USCA Bibliotheek - Deel USA Code 1) Auteur(s) Titel 2) Blz Taal Jaar 20000 USA Postage 20100 Pre-Stamp Postal Period 20100.01 Combs, W.V. First Federal Issue 1798-1801 O 124 E 1979 20100.02 Combs, W.V. Second Federal Issue 1801-1802 O 142 E 1988 20100.03 Combs, W.V. Third Federal Issue 1814-1817 O 221 E 1993 20100.04 Sampson, E.N. ea American Stampless Cover Catalog O 280 E 1978 20200 1845-1899 Classics 20200.01 Luff, J.N. The Postage Stamps of the United States (1845-1895) O 417 E 1902 20200.02 Brookman,L.G. The US Postage Stamps of the 19th Century. Vol I (1847-57) O 319 E 1947 20200.03 Brookman, L.G. The 19th Century Postage Stamps of the US. Vol II (1861-82) O 305 E 1947 20200.04 Brookman, L.G. The US Postage Stamps of the 19th Century. Vol I (1847-57) O 274 E 1989 20200.05 Brookman, L.G. The US Postage Stamps of the 19th Century. Vol II (1861-82) O 274 E 1989 20200.06 Brookman, L.G. The US Postage Stamps of the 19th Century. Vol III (1883-98) O 274 E 1989 20200.07 Rose, J. Classic US Imperforate Stamps O 95 E 1990 20200.08 Baker, H.D. Baker's US Classics (Reprint 1985) O 343 E 1985 20200.09 Lidman, D. The First Perforated US Stamps 1851-1857 O 231 E 1957 20200.10 Chase, Dr.C. Classic US Stamps 1845-1869 O 45 E 1962 20200.11 Linn's US Stamp Facts - 19 th Century O 257 E 1999 20200.51 Chase, Dr.C. (Koens) Klassieke US Zegels van 1845-1869 V 45 N 1985 20200.52 Rohrbach, PT (v. Herk) De zegels in de VS 1842-1869 V 223 N 1987 20210 1845-1869 Issues 20210.01 Lowe, R. US Postmasters Provisionals (Christies Auction 1989) O 102 E 1989 20210.02 Hill, H.W. The US Five Cent Stamps of 1856-1861 O 76 E 1955 20210.03 Chase, C. The 3 c Stamp of the US 1851-1857 Issue (revised) O 374 E 1942 20210.04 Ashbrook,S.B. The US Ten Cent Stamp of 1855-1857 O 86 E 1936 20210.05 Neinken, M.L. The US Ten Cent Stamps of 1855-1859 O 252 E 1960 20210.06 Evans, D.L. The US 1c Franklin 1861-1867 (Linn's) O 417 E 1997 20120.07 Cole, M.F. (v.Herk) The Black Jack of 1863-1867 (inclusief nederlandse vertaling 1984) O 121 E/N 1950 20210.08 Lane, M.B. The Harry F.Allen Collection of Black Jacks (AP) A 200 E 1967 20210.09 Rose, J. US Postage Stamps of 1869 (Pictorial Series) O 191 E 1996 20210.51 Diamond, A. (v. Herk) De Postzegels van 1 Cent van de USA 1851-1857 V 42 N 1960 20210.52 Diamond, A. (v. Herk) Typen en Variëteiten van de 10 Cent Zegels USA 1855-1859 V 20 N 1987 20210.53 Hulst, A. van Mijn Favoriete Postzegel - De Black Jack 1863 V 12 N 1985 20220 1870-1889 Large Bank Note Issues 20220.01 Wiley, H. ea The US 3c Green 1870-87 and 3c Vermilion 1887 O 44 E 1979 20220.02 Perry,E. The Ten Cent Jefferson, (Thomas) 1870-1889 O 12 E 1930 20220.03 Weiss Jr, W.R. The United States 15 c Stamp of 1870-1890 O 98 E 1995 20220.04 Willard, E.L. The US Two Cent Red Brown of 1883-1887 Vol one O 164 E 1970 20220.05 Willard, E.L. The US Two Cent Red Brown of 1883-1887 Vol two O 164 E 1970 20220.51 Brookman, L.G. De Bank Note Postzegels van de USA, 1870-1893 V 124 N 2001 20220.52 Wiley, H. (v. Herk) De Groene 3 Cent (1870-87) en de 3 Cent Vermiljoen 1887 V 44 N 1985 20230 1890-1899 Small Bank Note Issues 20240 1890-1899 Commorative Issues 20230.01 Neil, R.L. The Trans Mississippi Issue of 1898 O 166 E 1997 20250 1845-1899 Postal related topics 20250.01 Cooper, L.B. The Fresno and San Francisco Bicycle Mail of 1884 O 134 E 1982 20250.51 Herk, A.G.van Selectie van de Klassieke Series 1870-1920 V 80 N 1985 Update: 2018-01 1 20300 1900-1937 (Pre-WWII) 20310 1900-1937 Commoratives Issues 20310.01 *) Johl, M.G. The US Commemorative Stamps of the 20 th Century (1901-1935) K 356 E 1947 20310.02 *) King, B.S. & Johl M.G. The US Postage Stamps of the 20th Century, Vol II (1923-1934) K 269 E 1934 20320 1900-1937 Defenitives Issues 20320.01 Johl, M.G. US Postage Stamps 1902-1935 O 566 E 1976 20330 1908-1926 Washington-Franklin Issues 20330.01 Armstrong,M.A. Washington-Franklin's 1908-1921 (1e druk) O 118 E 1977 20330.02 *) Armstrong, M.A. Washington-Franklin's 1908-1921 (2e druk) O 224 E 1979 20330.03 Diamond, A. Types of the 2c and 3c Washington Serie 1912-21 C 12 E 1960 20330.04 Schmid, P.W. The Expert's Book (Washington-Franklin Issues 1908-23) O 209 E 1990 20330.51 Bakker, A.M.H. Verschil in Types 2 en 3 C Washington Serie 1912-21 (vertaling) V 40 N 1986 20330.52 Woortman, J.J. Washington-Franklin Series 1908-1921 V 46 N 1999 20330.53 Schmid, PW (v. Herk) De Washington-Franklin zegels van de USA V 200 N 1990 20340 1922-1938 Presidential Issues 20340.01 Armstrong, M.A. US Definitive Series 1922-1938 (Second Edition) O 116 E 1979 20340.51 *) Armstrong, M.A. (v. Herk) De Permanente Serie van de USA, 1922-1938 V 130 N 1980 20350 1900-1938 Postal related stories 20350.01 Bauer,B.C. (Linn's) F.D. Roosevelt and the Stamps of US 1933-1945 O 361 E 1993 20350.02 Griffith, G. Linn's US Stamps 1922-1926 O 390 E 1997 20350.51 Sloat, R.L. (v. Herk) Farley's Flaters 1935 V 154 N 1979 20400 1938-1970 (WWII and after) 20400.01 Helbock, R.W. Prexie Postal History (1938 Presidential Series) O 100 E 1988 20500 1991-present (New Generation) 20500.01 Malakoff, A.M. Catalog of United States Self-Adhesive Stamps 1998 O 286 E 1998 21000 Back of the Book 21100 Special Postal Stamps 21110 Air Post Stamps 21110.01 Goodkind, H. The US Five Cent Beacon Air Mail Stamp of 1928 (Scott # C11) O 61 E 1965 21110.02 Sloat, R.L. The AirMail Special Delivery Stamp of the US O 92 E 1977 21120 Special Delivery Stamps 21130 Postage Due Stamps 21140 Parcel Post Stamps 21150 Official Stamps 21150.01 Goodwin, F.E. US Department Stamps O 14 E 1915 21150.02 Barcan,A.F. US Departmental and Specimen Stamps A 34 E 1965 21150.03 Howard,H.S. ea US Official Stamps and Postal Marks A 40 E 1986 21150.51 Goodwin, FE (v. Herk) US Department Stamps (vertaling v.Herk) V 19 N 1997 21160 Other Special Postage Stamps Back of the Book 21160.01 Markovits, R.L. The 10c Registry Stamp of 1911 O 32 E 1973 21170 Computer Vending Postage Stamps; Personal Computer Postage 21180 Postage Meter Stamps 21180.01 Catalogue Postage Meter Stamps Catalogue United States of America P 180 E 2017 Update: 2018-01 2 21200 Postal Stationary 21210 Stamped Envelopes and Wrappers 21210.01 Haller, A.P. UPSS Catalog of 20th Century Stamped Envelopes and Wrappers O 495 E 1990 21210.02 Heater, E.F. The 1904 Recuts; Coll. Handbook of the Two Cent Scott # U395 O 40 E 1949 21201.03 *) Ellis, F.L. ea US Commemorative Stamped Envelopes 1876-1965 K 86 E 1974 21210.04 Thorpe ea Thorpe-Bartels Catalog of Stamped Envelopes and Wrappers K 558 E 1954 21220 Postal Cards 21220.01 Beachboard, J.H. United States Postal Card Catalog 1990 O 314 E 1990 21220.02 Falberg,B. Historical Catalog of U.S. Postal Card Esseays and Proofs P 402 E 2014 21300 Local Stamps, Local Post and Local or private Delivery 21310 Carrier Stamps 21320.01 Perry, E. Carrier's Stamps of the USA (1842-1851) A 49 E 1973 21320 Local Stamps 21320.01 Lyons, L. The Identifier for Carriers, Locals, Fakes, Forgeries, Bogus Posts of the US - Vol. I O 450 E 1998 21320.02 Lyons, L. Idem - Vol. II O 460 E 1998 21320.03 Lyons, L. Idem - Vol. III O 500 E 1998 21330 Local Post 21330.01 Patton, D.S. The Private Local Posts of the US Vol 1 (New York State) C 350 E 1967 21330.02 Perry, E. ea The Chatham Square Post Office & Swarts City Dispatch Post O 34 E 1941 21340 Wells, Fargo and Co's (Pony Express) 21340.01 Berthold,Dr.V.M. Wells, Fargo and Co's Handstamps and Franks O 85 E 1926 21340.02 Nathan, M.C. ea The Pony Express (The Collectors Club Handbook No. 15) O 105 E 1962 21340.03 Reinfeld, F. Pony Express (1860-1861) O 127 E 1966 21340.04 Settle, R. and M. Saddles and Spurs (De Pony Express Saga) O 216 E 1955 21340.05 Settle, R.W. The Pony Express Heroic Effort Tragic End A 18 E 1959 21340.51 Reinfeld, F. (v. Herk) Pony Express (1860-1861) V 120 N 1955 21400 Revenue Stamps 21400.01 Castenholz, B.J. An Introduction to Revenue Stamps O 90 E 1994 21400.02 Friedberg, R.
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