CAMPANIA/R.V. SCHODER. S. J. RAYMOND V. SCHODER, S.J. (1916-1987) Classical Studies Department SLIDE COLLECTION OF CAMPANIA Prepared by: Laszlo Sulyok Ace. No. 89-15 Computer Name: CAMPANIA.SCH 1 Metal Box Location: Room 209/ The following slides of Campanian Art are from the collection of Raymond V. Schader, S.J. They are arranged alpha-numerically in the order in which they were received at the archives. The notes in the inventory were copied verbatim from Schader's own citations on the slides. CAUTION: This collection may include commercially produced slides which may only be reproduced with the owner's permission. I. PHELGRAEA, Nisis, Misenum, Procida (bk), Baiae bay, fr. Pausilp 2. A VERNUS: gen., w. Baiae thru gap 3. A VERNUS: gen., w. Misenum byd. 4. A VERN US: crater 5. A VERN US: crater 6. A VERNUS: crater in!. 7. AVERNUS: E edge, w. Baths, Mt. Nuovo 1538 8. A VERNUS: Tunnel twd. Lucrinus: middle 9. A VERNUS: Tunnel twd. Lucrinus: stairs at middle exit fl .. 10. A VERNUS: Tunnel twd. Lucr.: stairs to II. A VERNUS: Tunnel twd. Lucrinus: inner room (Off. quarters?) 12. BAIAE CASTLE, c. 1540, by Dom Pedro of Toledo; fr. Pozz. bay 13. BAIAE: Span. 18c. castle on Caesar Villa site, Capri 14. BAIAE: Gen. E close, tel. 15. BAIAE: Gen. E across bay 16. BAIAE: terrace arch, stucco 17. BAIAE: terraces from below 18. BAIAE: terraces arcade 19. BAIAE: terraces gen. from below 20. BAIAE: Terraces close 21. BAIAE: Bay twd. Lucrinus; Vesp. Villa 22. BAIAE: Palaestra(square), 'T. Venus' Jul. Caesar villa site 23. BAIAE: Diana Baths dome fr. side 24. BAIAE: Palaestra balustrade, pool 25. BAIAE: Public Bldgs. S of Palaestra 26. BAIAE: palaestra area, arcade to baths 27. BAIAE: Palaestra & balcony 28. BAIAE: stairs E of palaestra 29. BAIAE: Palaestra, stairs 30. BAIAE: Gymnasium square, arch to baths 31. BAIAE: Gymnasium square, terraces 32. BAIAE: Mercury Baths dome fr. above 33. BAIAE: Mercury 34. BAIAE: pool on upper terrace 35. BAIAE: stucco on ceiling of latrine 36. BAIAE: Egyptian style painting on wall of latrines 37. BAIAE: marble pavement of stairs up terrace 38. BAIAE: double wall along terraces 39. BAIAE: hot springs water system 40. BAIAE: Nero's mineral baths ('Stufe') 41. BAIAE: Vespasian' Villa, fr. terrace 42. BAIAE: Vespasian villa site 43. BAIAE: Diana Baths dome fr. front 44. BAIAE: 'Temple of Venus' baths 45. BAIAE: 'T. Venus' baths, furnace 46. CAPRI: E tip, Villa Jovis, from Marina Grande 47. CAPRI: E tip, w. Villa Jovis above 48. CAPRI: Villa Jovis plan 49. CAPRI: Villa Jovis fr. West., gen. 50. CAPRI: Villa Jovis end, Marina, Sorr. pens. fr. Anacapri 51. CAPRI: Villa Jovis & town & marina, from Anacapri 52. CAPRI: Villa Jovis gen., from below tel. 53. CAPRI: Villa Jovis main entry, W 54. CAPRI: Villa Jovis ext. tel. 55. CAPRI: Villa Jovis gen., Pharos, fr. approach path 56. CAPRI: Villa Jovis entry court cots and upper storeys 57. CAPRI: Villa Jovis entry ct, SW 58. CAPRI: Villa Jovis entry court fr. above 59. CAPRI: Villa Jovis from entry 60. CAPRI: Villa Jovis Entry Court 61. CAPRI: Villa Jovis: Stairs rt. of entry 62. CAPRI: Villa Jovis barracksr 63. CAPRI: Villa Jovis: West gen. close 64. CAPRI: VillaJovis Audience Hall rooms 65. CAPRI: Villa Jovis Audience Hall fr. above 66. CAPRI: Villa Jovis Audience Hall, circular corridor behind 67. CAPRI: Villa Jovis, Reception Hall 68. CAPRI: Villa Jovis barracks 69. CAPRI: Villa Jovis: upper cisterns 70. CAPRI: Villa Jovis Belvedere, view twd. Sorrento 71. CAPRI: Villa Jovis Corridor to Belvedere 72. CAPRI: Villa Jovis: upper cistern 73. CAPRI: Villa Jovis: corridor (Aug's floor beneath Tib's) 74. CAPRI: Villa Jovis: Specularium? on lower level at NW; sea 75. CAPRI: rocks down to sea (n. Guard gate) 76. CAPRI: E cliff under Villa Jovis 77. CAPRI: Tib. Villa, twd. rocks below 78. CAPRI: Villa Jovis view twd. Sorreto promont. Sirens' isle 2 CAMPANIA/R.V. SCHODER. S. J. 79. CAPRI: Villa Jovis, cliff, fr. pharos 80. CAPRI: Villa Jovis, cliff, fr. pharos 81. CAPRI: cliffs, sea fr. Villa Jovis 82. CAPRI: view to Vesuvius fr. Villa Jovis 83. CAPRI: view from Villa Jovis: Sirens' isle (r), Sorrento tip 84. CAPRI: view fr. Villa Jovis to Ischia (l) Posillipo 85. CAPRI: Pharos rooms, Cape Misenus 86. CAPRI: cliff n. light-house 87. CAPRI: Pharos, Villa Jovis entry court 88. CAPRI: Pharos close (statius 3.5.100) 89. CAPRI: Blue Gr. interior (3.5/2 sec.) 90. CAPRI: Damecuta: Tib. Palace, twd. Sorento, sunset W 91. CAPRI: Damecutta: rooms at East on cliff 92. CAPRI: Damecuta Villa, tower 93. CAPRI: Damecuta Villa rooms, walk, tower 94. CAPRI: Damecuta: upper & lower promenade 9 5. CAPRI: Bougain villia along wall 96. CAPRI: house, w. Bouganvillia 97. CAPUA: Porta Roma in new town: Spainish fr Rom. materials, on Rom. Bridge remains 98. CAPUA: Hadrian's Arch at road entry 99. CAPUA: Ampth. exterior E 100. CAPUA: Amphth. E 101. CAPUA: Amphitheater: main entry, w. sculptures 102. CAPUA: Amphiteater, cavea 103. CAPUA: Amphth. cavea 104. CAPUA: Amphth. cavea fr. above 105. CAPUA: Amphth. water channel below 106. CAPUA: Amphth. under-gallery 107. CAPUA: Mithraeum ptg: Nymph 108. CAPUA: Mithraeum ptg: Orans 109. CAPUA: Mithraeum gen. 110. CAPUA: Mithraeum: ptg. Mithra 111. CAPUA: Mithraeum int. 112. CAPUA: Mlthraeum main painting 113. FUSARO: Rom. hot mineral springs baths 114. ISCHIA: port 115. ISCHIA: Aragonese 15 c. Castle of Alfonso Magnanimous, 14 c. Cathd. 116. ISCHIA: 'Fungus' rock, Lacco Ameno beach 117. ISCHIA: 'Fungus' rock at Lacco Ameno 118. ISCHIA: Gk. Pithecusa site, fr. sea 119. ISCHIA: Acrop. of Gk. site, fr. bay 120. ISCHIA: Necropolis iv/iii c. Gk. block tomb (1), Rom. tile tbs. viii c. Gk (pit base: rt) 121. ISCHIA: perfume vase, VIII c., bird 122. ISCHIA: 'Nestors Cup', Oct. 1954; VIII c 123. ISCHIA: Nestor Cup bowl, VIII c., w. 1956 frag. added 124. ISCHIA: Geom. cup w. VIII c. inscr. ref. Nestor 125. LITERNUM: Theater structure (Scipio Afr. exiled here) 126. LITERNUM: T, altar to Scipio Afr. 127. LITERNUM: Temple, altar 128. LITERNUM: Theater 3 CAMPANIA/R.V. SCHODER. S. J. 129. LUCRINE LAKE 130. MISENUM: POint, Light-house fr. below; medieval ruins rt. 131. MISENUM: modern lighthouse; Capri byd 132. MISENUM: point fr. seavesuvius byd 133. MISENUM: promontory, across Mare Morto 134. MISENUM: across Mare Morto inner Harb. 135. MISENUM: Promontory, across Mare MOrto 136. MISENUM point and new Pharos 137. MISENUM: 'Roman" medieval pharos 138. MISENUM Point cliff twd. Puteoli, fr. sea 139. MISENUM: view of Vesuvius, Posillipo (cp. PLiny) 140. MISENUM: gen. of harbors, town site, to Cumae, fr. hilltop 141. MISENUM: cuter harbor, fr. sea 142. MISENUM: outer harbor twd. Puteoli, fr. top of promontory 143. MISENUM: Roman Harbors from top 144. MISENUM: Roman Harbor, Mare Morto fr. summit, w. Cumae acrop. to Gaeta 145. MISENUS CAPE, W. anc. navalstation locks 146. MISENUM: E rock 147. MISENUM: Lucullus' Vikka site: to Baiae 148. MISENUM: from Cumae acrop. (Villa Vergiliana at bottm. 149. NAPLES: gen. fr. sea 150. NAPLES :Bay & Vesuvius 151. NAPLES: Bay genl. 152. NAPLES: Bay Catel dell' Ovo (Lucullus' Villa), Vesuvius 153. NAPLES: POsillipo hill fr, sea 154. NAPLES: Verg' Tomb, Cocceius' Tunnel, Posilip 155. NAPLES: 'Vergil Tomb' Cocceius'tunnel entry, Pausilypon, tel 156. NISIDA, MISENUM, Procida, Ischia from Posillipo 157. PISCINA MIRABILIS, Bacoli: central of 5 aisles of reservoir 158. PISCINA MIRABILE: central nave 159. PISCINA MIRABILE: upper arches 160. PISCINA MIRABILIS: arches, stairs 161. PISCINA MIRABILIS: across aisles 162. PISCINA MIRABILE side stairs 163. PROCIDA: SE view w. Ischia beyond 164. PROCIDA (Prochyta town fr. sea 165. PUTEOLI: Bay, town site, to Misenum 166. PUTEULI: Bay, fr. Capo Miseno 167. PUTEOLI: Bay, anc. city site; Baiae 168. PUTEOLI: bay wide fr. above: Mis., Ischia, Baiae, Mt. Nuov 169. PUTEOLI: gen. fr. 'Trimalchio site' 170. PUTEOLI: Amphth: ext. constr. details 171. PUTEOLI: Ampth., varied brick wall 172. PUTEOLI: Flavian amptht., West wall 173. PUTEOLI: Flavian Ampth.: S entrance 174. PUTEOLI: Amphth: POseidon stat. in niche 175. PUTEOLI: Amphth. cavea 176. PUTEOLI: Amphth. cavea gen. 177. PUTEOLI: Amphth: under corridor 178. PUTEOLI: Amphth. under-gallery middle corridor 4 CAMPANIA/R.V. SCHODER. S. J. 179. PUTEOLI: Amphth. under-structures 180. PUTEOLI: Amphth. under-gallery 181. PUTEOLI: Amphth. under-gallery 182. PUTEOLI: Amphth. under-gallery 183. PUTEOLI: Macellum fr. back, flooded 184. PUTEOLI: Macellum (Market) /'Serapeum' 185. PUTEOLI: Macellun ('Serapeum') 186. POZZUOLI: Augustus temple cols in Cathd. 187. SOLFATARA: pit 188. SALFATARA: volcano crater 189. SOLFATARA, near Puteoli: burning sulphur pit 190. SOLFATARA: main crater 191. SOLFATARA, steaming 192. AMALFI: from North 193. AMALFI: gen. fr. drive, N 194. AMALFI: town fr. Drive, fr. North 195. AMALFI DRIVE: S view n. Capo D'Orso; Minori byd 196. AMALFI DRIVE: Capo d'Orso, Minori 197. AMALFI: DRIVE 198. AMALFI DRIVE: Capo d'Orso 199. AMALFI DRIVE: Capo d'Orso point, twd Minori 200. AMALFI DRIVE: Terraces, n. Cetara 201. MINOR!: Roman Villa, 1 c: fish-growg lower room 202. MINOR!: 1 c. Villa wall ptg: Mak 203. MINOR!: Roman Villa, 1 c: valve in lower cor. pipes 204. MINOR!: Roman Villa, 1 c: lower cor. 205. MINOR!: Rom. I c. Villa wall ptgs. 206. MINOR!: Roman Villa, I c. ptgs; amphorae 207. POSITANO: gen. fr. coast road, high 208. POSITANO: gen. w. sea fr. S. 209. POSITANO: FR. n ABOVE 210. POSITANO: from above 211. RA VELLO: view from Villa Rufolo of Amalfi coastline 212. RA VELLO: Amalfi Drive view fr Rufulo 213. RA VELLO: SS Cosma & Damiano--to Maiori 214. SALERNO: BAY 215. SALERNO Bay, twd. Amalfi 216. SALERNO: Park along sea 217.
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