Data Compendium Demographics Chief Public Health Officer’s Report 2016-2018 DEMOGRAPHICS Population Indicator: estimated resident population (ERP) Measure: Annual percentage change in estimated resident population in South Australia. Australian Bureau of Statistics estimated the resident population of South Australia to be 1,712,843 people in June 2016, representing about 7.1% of the total Australian population (24.2 million people).[2] Over three quarters of South Australia’s population reside in the greater Adelaide region. Between the years 2011 to 2016, the population in South Australia increased by 4.5% (73,229 people). The annual population growth rate from 2011 to 2016 for South Australia ranged from the lowest 0.60% in 2016 to the highest 0.93% in 2014. South Australia had the third slowest growth across all States and Territories in 2016 (ahead of Tasmania and Northern Territory).[3] Table 1: Estimated resident population, South Australia, 2006-2017 Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Greater Adelaide 1189243 1204210 1219523 1237354 1253097 1264091 Rest of SA 363286 366409 369142 371548 374225 375523 South Australia 1552529 1570619 1588665 1608902 1627322 1639614 Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Greater Adelaide 1277850 1289696 1302079 1313419 1324057 1334167 Rest of SA 378875 381792 384866 387249 388786 389504 South Australia 1656725 1671488 1686945 1700668 1712843 1723671 Population are at the end of June of each year, and 2017 population is subject to revision according to ABS. Source: 3101.0 Australian Demographic Statistics, June 2017 [3] Table 2: Population change, South Australia and Australia, 2011-2016 Population growth Population growth rate Period South Australia Australia South Australia Australia 2011 14,807 354,932 0.91 1.60 2012 15,941 414,763 0.97 1.84 2013 15,199 379,551 0.91 1.65 2014 15,610 350,906 0.93 1.50 2015 12,605 340,209 0.74 1.44 2016 10,322 372,805 0.60 1.55 Source: Australian Demographic Statistics, Jun 2017 [3] CPHO1618_Data Compendium_FINAL.docx 16 Age and sex In June 2016 the sex ratio (the number of males per 100 females) in South Australia was 98.5, the same as the Australia national level.[2] Most regional and rural areas had a higher ratio (more males than females) with Roxby Downs recording the highest ratio of 132.5. Most metropolitan areas had a lower ratio (more females than males) with the City of Victor Harbor recording the lowest ratio of 89.3 males per 100 females. Figure 1 shows the age-sex distribution of South Australians compared to all Australians, highlighting the ageing population in South Australia. Regional and rural areas were more likely to report higher rates of people aged 0 to 14 years with the District Council of Roxby Downs reporting one quarter (26.3%) of its population within this age group. Metropolitan areas were less likely to report people aged 0 to 14 years with the City of Adelaide reporting the lowest proportion (5.8%). The City of Victor Harbor had the highest proportion of people aged 65 years and over (38.1%). Figure 1: South Australian population by age and sex, at 30 June 2016 Data Source: Source: 3101.0 - Australian Demographic Statistics, Jun 2017 (Population by Age and Sex Tables) [3] CPHO1618_Data Compendium_FINAL.docx 17 Table 3: Estimated resident population, by age and sex at 30 June 2016 Population Male Female Person Age group SA Australia SA Australia SA Australia 0-4 52878 808109 50197 765994 103075 1574103 5-9 53146 804159 50841 762928 103987 1567087 10-14 49924 735400 47352 696325 97276 1431725 15-19 53117 755917 50786 720085 103903 1476002 20-24 59544 866128 56468 830358 116012 1696486 25-29 58253 909656 57591 908879 115844 1818535 30-34 57322 892953 57762 903259 115084 1796212 35-39 52298 802100 52245 806038 104543 1608138 40-44 54398 808149 54026 820061 108424 1628210 45-49 56488 786139 57834 820203 114322 1606342 50-54 56275 763717 57646 787079 113921 1550796 55-59 55036 724403 57252 753160 112288 1477563 60-64 49291 638275 51944 667824 101235 1306099 65-69 46708 589768 48801 604480 95509 1194248 70-74 34619 436952 37208 453269 71827 890221 75-79 24780 308234 28482 342900 53262 651134 80-84 17159 202548 21473 252629 38632 455177 85 and over 16156 179239 27754 303492 43910 482731 All ages 847392 12011846 865662 12198963 1713054 24210809 Aboriginal population In 2016, it was estimated there were 42,265 Aboriginal people in South Australia, comprising 2.5% of the South Australian population. The median age of Aboriginal people in SA was 22.8 years, much younger than non-Aboriginal people (40.3 years). Table 4: Median age and estimated resident Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal population, South Australia, 2016 Estimated resident population (n) ERP (%) Median age (years) SA Aboriginal Torres Both Aboriginal Non- Total Aboriginal Non- Aboriginal Non- Strait Aboriginal and/or Aboriginal Aboriginal Aboriginal Islander and Torres Torres Strait Strait Islander Islander Males 19,979 570 378 20,927 825,950 846877 2.5 97.5 22.1 39.3 Females 20,414 545 379 21,338 844,628 865966 2.5 97.5 23.4 41.4 Persons 40,393 1,115 757 42,265 1,670,578 1,712,843 2.5 97.5 22.8 40.3 Source: 3238.0.55.001 - Estimates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, June 2016 [4] Imputation of Aboriginal status for Census records with unknown Aboriginal status (as a result of either non-response to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin question in Census, or unknown Aboriginal status on Census records imputed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics when a form could not obtained from occupied dwellings identified in the files (details please see ABS explanatory notes: http://www.abs.gov.au/AUSSTATS/[email protected]/Lookup/3238.0.55.001Explanatory%20Notes1June%202016?OpenDocument CPHO1618_Data Compendium_FINAL.docx 18 Indicator: Births and fertility rate Measure: Number of births recorded in a calendar year In 2016, there were 19,772 live births in South Australia which increased slightly from 2015 (0.9%).[5] The distribution of births and fertility rate by age groups of mother are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. There were 699 Aboriginal births, representing 4.5% of all live births in South Australia in 2016. The fertility rate of Aboriginal women was slightly higher than the South Australian state level in the past decade. Table 5: Births summary by local government areas, South Australia, 2016 2015 2016 Local government area Estimated Births Total Estimated Births Total resident fertility resident fertility population rate population rate persons no. rate persons no. rate Adelaide (C) 22974 145 0.8 23396 142 0.79 Adelaide Hills (DC) 39568 336 1.91 39525 374 1.91 Alexandrina (DC) 26201 224 1.96 26541 213 1.93 Anangu Pitjantjatjara (AC) 2571 41 1.49 2500 34 1.5 Barossa (DC) 23889 228 1.9 24256 224 1.85 Barunga West (DC) 2545 28 np 2594 16 np Berri and Barmera (DC) 10838 116 1.99 10808 130 2.04 Burnside (C) 45164 341 1.4 45464 345 1.38 Campbelltown (C) (SA) 51117 539 1.66 51265 545 1.63 Ceduna (DC) 3571 48 2.02 3559 69 2.26 Charles Sturt (C) 113959 1257 1.7 114688 1310 1.68 Clare and Gilbert Valleys (DC) 9200 88 1.93 9233 97 1.95 Cleve (DC) 1798 23 np 1809 16 np Coober Pedy (DC) 1842 15 2.01 1842 28 2.06 Copper Coast (DC) 14253 137 2.15 14446 125 1.99 Elliston (DC) 1078 10 np 1077 15 np Flinders Ranges (DC) 1686 15 1.88 1671 12 1.63 Franklin Harbour (DC) 1328 9 np 1329 10 2.07 Gawler (T) 22592 250 1.84 23192 275 1.85 Goyder (DC) 4238 38 2.09 4220 48 2.32 Grant (DC) 8252 82 1.96 8374 83 2.23 Holdfast Bay (C) 36336 295 1.36 36399 295 1.35 Kangaroo Island (DC) 4777 44 2.2 4852 43 2.04 Karoonda East Murray (DC) 1116 10 np 1117 11 np Kimba (DC) 1086 12 3 1078 16 np Kingston (DC) (SA) 2416 21 2.44 2429 29 2.52 Light (RegC) 14871 139 1.81 15016 152 1.71 Lower Eyre Peninsula (DC) 5549 57 2.09 5670 50 2.06 Loxton Waikerie (DC) 11735 124 2.55 11746 128 2.42 Mallala (DC) 8832 87 2.01 8922 90 1.93 Maralinga Tjarutja (AC) 66 0 np 62 0 np Marion (C) 89650 1116 1.71 90602 1121 1.71 Mid Murray (DC) 8684 58 1.98 8795 78 1.9 Mitcham (C) 66182 637 1.66 66372 637 1.64 Mount Barker (DC) 33137 406 2.05 33810 419 1.98 Mount Gambier (C) 26892 321 2.04 26993 314 1.96 Mount Remarkable (DC) 2919 20 1.19 2911 25 1.85 CPHO1618_Data Compendium_FINAL.docx 19 Murray Bridge (RC) 21226 250 1.97 21486 210 1.8 Naracoorte and Lucindale 8635 85 2.02 8619 88 1.9 (DC) Northern Areas (DC) 4611 55 2.76 4613 47 2.58 Norwood Payneham St 36428 383 1.39 36443 350 1.37 Peters (C) Onkaparinga (C) 168294 2055 1.92 169073 2011 1.89 Orroroo/Carrieton (DC) 909 8 np 909 12 np Peterborough (DC) 1704 10 1.89 1705 15 2.16 Playford (C) 89123 1559 2.36 90669 1550 2.3 Port Adelaide Enfield (C) 122789 1700 1.84 123947 1710 1.8 Port Augusta (C) 14467 208 2.29 14380 191 2.24 Port Lincoln (C) 14638 191 2.29 14577 192 2.25 Port Pirie City and Dists (M) 17868 178 2.02 17807 208 2.04 Prospect (C) 21086 274 1.65 21095 238 1.63 Renmark Paringa (DC) 9707 94 1.95 9753 84 1.72 Robe (DC) 1430 19 2.19 1422 10 2.06 Roxby Downs (M) 4314 88 2.42 4032 75 2.36 Salisbury (C) 139228 1940 1.95 140906 2050 1.95 Southern Mallee (DC) 2055 23 1.9 2058 19 1.62 Streaky Bay (DC) 2171 29 2.66 2175 29 2.72 Tatiara (DC) 6868 66 2.12 6871 64 1.95 Tea Tree Gully (C) 99332 1055 1.75 99518 1086 1.73 The Coorong (DC) 5572 75 2.53 5555 58 2.44 Tumby Bay (DC) 2673 21 2.07 2676 34 2.41 Unley (C) 38828 359 1.45 38916 359 1.42 Victor Harbor (C) 14946 101 1.89 15075 113 1.86 Wakefield (DC) 6940 81 2.5 6954 90 2.37 Walkerville (M) 7783 66 1.51 7838 57 1.42 Wattle Range (DC) 11979 117 2.17 11975 108 2.11 West Torrens (C) 59151 694 1.56 59457 706 1.52 Whyalla (C) 22677 294 2.11 22503 289 2.05 Wudinna (DC) 1286 18 2.77 1288 14 2.22 Yankalilla (DC) 5078 33 1.72 5251 40 1.63 Yorke Peninsula (DC) 11262 91 2.46 11278 97 2.42 Unincorporated SA 3873 43 2.11 3667 42 2.27 Total South Australia 1701843 19587 1.82 1713054 19772 1.79 Note: 0 – nil or round to zero (including null cells); np – not available for publication but included in totals where applicable, unless otherwise indicated.
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