ANNUAL REPORT 2011 FREE MEDIA. FREE WORLD. Press Freedom About IPI The International Press Institute (IPI) is the world’s old est press freedom organisation. It represents editors, media executives and leading journalists from around the world dedicated to the furtherance and safeguard­ ing of press freedom, the protection of freedom of opinion and expression, the promotion of the free flow of news and information and the improvement of the practices of journalism. IPI was formed in October 1950 on the belief that a free press would contribute to the creation of a better world, and has since grown into a global organisation with members in more than 120 countries. It holds consul­ tative status with the United Nations and the Council of Europe. For more information, please visit our website: www.freemedia.at. Picsfive © Shutterstock: Foreword by Alison Bethel McKenzie Dear Friends, press freedom missions, members, partner organisa- public statements and private tions and concerned citizens As you read this report, jour- lobbying. We continue to the world over, are making nalistic freedoms are under publish the World Press ourselves heard and our threat. New attacks against Freedom Review – which presence felt. We continue journalists and media houses for 2011 is incorporated into to host our World Congress continue with alarming this report – and participate and General Assembly frequency. Reporters, their in global summits such as the meetings in different loca - colleagues, and often their Perugia Journalism Festival, tions each year, and we have family members, too, are as well as World Press exciting new events planned being targeted around the Freedom Day events each for the next several years on globe. May. We have published a mul tiple continents. list of the “Top Ten Threats The ferocity and cruelty to Global Press Freedom” Most importantly, we con- of these deadly attacks are and continue to call the tinue to believe in the growing, perhaps because worst offenders to justice com pel ling power of truth the killers know that they on a daily basis, while also and freedom of expression. can literally threaten, making sure that even small We will continue to work harass, imprison, torture press freedom victories are diligently with those who and murder with impunity publicised and replicated share these ideals. The needs because their legal systems wherever possible. are great, but we will not stop. are ill-equipped or simply un interested in prosecuting With funding from Google So as you read these pages, these horrific crimes. Inc., we created the IPI please accept our thanks for News Innovation Contest. Its everything you do to aid IPI Still, there are bright spots, winners will together receive and its work. too. more than $1.7 million to en- hance online journalism and We also ask that you please As you will see recorded in spur new innovation efforts continue to help us spread these pages, IPI continues to and training across Europe, these four simple but very convene, organise and work Africa and the Middle East. effective words: effectively with numerous press freedom, human rights IPI and its affiliate, the South FREE MEDIA. FREE WORLD! and civil society groups. We East Europe Media Organisa- continue to advocate with tion (SEEMO), together with Alison Bethel McKenzie national governments and the our board members, national Executive Director United Nations via official committees, individual International Press Institute IPI Annual Report 2011 3 PUBLISHER IPI MANagemeNT TEAM 2011 Alison Bethel McKenzie Anthony Mills Executive Director Press Freedom Manager EDITOR Martin Leonhartsberger José Otárola-Silesky Finance & Administration Manager Grants Manager Michael Kudlak Conferences & Events Oliver Vujovic International Press Institute (IPI) SEEMO, Secretary General Spiegelgasse 2/29 A-1010 Vienna Austria Tel: + 43 1-512 90 11 Fax: + 43 1-512 90 14 E-mail: [email protected] www.freemedia.at Cover: © EvrenKalinbacak / Shutterstock.com – All pictures, unless otherwise noted, from Shutterstock. 4 IPI Annual Report 2011 Content Chapter 1 Chapter 4 Press Freedom ................................................. 6 Conferences & Meetings ................................... 22 1.1 World Press Freedom Day 2011 ............................ 9 Israeli-Palestinian Journalists’ Forum ................... 25 Istanbul .................................................................. 9 IPI World Congress in Taiwan ................................ 25 Norway ������������������������������������������������������������������ 9 IACA Roundtable on Media and Corruption ........... 27 Spain ...................................................................... 9 Jordan ������������������������������������������������������������������ 27 Washington, D.C. ���������������������������������������������������� 9 Tunisia .................................................................. 27 1.2 Launch of World Press Freedom Review 2010 ....... 9 Conference on the Safety of Journalists (Paris) ..... 27 1.3 Perugia Journalism Festival .................................... 9 Meeting on Impunity 1.4 Istanbul Media Days ��������������������������������������������� 10 and the Safety of Journalists (Vienna) ....................28 1.5 Budapest UN Middle East Conference .................. 10 Council of Europe Secretary General 1.6 Missions ........................................................ 10–13 & Human Rights �����������������������������������������������������28 Azerbaijan ............................................................ 10 National Committee Activities ................................28 Croatia ................................................................. 10 Hungary ............................................................... 10 Chapter 5 Italy ...................................................................... 11 IPI News Innovation Contest ............................. 30 Jamaica ............................................................... 11 Advisory Board Members ..................................... 33 Kenya ������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 Winners ................................................................ 34 Kosovo ����������������������������������������������������������������� 11 Republic of Macedonia ......................................... 11 Chapter 6 Montenegro ��������������������������������������������������������� 11 Annexes ......................................................... 36 Nigeria ................................................................. 12 Auditor report ...............................................................38 The Philippines ..................................................... 12 5.1 Income and expenses ........................................... 39 Serbia .................................................................. 12 5.2 Membership trends, numbers, etc. .......................39 Turkey ������������������������������������������������������������������ 13 5.3 Membership activities & events .............................40 Ukraine ................................................................ 13 5.4 List of media and country of members ........... 40–51 5.5 Board members ....................................................52 1.7 Training in Hamburg & Zambia ............................. 13 5.6 Staff ......................................................................53 Chapter 2 Chapter 7 South East Europe Media Organisation – SEEMO .. 14 World Press Freedom Overview ...................54–99 Organised Events ................................................. 16 Awards 2011 ������������������������������������������������������� 17 Investigative Journalism Day in Belgrade & Turkey .............................................. 17 Chapter 3 Bangladesh Free Media Center .................... 18–21 IPI Annual Report 2011 5 Press Freedom Press Freedom Chapter 1 © Shutterstock: homeros / Shutterstock.com homeros © Shutterstock: A free press can of course be good or bad, but, most certainly, without freedom it will never be anything but bad (…) Albert Camus (French novelist, essayist and playwright, 1957 Nobel Prize for Literature, 1913-1960) [1] UNESCO World Press Freedom Day celebrations in Washington, D.C., May 3, 2011. From left to right: Raheem Adedoyin, secretary general, IPI Nigerian National Com- mittee; Alison Bethel McKenzie, IPI executive director; and Anthony Mills, IPI press freedom manager at the National Press Club in Washington. [1] [2] [3] [2] World Press Freedom Day celebrations in Istanbul. [3] World Press Freedom Day celebrations, Oviedo, Spain. IPI Press Freedom Adviser for Europe & North America IPI Press Freedom Adviser for Africa & the Middle East Naomi Hunt meets with the parents of Spanish journa- Steven M. Ellis addresses the Freedom for Journalists list Manu Brabo, who was arrested and kidnapped in Libya and subsequently freed. Platform’s Congress. 8 IPI Annual Report 2011 Chapter 1 Press Freedom In 2011, in line with its more than six decades of commitment to promoting May 3 to be World Press Freedom global peace and understanding by fostering dialogue among media pro- Day. IPI’s executive director and press fessionals, IPI launched the first in its series of IPI Media Dialogue Forums. freedom manager participated in the The Israeli-Palestinian Journalists Forum was held from June 14 to 16, 2011, event. in Vienna and was a resounding success. IPI managed to raise over 100,000 euros for the
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