Mac A.P.P.L.E. Magazine 1988-1

Mac A.P.P.L.E. Magazine 1988-1

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Modem 99.00 WordPerfect call MacFan 88.00 WriteNow 115.00 SystemSaver 67.00 Ordering Information National: Call 1-800-622-3475Texas: Call 1-800-2MAC-TEXHours: 7:30am-7:30pmCDT. There is a g40 minimum on all orders. We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express,C.O.D., Company and Institution PO's,and checks. You are nol charged until we ship your order. Texas residents please add 8olosales tax. Prices are subiect to change and items are subject to availability. Returns may be subiect to a restocking fee. American Express orders are charged a small service fee. Shippinglnformation Minimum $4.50additional. MacProductsUSA ships your purchase via Federal Express Nexl Day or Second Day. UPS Next Day & 2nd Day Air, and US Postal Service are availableupon request. MacProductsUSA 1-800-MAC-DISK 9709Brown Lane Suite E Austin Texas 78754 512-832-0335 CIRCLE3 ON READERSERVICE CARD - ---l l- _._-_---:----_ Introducing the l9-inch Viking I for the Maeintosh" SE. SpendAMinute With tr-Iru Moniterm. L Th,ecritics hnaepmised th,eVikirry 1 as "ma4ligtt*and "the clear winnertt* *;[or That'sall it takesto rcally publishing visualize the benefits ofthe desktop on th,eK. Now this Fast Screen Update. Viking l. For a screening, emiting rmD monitor is about to change With over a million pixels, screenupdating contact the dealer inyour the Inok of d,esktoppublishing on the can get sluggish on some monitors. are4 or return this card for Monintosh. The Viking I acceleratesscreen update by more information. Here'swlrlr avoiding processor wait states. "Publishing Introducing Resolutionl* " Gets Your SE Invotved. The Viking I's l9-inch screen allows for a full With most large-screenmonitors, your two-pagelayout. Its ulfra-high 1280x 960- Macintosh is turned off-or just a repository pixel resolution provides a precise, for surpluswindows and toolboxes. With City Strte- Zip- tack-sharp image-unlike lower-resolution the Viking t your Mac SE can serve as monitors that make it tough to read the fine a 7x11-inchscrollable extension to the Ibl. No "roam print. Or higher-resolutionmonitors that large-screenimage. Or and zoom" Dealcr Inquirics Wanted, i create letters too tiny and fuzzy to rcad. in the lar:ge-screenimage, zooming in L "fat at And the Viking l's unique squarepixels two levels of bits" magnification of Seeus at MacWorldExpo, booth 463! assurethat scneenand laser-printer whatever the cursor is pointing to. characters match perfectlSr IBM@ Compatibifi$. monrTEI:lm Eliminates Flicker. The Viking I is the only monitor that's Moniterm Corpomtion Somemonitors have an aruroyingflicker compatible with both the Macintosh SE 5740 Green Circle Drive that can ftazzle your nerves.The Viking I's and the entire IBM line of PCIXT/ATand Mimetonk4 MN 55343 exceptional non-interlaced 66 Hz refresh PV2 computers.So you can stay flexible (612) 935-416r rate provides rock-solid stability and grow TELEX-753626 rHK-(612)933-670r 'Jtm Seymou, PC Fbeft r'Jirn Feltcl PnDllcn, CIRCLE5 ON READERSERVICE CARD Macintosh is a hadel@k of Mclntch laboEtorie Inc IBM is a registered tradeMk of Internatioml "Publishing BNine$ Mrchines Comntion. Reslutiod' is a haderuk of Moniterm Corpomtion. Volume5, NumberI January1988 ONTENTS Leroy,the Moc ll,ond Me 6 Andrew H mes l'hc 68010.l6 nullioncolors. ancl a Mac with a personalitl'. BroinerdInlerview 'fhc 8 DesktopPublishins: Man andthe Movcntent. dBASEMoc Woyne Wong Thc dllASE Mac Attack- An MH Revier'r, HyperTolk Jeff Stoddord Hy'perCard\otnenclalurc You. too.ctut Out of My Tree On the Cover Philip Russell "T Sorrc FallenApplcs. hc H t'pt'rC urd Assrtt ittti tttr" ht'MiL'ltucl Urbutt AECInformolion Monoger 20 TimlvnnBob tskv ond Jim Solmons A ProiectManasenrent Database ltrr the RealWorlcl Acrossthe Desktop BillKoye Timc to UpgracleYour Plusl View Fromthe Bosemenf Douglos Froser Hr)n)chrc$inge Hurtl Drirc. RondomAccess KeithTolemon Pou,crStation the Applicationlbr PowerUscrs. TheMouse Thot Roors Horizons (ISSN Mocinfosh Mick O Neil pu,qc20 8755-4909)is published Hl,perstull' . What's it goocl for. an1wa."-l 'nonlhlybV Apole PLgel SoundProgrom LbrorY Ex- MACroVision cnonge 240 SW 43rd St,eet Jetf Mever Renton,Woshington 98055, 1987Retrospective - NLIBUSand HlperEd Possibilities. \206)25t-5222 ]c'sic slbscrip- t on price is521 per yeor HisMoster's Voice 42 MembershipinAPPL.ECo FronkCotolono - a Stclrl"of theNear Future. op wnic^ ncludesnogozi.e Autor.r.rrtingthe Airr" aves 526 per yeor Losf pluso ons-+r'e S23opp ico Shorewore's Gosp? 44 Doug lousemon lronfee Aooilionolposloge s The Riscancl Declinc of a GoodThine. requiredfor Frst Closs or foreign delivery FunSlutf pa,qc-10 postoge Second closs Poid A Look at MacRacquctball and Shadowgate. ot Renion.Woshington, ond ot oddiiionol moiling offices POSTMASTER:Send oddress cnongesTo: PARTMENTS Mocintosh Horizons TheZoom Box 5 AddressChonge, A.P.P.L.E.Co-op NewProducts ond Speciols 25 290S W.43rd S1., TheMoc Morkefploce 48 Renton,WA 98055 A.P.P.L.E.Consullonfs 49 MemberServices 43 AdverliserIndex 27 A.P.P.L.E. Co-op OFFICERSAND DIRECTORS I)RESIDENT: Bob Huelsdonk \'1CE PRESIDENT: Merle H. Davis TRFjASURER: Dave DeGroot SECRETARY: David F. VanBerkem IiIRECTORS: Michael D. Branham Jack Connick Don Williarrrs ADMINISTRATION EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Dick Hubert (]ENERAL MANAGER: Don Steele PLIBLISHER: CharlesStillman APDA DIRECTOR: Dave Linswood \IARKETINC: RichKnanron PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER: Frank Catalano MacintoshHorizons EDITOR: Andrew Himes ,\SSISTANT EDITOR: Janine West ART DIRECTOR: Michael Gilmore FIDITORIAL ASSISTANT: Karia Landsverk (]ONTRIBUTORS: ,Ieff Meyer. Keith Toleman Phillip Russell .Wayne Wong JeflStoddard . Frank Catalano Bill Kaye . Mick O'Neil . Doug Fraser Timlynn Babitsky . Jim Salmon TECHNICAL CONSULTANTS: Shari Carnahan . Charles Stillman ADVERTISING NATIONAL ADVERTISING MANAGER David Morton (206) 251-5222 CALIFORNIA RI'PRESI']NTATIVE : JE PublishersRepresentative Co. 6855Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 200 l,os Arrgeles,CA 90038 t273) 467-2266 Flntireeonlent\coplrightiir It)lt7 bl ApplePugctsoun(l Program Lihran Exchangc.All rights rt'scryed.Au- thorsand lclvcrtisers rrc responsibleibr thc accuract-rr,,lot' therrruhnrrtt.,l iltillifl.r,. ( )prrtr,,n. erfk..t.rl rl,, ileccssanlvreprcsent those ot .A.PP.L.l:. C o-op. ,\pplc uscrs gloups nta\ repnnt eclilorjal rnatter conlained hereinlbr non-conrrnercialpulp()sc\. provided author. trtle.xnd puhlicati(xrcreclils are given. Thc addre-ssrntl phttnenumbcr rrf Mat| | ori:ont shoulclalso be irr cluded. A P P.L.E. ('o-op is lt intlepcndcnt\upport group ol {Pple productusers. and is nor allilirted uirh Applc C''tnpx1.1.Int. Tlrr. l,'ll,.uirrr rre rr.rrlem.rrlr,,t\pflq (i'nrputtr.Int .:Apple. {ppie ll. \pplell+. \ppl< ilr.. Applt'llc. Apple IICS. Macinlosh.Macinloslr plus. MacintoshXl-. [-isa.ImaseWrirer. LaserWriler plus. MacPaint.MacWrite. DOS .1.1. ProDOS. AppleWrircr. ApplcWorls.Applesoli. and I niDisk3 5. Printedin t .S.A. "personal I feel almostguilty calling this a computer."By any coherentstandard ofjustice in the utorld,it shoutd be "social considereda computer,"the collectiuepossession of a number of people besidesmyself. Leroy, the Macintosh ff, and Me AndrewHimes, Editor thinkI f inallyknow wharpower Our topic fbr today.of course,is the in Chicago,Leroy leaps eagerly to my aid is. For the l'irsttime cver in m1 MacintoshII. The particularexample of with thefacts at his metaphoricalsilicon lit'e.I've had the experienceof thegenre which graces my personalhori- fingertips. sitlingtloun in l'ront()l'u eom- zon rs one thc kind peoplein Apple's Granted.the Macintoshis not a par- puter.and f'eeling that I arnin the ProcluctLoan Departmentshipped us a ticularlyintimidating machine compared -- presence of a truly powerful couplemonths ago so we couldevaluate to lts user-enemyMS-DOS cousins,but beast.I f'eelalmost guilty calling this a Mac II sottwareand hardware with it. the Mac II is a qualitativeleap beyond "personal computer."By any coherent l've namedit Leroy. anythingI've comeinto contactwith be- stanclarciof .justicein theworld. it should Odd thing.names. It's not thatLeroy fbre. "social be considerccla computer."the worksany betterorfasterwith aname. lt's Think of the numbersinvolved here.

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