APPENDICES 7 APPENDIX C- ASSESSMENT IMPACT AND FAUNA FLORA FLORA AND FAUNA IMPACT ASSESSMENT APPENDIX C-7 | C-7 APPENDIX FBASE Jervois Base Metals Project, EL 25429, Landscape, Flora and Fauna Report September 2017 and May 2018 For KGL Resources Prepared by: Low Ecological Services P/L July 2018 Low Ecological Services P/L PO Box 3130, Alice Springs, NT 0871 Ph: (08) 89 555 222 Fax: (08) 89 555 722 Email: [email protected] Web: www.lowecol.com.au KGL Resources – EL25429 Jervois Base Metal Project EIS Flora and Fauna Survey combined September 2017 and May 2018 Report FRONTISPIECE Top: view over Project area looking north from Gidyea Woodland at site J13 to the east of EL25429. Bottom left to right: Pseudantechinus macdonnellensis (Fat-tailed false antechnius), data deficient Eremophila cordatisepala (A desert fuchsia bush), Pogona vitticeps (central-bearded dragon). DOCUMENT CONTROL DISCLAIMER This document has been prepared by Low Ecological Services (LES) for Nitro Solutions Pty Ltd in accordance with an agreement with Nitro Solutions Pty Ltd and KGL Resources. LES have prepared this document using the skill and care expected from professional scientists to provide factual and technical information and reasonable solutions to identified risks. This document does not constitute legal advice. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LES acknowledges the assistance of Rudy Lennartz, KGL Resources, for site familiarisation and assistance with setting up trap sites. LES would also like to acknowledge Des Nelson for plant identification and Dennis Matthews for bat call identification. Assistance from other Low Ecological staff including Xavier Tingle and Mareike Pohling, was integral to field work and report preparation. Discussions with KGL staff and contractors on site added additional perspective and observations. DOCUMENT DETAILS Name of Document: Jervois Base Metal Project Landscape Flora and Fauna Report Authors: Katie Degnian, Lauren Young, Charlotte Klempin and Bill Low Client: Nitro Solutions Pty Ltd on behalf of KGL Resources Name of Project: KGL Resources - Jervois Base Metal Project DOCUMENT CONTROL Approvals Name Signature Date Originator: Low Ecological Services P/L 19/7/18 Reviewer: Meghan Sharp, Nitro Solutions 24/08/2018 Administrator: Nitro Solutions Approver: Nitro Solutions Custodian: KGL Resources Low Ecological Services P/L 30/08/2018 i KGL Resources – EL25429 Jervois Base Metal Project EIS Flora and Fauna Survey combined September 2017 and May 2018 Report REVISION DETAILS Date Revision Details Name Company 21/06/2018 V1 2018 data Charlotte Klempin Low Ecological Services P/L added 19/7/18 Version1 Reviewed Bill Low Low Ecological Services P/L 23/08/2018 V1 Reviwed Megan Sharp Nitro Solutions 24/08/2018 V2 Reviewed Charlotte Klempin Low Ecological Services P/L 27/08/2018 V2 Reviewed Megan Sharp Nitro Solutions 30/8/18 V3 Final draft Charlotte Klempin Low Ecological Services P/L 8/9/18 V3 Final pdf Bill Low Low Ecological Services P/L PREFACE All information on proposed developments and operations contained in this document has been supplied by Nitro Solutions Pty Ltd and KGL Resources. This report is a consolidation of the 2017 dry season survey report and the 2018 post wet season survey results. Low Ecological Services P/L 30/08/2018 ii KGL Resources – EL25429 Jervois Base Metal Project EIS Flora and Fauna Survey combined September 2017 and May 2018 Report Glossary TERM DEFINITION ACRIS Australian Collaborative Rangelands Information System AnalookW Software used to analyse bat data calls ASC Australian Soil Classification Bevelled A sloping edge BoM Bureau of Meteorology Boulder scree Colluvial loose debris accumulated at the foot of a cliff comprising angular stones stopes and boulders Colluvial aprons Typically loosely consolidated angular material located at the base of a steep hill slope or cliff Cuesta A ridge with a gentle slope on one side and a steep slope on the other. DENR NT Department of Environment and Natural Resources. The department includes the key functions that foster and protect the environment and natural resources in the Northern Territory DoEE Commonwealth Department of Environment and Energy. The Department designs and implements Australian Government policy and programs to protect and conserve the environment, water and heritage, promote climate action, and provide adequate, reliable and affordable energy; including EPBC Act DPIR NT Department of Primary Industry and Resources EA Act Environmental Assessment Act. An act to provide for the assessment of the environmental effects of development proposals and for the protection of the environment EIS Environmental Impact Statement. A document prepared to describe the effects of proposed activities on the environment following Terms of Reference set by EPA Elliott trap A collapsible aluminium live trap with a foot pedal inside, used for trapping small animals. A food bait is placed at the back of the trap and when the animal enters the spring loaded trap door shuts behind it. EPA Environmental Protection Authority. Environmental Agency protecting the natural environment for the benefit of both the environment and humans EPBC Act The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 is the Australian Government’s central piece of environmental legislation providing a legal framework to protect and manage nationally and internationally important flora, fauna, ecological communities and heritage places. Felsic Relating to or denoting a group of light-coloured minerals (feldspar, feldspathoids, quartz, and muscovite). As apposed to Magnesium and Iron rocks which are heavier and darker, also known as Mafic rocks. Funnel trap A shadecloth plastic trap with a funnel at each end usually set alongside a low shadecloth fence to trap reptiles, amphibians and small mammals. Low Ecological Services P/L 30/08/2018 iii KGL Resources – EL25429 Jervois Base Metal Project EIS Flora and Fauna Survey combined September 2017 and May 2018 Report GIS Geographical Information Systems used for organising data on maps IBRA Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation of Australia Interfluves A region between the valleys of adjacent watercourses KGL KGL Resources, previously Kentor Gold Limited LES Low Ecological Services P/L Mafic Relating to or denoting a group of dark-coloured, mainly ferromagnesian minerals such as pyroxene and olivine. MM Act Mining Management Act. The Act is utilised for the authorisation of mining activities, the management of mining sites, the protection of the environment on mining sites, the provision of economic and social benefits to communities that are affected by mining activities. MNES Matters of National Environmental Significance. This Significant impact guidelines provide overarching guidance on determining whether an action is likely to have a significant impact on a matter protected under national environment law. Monoculture The cultivation or growth of a single crop or species in a given area NAFI North Australia Fire Information Pitfall trap A pit is usually a 25L bucket dug into the ground. A low shadecloth netting fence is centered over the bucket to guide small animals into the pit. PMST The website based EPBC Protected Matters Search Tool Riparian The interface between land and a river or stream usually with representative vegetation. SM2BAT+ A Song Meter 2 Bat+. Ultrasonic recorder used to collect the high frequency calls of echolocating bats SoBS Sites of Botanical Significance, NT DENR SoCS Sites of Conservation Significance, NT DENR Spatial Dataset Data or information that identifies the geographic location of features and boundaries on Earth. This includes natural or constructed features, such as; oceans, flora and fauna data sets or buildings. These are used in ArcGIS to generate mapping resources. Spatial scale Used to describe or classify with large degree of approximation the extent or size of a length, distance or area studied or described Stratum A layer or a series of layers of rock in the ground Sump A basin used to manage effluent from drilling or mining operations. The NT Fauna The Northern Territory (NT) fauna atlas currently includes all known terrestrial Atlas vertebrate records for the NT. It has more than one million records and is the most comprehensive database available of mammals, birds, reptiles and frogs with spatial capability. Low Ecological Services P/L 30/08/2018 iv KGL Resources – EL25429 Jervois Base Metal Project EIS Flora and Fauna Survey combined September 2017 and May 2018 Report The NT Flora The Northern Territory (NT) flora atlas has over one million plant records. Data Atlas comes from the NT Herbarium specimen database and the vegetation site database of the NT. Spatial data is used with ArcGIS to map locations of plant records ToR Terms of Reference TPWC Act Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act. An Act for the provison of the establishment of Territory Parks and other Parks and Reserves in the Northern Terrioty. Including the study, protection, conservation and sustainable utilisation of wildlife within parks etc. Tributary A stream or river that flows into a larger stream or main stream (or parent) river or Channel a lake; Ranked smallest order 1 to major river order 5. Voucher A pressed plant sample collected for formal identification and may be deposited in Specimens herbarium for future reference WM Act Weed Management Act. An Act to protect the Territory's economy, community, industry and environment from the adverse impacts of weeds. WoNS Weeds of National Significance. A website listing invasive plants that have proven social, economic and environmental impacts and require national management and whose control is enforceable by law. Low Ecological Services P/L 30/08/2018 v KGL Resources – EL25429 Jervois Base Metal Project EIS Flora and Fauna Survey combined September 2017 and May 2018 Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Jervois Base Metal Project (the Project) proposed by KGL Resources (the Proponent) is located on EL25429 (the Project area) approximately 400 km east-north-east of Alice Springs, within the Jervois Pastoral Lease. The Project area is accesible by road from Alice Springs via the Stuart Highway, Plenty Highway and Lucy Creek Road.
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