School Forum 22 June 2021 6.00 pm Virtual Meeting To all members of the School Forum:- Chair: Mrs Brenda Morley MBE Academy Bec Allott, Richard Booth, Emma Bradshaw, Nathan Cole, Representation (A): Carole Cook, Phillip Hedger, Peter Naudi, Sharon Roberts Maintained School Dr Mary Howard, Jenny Sims, Havard Spring, Emma Walford, Representation (B): Bev Williamson Other Vicki Bell, Jason Pemberton-Billing, Sue Smith, Andrew Representation (C): Theobald Observers (D): Councillor Jenny Batt (Vice Chair of the People Committee) Councillor Jane Pascoe (Opposition Spokesperson for People Committee) This is a public meeting. This meeting will be recorded and made available on the Council’s website. Matthew Stickley Clerk 16 June 2021 Enquiries to: Matthew Stickley, Clerk: [email protected] Copies of reports may be available in large print on request A G E N D A 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Election of a Chair for 2021-22 To elect a member of the Schools Forum as Chair for the 2021-22 municipal year, the following motion should be moved, seconded, and determined by the Schools Forum: “That NAME be elected as Chair of the Sutton Schools Forum for the 2021-22 municipal year.” 3. Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest Quorum: two fifths of total membership. 4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 1 - 4 5. Urgent Business and Other Matters The Chair will advise of any item to be considered urgently. The forum may also raise matters not covered elsewhere on the agenda. 6. Exclusions Funding 5 - 10 7. Revenue Report and 2020/21 Out turn 11 - 20 8. Capital Report 21 - 30 9. Dates of Future Meetings 31 - 32 10. Confidential Session The forum may resolve to consider an item in confidential session. Page 1 Agenda Item 4 Schools Forum: 24 February 2021 Minutes Schools Forum: 24 February 2021 1: Welcome and Introductions The Chair, Brenda Morley, welcomed those present and invited members of the Forum and officers to introduce themselves. ● Brenda Morley MBE, Chair of the Forum, Academy Secondary Governor ● Bob Harrison, Service Director, Cognus ● Carole Cook, Academy Primary Governor ● Councillor Jane Pascoe, Observer and People Committee member ● Councillor Jenny Batt, Observer and People Committee Vice-Chair ● Emma Walford, Maintained Nursery School Headteacher ● Fiona Phelps, Assistant Director of Education and SEND, Sutton Council ● Havard Spring, Maintained Primary School Headteacher ● Jenny Sims, Maintained Primary School Governor ● Joanna Cassey, Managing Director of Cognus ● Kieran Holliday, Head of Pupil Based Commissioning, Sutton Council ● Sue Smith, Sutton Teachers Committee ● Nathan Cole, Academy Secondary Headteacher ● Peter Naudi, Academy Secondary Headteacher ● Bec Allott, Academy Secondary Headteacher ● Richard Booth, Academy Secondary Headteacher ● Sharon Roberts, Academy Primary Headteacher ● Sue Holmes, Strategic Finance Business Partner, Sutton Council 2: Apologies for Absence and Declarations of Interest Apologies for absence were received from Sue Smith, with Alison Morgan attending as a substitute. 3: Minutes of the Previous Meeting RESOLVED: 1. That the minutes of the previous meeting on 9 December 2020 be agreed as an accurate record. 4: Urgent Business and Other Matters There was no urgent business. Jonathan Williams, Assistant Director - Children’s Social Care and Safeguarding, Sutton Council, provided a summary of the Discretionary Schools Grant to Children’s Social Care, ___ Page 1 Agenda Item 4 Page 2 Schools Forum: 24 February 2021 noting that the 2021/22 funding settlement of £272,700 would fund seven Family Support Worker posts in the borough. 5: Revenue Report (2021/22 Dedicated Schools Grant Budget) The Chair invited Sue Holmes, Strategic Finance Business Partner, Sutton Council, to introduce the report. It was noted that following the last meeting, the criteria through which certain allocations would be provided had not yet been agreed but that these would be set in the near future. RESOLVED: 1. To note the latest position on the DSG for 2020/21, as at January 2021 (month 10). 2. To note the SEN funding position for 2020/21, as at January 2021 (month 10). 3. To agree the draft budget for 2021/22. 4. To note the comparisons of Schools’ delegated budgets for 2020/21 and 2021/22. 6: Scheme for Financing Schools The Chair invited Sue Holmes, Strategic Finance Business Partner, Sutton Council, to introduce the report. RESOLVED: 1. To approve Sutton’s revised Scheme for Financing Schools, with effect from 1 April 2021. 7: Capital Report The Chair invited Kieran Holliday, Head of Pupil Based Commissioning, Sutton Council, to introduce the report. RESOLVED: 1. To note the summary of developments against the primary, secondary and special expansion programmes. 8: Dates of Future Meetings It was noted that the next meeting date of the Sutton Schools Forum was scheduled for 22 June 2021 and whether it would be hosted virtually or in-person would be determined nearer the time. It was noted that the next meeting date of the People Committee was scheduled for 25 March 2021 and would be hosted virtually and live streamed to the public. ___ Page 2 Page 3 Agenda Item 4 Schools Forum: 24 February 2021 9: Confidential Session There were no items discussed that were considered to be confidential. Any Other Business There was no other business. The meeting ended at 18:45. ___ Page 3 This page is intentionally left blank Page 5 Agenda Item 6 Report Title Meeting Local Area Need – Complex In Year Admissions Meeting Schools Forum Date 22 June 2021 Chair Brenda Morley MBE Report Author(s) Helen Gasparelli, Head of Inclusion, Cognus Sue Holmes, Strategic Finance Business Partner, Sutton Council Open/Exempt Open 1. Summary 1.1. Over several years, the local area has identified an increase in the number of unplaced pupils due to limited/no secondary school in-year admissions places in years 8-10, due to a mixture of low surplus and some schools capping in-year admissions. With a duty to provide education there is a requirement for schools to admit students via a Fair Access Protocol (FAP). Locally the FAP process is monitored via the Vulnerable Pupils Panel (VPP) 1.2. Through the Vulnerable Pupil Panel (VPP) there is a recognition that there are an increasing number of pupils coming into the Borough with complex needs that require multi-agency intervention and additional support to aid in a successful transition. 1.3. This proposal seeks to identify how money can be recycled into the system to provide support for CYP that meet the specified criteria where additional support for FAP attracts a cost. This is in addition to funding support provided to schools for the in year fair access protocol / EAL considered at Forum in December 2021. 2. Recommendations 2.1. To note the proposal to ring fence statutory exclusion funding to form an Inclusion Fund; 2.2. To note the Inclusion Fund will be held and allocated by VPP for complex in year admissions; 2.3. To agree to ring fence unused Inclusion Funding by allocating monies in future years budgets. 3. Background 3.1. We would anticipate that approximately 3-5 pupils a term, approximately 15 per year, with more concentration likely in the Autumn term, may need to be placed using this protocol. Table 1.1 shows the number of unplaced admission pupils that have been placed through the protocol. This demonstrates year on year growth. 1 | Page Version 9 Agenda Item 6 Page 6 Table 1.1 (unplaced EHE cases are in brackets, and are included in totals. Totals are academic year) 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 YTD Y7 2 Y8 2 17 Y9 1 (1) 4 (1) 1 4 (2) 16 Y10 1 6 9 13 (4) 17 (2) 3.2. This proposal seeks to use money returned to the Local Authority following the permanent exclusion of a pupil, to support non-standard transition points of other vulnerable pupils thus providing a funding contribution to schools to support the success of the transition. Current Situation: 3.3. Following the placement of any student at The Limes College, either dual registration, based on Limes commission, or permanent exclusion of a pupil, Limes college invoice the excluding/main school (Sutton School and residents only) for a locally agreed amount. This contributes towards the educational provision of the children placed at The Limes. It also takes into account the Pupil Premium that is allocated to most Limes students. Currently the locally agreed amount is £4,200 and has been for many years. 3.4. The amount is made up of;- 1) Statutory elements (AWPU) that include basic entitlement, and additional educational needs factors such as free school meals, English as an additional language; and 2) An additional locally agreed amount to Limes that includes pupil premium, which follows the child. 2021/22 locally agreed amount plus pupil premium (Secondary £955, Primary £1,345) 3.5. A percentage of the money is retained by Limes to provide a robust package of support for the pupil that goes beyond formal education and supports transition back into mainstream through outreach, additional support (EAL) and oversight. The remaining amount is returned to the Local Authority. Please note: The existing £4,200 is not currently obtained from Primary schools, the proposal will address this by primary schools paying the required statutory element to the Local Authority. 2 | Page Version 9 Page 7 Agenda Item 6 Proposal to meet identified need 3.6. It is proposed that for any child or young person permanently excluded from the 1st September 2021, the Local Authority will invoice the excluding secondary school a flat rate per term as detailed below. Term Period CYP Excluded Termly Charge Summer April - July 6,500 Autumn September – December 5,734 Winter January – March 4,968 3.7.
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