A Directory of Urban U.S. Department of Transportation Public Transportation Urban Mass Transportation Administration Service August 1988 UMTA Technical Assistance Program THIS DOCUMENT IS DISSEMINATED UNDER THE SPONSORSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IN THE INTEREST OF INFORMATION EXCHANGE. THE UNITED STATES GOVERN- MENT ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR THE CONTENTS OR USE THEREOF. Technical Iteport Documentation Poge 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. UMTA-TRIC-87-1 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Dole A Directory of Urban Public Transportation August 1987 Service, August 1987. 6. Performing Organiration Code URT - 7 8. Performing Orgonizotion Report No. 7. Author's) Preoared bv Winnie. L. Muse 9. Performing Orgoniiotion Nome ond Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) U.S. Department of Transportation Urban Mass Transportation Administration TRIC-87-1 11. Controct o' Grant No. Office of Technical As s is t an ce / Inf o . S vc s . 400 Seventh Street, S.W. TRIC-87-1 Washington, DC 20590 13. Type of Report and Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Nome and Address Urban Transit Directory Department of Transportation U.S. January Urban Mass Transportation Administration iyo/— June iyo/ 400 Seventh Street, S.W. 14. sponsoring Agency Code Washington, DC 20590 URT-7 15. Supplementary Notes This Directory supercedes all earlier editions. 16. Abstract This is the 1987 edition of the Directory of Urban Public Transpor- tation Service. This Directory lists transit information for 931 conventional and specialized local transit services in 316 urbanized areas (UZAs) of over 50,000 population. The UZAs shown in this Directory have been identified in a U.S. Department of Census Sup- plementary . 80 1- Report (Publication No P C -S 1 4 ) , entitled: Population and Land Area of Urbanized Areas for the United States and Puerto Rico: 1980 and 1970. This Directory is organized to meet a wide variety of informational needs for the user. Chart-type sheets in the Directory show a par- ticular transit system name, its number of peak vehicles, the agency contact person, and the address and telephone number of the contact person. The following lists are provided in this Directory: Transit Agencies; UZAs Listed by Population; UZAs that Cross State Lines; Vehicle Summary Counts; and a Glossary of Terms. Update forms are included in the back of the Directory so that transi: personnel may conveniently submit corrected information to be includeji in the next edition of the Directory. u s e s ; ueman d Responsive Statement 17. Key Words ; 18, Distribution Directories; Fixed Route; Light Rail; Management; Peak Hour Vehi- This report is available to the public cles; Private Transportation; Pub- through the National Technical Informa- lic Transportation; Rapid Rail; tion Service in Springfield, Virginia Transit System Personnel; Transit 22161. Systems; Urban Areas v 19. Security Clatiif. (of this report) 20. Security Clossif. (of this poge) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price Unclassified Unclassif ied 108 (8-72) Form DOT F 1700.7 Reproduction of completed page outhorized I U.S. Department The Deputy Administrator 400 Seventh St., S.W. of Transportation Washington, D.C. 20590 Urban Mass Transportation Administration SEP 2 198T Dear Colleague: I am pleased to present you with the 1987 edition of "A Directory of Urban Public Transportation Service. " The Directory was updated in 1966 for the first time in several years and ve hope to continue to publish it annually. I wish to thank you for your help in making this Directory a useful tool. Please continue to assist us in this effort by completing and sending in the update forms which are located at the end of the Directory. To include your information in our 1988 edition, we must adhere to a closing date of June 30, 1988, to receive the forms. Send them to; Mr. Ronald J. Fisher Director, Information Services Staff Office of Technical Assistance Urban Mass Transportation Administration 400 Seventh Street, S. W. Washington, D. C. 20590 Perhaps you have some thoughts on how we can make the Directory more useful. Please include these comments in the information you send or drop me a note directly. I do appreciate the feedback on how our agency can be of more service to the industry. Sincerely, Alfred A. DelliBovi Enclosure - INTRODUCTION - For purposes of this Directory compilation, two types of transit services are included: conventional and specialized. A conventional transit operation is a fixed route, reaularly scheduled service available to the aeneral public, offerina rides wholly within, or commuter rides from outside, a particular urbanized area (UZA). Specialized transit services are largely demand-responsive and consist of various types of vehicles, such as buses, minibuses, vans, taxis, station waaons, etc. These services must operate at least 50 percent of the time in order to be included in this Directory. Information is provided for 931 conventional and specialized local public transit operations in 316 UZAs of over 50,000 population. UZAs have been identified and maps showina UZA borders by state appear in a U.S. Census Bureau Supplementary Rep.ort — Publication No. PC80-S1- 14, entitled Population and Land Area of Urbanized Areas for the United States and Puerto Rico: 19P0 and 1970. The Non-Urbanized Transportation Service Directory, which reports transit service available in communities of less than 50,000 population, is published under separate cover. It also includes specialized service transit operations. Used together, these two Directories are intended to represent the transit community within the United States. For more information pertaining to the Urban Directory, please contact: U.S. Department of • Transporta tion Urban Mass Transportation Administration Office of Information Services, URT-7 400 Seventh Street, SW , Room 6419 Washington, DC 20590 Telephone: (202) 366-0205 Information contained in this Directory originated from survey calls made to the various transit agencies between October 1985 and July 1986. Current chanaes were made from update forms that were sent in by the agencies from January 1987 through June 1987. The vehicle count shown by the agencies in this Directory reflects the number of vehicles used in their most recent peak season, which is normally in the Spring of the year. Consult the Glossary on page 95 for our definition of peak vehicles. ******* A special note of thanks is extended to all those who assisted us in updating this Directory. - I - - ORGANIZATION OF THE DIRECTORY - This Directory is orqanized to meet a wide var-dety of informational needs and is structured to be both easy and flexible in the method of data access. For the informational needs of the user, the follow- ina lists are provided in this Directory: Transit Agencies; Urbanized Areas (UZAs) Listed by Population; UZAs that Cross State Lines; Vehicle Summary Counts; and a Glossary of Terms. The chart-type sheets beginning on page 31 comprise the main part of the Directory. These sheets are known collectively as the Master List. Each sheet in the Master List provides the number of peak vehicles, aaency contact person, address, and telephone number. The organizations are listed in alphabetical order by State, UZA, Section 9 Designated Recipient, Transit Agency, and Subdivision. In many cases, transit agencies receive their funding through another local agency termed a Section 9 Desianated Recipient. These transit agencies are listed directly under the agency throuoh which they receive funding. In other cases, the Desig- nated Recipient and the transit agency are the same. These agencies are identified by a caret(>). private transit operators are identified by an asterick {*) and either appear directly under the name of the transit agency with which they have a contract or at the top of the list for a par- ticular UZA if they have no contract with a transit agency. - HOW TO OBTAIN ADDITIONAL COPIES OF THE DIRECTORY - This Directory has been distributed to each agency listed herein as well as to those individuals and organizations which requested a copy. If you would like an additional copy or copies (up to 3), please call or send your request, along with a self addressed qummed label to the address shown in the Introduction on page I. - DIRECTORY UPDATE INFORMATION - Although care has been taken to compile reliable information, please realize that a project such as this is bound to contain errors or out- of-date information. In order to maintain an accurate Directory, it is important that we be notified in writing when errors or out-of-date infor- mation is found. Please fill out and send in the update forms found at the back of the Directory. - II - Table of Contents PAGE INTRODUCTION I ORGANIZATION OF THE DIRECTORY II HOW TO OBTAIN COPIES OF THE DIRECTORY II TRANSIT ORGANIZATIONS 1-22 UZAs LISTED BY POPULATION 23-29 UZAs THAT CROSS STATE LINES 30 MASTER SHEETS 31-92 VEHICLE SUMMARY COUNT 93 GLOSSARY OF TERMS 9^-95 UPDATE FORMS A,B PUBLIC TRANSIT SYSTEMS LISTED IfJ THIS DIRECTORY I I t i I ) TRANSIT SYSTEMS LISTED IN THIS DIRECTORY ORGANIZATION URBANIZED AREA STATE A-1 Taxicab Company* Pittsf ield MASSACHUSETTS I A & C Bus Corporation* New York-Northeastern New Jersey NEW JERSEY Abbott's Taxi Company* Pittsf ield MASSACHUSETTS ' Abilene Transit System Abilene TEXAS AC Transit ( Alameda -Contra San Francisco-Oakland CALIFORNIA j ACCESS Transp System, Inc.* Pittsburg PENNSYLVANIA I Aae Center of Worcester Worcester MASSACHUSETTS I Aging Svcs Div/Reserve-A-Ride Phoenix ARIZONA
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