Supplementary Data

Supplementary Data

Supplementary Information Supplementary Materials and Methods Multiple myeloma specimens Primary bone marrow samples from 116 MM patients and 12 patients without tumors were obtained from the 4th Department of Internal Medicine, Hiroshima Atomic-Bomb Survivors Hospital; the 1st Department of Internal Medicine, Sapporo Medical University Hospital; and the Department of Hematology, Teine Keijinkai Hospital after acquisition of informed consent from each patient. Mononuclear cells were separated from 99 samples using Ficoll-Paque (StemCell Technologies), after which we separated the CD138-positive cells using CD138 MicroBeads (Miltenyi Biotec). There were five patients whose bone marrow specimens were collected before and after treatment. All five of those patients received treatment with Dex. Of those five patients, three received bortezomib and Dex; one received vincristine, adriamysin and Dex; and one received melphalan and Dex followed by peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. Methylation analysis Combined bisulfite restriction analysis (COBRA) were performed as described previously (1). The PCR products were digested with the restriction endonuclease Hinf (TaKaRa) and precipitated with ethanol, after which the resultant DNA fragments were subjected to 2.5% agarose gel electrophoresis and stained with ethidium bromide. Bisulfite-pyrosequencing was carried out as described previously (2). The primers used for COBRA were also used for pyrosequencing. After PCR, the biotinylated PCR product was purified, made single-stranded, and used as a template in the pyrosequencing reaction. Briefly, the PCR products were bound to streptavidin sepharose beads HP (Amersham Biosciences), after which beads containing the immobilized PCR product were purified, washed, and denatured using a 0.2 mol/L NaOH solution. After addition of 0.3 μmol/L sequencing primer to the purified PCR product, pyrosequencing was carried out using a PSQ96MA system (Biotage) and Pyro Q-CpG software (Biotage). MM-related genes were deemed methylated if the level of methylation was above the 75th percentile level found in control bone marrow samples. Statistics Paired t tests were used to compare differences in methylation levels before and after treatments. Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlation coefficients (r and rs, respectively) were calculated to evaluate the correlation between gene expression levels (log-transformed), fold expression levels, and methylation levels. Cell viability was assessed using one way ANOVA with post hoc Dunnett’s test. All statistical calculations were performed using SPSSJ 15.0 (SPSS Japan Inc.). References. 1. Xiong Z, Laird PW. COBRA: a sensitive and quantitative DNA methylation assay. Nucleic Acids Res 1997; 25: 2532-4. 2. Yang AS, Estecio MR, Doshi K, Kondo Y, Tajara EH, Issa JP. A simple method for estimating global DNA methylation using bisulfite PCR of repetitive DNA elements. Nucleic Acids Res 2004; 32: e38. Legends for Supplementary Figures. Supplementary Figure 1. Representative results of real-time PCR analysis of genes upregulated by DAC in MM cell lines. Expression levels of CST1 and IER3 relative to that in normal bone marrow are shown on the Y-axis. Supplementary Figure 2. Expression profile of candidate genes silenced by DNA methylation in MM. The heat map shows the expression profiles in normal colon, normal stomach and three cancer cell lines. Levels of expression are normalized to that in normal bone marrow. Supplementary Figure 3. Representative results of real-time PCR of candidate methylation target genes in MM cell lines treated with DAC. Supplementary Figure 4. Summary of gene expression in MM cells treated with DAC. Levels of expression are normalized to those in mock treated cells. Supplementary Figure 5. Bisulfite-sequencing analysis of BNIP3 and SOCS3 in MM cell lines. Open circles indicate the unmethylated CpG sites; filled circles indicate the methylated CpG sites. Supplementary Table 1. Primer sequences and restriction enzymes used in this study. Primer Gene name Forward Reverse Restriction enzymes COBRA GPR30 GGTYGAGTGTTTTTGGAGGT CCTTTATCCRCTAAATATAAATAATAC TaqI FMR1NB GTTAYGGATTGTTTTGGAAG TTACCAACTCTAAATAAACCACAC MboI CST6 TTYGAGTTTYGTTTTAGTTTTAGGT TAACAACRCCAAAAAACAAAATAC HhaI TNFRSF4 TAYGGTGTTTAGTTTTAGGTTTAGGAGATCCCCRACCTACCACCTTC TaqI SECTM1 GGAGTTTTAGGAAAATGAAAG CCCRTAAAAATAATAAATTCAC HhaI PTRF AGYGGGAGATTYGGAGAGAAGT CCTCCCTTTCTAAAATAAAACCAACC TaqI C16orf30 TTTTTGTTGAGAGTTAGGGAAG ACACCRACCTACTATAAATACCA MboI RASD1 GTTTTTAGTTTTAGTTYGATTTTGGA CCRCCCTTATATACAACCTACTC AfaI DAZL TGAAGAGAAAAGGAAAATTAAGAG AAACRCTACCACCCATTAAC TaqI DDX43 TAATGGTTGYGTGAAATTAGTG CCTCCRTAATAAAACATTATTCC MluI PDIA2 GGTTTTGTTTTTGTTGGGATTG AAATTTCCTCCTCTAAAAACTCCTC MluI FES TTYGGGGTTTGGGTTAATTG ACRCCTACTCTACCCCTACCTAC TaqI COX7A1 GTTTTAGTTTYGTYGYGTTTTTAG AACCCAACCCATAAAAACCTCA TaiI KRTCAP3 GGGGTYGGGTTTAGGTATAG CACRAAAAAAAACAAAATTAAATC HhaI RRAD TTGAGAAGGYGGTGGTTGTAGTAGTACCRAAACCCCTCCRAACCTAA TaqI FGFR3 GGGGTYGGGAYGTAGGAGT RCAAACAAAAACRCCCATAAC TaqI IER3 GYGTTTAGGATTGTGTATGTTAAGT TAAACCRAACRAAATATAAAACCA TaqI TKTL1 ATATTTTAGATTTTTTGATTTGTTTG TTAAAATCTAAAAACCCACTCCT TaqI CMTM3 GGTGGTTAAGAAAGTYGTAAGAAA CCACCCRTCTACCCCTATC MluI SYT11 GYGGAGTTTATTTTTTATTAGGA CTCTAAAAACCCTCRATCAATAC MboI P2RY6 GGATTTTAGYGGTGYGGAG CAACTAATCCRACCCAAATATCACT TaiI GDF15 TTTAGAGTYGTAATTTGTATAGTTATGTCRAAATACAACTCTAAAAATCC TaqI RASD1 pyro-seq1GYGTTTAGAGAGTAGGAGTT Bisulfite-sequencing BNIP3 GATATGGYGTTAGAGGGTAATTG CCCRCCCTACCCTATAAATTC SOCS3 GTTTTTTTTTGTTGYGAGTAGTGAT CRTCCCTCRAACTTCCCCT ABL1 TTGGTTYGGGTTGGTTTTGGAAAG AAACCRAAACCCCTCTCCCAACTC Y=C or T, R=G or A 12/26/20083:09 AM Supplementary Table 2. Genes up-rehulated by DAC in KMS12PE. Gene Name Systematic Name DAC VIM NM_003380 181.2 TNFRSF4 NM_003327 113.0 GPR30 NM_001505 85.6 VASN NM_138440 78.6 CST6 NM_001323 63.7 FMR1NB NM_152578 46.1 CKM NM_001824 45.1 AIF1 NM_004847 44.5 COX7A2 NM_001865 44.0 CMTM3 NM_144601 38.5 GPR68 NM_003485 35.9 VIM NM_003380 35.3 LOC645277 XM_928321 32.0 RAB13 NM_002870 31.7 TAS1R1 NM_138697 31.2 EDNRB NM_003991 30.4 B3GALT4 NM_003782 28.9 CXCL9 NM_002416 28.5 PLAT NM_000930 27.5 CCRL2 NM_003965 27.5 TNFAIP2 NM_006291 27.4 ACRC NM_052957 26.1 LAG3 NM_002286 25.8 A_24_P177634 A_24_P177634 24.6 C16orf30 NM_024600 24.4 THC2333719 THC2333719 23.7 MYO1G NM_033054 23.1 ID2 NM_002166 22.8 M32220 M32220 22.7 P2RY5 NM_005767 22.5 SECTM1 NM_003004 20.7 GPX1 NM_201397 20.6 IFI27 NM_005532 19.8 CCR9 NM_006641 19.4 PEPP-2 NM_032498 18.9 ART3 NM_001179 18.8 IFI27 NM_005532 18.1 ENST00000371388 ENST00000371388 18.0 APOE NM_000041 17.6 PTRF NM_012232 17.4 CHRDL2 NM_015424 17.4 CLDN19 NM_148960 17.3 HAS3 NM_005329 17.0 EPHA2 NM_004431 17.0 THC2337710 THC2337710 17.0 LGALS8 NM_006499 16.9 SPINT1 NM_003710 16.5 IFI27 NM_005532 16.5 ZP1 NM_207341 16.3 LOC440335 BC022385 16.2 THC2373524 THC2373524 15.7 AGMAT NM_024758 15.6 CDKN1C NM_000076 15.3 TNF NM_000594 15.1 CYB5R2 NM_016229 15.0 IFI27 NM_005532 14.9 IFI27 NM_005532 14.8 IFI27 NM_005532 14.8 IFI27 NM_005532 13.8 BTBD14A NM_144653 13.8 CCR7 NM_001838 13.5 TMEM49 BC024020 13.5 AGXT2L1 NM_031279 13.4 ANGPT2 NM_001147 13.4 IFI27 NM_005532 13.4 NGB NM_021257 13.2 CNDP1 NM_032649 13.1 IFI27 NM_005532 13.1 AHNAK NM_001620 13.1 RAMP1 NM_005855 13.0 BM045853 BM045853 12.9 ICOS NM_012092 12.8 RUNX3 NM_004350 12.6 LXN NM_020169 12.2 SYT11 NM_152280 12.2 RPGRIP1 NM_020366 12.2 IFI27 NM_005532 12.2 TNNC2 NM_003279 12.1 FLJ25410 NM_144605 11.9 GLULD1 NM_016571 11.9 MET NM_000245 11.8 PROC NM_000312 11.7 A_24_P478940 A_24_P478940 11.3 ENST00000381781 ENST00000381781 11.2 GPR56 NM_201525 11.0 SPINT2 NM_021102 11.0 GNG11 NM_004126 11.0 PLXND1 NM_015103 11.0 BC036938 BC036938 10.9 RASD1 NM_016084 10.9 FARP1 NM_005766 10.8 P2RY6 NM_176798 10.7 LEFTY1 NM_020997 10.6 CD52 NM_001803 10.6 GDF15 NM_004864 10.5 A_24_P109661 A_24_P109661 10.4 A_23_P15226 A_23_P15226 10.4 ENST00000320378 ENST00000320378 10.3 VCX2 NM_016378 10.2 WBP5 NM_016303 10.2 KITLG NM_000899 10.1 RHBDL3 NM_138328 10.0 THC2383841 THC2383841 10.0 Supplementary Table 3. Genes up-regulated by DAC in RPMI8226. Gene Name Systematic Name DAC GPR30 NM_001505 217.7 FMR1NB NM_152578 191.1 DAZL NM_001351 187.0 DDX43 NM_018665 185.0 BC036938 BC036938 121.7 GSTP1 NM_000852 110.9 CST6 NM_001323 89.8 THC2376729 THC2376729 77.7 VCX3A NM_016379 76.9 VCX NM_013452 72.5 VCX2 NM_016378 72.4 THC2407823 THC2407823 67.8 SYCP3 NM_153694 64.5 NEFH NM_021076 62.6 PAGE2 NM_207339 61.7 VASN NM_138440 58.8 CXCL9 NM_002416 57.5 TNFRSF4 NM_003327 57.0 PRAME NM_206956 55.4 PDIA2 NM_006849 54.0 CKM NM_001824 51.4 PAGE5 NM_130467 49.2 DAZ2 NM_001005785 45.5 A_24_P7750 A_24_P7750 44.5 XIST NR_001564 41.3 UCHL1 NM_004181 39.3 BM668321 BM668321 38.2 ENST00000370363 ENST00000370363 38.2 CNDP1 NM_032649 37.6 ECAT8 AK023134 37.2 LEFTY1 NM_020997 36.9 ENST00000311695 ENST00000311695 36.6 MXRA8 NM_032348 35.6 TAS1R1 NM_138697 34.6 RTP3 NM_031440 34.5 BEX1 NM_018476 33.2 CARD9 NM_052813 32.0 KRT19 NM_002276 31.8 LGALS2 NM_006498 31.7 IL18 NM_001562 31.6 FES NM_002005 30.7 RAB7B NM_177403 30.2 CD52 NM_001803 29.9 CPLX3 NM_001030005 29.6 AIF1 NM_004847 28.7 P2RY5 NM_005767 27.8 A_23_P15226 A_23_P15226 27.6 VCY NM_004679 27.6 SECTM1 NM_003004 27.2 ART3 NM_001179 27.0 FAM26A NM_182494 26.9 CDH1 NM_004360 26.3 THC2304038 THC2304038 25.1 LAG3 NM_002286 24.8 CYB5R2 NM_016229 24.3 COX7A1 NM_001864 24.2 CNN3 NM_001839 24.2 GPR68 NM_003485 23.9 VCX2 NM_016378 23.0 THC2437822 THC2437822 22.4 THC2333719 THC2333719 22.2 LY6K NM_017527 22.1 C8G NM_000606 21.9 LOC643431 XM_928128 21.0 DMRTB1 NM_033067 20.8 A_32_P112546 A_32_P112546 20.7 CGREF1 NM_006569

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