Local History of Ethiopia : La

Local History of Ethiopia : La

Local History of Ethiopia La Ada - Lware © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) la ada: la (Afar) cow; (Som) a verb follows, also: together with; ada, aada (O) 1. clan; 2. culture, custom; 3. kind of flower; -- Ada, Hada, name of a Tulama Oromo tribe JEJ54 La Ada (well) 12/41 [WO] la f..: foofi leh (Som) with /livestock/ being driven out to graze JEB05 La Fofile (waterhole) 10/41 [MS WO] la m..: manda, mandha (O) junior, the youngest JEJ73 La Manda (area) 12/41 [WO] HEC74 Laabela (Laavela) (on hilltop), 11/36 [+ It] see under Yismala Giyorgis laba (A) feather /of bird/; (Som) two, both, double; labba (O) slope; boru, booruu (O) muddy /liquid or water/; (A) ox having a blaze; borru (O) east, morning; booruu (O) sun, early morning HCT99 Laba Boru (area) 1863 m 08/39 [WO] labat: lebet (läbät') (Gondar A) vague undefined ground at the banks of a river HDM53 Labat 09/39 [WO] JCE33c Labbagate 05/43 [Wa] H.... Labbu, river which flows into the Muger 09/38 [Mi] HED67 Labe 1127'/3810' 2547 m, north-west of Goradit 11/38 [Gz] HED74c Laboya (Laboia) 11/37 [+ Gu] labu, labuu (O) 1. low thorny bush; 2. valley, slope; 3. wander aimlessly; (A) the sweat; labot (A) perspiration JDA29 Labu (area) 08/40 [WO] H.... Labuk, a Kara village in the lower Omo valley 05/36? [n] HBP85 Labuko 0520'/3614' 451/488 m, at Omo river 05/36 [WO Gz] HDJ20 Laca, see Laka JFB15 Lacado, see Lakado HDH09 Lacamte, see Nekemte HEU92 Lacci 1333'/3934' 2405 m, near Kwiha 13/39 [Gz] GDF16c Lachi, see Laki & HDA39 HDS33 Lachilachita (on map of 1843) 10/37 [Ha] JDJ45 Lachima (Lach'ima) 0929'/4204' 2074 m, 09/42 [Gz] north-west of Harar HCL60c Lacu, see Leku HCM40 Ladam (area) 06/39 [WO] ladda (O) in the middle, halfway e.g. container half filled with liquid; lada (O) rich, generous HCS03 Ladda 07/37 [WO] HCJ28 Lade 0635'/3724' 2007 m 06/37 [Gz] HCD14 Ladige 05/37 [WO] JEA16c Ladinigero 11/40 [Ne] lado k..: kile, qilee (O) deep gorge, ravine ?? Lado Kile (in Wellega) ../.. [x] ladu (O) armband of a k'allu ritual leader HCL51 Ladu 0650'/3830' 1969 m, south-east of Awasa 06/38 [Gz] JEB36 Laela (area) 11/41 [WO] laelo g..: gubi (O) grain storage basket kept in the house JEA57 Laelo Gubbi (area) 11/40 [WO] HES78c Laenn (area) 13/38 [Gu] lafa, laffa (O) 1. land, field, place, floor, site /also of ceremonies/; 2. weak, soft, tender; lafee (O) 1. bone; 2. indebtedness; Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 1 of 36 Local History of Ethiopia La Ada - Lware © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) lafe (A) burned off; leffa (A) toil, make an effort HDF21 Lafa (area) 0817'/3925' 1785 m, cf Lefe 08/39 [WO Gz] Coordinates would give map code HDF11 HDK07 Lafa 0905'/3812' 2744 m, see under Welenkomi 09/38 [AA Gz] JDE19 Lafaha Nagofugiso (area) 08/44 [WO] lafale (Som) object /in the grammatical sense/ JDJ69 Lafaleh 0939'/4229' 1530, 1941 m, 09/43 [Gu Gz] near map code JDK60, north-east of Harar JDD66 Lafchei (Lafkei) 0843'/4304' 1281 m 08/43 [Gz 18] HDE25 Lafesa (Melca Idi) 0822'/3854' 1637 m, 08/38 [Gz] at Awash river north of lake Ziway laffaha a..: adada (O) aunt JDS43 Laffaha Adad (area) 10/42 [WO] laffo: lafo, lafoo (O) pedestrian, walker, infantryman; lafo (Som) capital, wealth JDL20 Laffo (area), cf Lefo 09/43 [WO] JDJ46 Lafifedo 0928'/4211' 2073 m, north of Harar 09/42 [Gz] JDD66 Lafkei, see Lafchei lafto, laftoo, laftu (O) kinds of thorn tree, Acacia lahai, A. sieberiana, etc. HDJ52 Lafto (mountain) 0934'/3651' 1523 m, 09/36 [Gz] west of Shambu HDT52 Lafto 1029'/3840' 2448 m, south of Ajibar 10/38 [Gz] JDC81 Lafto 0854'/4145' 1928 m, south-west of Grawa 08/41 [Gz] JDC92 Lafto 0859'/4147' 1537 m, south of Grawa 08/41 [Gz] JDC92 Lafto 0903'/4146' 1949 m, south of Grawa 09/41 [Gz] JDH47c Lafto (Luftu) (village) 2050 m 09/41 [Ad Gu 18] (centre in 1964 of Mojochulul sub-district) lafto b..: belu, beeluu (O) hunger, famine; belo (Som) hardship, difficulty HDK57 Lafto Belo 0932'/3810' 2082 m 09/38 [AA Gz] JDA.. Lafto Goba 08/40 [x] Church about 50 km south-east of the railway, midway between Dire Dawa and Addis Abeba. lafto l..: lencha (O) lion HDM51 Lafto Lencha kebele (.. Lénch'a ..) 09/39 [Ad] towards the west at the northern border of Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda, 10-15 km south-west of Debre Birhan; area 1,371 hectares. [CSA 1994] HDE83 Laftu 0857'/3845' 2167 m, 08/38 [Gz] between Addis Abeba and Akaki laga (O) 1. river /and its valley/, stream, current; 2. people; laagaa 3. palate, the sense of taste, mouth, throat Laga .., see generally Lege .., cf Lega .. HBL02 Laga 0339'/3835' 1217 m, 03/38 [Gz] on the border of Kenya HBL05 Laga (near Moyale) 03/39 [Wa WO] laga a..: arba, arbaa (O) elephant; arba (A) forty, memorial service JDG07 Laga Arba (Lagaharba) 0905'/4029' 1205 m, 09/40 [Gz] at the railway midway between Awash station and Mieso JDA68c Laga Hardin (Lagahardim, stream of guests/strangers) 08/40? [x] circa 0840'/4030' (on map of 1901), at old caravan route from Harar to Addis Abeba laga hare, donkey water Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 2 of 36 Local History of Ethiopia La Ada - Lware © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) JCP73 Laga Hida, see Lega Hida ?? Laga Maratu, village beyond mountains at Dereba ../.. [x] ?? Laga Meti, 'Palm River', at the Dabus river ../.. [x] ?? Laga Oda, see Lega Oda lagab..: bura (Som) coral tree, Erythrina abyssinica HCU96 Lagabura 0805'/3956' 2426 m 08/39 [Gz] HES79 Lagada (Lagata) (mountain) 1318'/3821' 3536 m, 13/38 [Gz] north-west of Ras Dashen lagada b..: bwahit (A) turbine HES78 Lagada Bwahit (Lagada Buahit) (area) 13/38 [+ WO] GDF16c Lagafondi, see Laki JCP74 Lagahida, see Lege Hida -- Lagaida, Laga Idda, name of a Wello Oromo tribe HDT66 Lagaida (area), cf Legehida 10/39 [WO] HDM73c Lagaila circa 0945'/3940', 09/39 [x] north-east of Debre Birhan HD... Lagajima (Laga Jima), see Lege Jima HCD83 Lagama, see Langama lagamara (O) river of crown/diadem? laga amara? .. of Amhara? GDF73 Lagamara (Lagamere) 1790 m 08/34 [WO Gu] HDC97c Lagamara, plain & stream being affluent of the Gibe 09/37 [Gu] HDJ06 Lagamara (Legamara) 0906'/3709' 1814 m, 09/37 [Gu 18 Gz] (or Lega Amhara, 'River of the Amhara'), (with Catholic mission 1856-1859), near Tibbe HDR13 Lagamsa 1002'/3655' 1998 m 10/36 [WO Gz] HDE34 Lagansa 08/38 [WO] HCK.. Lagara (creek), see under Dilla 06/38 [WO] JDB82 Lagarba 0855'/4042' 1994 m, east of Bedessa, 08/40 [Gz] (with Franciscan Catholic Church), cf Laga Arba HEK41 Lage, see Layge HCM92 Laggio, see Lajo HCM92 HCM93 lago, lagoo (O) 1. intermittent stream; 2. suit of clothes, informal dress; Lago .. (in Italian names), see Lake .. or .. Hayk lago h..: hama, hamaa (O) honey badger; haama (O) cutting /grass/, reaping JDJ56 Lago Hama, see Hama Wuchale HBP04 Lago Rodolfo (Italian for Lake Rudolf), see Turkana JEA78 Lagolo (area) 11/40 [WO] lagu, laguu (O) to avoid HEA84 Laguna (area) 717 m 11/35 [WO] laha (Som) there is none, they don't have HCJ10 Laha 0629'/3636' 1379 m, village north of Bulki 06/36 [Gz] received emergency food dropped from the air in 1976 HEK23c Lahadie 11/37 [Gu] HES74 Lahin sub-district (centre in 1964 = Chew Ber) 13/37 [Ad] lahlaha, lahleha (T) pant, throb; la'lay (A) upper HFE77 Lahlaha (Mai Lahla, Lala) 1415'/3909' 2438 m 14/39 [Gz Gu WO] (with waterhole), near Inticho HFF73c Lahlien (Lahlen), 15 km east of Idaga Hamus 14/39 [Ad x] (with rock church Maryam Tsiyon/Maryam Wikro) HFF73c Lahlien sub-district (centre in 1964 = Degabur) 14/39 [Ad] lai: lay (A) on, above; north; ley (A) to isolate HFD87 Lai Adyabo wereda (Laelay ..) 14/38 [Ad] centre in 1964 =Adi Daro (-1994-) is divided into 30 rural and 2 urban kebeles. Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 3 of 36 Local History of Ethiopia La Ada - Lware © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) H.... Lai Aferwanat sub-district 10/38? [Ad] (centre in 1964 = Gelawdewos) HER.. Lai Armachiho wereda (Lay Armacheho ..) 12/37 [Ad n 20] (centre in 1964 = Chilkuana) (-1994-) is divided into 42 rural kebeles and 1 urban. lay bet (A) second storey HDT17 Lai Bet (Lai Biet) (area), cf Lay Bet 10/39 [+ WO] HDT06 Lai Bet Merhabete wereda 10/39 [+ Ad] (Lai Biet Merha Bietie ..) (centre in 1964 = Zoma) HE... Lai Dehuch sub-district (centre in 1964 = Boja) 12/37 [Ad] H.... Lai Derra sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kulala) 10/38? [Ad] HE... Lai Dibil (Laidibil) 11/39 [+ Ad] (centre in 1964 of Dibil sub-district) HED99 Lai Gayint wereda (Lay Gaynt ..) (-1964-2000-) 11/38 [Ad 20] (centre in 1964 = Nefas Mewcha) (-1994-) is divided into 29 rural and 4 urban kebeles. HEF73 Lai Kalo sub-district (Laikalo ..) 11/39 [+ Ad] (centre in 1964 = Wergesa) HDR01c Lai Kile sub-district (L. Kilie ..) 09/36 [+ Ad] (centre in 1964 = Gelila) HFE61 Lai Koraro sub-district 14/38 [Ad] (centre in 1964 = Adi Gided) HF... Lai Maychew wereda (Laelay M.. ..) 14/38 [Ad] (-1994-) is divided into 20 rural and 7 urban kebeles. lai mieda: lay meda (A) upper/northern field HDM54 Lai Mieda, see under Ankober 09/39 [WO] HE..

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