C. E. C. G. 1984 - xi CECG Number -1 Concordia Electro-acoustic Composers' Gr ou p Welcome to Issue Number minus one of the C. E. C. G. Newsletter. The previous issue of this newsletter went (initially) to about 45 people, with a request for addresses of others. The mailing list is now close to 150, and growing weekly. Over 95% of ~his list are composers / composer~organizers. There are still some glaring holes in the list, particularly the Maritimes and the Prairies, ~ people sent addresses, and I would particularly like to thank John Winiarz, John Celona, Micheline Coulombe Saint-Marcoux, Wendy Bartley and Jim Montgomery for their special efforts. Submissions to the Newsletter are encouraged. Materials should be 'photo - ready', and (usually) be able to be reduced to one-half size. (See the rest of the newsletter.) It is also possible to send out information that is received in quantity: please send 200 copies. (note attached from the Toronto Music Gallery). Items and articles of personal, local and national interest will be included, with (for example) a Montreal 'calendar' of up­ coming events. The function of this being two-fold (i) to let people know what is going on and (ii) (and more importantly), to give organizers a rough guide to planned events to avoid conflicts in the timing, as much as possible. Until a national newsletter is established, I am offering to do the same for Toronto. Send your d~tes as soon as they are established, and if possible, even in their tentative form. (page 1) English or French. A preC1S translation will be made, although the original is to be understood as definitive. Some topics that have been suggested for 'discussion' are individual composers' activities, concert organization, performing rights, tape and performance exchanges, a national organization, and international organizations. Let me know what you think, and contribute if you wish. Programmes and posters will (for now) make up the bulk of the newsletter: these are for your information (F.Y.I.). Thanks, ~~kb- Kevin Austin The Concordia Electro-acoustic Composers' Group organizes more than 20 concerts per year, and is always looking for tape (and sometimes multi-media) pieces. Technical information is attached. Montreal Calendar 1984 Dec. 10 C.E.C.G. Concert - Loyola (8: 1 5 P. m. ) 1985 Jan. 14 C.LC.G. Concert Loyola (8: 1 5 P•m. ) Feb. 14 , 1 5, 16, 17 C.E.C.G. Concerts 1395 Dorchester (7: 00 p•m. ) Mar. 11 C.LC.G. Concert Loyola (8: 1 5 P•m. ) Apr i 1 22 C.LC.G. Concert Loyola (8: 1 5 P. m. ) May -beginning- A.C.R.E.Q. Concert Series (dates to be confirmed) Toronto Calendar 1984 1985 1984 - xi- NUMERO - 1 Groupe Electro-acoustique de Concordia Bienvenue au numero moins un du bulletin du G. E. C. Quarante cinq personnes ont re~ le numero precedent a ce bulletin-ci, . maintenant notre liste approche les 150 personnes, dont plus de 90% sont composi teu rs/compositeurs-organi zateurs. Plusieurs gens m10nt fait parvenir des coordonnees permettant ainsi de rejoindre plus de personnes. Je voudrais particulierement remercier John \4iniarz, John Celona, David Keane, Micheline Coulombe Saint-Marcoux, Wendy Bar~ley et James Montgomery pour leur aide. J1encourage vos soumissions au bulletin. Votre materiel devrait etre pret a photocopier. Fran~ais ou anglais, une traduction sera toujours faite quoique L'original sera la version definitive. Le bulletin comprendra des articles d'interet personnel, local et national avec, par example, un calendrier MONTREALAIS des evenements a venir ayant pour double fonction de a) permettre a tous de savoir ce qui passe et b) (ce qui est plus important), de fournir aux organisateurs un guide de planification afin d'eviter des conflits d'horaires. Certians sujets suggeres pour 'discussion' sont: activites de certains compositeurs, organisations de concerts, droits d'execution, echanges de bandes magnetiques et de performances, une organization nationale et une internationa1e. Laissez-moi savoir ce que vous en pensez et contribuez si vous 1e desirez. Kevin Austin (trad. J. Seguin) Le G(tl'oupe f1ectro-acoustique de ~oncordia organise plus de 20 concerts par annee et est toujours a 1a recherche de pieces pour bandes magnetiques (et parfois pour multi-media). Information technique inc1use. Ca1endrier Montrea1ais 1984 10 dec. G EC Concert (Loyola) (20:15) 1985 14 jan. GEC Concert (Loyola) (20:15) 14 , 15, 16, 17 fey. GEC Concerts 1395 o.bou1. Dorchester (19:00) 11 mars G EC Concert (Loyola) (20:15) 22 avril GEC Concert (Loyola) (20:15) debut mai ACREQ Serie de concerts (dates a confirmer) Ca1endrier Torontois 1984 1985 CONCORDIA UNNERSITY C'ONCORDIA • WINCQUVEIl.· Musi c Department ELECTRO-ACOUSTIC COM P 0 SER S' GroucEo G R 0 U P D,o..mond. 5to.r Elect- :-ccoustique de :for II ~-e. ",,\~c.h--crni C-'> Conccr'::ia "3'OJtw.>,..u...-,}oh~ w~,Do.ve. Li.Jseu.) ~vi>\ A1Isli~):ri\\ ~Jo"kiIU\J"J.e"",Skj<.U" **+***** ******** _ -e.\.Q.c-t.-""", en 1984 17 sec:.:sber Po.:r1- i >(15 oc:.:>:er 10 d e'::~Jer 1985 THE: C4))I::..TION GROUP 14 jacwcry 11 ma~':h wi~l . 22 ac~i 1 ~ ic.O\~ C3(t\k -\10".(. • room ~:J - 131 Loyol'C Campus - ?~kl .:bolc~ ­ 1)(lI\I.d felST e'U\~ work~ Ot\. +"'-~ br DMid F~~, A-\a.U\ \k'ba.u.\t \1I'1E IN' TImE OUT - -rWO • WO~...S ~ +~ OJ'! ~~rf"rl't.w b~: Af\JY4W (.,!Ilk. Amidshir>/wtnt ov~rS2a./h~sll4mb~/o~r(lll-Ht~ ocWt/ft, +I" b"urlds oj, ~\~c.trc'\lC1 wc~s b~', c\~ ':pY' vaic.e. CUlJ.. ~ Al\J.r~ C::l~'l(. \\V-2. Pa.tJ '0 tvi<.o\cs.. L3i"K-'lOic.e. kJii~ ~ ll5hl\ ,J"~ r",UO'1{ ~~v~ l;ItJs~ I -Yo ~ W~I 1i\\ ~(AOt&iOJ\ I ~ ~j""l\ LOYOLA ~AIIPUS AWI\ THlMULT 7141SI-E13ROOKESTAEETWEST MONTRE->L OUEBEC H4B 1R6 GROUPOFTHEELECTRONIC~roSICSTUDIOGROUPOFTHEELECTRONICMUSICSTUDIOGROUPOFTHEELECTR ~ , 0 g ~ Concordia University o Q ~ 3 ~ § ~ H ~ 0000000000 g ~ 0000000000 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ o GEMS 0 § •••••••••• ~ 2 EVENINGS OF VIDEO ~ ~ ~ ~ October 17 & 18, 8:00 p.m. en ••• wings of time and space... t=l ~ ~ ~ -and a greater coming together ~ '- The Visual Arts Gallery z ~ o 0 ~ f\jE'J'/ MUSIC ~ Dorchester and Crescent ~ 3 ~ MUSIQUE NOUVELLE ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ o a ~ 0 5 I~ges (Refractions of Time ~~d Suace) Donald Steven ~ 5 for el';!ctric flute, electric-piano, g; S electr~c bass, and 2 percussions g ~ ~ :::> Trinus Marc Beaulieu 0 ~ for clarinet, piano, viola, and tau_e ~ o ~ ~ t=l ,,'2 Coming Together Frederic Rzewski t=l ~ for narrator and ensemble f;; o Q H ~ ~ Modulos III (1983-III) Alcides Lanza g §:; for guitar, ensemble, and tape ;:s ~ Q :i ...wings of silence... John Rea ~ ~ for ensemble and tape ~ ~ Q 8 ~ OCTOBER 16 OCTOBRE I I~ o o 0 H a Q ~ Works by: Rosemary Miller· David Duchow • Mervyn Dewes • ~ ~ The Electronic Music Group en salle Pollacl<. hall t=l ~ 555 Ouest Sherbrooke West ~ 8 8 pm 20h ~ "AD HOC" z ~ Presented by: ~ entree gratuite free admission ~ The Studio Art Students' Association ~ ~ ~ c and the Department of Painting & Drawing. ~ ~ ~ H H~OdnOH~OI~saIsru~aINoH~a~OdnO~~OIan~saIsnwaINo~~a~OdnOH~OIan~SQ PLAYWRIGHTS' WORKSHOP YO US Invite • PREMIERE PERFORMANCE un festival multl-dlsclpllnalre rtRE NUClEAIRE ~ DREAMS OF THE MlllENIUM JEUDI. Ie 15 noyembre 1984 SAMEDI. Ie 17 nowembre '1984 MUSIQUE ATANGE IE SEE SAW Brigitte Mac!:ay el HEART OF THE ATOM Kath Sur-ryan. SonIa Cooper. Monique Crepauli Tamara Reznick NOVEMBER 15 Ellzabelh Langle, NOVEMBER 11 Elizabeth Langle, NUCLEAR HOllYWOOD Colleen Curran NOIR Michele Leduc NAiTRE POUR RENAiTRE Ann Carrier CATACLYSME Jean-Gu, Gaudreault el Vlncenl Dionne Mario Bruyere Performance MultI-Media ¥ENDREDI. Ie 16 nowembre 1984 MONTAGES: NOVEMBER 16 Elizabeth langley TAKE ONE - TAKE TWO Un montage-vldh muslque THE MEETING Sylvia Spring AD Hoc Electronic Music BLO Claude Lamarche Rosemary et John Miller Pierre Dostie • Kim Strong et Claude Rivest BODY CHESS Jo Lechay et Eugene lion En parallele avec the Anti Nuke show don: $5 et $1. de la galerie Powerhouse les trois solrs: $1% et $18. 4379 de Bullion. tU: 843-3685 2o~30h ____c~ ___ des environnements sonores oeuvres et installations musicales des membres du groupe SONDE Pierre DOSTIE Charles DeMESTRAL Robin MINARD conceptions uisuelles: Claude Lamarche Paul C. Mercier dimanche, Ie 30 septembre 1984 midi aminuit Tangente, 3655 rue St. Laurent, 3eme etage. Montreal prix, n!gutier; 6$, ~Iudionls el clge d'or: 5$ ...... Newfoundland 4$;;.$ .£ MeffE!· ¥ . ,it; f ; kif"i"" k *P~ ;2£'*:%4% HUW -.:$**,"01 Sound GORDON MONAHAN A Selection of New Works from the Artistic Collaborations of the July 1984 Symposium in St. John's, Nfld. CONTEMPORARY PilUSIC e fREE P;1USIC CONTACT DANCE • JAZZ .. P.1.ULil·A~EDIA EVENTS '''lAY OUT SAXOPHONE 0 EiMRONPv1EfiTAL WORKS featuring: Paul Bendzsa Cathy Ferri jeff johnston john Oswald Martin Rickert Don Wherry "Birds" by Frank Lapointe VANCOUVER: NOV. 10. U.B.C. ASUC FESTIVAL NOV. 1t. WESTERN FRONT GALLERY SPEAKER SWINGING GUITARING VICTORIA: NOV. 12. OPEN SPACE GALLERY BANFF: NOV. t3. BANFF CENTRE OF FINE ARTS TAPE PULLING PIANO MECHANICS TORONTO: NOV. 16, MUSIC GALLERY &¥ if\i§¥f&¥i4'bA£39 sweet ,9£ ffl5ffijffi. hti6·eeW P.MNV%ttem·IU ·9W' MONTREAL: NOV. 19. OPTlCA GALLERY THURSDAY FEB. 23 B P.M. HALIFAX N.S. HALIFAX: NOV. 21, DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY AUDIO BY ARTISTS FESTIVAL 1531 GRAFTON ST. MUSIC DEPARTMENT' FRIDAY FEB. 24 B P.M. SACKVILLE N.B. S1 JOHN'S: NOV. 23, MUN ART GALLERY HESLER HALL SPONSORED BY STRUTS GALLERY ·Sponsored by EyeLeveI &. Dalhousie University Art Galler'.es. SUNDAY FEB.
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