5106 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 23, 1977 By Mr. STEIGER (for himself, Mr. P. Abbott; to the Committee on the Judi­ "(a; Notwithstanding any other provision MARTIN, Mr. MOORHEAD of California, ciary. of this Act, all funds appropriated after Mr. O'BRIEN, Mr. OTTINGER, Mr. H.R. 3995. A bill for the relief of Habib February 22, 1977, under authority of this PANETTA, Mr. PIKE, Mr. SHARP, Mr. Haddad; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Act shall be allocated by the Secretary among SIMON, Mr. STEERS, Mr. VAN DEERLIN, · H.R. 3996. A bill for the relief of Mrs. the States in the ratio that t h e number of Mr. WALkER, Mr. WEISS, Mr. KosT­ Young Hee Kim Kang, Hee Jae Kang, Hee Jin unemployed persons in each State bears t o MAYER, Mr. HAGEDORN, Mr. GRADISON, Kang, and Hee Soo Kang; to the Committee the total number of unemployed persons in • Mr. McCLORY, Mr. LEACH, Mr. WINN, on the Judiciary. all States. Notwithstanding any other pro­ Mr. COUGHLIN, Mr. YOUNG of Florida, By Mr. WIRTH: vision of this Act, not more than 2 Y2 per Mr. LAGOMARSINO, Mr. FoRSYTHE, Mr. H.R. 3997. A bill for the relief of the Jef­ centum of all amounts appropriated to carry EvANS of Delaware, and Mr. JoHNSON ferson County Mental Health Center; to the out this Act shall be granted to Indian tribes of Colorado) : Committee on· the Judiciary. under this Act for local pu blic works H. Res. 326. Resolution to require that the projects.". Congressional Record contain a verbatim ac­ Reletter succeeding subsections and refer­ count of remarks actually delivered on the PETITIONS, ETC. ences thereto accordingly. floor, and for other purposes; to the Com­ Page 5, immediately after line 21, add t he mittee on Rules. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, following ne,w section: By Mr. UDALL: 52. The SPEAKER presented a petition of "SEc. 113. Notwithstanding any other pro­ H. Res. 327. Resolution to provide that W. T. O'Neill, executive vice president, New­ vision of this Act, 2 per centum of all employees of the House Beauty Shop shall be port News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., amounts authorized to carry out this title subject to the compensation classification Newport News, Va., relative to the cost ac­ shall be available only for making grants to system established by :the House Employees counting standards program, which was re­ States and local governments for projeC/ts Position Classification Act, and fur other ferred jointly, to the Committees on Govern­ for the replacement or reconstruction of purposes; to the Committee on House Ad­ ment Operations, and Banking, Finance and bridges on those highways which are not on ministration. Urban Affairs. any Federal-aid system. For purposes of t his section, the terms 'Federal-aid system' and 'highway' have the meaning given such PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS AMENDMENTS t erms in section 101 of title 23 of the United Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private States Code.". Under clause 6 of rule XXIII, pro­ Page 5, line 14, strike out "113" and insert bills and resolutions were introduced and posed amendments were submitted as "114" . severally referred as follows: follows: Page 5, line 22, strike out "113" and insert By Mr. BRINKLEY: H.R. 11 " 114". H.R. 3986. A bill for the relief of Habiba Page 6, line 6, strike oUit " 113" and insert Saidzada; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. HARKIN: "114" . By Mr. D'AMOURS : Page 5, immediately after line 21, add the following new section: · By Mr. MITCHELL of Maryland: H.R. 3987. A bill for the relief of Raymond Page 2, line 23, insert " ( 1) " immediately J. Coughlan; to the Committee on Post "SEc. 113. Notwithstanding any other pro­ vision of this Act, 3 per centum of all before "Notwithstanding". Office and Civil Service. Page 3, line 7, strike out the quotation By Mr. GIBBONS: amounts authorized to carry out this title shall be available only for making grants to marks and the period immediately follow­ H.R. 3988. A bill for the relief of Lt. Col. ing the quotation marks. Frank A. Moorhead; to the Committee on States and local governments for projects the Judiciary. for the replacement or reconstruction of Page 3, immediately af.ter line 7, add the By Mr. LAGOMARSINO: bridges on those highways which are on following: H.R. 3989. A bill for the relief of Robert W. any Federal-aid system. For purposes of this " ( 2) Notwithstanding any other provision Patterson; to the Committee on the Judi­ section, the terms 'Federal-aid system' and of law, no grant shall be made under this ciary. 'highway' have the meaning given such terms Act for any local public works project un­ H.R. 3990. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Fran­ in section 101 of title 23, United States Code. less at least 10 per centum of the articles, ces Parker; to the Committee on the Judi­ Page 5, line 14, strike out "113" and in­ materials, and supplies which will be u sed ciary. sert "114". in such project are procured from minority By Mr. LEGGETT: Page 5, line 22, strike out "113" and insert business enterprises. For purposes of this H.R. 3991. A bill for the relief of James "114" . paragraph, the term 'minority business en­ U. Rollins; to the Committee on the Judi­ Page 6, line 6, strike out "113" and insert terprise' means a business at least 50 per­ ciary. "114". cent of which is owned by minority group By Mr. LUJAN: By Mr. KINDNESS: members or, iri case of publicly owned busi­ H.R. 3992. A bill for the relief of Cesar Page 3, strike out lines 8 through 20, in­ nesses, at least 51 percent of the stock of Grana; to the Committee on the Judiciary. clusive, and insert in lieu thereof the fol­ which is owned by minority group members. By Mr. STAGGERS: lowing: For the purposes of the preceding sentence, H.R. 3993. A bill for the relief of John G. SEc. 2. (a) Subsection (a) of section 108 minori1ty group members are citizens of the Davis; to the Committee on the Judiciary. of the Local Public Works Capital Develop­ United States who are Negroes, Spanish­ By Mr. WIGGINS: ment and Investment Act of ·1976 (P.L. 94- speaking, Orientals, Indians, Eskimos, and H .R. 3994. A bill for the relief of Charles 369) is amended to read as follows: Aleuts.". EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS CONGRESSIONAL RURAL CAUCUS the ability of the private jobs sector to creases under Farmers Home Adminis­ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE PRO­ support it, including the time element tration and Small Business Administra­ POSES $16.4 BILLION RURAL DE­ for such support. In this context, the fate tion, where applicable, making available VELOPMENT BUDGET FOR FIS­ of the private jobs sector will depend financial resources to accommodate cred­ CAL YEAR 1978 on the impact of programs envisioned by it needs. It also stimulates the economy and for the public jobs sector, because with protection of existing jobs plus the the private jobs sector must provide the creation of new and additional jobs, re­ HON. JOHN BRECKINRIDGE tax base and tax revenues for the finan­ sulting in tax revenues from wages and OF KENTUCKY cial support of such programs. salaries as well as profita-bility potential IN THE HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES As chairman of the bipartisan con­ for farm and nonfarm enterprises. gressional rural caucus, I respectfully The full implementation of these fi­ Tuesday, February 22, 1977 submit a report on CRC budget pro­ nancial resources to meet such credit Mr. BRECKINRIDGE. Mr. Speaker, posals for selected rural loan, grant, and needs is of the utmost importance to our "underemployment and unemployment," special programs for fiscal year 1978, to­ farmers, nonfarmers, and our Nation. It "deficit spending and economic stimu­ taling $16.4 billion which call for the creates jobs at a profit to the taxpayer lus," "job creation," and other words and maximum utilization of already existing without deficit financing and utilizes ex­ phrases continue to frustrate the best and proven loan and grant programs un­ isting and experienced Federal and pri­ intentions of everyone concerned with der Farmers Home Administration and vate resources, already in place, through­ solutions to adverse economic conditions. Small Business Administration. The out the country in urban as well as rural The success or failure of any public semifinal CRC report recorrunends farm areas. jobs program will ultimately depend on and nonfarm lending authorization in- This proposed $16.4 billion program, February 23, 1977 EXTENSIONS OF R·EMARKS 5107 which might well produce in the neigh­ scs loans (P.L. 83-566, Sec. 8) (P.L. the Budget, "Views and estimates on the con­ borhood of 2 to 3 million private sector 87-703, Sec. 102)------------------ 30 gressional budget for fiscal year 1977" March jobs, is more than 95 percent privately, ' Indian tribal land acquisition loans 22, 1976, page 45-and in testimony before (306) ---------------------------- 11 the House Small Business Committee-Hear­ nontax dollar funded. Recreation loans (304) --------------- 5 ings before the Subcommittee on SBA Over­ In behalf of the CRC Executive Com­ sight and Minority Enterprise of the Com­ mittee, the report follows. Total farmer program loans ____ 2, 316 mittee on Small Business", March 4, and Subject Report on semi-final CRC budget April 1, 1976, page 20-I noted the jobs crea­ tion effect of expanding the loan authority proposals for selected rural loan, grant, HOUSING PROGRAM LOAN AUTHORIZATION LEVELS and special programs for fiscal year 1978. of the SBA and the FmHA.
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