Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-18699-6 — The Afterlife of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Michael J. Hogan Index More Information Index Abbott, James A., 27 visitors to, 126 , 143 , 189 Adams, John, 124 Warnecke’s study of, 147 Adler, Bill, 124 Arthur, King, 103 AFL- CIO, 160 Attwood, William, 186 Africa, reactions to Kennedy’s Auden, W. H., 122 assassination in, 59 Australia, honoring/ remembering Kennedy Agnelli, Giovanni, 40 , 43 in, 130 Akihito, Crown Prince, 59 Albee, Edward, 55 , 56 Baldrige, Letitia, 45 Alford, Mimi, 216 Barcelona, reactions to Kennedy’s Alliance for Progress, 8 , 37 , 62 , 120 , 130 , assassination in, 60 180 , 183 , 184 , 193 , 213 Barnes, Clare, 124 Alsop, Joseph, 94 , 96 , 117 Barrett, Rona, 54 Ambrose, Stephen, 201 , 207 Barrett, William, 119 American Empire style, 25 Bazelon, David, 116 Amsterdam, reactions to Kennedy’s Beer, Samuel H., 159 , 172 assassination in, 60 Belfast, reactions to Kennedy’s Anderson, Jack, 110 assassination in, 60 Antoinette, Marie, 108 Bentsen, Lloyd, 194 Argentina Bergman, Jules, 54 honoring/ remembering Kennedy in, 130 Berlin Wall, 9 , 12 reactions to Kennedy’s assassination Bernstein, Irving, 188 in, 59 Bernstein, Leonard, 140 Arlington National Cemetery, 5 , 16 , 75 , Biden, Joseph, 194 91 , 130 , 138 , 218 , 225 Billings, Lemoyne, 168 amount of burial space, 144 Bishop, Jim, 105 , 110 , 112 , 174 , 203 , 206 design for, 87 , 128 , 153 , 154 , 157 , 161 Black Watch, 78 , 87 , 97 eternal l ame at. See eternal l ame, at Black, Eugene, 160 gravesite Blair House, 30 Jacquelines’s decision on, 80 , 87 , 141 – 52 Bloncourt, Pauline, 124 as monument, 156 Bode, F. J., 62 symbolism, 92 , 141 , 143 , 151 , 195 , 223 Boeth, Richard, 184 , 185 , 229 veterans’ burial at, 143 Bok, Derek, 165 , 171 307 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-18699-6 — The Afterlife of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Michael J. Hogan Index More Information 308 Index Boland, Edward P., 98 Cheshire, Maxine, 24 , 25 , 27 , 28 , 42 , 43 Bolivia, reactions to Kennedy’s Childs, Marquis, 118 assassination in, 61 Clarke, Thurston, 215 Boston Red Sox, 160 Clifford, Clark, 21 Boudin, Stéphane, 26 , 27 Clinton, Bill, 194 and Blue Room’s restoration, 25 – 26 Clinton, Hillary, 224 and Du Pont, difference of opinion Clymer, Adam, 218 between, 27 – 28 Coates, Paul, 98 as Jacqueline’s tutor, 23 , 27 Cohen, Richard, 183 and White House restoration, 23 – 24 Cold War, 35 Bowles, Hamish, 35 collective cultural trauma, 50 – 57 Bradford, Sara, 215 collective memory, 96 , 101 , 102 , 105 , 112 , Bradlee, Ben, 40 115 , 122 , 126 , 223 , 226 and decision on burial site, 80 Collingwood, Charles, 26 and Jacqueline Kennedy, 104 , 203 commemorative medallions, 130 – 31 on Kennedy’s sensitivity to criticism, 44 Connally, John, 1 , 3 Bradlee, Tony, 40 Connally, Nellie, 3 Brandt, Willy, 59 Corso, Gregory, 122 Brazil, reactions to Kennedy’s Costigliola, Frank, 58 assassination in, 59 Cowles, Gardner, 109 Brinkley, Alan, 214 Cox, Richard J., 207 Broder, David S., 183 , 186 Crovitz, L. Gordon, 211 Brooks, Gwendolyn, 122 Crown, James Tracy, 119 , 120 , 125 Brown, Carter, 149 , 163 Cruz, Ted, 212 , 221 Bruce, David, 34 Cuba, reactions to Kennedy’s Brzezinski,, Zbigniew, 116 assassination in, 59 Buchanan, Pat, 210 , 211 in 1960 presidential campaign , 7 Bundy, McGeorge, 177 and Bay of Pigs i asco , 8 – 9 Burns, James MacGregor, 119 and Missile Crisis , 10 – 11 Cushing, Richard Cardinal, 82 , 88 , Canada Centennial Numismatic 105 , 151 Company, 131 Canada, honoring/ remembering Dallek, Robert, 214 , 215 , 221 , 229 Kennedy in, 133 Dalton, George, 175 , 176 Cani eld, Cass, 106 Daly, Charles, 199 Carleton, William, 116 Daniel, Clifton, 183 Carnegie Corporation, 159 Daum, Andreas, 219 Carroll, James, 216 Davis, Fred, 228 Carter, Jimmy, 54 , 193 Davis, John H., 207 Cassini, Oleg, 39 , 47 de Gaulle, Charles, 24 , 34 , 58 , 89 , 99 costume selections by, 35 , 38 de Givenchy, Hubert, 34 and Jacqueline’s fashion, 32 Dealey, E. M., 2 on Kennedy’s attention to his wife’s Death Watch, 76 , 77 , 82 appearance, 33 DeLillo, Don, 192 restriction on speaking about i rst DeLomel, Dorothy, 52 family, 45 , 46 Department of Housing and Urban Castro, Fidel, 7 , 8 , 11 , 59 , 181 Development, 13 Cerf, Bennett, 105 Diem, Ngo Dinh, 10 , 180 Chamberlin, Anne, 131 , 132 Dionne, E. J., 213 Chermayeff & Geismar, and museum Dobbins, James J., 123 exhibits, 167 , 168 Donaldson, Sam, 54 Cherry, Conrad, 57 Donovan, Robert, 186 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-18699-6 — The Afterlife of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Michael J. Hogan Index More Information Index 309 Douglas, Paul H., 51 Giglio, James N., 177 , 178 , Du Pont, Henry Francis, 22 – 23 , 28 , 30 188 , 206 and Boudin, difference of opinion Ginsberg, Allen, 122 between, 27 – 28 Goldzwig, Steven R., 95 Dukakis, Michael, 194 Goodman, Paul, 122 Duke, Angier Biddle, 82 Goodwin, Dick, 109 Dungan, Ralph, 81 Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 191 , 206 Durkheim, Emile, 68 Goodwin, Richard, 82 , 109 and Manchester, 107 , 111 Eberhart, Richard, 122 Gore, Albert, 98 , 194 Egypt, reactions to Kennedy’s assassination Graham, Billy, 160 in, 59 , 61 gravesite. See Arlington National Eisenhower, Dwight D., 7 , 29 Cemetery Eisenhower, Mamie, 20 Green Berets, 7 , 63 , 87 , 97 , 150 , 189 Elder, William Voss, 28 Green Room, 26 Elizabeth II, Queen, 136 Greenberg, David, 212 , 213 Ellsberg, Daniel, 174 Greeni eld, Jeff, 216 Eternal Flame of Light to Remember, 132 Guggenheim, Charles, 167 , 198 eternal l ame, at the gravesite, 92 – 93 , 97 , Guthman, Edwin, 110 130 , 131 , 153 , 166 and Manchester, 107 and candlelight ceremony, 144 Gwirtzman, Milton S., 168 and collective memory, 101 , 122 as the essential element in the i nal Hackman, Larry, 204 monument, 146 Halberstam, David, 42 and Irish remembrance of Kennedy, 220 Hall, Donald, 122 lighting by Jacqueline, 218 Hamilton, Alexander, 124 protection for, 148 Hamilton, Charles, 125 symbolism, 132 , 137 , 138 , 147 , 149 , Hamilton, Nigel, 188 , 205 , 206 152 , 223 Hanks, Tom, 217 Von Eckardt’s suggestion for, 150 Hannan, Bishop Philip, 88 Evers, Medgar, 65 Harlech, Lord David, 135 , 136 Evers- Williams, Myrlie, 65 Harper & Row, 106 , 111 , 120 Executive Mansion, 22 Harrington, Michael, 184 , 229 Exner, Judith, 175 , 181 Harrison, William Henry, 75 Hart, Gary, 194 Fairlie, Henry, 119 , 171 , 180 Harvard Institute of Politics, 170 , 203 Farmer, James, 63 , 65 Harvard University, 171 Fay, Paul B., Jr., 104 , 113 , 203 Heinze, Alina, 220 Fenn, Dan, 168 , 204 – 05 Hellmann, John, 41 Fine Arts Committee, 21 , 22 , 23 Henggeler, Paul R., 66 , 192 Freedom Riders, 13 Hersey, John, 2 , 41 Frost, Robert, 121 , 139 Hersh, Seymour, 104 , 175 , 177 Heymann, C. David, 172 Galbraith, John Kenneth, 159 Hill, Clint, 215 Gallagher, Mary, 104 Hofstadter, Richard, 116 Gari eld, James, 74 Holtz, Lou, 54 Gawler, Joseph, 76 Hoover, Herbert, 76 Gephardt, Richard, 194 Houston, Sam, 212 Germany, honoring/ remembering Kennedy Howe, Irving, 184 in, 131 , 220 Hufbauer, Benjamin, 207 Giancana, Sam, 181 Hunt, Nelson Bunker, 2 Gienow- Hecht, Jessica, 30 Huntley, Chet, 52 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-18699-6 — The Afterlife of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Michael J. Hogan Index More Information 310 Index Hutchison, Louise, 98 commercial success of, 111 , 155 Huxtable, Ada Louise, 149 , 150 , 161 , 163 designing of, 157 funding for, 128 India, reactions to Kennedy’s location of, 144 , 162 assassination in, 59 planning for, 156 Iran, shah of, 34 , 36 rededication of, 197 Ireland John F. Kennedy School of Government, honoring/ remembering Kennedy in, 220 162 , 170 , 203 reactions to Kennedy’s Johnson, Andrew, 74 assassination in, 58 Johnson, Gerald W., 116 , 127 , 226 Irish Guard, 97 Johnson, Lady Bird, 1 , 50 Irish Mai a, 77 , 78 , 80 , 87 , 113 Johnson, Lyndon, 1 , 40 , 52 , 77 , 89 , 141 , Israel 157 , 161 honoring/ remembering Kennedy in, advancing Kennedy’s goals, 71 – 72 , 95 , 130 , 138 100 , 139 , 153 reactions to Kennedy’s and candlelight ceremony, 144 assassination in, 59 Civil Rights Act and, 201 Istanbul, reactions to Kennedy’s on conspiracies about Kennedy’s assassination in, 59 death, 74 Italy deceitful management by, 165 , 179 honoring/ remembering Kennedy in, 130 Great Soceity, 211 , 227 reactions to Kennedy’s and Kennedy Center for the Performing assassination in, 58 Arts, 140 and Kennedy Library and Museum, 156 Jackson, Mahalia, 123 memorial coin proposal, 129 Jacobson, Max, substance supply by, 181 naming of space center after Jacoby, Jeff, 211 , 212 Kennedy, 138 Jacqueline Kennedy Garden, 23 oath of ofi ce, 78 – 79 , 90 , 97 Japan, honoring/ remembering Kennedy projection of Kennedy’s style, 193 in, 220 and Robert Kennedy, rivalry between, Jefferson, Thomas, 38 70 – 75 , 107 John Birch Society, 2 Vietnam War and, 183 , 229 John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing visit to Texas, 1 Arts, 5 , 29 , 139 , 225 Chamberlin on, 132 Kahn, Herman, 159 , 176 , 178 designing and openning of, 140 Kay, Jane Holtz, 163 , 167 , 169 , 170 i ftieth anniversary of the president’s Kelly, Gene, 55 inauguration, 225 Kemp, Jack, 194 Jacqueline and, 140 Kennedy Memorial Peace Forest, Israel, 138 as a monument, 138 , 147 Kennedy Park, Peru, 130 as remembrance of Kennedy’s Kennedy Space Center, 138 , 225 commitment to arts, 225 Kennedy, Caroline, 207 , 208 , 215 , 217 , John F. Kennedy International Airport, 129 220 , 224 , 225 John F. Kennedy Memorial Book Kennedy, Edward M., 160 , 172 , 173 , 190 , Award, 120 193 , 199 John F. Kennedy Memorial Library Kennedy, Ethel, 84 Corporation, 159 , 160 , 161 , 165 Kennedy, Jack, 116 John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Kennedy, Jacqueline, 1 , 5 , 81 , 97 , 124 , 135 , Museum, 138 , 153 , 157 , 225 144 , 149 , 168 , 172 , 195 , 222 anniversary, 218 Blue Room, restoration of, 24 – 25 collections and exhibits, 170 – 78 , 198 decision on a burial site, 88 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-18699-6 — The Afterlife of John Fitzgerald Kennedy Michael J.
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