ResponsesResponses ofof thethe IranianIranian RegionalRegional WaterWater AuthoritiesAuthorities toto DroughtDrought SaeedSaeed MoridMorid andand DavoodDavood R.R. ArabArab Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran Pooya Research Institute, Tehran, Iran Drought is a normal and the frequent feature of Iran climate GreatGreat DaryoushDaryoush asksasks godgod toto savesave IranIran fromfrom threethree threats.threats. TheyThey areare enemies,enemies, lyinglying andand droughts.droughts. 25002500 B.C.B.C. TheThe 19981998--20012001 droughtdrought -The most recent country wide drought happened during 1998-2001, -Rainfall deficits consistently exceeding 60% of the mean annual rainfall. -Storages of its main dams reduced up to 100% of its long term average -18 out of the 28 provinces of the country were affected. -The crops from a rainfed area of 4 million hectares as well as from an irrigated area of 2.7 million hectares were completely destroyed. - The total agricultural and livestock losses by the year 2001 were estimated to be US$ 2.6 billion. Gilan Esfahan Systan&Blaochestan Persian Hormozgan Gulf RegionalRegional waterwater authoritiesauthorities InIn responseresponse toto thisthis droughtdrought spell,spell, thethe regionalregional waterwater authoritiesauthorities ((RWAsRWAs)) implementedimplemented aa numbernumber ofof measuresmeasures toto mitigatemitigate droughtdrought impacts.impacts. However,However, therethere werewere somesome necessarynecessary measuresmeasures thatthat werewere notnot applied,applied, too.too. DocumentationDocumentation andand evaluationevaluation ofof thesethese implementedimplemented actionsactions cancan provideprovide aa catalogcatalog ofof optionsoptions thatthat cancan bebe applicableapplicable forfor futurefuture droughtsdroughts withwith appropriateappropriate modifications.modifications. Gilan Province Rice and tea are the main crops in this province…. Sistan-Baloochestan Province Hormozgan Province Esfahan Province QuestionnaireQuestionnaire For our survey a questionnaire was prepared Tayeb Ameziane, Food and Agriculture Organization Donald Wilhite , National Drought Mitigation Center QuestionnaireQuestionnaire The final version came up with 10 main topics which included more than 100 questions. The topics are as follows: Drought monitoring and early warning systems Policies, mandates and guidelines Exploitation from special and new resources Public awareness, training programs, research and capacity building Compulsory and incentive actions for reducing water consumption Emergency programs Financial issues Legislation and law related issues Institutional framework Drought contingency plans TheThe questionnairequestionnaire waswas sentsent forfor allall ofof thethe RWAsRWAs andand herehere areare ourour FindingsFindings andand RecommendationsRecommendations asas wellwell asas somesome ofof thethe ResearchResearch WorksWorks thatthat werewere performedperformed basedbased onon thesethese recommendationsrecommendations DroughtDrought monitoringmonitoring andand earlyearly warningwarning systemssystems TheThe RWAsRWAs applyapply thethe IranianIranian MeteorologicalMeteorological OrganizationOrganization rainfallrainfall andand temperaturetemperature forecastsforecasts andand forfor riverriver flows,flows, useuse theirtheir ownown stochasticstochastic models.models. TheThe forecastsforecasts areare inin dry,dry, normalnormal andand wetwet categories.categories. DroughtDrought monitoringmonitoring andand earlyearly warningwarning systemssystems DevelopingDeveloping aa nationalnational widewide droughtdrought monitoringmonitoring systemsystem MonitoringMonitoring droughtdrought severityseverity asas wellwell asas droughtdrought impactsimpacts WorkingWorking onon multimulti--indicatorindicator indicesindices MoreMore attentionattention toto midmid--termterm andand longlong--termterm forecastsforecasts ofof rainfallsrainfalls andand riverriver flows,flows, consideringconsidering uncertaintyuncertainty andand riskrisk Policies,Policies, mandates,mandates, guidelinesguidelines OrganizingOrganizing anan emergencyemergency committeecommittee toto conductconduct droughtdrought managementmanagement andand droughtdrought policespolices withinwithin thethe RWAsRWAs PreparationPreparation aa guidelineguideline thatthat indicatedindicated howhow irrigationirrigation depthdepth shouldshould bebe reducedreduced basedbased onon availableavailable water.water. ItIt isis basedbased onon equitableequitable waterwater reductionreduction methodmethod soso calledcalled ““VoneshVonesh”” Policies,Drought-related mandates, mitigation actions guidelinesof the Iranian Policies,regional mandates, water authorities guidelines EstablishEstablish permanentpermanent droughtdrought mitigationmitigation committeecommittee inin thethe RWARWA toto supportsupport thethe provincialprovincial droughtdrought planplan SupportSupport (financially(financially andand technically)technically) ofof thethe MinistryMinistry ofof EnergyEnergy isis requiredrequired forfor achievementachievement ofof longlong termterm droughtdrought plans.plans. Otherwise,Otherwise, thethe RWARWA cancan notnot startstart itit withoutwithout suchsuch supports.supports. TheThe equitableequitable waterwater reductionreduction methodmethod or “Vonesh” waswas appliedapplied inin aa numbernumber ofof thethe RWAsRWAs andand performedperformed well,well, withwith lessless socialsocial tension.tension. But,But, moremore attentionattention areare requiredrequired toto applyapply andand evaluateevaluate optimizationoptimization basedbased methodsmethods toto reducereduce droughtdrought losses.losses. ExploitationExploitation fromfrom specialspecial andand newnew resourcesresources ConstructionConstruction ofof pumpingpumping stationstation toto useuse deaddead storagestorage ofof damsdams DiggingDigging newnew wellswells ConstructionConstruction ofof newnew pipepipe lineslines toto divertdivert waterwater toto villagesvillages ExploitationExploitation fromfrom specialspecial andand newnew resourcesresources ToTo copecope withwith thethe waterwater scarcityscarcity ofof thethe 19991999--20012001 droughts,droughts, itit waswas permittedpermitted toto digdig aa numbernumber ofof wellswells inin thethe criticalcritical plains.plains. UnfortunUnfortunately,ately, somesome ofof thesethese wellswells areare nownow beingbeing exploitedexploited asas usualusual waterwater resourcesresources whilewhile theythey shouldshould bebe keptkept asas emergencyemergency resources.resources. ConstructionConstruction ofof thethe drinkingdrinking waterwater networknetwork ofof SistanSistan andand BalochestanBalochestan villagesvillages isis oneone ofof thethe uniqueunique examplesexamples asas longlong termterm planplan measure.measure. DueDue toto thisthis plan,plan, nono migrationmigration fromfrom villagesvillages areare reportedreported duringduring thethe droughtdrought spell.spell. PublicPublic awareness,awareness, trainingtraining programs,programs, researchresearch andand capacitycapacity buildingbuilding PublicationPublication andand distributiondistribution ofof pamphletspamphlets toto individuals,individuals, businessesbusinesses andand farmersfarmers PresentingPresenting lectureslectures inin schoolsschools andand masquesmasques ofof citiescities andand villagesvillages ProducingProducing specificspecific programsprograms andand showsshows forfor thethe provincialprovincial radioradio andand TVTV networksnetworks SupportSupport fromfrom droughtdrought--relatedrelated researchresearch worksworks inin universitiesuniversities OrganizationOrganization ofof droughtdrought--relatedrelated workshopsworkshops andand conferencesconferences HoldingHolding aa numbernumber ofof tourstours forfor thethe provinceprovince directors,directors, NGONGO representativesrepresentatives andand headmanheadman ofof villagesvillages toto visitvisit waterwater resourcesresources statusstatus (e.g.(e.g. emptyempty dams,dams, drieddried rivers,rivers, etc)etc) PublicPublic awareness,awareness, trainingtraining programs,programs, researchresearch andand capacitycapacity buildingbuilding MoreMore effortsefforts areare neededneeded toto improveimprove publicpublic awarenessawareness toto waterwater crisis.crisis. DuringDuring thethe 19991999--20012001 thethe peoplepeople didn'tdidn't muchmuch suffersuffer fromfrom waterwater shortageshortage andand thisthis waswas donedone byby overdraftingoverdrafting.. "Living"Living withwith drought"drought" shouldshould becomebecome partpart ofof thethe peoplepeople believes.believes. ToTo improveimprove droughtdrought riskrisk managementmanagement ratherrather thanthan crisiscrisis managementmanagement inin thethe RWA,RWA, capacitycapacity buildingbuilding andand specialspecial trainingtraining programsprograms areare recommended.recommended. TheThe droughtdrought relatedrelated researchresearch worksworks duringduring andand afterafter thisthis droughtdrought spellspell areare concentratedconcentrated onon "drought"drought monitoring"monitoring" whilewhile moremore attentionsattentions areare requiredrequired forfor "mitigating"mitigating droughtdrought impacts"impacts" .. EmergencyEmergency programsprograms DistributingDistributing drinkingdrinking waterwater withwith truckstrucks CompiledCompiled listlist ofof locationslocations forfor livestocklivestock andand wildwild animalsanimals wateringwatering BuyingBuying wellswells wherewhere thethe waterwater tablestables areare atat criticalcritical elevationelevation CompulsoryCompulsory
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