWI with named the Combined Communica- of production make it unprofitable lew, Ken -Rad Tube & Lamp Co.; offices in the Taft Bldg., Hollywood. tions Board. It is the supporting to devote their entire energies to Raymond E. Carlson, Tung Sol conmunications agency of the Com- civilian production at current Lamp Works; L.
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