IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol. 8 (2),1987 109 LATEX TUBES IN THE RAYS OF PIMELODENDRON AMBOINICUM HASSK. (EUPHORBIACEAE) by Syoji Sudo and Tomoyuki Fujü Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, P. O. Box 16, Tsukuba Norin Kenkyo, Danchi-Nai, Ibaraki, 305, Japan Summary Latex tubes in the wood rays of Pimeloden­ Latex tubes found in the rays of this species dron amboinicum from Papua New Guinea are are smalI, usually 10-22 J.LlIl in diameter, and described in detail for the first time. They seem with light yellowish brown contents. It would to constitute a reliable diagnostic feature for therefore be impossible to notice them with a this hardwood species. hand lens. They are not surrounded by devia­ Key words: Wood identification, Euphorbia­ ting (Le., epithelium-like) cells. In this respect ceae, Papua New Guinea. they differ from the Apocynaceae and Mora­ ceae with horizontal latex tubes (cf. Ter Welle et al., 1986). Even though the walls of the Alstonia and Dyera (Apocynaceae), and Anti­ latex tubes are thinner than those of ray paren­ arus. Artocarpus. Ficus, and Parartocarpus chyma cells, this is often obscured by the pres­ (Moraceae) are well-known timber producing ence of latex (Figs. 2, 5). In polarised light the genera from Asia and the Pacific region with secondary wall of ray parenchyma cells shows latex tubes in the rays of their secondary xylem two bright layers and one dark layer, whereas (Den Berger, 1949; Janssonius, 1926-1936; the wall of latex tubes shows a single bright Metcalfe & Chalk, 1950, 1983; Moll & Jans­ layer (Fig. 6). The existence of this bright layer sonius, 1906-1914;Sudo, 1963). in the wall of latex tubes makes the qualifica­ The timber of Pimelodendran amboinicum tion of laticifer walls as primary walls doubtful is a rather recent introduction on the market (Esau, 1965, 1977; Fahn, 1967; Topper & Koek­ from Papua New Guinea as one of the species Noorman, 1980). However, further ultrastruc­ with light colour. Its cross section is typical of tural studies would be necessary to determine Euphorbiaceae (Fig. I). Latex tubes have been the nature of the laticifer wall in Pimeloden­ reported for some genera of the Crotonoideae dran. As far as we observed, ray parenchyma of the Euphorbiaceae, to which Pimelodendron cells have blind pits and latex tubes lack pits in belongs (Metcalfe & Chalk, 1950). Dadswell their walls (Figs. 4, 5, 6) as mentioned by pre­ (1945) reported the presence of horizontal vious authors (Esau, 1965; Fahn, 1967; Topper gum canals, but Jutte (1958) did not mention & Koek-Noorman, 1980). As shown in Figure 3, latex tubes or gum canals, probably because of latex tubes often have protrusions which wedge hand lens observation. It seems therefore, that into adjacent rows of ray parenchyma cells and the wood anatomy of P. amboinicum, and in the intercellular space between fibres and rays. particular its latex tubes are in need of more The constant occurrence of latex tubes in detailed documentation. the rays of Pimelodendron amboinicum provide Two sampie trees were taken from two iso­ us with a useful means to separate it not only la ted forests in New Britain, Papua New Guinea, from other genera of Euphorbiaceae, but also in 1975 and 1976 for the research project 'Prop­ from many Iight-coloured 'Iesser-known-species' erties of some PNG woods in relation to manu­ of various families in the farest and in the tim­ facturing processes.' Herbarium material of ber yard. these trees was sent to the Division of Botany, Department of Forests in Lae, PNG and iden ti­ References fied as Pimelodendron amboinicum Hassk. by Berger, L.G. den. 1949. Determinatietabel voor Mr. E.E. Henty (collection numbers TWTw houtsoorten van Malesie op familie of ge­ 11572 & 11863). Wood sampies from these slacht. BalaiPenjelidikan, Kehutanan,Bogor, two trees were complemented with sampies Indonesia. from the Forest Products Research Centre, Dadswell, H. E. 1945. Timbers of the New Gui­ PNG, and studied anatomicaily. nea region. Trop. Woods 83: 1-4. Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 02:58:18AM via free access 110 IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol. 8 (2),1987 Fig. I. Cross seetion showing a latex tube (arrows). - Fig. 2. Tangential seetion showing latex tubes (arrows). - Fig. 3. Radial seetion showing a latex tube (*) with a short projection into the adjacen t row of ray parenchyma cells. Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 02:58:18AM via free access IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol. 8 (2), 1987 111 5 * Fig. 4. Radial surface showing the wall of a latex tube (*) without pits and with contimts (on the right), probably latex. RP: ray parenchyma cell, Lu: celilumen, CML: compound middle lamella. - Fig. 5. Tangential section showing a latex tube (*) in cross section and six ray parenchyma cells of which the wall has blind pits in contact with latex tube. - Fig. 6. Tangential section showing a latex tube (*) in cross section and two ray parenchyma cells in polarised light. The latex tube has a wall with a single, thin, bright layer, while the ray parenchyma cell walls have multiple bright layers. Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 02:58:18AM via free access 112 IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol. 8 (2),1987 Esau, K. 1965. Plant anatomy. 2nd Ed. Wiley, Moll, J. W. & H.H. Janssonius. 1906-1914. Mi­ New York. krographie des Holzes der auf Java vorkom­ - 1977. Anatomy of seed p1ants. 2nd Ed. Wi1ey, menden Baumarten I-III. Brill, Leiden. New York. Sudo, S. 1963. Identification oftropica1 woods. Fahn, A. 1967. Plant anatomy. Pergamon, Ox­ Bull. Gov. For. Exp. Stat. 157: 1-262. ford. Topper, S.M.C. & J. Koek-Noorman. 1980. The Janssonius, H.H. 1926-1936. Mikrographie des occurrence ofaxia1 latex tubes in the sec­ Holzes der auf Java vorkommenden Baum­ ondary xylem of some species of Artocar­ arten. Vol. IV-VI. Brill, Leiden. pus J.R. & G. Forster (Moraceae). IAWA Jutte, S.M. 1958. Hardwoods of Netherland's Bu1l. n.s., 1: 113-118. NewGuinea.I. Nova Guinea n.s. 9(2): 347- Welle, B.J.H. ter, J. Koek-Noorman & S.M.C. 367. Topper 1986. The systematic wood anat­ Metcalfe, C.R. & L. Cha1k. 1950. Anatomy of omy of Moraceae (Urtica1es). V. Genera of the dicoty1edons. Vol. I & 11. C1arendon the tribe Moreae without urticaceous sta­ Press, Oxford. mens. IAWA Bull. n.s. 7: 175-193. - 1983. Anatomy ofthe dicoty1edons. 2nd Ed. Vol. 11, Clarendon Press, Oxford. Downloaded from Brill.com10/01/2021 02:58:18AM via free access.
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