. - .. ****** U fee Ideal. ьиЛ bXareeto <rf yQMal UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Americans of Ukrainian SECTION descent 81-83 Grand Street Informative, Inatructive. Supplement of Jenny a ty 8, N. J. UkralnJ*a Daily Svoboda ХК&АІНОЬКНИ ЩОДЕННИК UKRAINIAN VAihV Pnbifahed by the TeL HEnderson J 4-0287 ВДцаІпЬш National Ukrainian National Ass* The Ukrainian Weekly (Section TeL HEnderson 4-101f .і. , . , — РЖ LXIL 4. 190 SECTION П SVOBODA—ІЖКАШІАІ* WBBKLY SECTION, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1954 SECTION .1 ,No. 190 VOL. LXn _____ Ukrainian Theatre in America Opens CHICAGO UKRAINIANS PROTEST OCTOBER-MONTH OF SV0B0DA FUND RAISING Season with Hit FALSIFICATION OF PEREYASLAVj CAMPAIGN TREATY І Significant, indeed, was the the cutting satire and the barb­ SVOBODA, ITS UKRAINIAN WEEKLY, ITS NEW "VESELKA", AND ITS SPECIAL success of the initial offering ed wit of this universally ac­ FEATURE PACKS NEED YOUR MORAL AND MATERIAL SUPPORT. CONTRIBUTE by the newly-organized Ukrain­ cepted comedy, and showed On Sunday, September 26th, cow's falsification of the Pere> ian Theatre in America, when that there is, at least in New Chicago Ukrainians assembled yaslav Treaty. TO THE SVOBODA PRESS FUND GENEROUSLY it presented Moliere's "Le Tar- York, a good reason for a at the LanS Technical High- Prof. Lev Dobriansky, Presi­ At the last Convention of the Orged *h«t the contributions tural heritage, have learned tunV* ("The Hypocrite") last Ukrainian Theatre to flourish school Auditorium and staged dent of the U.C.C.A. then spoke Ukrainian National Associa-і should be at least $2.00 per much about it by reading the Sunday at New York's Fashion The new Ukrainian Theatre a great manifestation against and urged the audience to con- Institute, on 24th Street. 1 tion the financial situation of person. (Ukrainian Weekly. Those in Ameria is under the artistic the falsification of the Pere- tinue their fight to combat The 3-century-old classic direction of Joseph Hirniak. As yaslav Treaty by the oppress­ communism. He informed them £e Syoboda ««> the Ukrainian To facilitate the sending of striving to help their kinsmen W k1 was ra,s d such contributions, the UNA in Soviet enslaved Ukraine, have ягаа a happy choice in many re­ Orgon, the gullible husband in ors of Ukraine from Moscow, of the tremendous progress be- f ^ u ? - 0\ T 0Ut ha t the Sv boda Executive Board has sent out found in it a lot material and spects. In comparison with the 'Tartuffe,"e Hirniak showed reports Alex J. Zabrosky. ing made in behalf of the en- ВИЙ ,A l 1 ° * fairly recent presentation at self-addressed envelopes to all suggestions on the pages of how he is almost infallible in The affair, sponsored by the slaved Ukrainian people in Uk Ukrainian Weekly sorely re- the ANTA Playhouse of Broad­ any role he undertakes, by S.U.M.A. (Ukrainian American raine"and*Told''them"to"con-'qu5re more funds in order not|UNA members and other Svo-jthe Weekly which they have way of the same Moliere's seeming to sense the meaning Youth Ass'n) under the aus­ tinue and increase their sup­ "I/Ecole Dee Femmes" ("The present high level but also to gether with an appeal for the quainting their fellow Ameri- of a line, the character of his pices of the League of Ameri­ port of the U.C.C.A. Walter Danko, 26. of Bay- School for Wives") by the raise that level even higher, I contributions. leans of non-Ukrainian stock role, a situation, a shift in cans of Ukrainian Descent, William Diduch, Chicago at­ onne, N. J.,. died September French National Theatre Com­ mood, a cue, with marvelous was opened with the singing of and mak e with the facts of the Ukrainian torney and President of the r both organs even Fund to Be Used for "Veselka" 17 last. Sports columnist of pany headed by the late and m re u8eful t0 the,r reader8 t cause, and thereby have won penetration. Coupling the Star Spangled Banner by American Friends of ABN inj ° - the Weekly, publicity director great Louis Jouvet, foremost Also {friends and sympathizers for talent with that of Olympia the audience led by Lillian Chicago, read a statement from I ,Plana were discussed by the of Ukrainian Youth League of actor and director in his day The money raised will be the Ukrainian fight for nation- Dobrowolska, whose stage di­ Opychany, popular Chicago so­ the representatives of manv delegates on how to enlarge North America (see page 2) of France, Sunday's perform­ T used to keep the "Veselka"— al freedom, rection always seems to be prano. nationality groups in Chicago, the Svoboda Fund. It was cor­ very active in:Ukrainian Amer­ ance was gratifyingly finer in whose first number has al-j We need not go further In "just right," giving pleasure, a The audience was greeted by expressing their solidarity with rectly pointed out that hardly ican affairs. Fuller report here some respects. Jouvet, master ready stirred much enthusiasm this vein. The value of the pleasure which lasts, the Uk- Volodimir Kusyk, S.U.M-A. any newspaper anywheres is of the telling gesture, tone and the Ukrainian people in today's last last week. rainian'Theatre has in the two Chairman, and a rousing ova­ obtainable as such low cost as —keep going. At the same Ukrainian Weekly is clear and bearing, set a fast, smooth battle against the forces of a bright destiny. tion rang throughout the audi­ the Svoboda-Ukrainian Week­ timfe, it will enable the Svoboda time-proven. pace with his masterly direc­ communist aggression. torium as Congressman Michael ly. As everyone knows, with­ and The Ukrainian Weekly | However, the Ukrainian W E E K L Y tion of the comedy, in which Assets to this Theatre are Miss Natalka Dirkatch and A. Feighan, the main speaker, in the past several years, due with their special 1-page fea- Weekly, like the Svoboda and each character emerged sharp­ such players as the ever-de­ Dmytro Hryhorchuk, in Uk­ was introduced. Congressman to rising printing costs and the і tures to operate in a manner the new arrival "Veselka" COMMENTATOR ly defined. No leas fast and pendable L. Krushelnitska, rainian and English respec­ Feighan, who is one of the like, the publishers throughout to please the most dlscrimin-j really needs extra funds to smooth was the pace in "Le charming in her role of El- tively, read the Resolution prominent members of the Ker- which was unanimously adopt­ the country raised, doubled and atlng and demanding readers keep up its good work, to en­ THE OLD COUNTRY STORE Tartuffe" under Olympia Do- mire; and I. Kulish, revealed sten 'Committee investigating ed, protesting Russia's actions even tripled the price of their of them. large its scope, and to improve browolska's expert direction as a competent character-act­ We all like to talk about the communist aggression, truly in respect to the falsification of newspapers. it in every way with each suc­ and no less did each actor ress in the role of Madame Per- Value of the Weekly "Good old days," but how encouraged the audience with the Pereyaslav Treaty and to The Svoboda has not been cessive issue. create a definite character. As nelle; L. Saj, entirely credible many of us would turn the his address... a speech which the American people and their able, although repeated at­ We believe that a leading We believe the readers end 'n the Ftenh play, the ladies' in the ingenue role of Mari­ clock back if we-could? Prob­ shows that the American Con­ government to look upon the tempts have been made at the role in this Svoboda Press friends, individuals, societies, costumes in the Ukrainian pro­ anne; and W. Kalyn, a decided ably no better illustration of gressmen are now aware of the subjugated nations behind the UNA conventions, to raise Its Fund Campaign will be played J clubs and organizations of duction created a pleasing pic­ "hit" in her important role of the "good days" J could be cited manner in which Russian and Iron Curtain as their natural price. "by the readers and friends I various sorts will not let their ture in mauve pastels, of the Dorine, the maid. Leas scintil­ than the country grocery communistic imperialism oper­ allies giving ttfem moral and Present Rates [of The Ukrainian Weekly, I Weekly down. ' charming, if frivolous Louis lating, but showing much They well know Its value to І тма _, first time ever store. One could patronize ates. material aid in their struggle \ the 14th era, Sadly lacking in the such a Btore year after year promise, was the male oontin for freedom. , At the present toe the ck-U^^ ^ іШп m щ the-r^ Ukrainian. Weekly baa latter play, however, were the Prof. Myron Dolnitsky of De- and find the cracker barrel, the gent of the cast; M, СЬоШад culation of Svobo^-UkrainiaxilfleWe of Ukrainian American ^ade an appeal of *ds sort. Mtcbigan, was the next і Another Manifestation ... pickles, and tiae,wheel of cheese ornate, but effective settings in the title role of the uncti-. another step in the fight to ^^"T^,™^ ^or-gahlzed life. They know well I We believe It will not go nn- and scenery of the French in the same place. .The old oua hypocrite, W. Zmiy a* leaker, and in.,. Ukrainian Frtee Ukraine, and to keep thia 16,264) go to UNA mem-lyje benefits they bm ІУ-'ВІІШЙ;' 'ф&Я&Ш? piece. Which lack, of course, е 1 Uk beTft- They *_t the Svoboda Wyed f ra a, especially ihonej store exuded, an aroma of salt Clean**, * Жпшаа as DamJeJ **«* * P™*** °* ^Mosw - 'America free.
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