, Weather Pittrfbution •;;t 1 MM, temperature it. Partly J2ED tlwdy today, tonight, and to* sjerrew. High today aad tomor- 21,200 " ••,:<, row In upper 3fe. Low tonight, IS to U. See Weather, pafe 1 Dial SH I -0010 luiut dUU, Monaw through trtUj. Bteond Claw Pe»t«« VOL. 85, NO. 136 FtM 1 B*l But uui u AdOltltnu Milling Quicu. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1963 Tc PER COPY PAGE ONE Plaii Public Facilities Study FREEHOLD - A study conditions in the Court House, ble, and yet at the same time would be halfway between or roadways and assist landscape the Monmouth County Board Hall of Records and county li- provide for an orderly expan- about 367,000. preservation programs in all of Freeholders will authorize brary, Mr. Irwin told the audi- sion for the next 10 to 20 Here were the highlights of municipalities, s soon on added public facilities ence of about 75: years." 1962 in Mr. Irwin't report: Other Prospects will look ahead to demands of "It is the intention of the He emphasized the problem Formation of a parks and Industrial .site promotion: the next 10 to 20 years, Free- Board of Freeholders early in of the moment as well as that recreation commission; im- improvement of 28.5 miles of holder Director Joseph C. Ir- this new year to secure an in- of the future, asserting the provement of the Shark River county highways in 16 munici- win said yesterday. tensive survey and recommen- population of I960 of 334,400 is Park, and purchase of lands palities; installation of traffic Mr. Irwin made the point in a dation's from experts so that expected to grow to 400,000—a for the Turkey Swamp and line and safety markings statement at the annual organ- we may have the proper Infor- 20 per cent ..rise—by 1965. At Holmdel park sites. throughout the county; beach ization meeting, summing up mation for a building program that rate, the county's esti- Creation of a Shade Tree protection projects. accomplishments of 1962 and that will be economical, sensi- mated population starting 1963 Commission to beautify county (See STUDY, Page 2) eyeing problems of the new year. (Related Story, Page IS) MONMOUTH FREEHOLDERS OR«ANfiH - Counly Clark J.Rustall Woolby.. right, He spoke out after being chosen director of the Board administars oath—in staged ceramony aftar aach "ona had baan tworn Individually— for the 12th straight year and State's School AM to Freeholder* Marcus Daly, Joseph C. Irwin and Benjamin Danskin. Retiring Free- after having taken (he. oath of holder Clerk Irving S. Bennett holds Bible. office for his ninth three-year term. Also sworn in as freeholders by County Clerk J. Russell Woolley were Benjamin Dans- kin, of Wall Township, elected Gollichio Says He Will File in November to replace Walton May Be Increased Sherman who did not seek a new term, and Marcus Daly of By JOHN KOLESAR Four Charges Against Blum Lincroft, appointed to succeed TRENTON (AP)-New Jersey's Earl L. Woolley who resigned ratable-poor big cities and faster KEANSBURG-Mayor Louis T. charges culiminates a hectic Mr. Kinlin, without Mr. Lohsen, because of ill health. growing suburbs would benefit Cottichio announced last night week here. agreed to file new. charges x Clerk Sworn In most under the State Tax Policy that he. Will file four charges LasJ .Thursday, Council, over against Patrolman Frederick Lo- As previously announced. Wil- Commission's upcoming proposa the objections of Mr. Collichio der, That action came after they against Borough Manager C. liam L. Uirich, of Ocean Town for an $80 million increase in fired Benjamin Litwin, borough accepted a guilty , verdict and ship, took over as clerk of the state school aid, The. Associated Bernard Blum. auditor. three-year suspension leveled Board of Freeholders, replacing Press has learned. And it appears that the gov- More Charges against the patrolman by a spe- Irving S. Bennett who retired. An informed source said a ma erning body, normally the agency •Mr. Collichio promptly leveled cial hearing officer on charges Mr. Uirich had been deputy jority of the commission members which would conduct a hearing charges of "political retribution" of misconduct. county clerk. Harold Rue, of favor changing the maihematical on the charges, will have to dis- against Councilmen T. Edward Last night it was Mr. Kinlin's Freehold, was appointed to the formula, (or doling out the school qualify itself. Kinlin and Martin C. Lohsen. turn to cry "political retribution." deputy's position by Mr. Wool- aid in such a way that the older The- announcement of the Monday, Mayor Collichio and The four charges Mr. Collichio ley and was sworn in by county cities with declining tax ratables announced he will file against Judge Elvin R. Simmill. and exploding suburbs swamped Mr. Blum are: Setting assignments for 1963, with school pupils would get a re- 1. That he allegedly executed Mr. Irwin was named director latively larger proportion of the Poole Is Named a contract without approval of of finance and administration, aid. the Borough Council in violation the department previously School Costs of state law, with the M. M. Nero headed by Mr. Sherman; Free- He said the commission majori- Construction Co., Hazlet, last holder Charles 1. Smith, direc- ty believes the aid should be chan- Holmdel Mayor year. tor of highways, Mr. Irwin's neled to the-communities which 2. That Mr. Blum allegedly former spot; Freeholder Abram need it the most, without raising HOLMDEL..— In a surprise tion. asking that Mr. Poole be failed to attend a Public Utility D. Voorhees; director of state taxes to provide aid for mu- move, Alfred C. Poole was named to the post. Commission hearing in Newark bridges, a role he has held sev- nicipalities able to pay for their named mayor at yesterday's or- Mr. Ackerson pledged his full last year, as instructed, to oppose eral years; Mr. Daly, director own school costs. ganizational v meeting of the support to Mr. Poole. of public welfare, Mr, Smith's an application by the Blue and An Associated Press calculation Township' Committee. In. accepting the position Mr. former place, and Mr, Danskin, White Bus Co., for. an "open showed, the formula favored by Poole. said he would try to main- director of public property, Mr. In stepping down from the door" franchise oil its New York the commission majority would in- tain the • "saine honest office" Woolley's familiar position. mayor's post, Committeeman Express run through the borough. crease operating aid for Newark that Mr. 'Ackerson maintained. Jatnes H. Ackerson said "It was (See COLUCH16, Page 2) After • describing crowded from $4,2 million to $10 million, lime' for a change." He said he knew he would re- based on the current year's fig- - He Mid. someone else should ceive the co-operation of the for- ures. be mayor. •','.' mer mayor, and Commltteerrmn A-fast-growing suburb like Dept- Ernest E\ Peseux. MakM Motion Barkalow Selected ford Townshlp'in Gloucester Coun K-PARTISAN SMILB - John Sryan, c.rfttr,;lorough cl^ a^fnui.ri fh» oath of ty would-MveJU opttaUng W After Mr,~Poole h»d=tieen se- office lolUB Banlc'i" nivv mayor, Benedict R. Nicoiia'.TeeondfrcTri* left, who with lected Mr, Ackerson laid, "I'm MrfPoole, at the outset pf the increased from $515,191 to $979,- ture glad Mr. Poole Is mayor." meeting, was sworn in to his e 052 based on the current year's fellol w DDemocrat Qanfal J. O.'Hern, Mi, * ntwcouncilmtn, will compttt* the politic*! Mr. Ackerson held the post for second fall term on the governing figures. minority of Borough Council tnji ye«jr.". RepuSlipafi.Co.uneitaiin:?ettrl\y. filveyright, FREEHOfjp — Assemblyman Clifton T. Barkalow was ap- On the other hand, a municipali- eight year?. He made the mo- body. s also was tworn'into office. Samuel Carotenuto, Ijoroug^wtorneyVholdi Bible. This is the last year that the pointed assistant county. counsel yesterday and speculation ty like'TeterbofiJ, which has 530 governing body will be composed arose immediately that he may not seek re-election this year million in property and only two Subdivision of three members. to his legislative post. school pupils, would get no in- Voters in November authorized Mr. Barkalow said he plans to complete his present term crease In aid.. the increase of membership to as assemblyman, which expires next Dec. 31, and will decide Broad-Based Tax . Vows to Follow 'Mandate' For Knitting five, * in the next few weeks whether to run again. The Republican An informed source said six o would have to file as a candidate for parly .nomination by RED BANK — Democrat Ben- the members -of which are. Coun- ments of/ered by the mayor. New Voters, will elect the two' new he seven members of the Tax edict R. Nicosia promised, he cilmeh Thpmas • Oakley, John March 7. appointees' this year also con- committeemen this November. Policy Commission favor the in- would follow the "clear mandate Warren, Jr., and Malchdw. Of the firmed, included Rose Petlllo, for Mill Okayed As assistant counsel tie will receive $5,000 a year, the same The new members will take of- crease in school aid, backed by a of the people" as he was sworn five council committees the fire a one-year term on the' Sub- salary he also will receive as assemblyman for 1963. The pay NEW SHREWSBURY — A fice at the beginning of next broad-based tax. They also favor in as mayor of this borough last committee js the only one with standard Housing Committee, vei r is the same drawn by county counsel Howard W.
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