Appendix 1 Stockport Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Schedule of Sites March 2010 IMPORTANT: The identification of housing potential from sites and buildings within the assessment does not imply that the Council would necessarily allocate or grant planning permission for their residential development. Similarly, it does not preclude sites being developed for other suitable uses. Nor does it preclude the possibility of residential development being granted on sites that have not been included. Any planning applications will continue to be treated on their own merits and determined in accordance with the adopted development plan and any other material considerations. Summary table of results by Committee Area* Number of Number of Number of Number of 0 to 5 year 6 to 10 year 11 to 15 year Committee Area Sites Dwellings Houses Flats supply supply supply Bramhall 53 1318 858 460 287 857 174 Cheadle 53 633 301 332 339 143 151 Four Heatons 36 298 150 148 55 202 41 Marple 45 622 324 298 197 398 27 Stepping Hill 68 659 388 271 207 336 116 Tame Valley 134 3124 687 2437 920 1245 959 Victoria 96 1526 889 637 301 515 710 Werneth 33 565 308 257 88 375 102 Windfall allowance - 450 180 270 - - 450 Total 518 9195 4085 5110 2394 4071 2730 * Pre-May 2009 boundaries 1 Key Net Supply = Number of additional dwellings Density = Number of dwellings per hectare (dph) Planning Status (as at 1st April 2008) Allocated Allocated Housing Site Outline Outline Planning Permission Full Full Planning Permission UC Site is Under Construction Expired Expired Planning Permission App. NYD Planning Application Not Yet Determined Category Type of Site 0 Retail and Leisure 01 Previously developed vacant sites and buildings (non housing) 02 Intensification of existing housing areas (i.e. gardens) 03 Redevelopment of existing housing 03a Demolition of existing housing and erection of new housing 03b Subdivision of existing housing (e.g. flat conversions) 04 Redevelopment of car parks (including garage courts) 05 Change of use of commercial buildings (small scale e.g. flat above shop) 06 Review of other existing allocations in plans 07 Vacant land not previously developed 08 Land currently in employment use 09 Allotments 10 School Playing Fields 11 Sports Pitches 12 Other Open Spaces 13 Community buildings (Educational and Religious) 14 Barn conversions 15 Agricultural land 2 Schedule of Sites listed by Committee Area Bramhall Committee Area ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Cheadle Committee Area................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 Four Heatons Committee Area ...................................................................................................................................................................... 16 Marple Committee Area .................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 Stepping Hill Committee Area........................................................................................................................................................................ 22 Tame Valley Committee Area......................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Victoria Committee Area ................................................................................................................................................................................ 40 Werneth Committee Area ............................................................................................................................................................................... 48 3 Site Net Planning Site Address Locality Time Period Notes/Comments No. Supply Status Flats Houses Density Category Bramhall Committee Area Development of landfill site - 163 managed flats comprising one 3/4 Land at Midland Rd / storey and four 3 storey blocks of flats (139 x 2 bed units - 30 AH) & 3 Bramhall 0 to 5 years 163 0 163 32.6 01 Outline Geneva Rd one 3 storey block of 24 sheltered flats for elderly persons (15 x 2 bed and 9 x 1 bed). Site started June 2003. Still under construction. Various applications Parklands (Phases 3 & 4 Cheadle 7 0 to 5 years 62 62 0 30.0 01 UC granted 2005 and 2006 to change house types. Completions being Bradshaw Hall) Hulme reported by NHBC. Flats 1-10 Adlington Cheadle Erection of 10 two storey retirement apartments and associated 123 Grange, 82 Hill Top 0 to 5 years 10 0 10 71.4 04 UC Hulme works. Development completed August 08. Avenue Former Bruntwood Cheadle Erection of 18 dwellings on site of former primary school. The 5 148 Primary School, Conway 0 to 5 years 8 8 0 31.6 01 UC Hulme affordable dwellings are amongst those complete. (NHBC site.) Road Cambridge House, 37 169 Bramhall 0 to 5 years 8 0 8 68.4 01 UC Apartment block of 3 x 2 beds and 5 x 3 beds. (NHBC site.) Bramhall Lane South Land Adj. Bradshaw Hall Cheadle 96 Primary School, Vernon 0 to 5 years 7 7 0 26.0 01 Outline Outline permission granted for erection of 7 dwellings. Hulme Cls Demolition of existing office building and construction of three storey 44 214/216 Moss Lane Bramhall 0 to 5 years 6 0 6 54.5 01 Full building to provide 6 apartments (two beds). Majority of building vacant when visited. Site put forward during SHLAA Call for Sites exercise. Application 285 32-34 Carrwood Road Bramhall 0 to 5 years 6 0 6 24.0 03a None DC040941 for replacement of existing houses with flats allowed on appeal 08/12/2009. Demolition of existing bungalow and erection of 5 two bed flats with 176 2 Ladybrook Road Bramhall 0 to 5 years 4 0 4 38.5 03a UC associated car parking. Shell under way when visited 8/2/08. Complete when visited 14/5/09. Site put forward during SHLAA Call for Sites exercise. Owner intends 296 Land off Plymouth Drive Bramhall 0 to 5 years 4 4 0 37.7 02 None to develop the site for housing within 5 years. First floor rear extension to provide 2 apartments (1 one bed, 1 two 89 5A Woodford Bramhall 0 to 5 years 2 0 2 100.0 05 Full bed). Garden of 70 Grange Erection of three bed dwelling in garden of existing house. Under 15 Bramhall 0 to 5 years 1 1 0 50.0 02 UC Road construction when last visited. Demolition of existing bungalow and construction of two detached 90 12 Carrwood Avenue Bramhall 0 to 5 years 1 1 0 9.5 03a Full houses having five bedrooms each with detached garages/garden stores. Bungalow demolished when last visited. 6 Broadway (corner of Erection of a dwelling. Ground works started but dwelling not under 139 Bramhall 0 to 5 years 1 1 0 11.1 02 Full Lodge Farm Close) construction when last visited. 162 9a Woodford Road Bramhall 0 to 5 years 1 0 1 160.0 05 Full Change of use from first floor storeroom to flat. 'Flat to Rent Coming 4 Site Net Planning Site Address Locality Time Period Notes/Comments No. Supply Status Flats Houses Density Category Soon' sign erected when last visited. Side garden of 21 Erection of detached dwelling in side garden following demolition of 187 Bramhall 0 to 5 years 1 1 0 7.1 02 UC Broadway swimming pool. Change of use of first floor above shop to a two bed flat (including 197 18 Bramhall Lane South Bramhall 0 to 5 years 1 0 1 50.0 05 Full rear extension). Side garden of 141 Erection of a five bed dwelling in the side garden of the existing 204 Woodford 0 to 5 years 1 1 0 16.7 02 Full Woodford Road property. Put forward during Call for Sites. Factory to close in 2012. Owner BAe Systems, Woodford 06 to 10 wishes to develop part of site for up to 900 units (max. 10% flats). 282 Woodford 450 405 45 30.0 08 None Aerodrome, Chester Rd years Some employment retained. Maximum 15 ha of the 25 ha northern MEDS required to provide notional figure of 450 units. Put forward during Call for Sites. Contrary to current policy but given Land at Hall Moss Farm, 06 to 10 the sites size and location it may not amount to an exceptional 355 Bramhall 200 200 0 30.0 15 None Hall Moss Lane years substantial strategic change to the Green Belt, though may need to leave wide buffer between development and A555 road. Site put forward during SHLAA Call for Sites exercise. Potential Alliance House, Station Cheadle 06 to 10 312 75 0 75 82.0 01 None sheltered housing site. Existing building 2 storey in height. Might be Road Hulme years limited to 3 storey development. Soon to be vacant Residential Home. Planning brief for the site Hulme Hall, Hulme Hall Cheadle 06 to 10 336 27 15 12 30.0 03b None approved by the Council February 2009. The brief states that the Road Hulme years preferred use for the site is housing. Put forward during Call for Sites. Accessible site but uncertain Longacre and 16 Ripley Cheadle 06 to 10 whether all of it is PDL. Hall Moss Ln provides clear boundary so 612 21 21 0 30.0 02 None Avenue Hulme years unlikely to be taken out of Green Belt but potentially suitable for limited infill / affordable housing development. Application DC030852 for 32 sheltered flats refused 4/9/08 due to Ryecroft Arms PH, Turves Cheadle 06 to 10 failure to respect character of area and harm to amenities of 255 20 0 20 71.4 0 None Road Hulme years neighbouring housing, also no affordable housing. Likely that a reduction in numbers will lead to permission being granted. Garages are in a reasonable condition and appear to be used but Garages and land to rear, Cheadle 06 to 10 majority of nearby houses have on-site parking. Contrary to current 650 9 9 0 30.0 04 None north of 170 Bruntwood Ln Hulme years policy but site potentially suitable. Left an adequate 20m strip of Green Chain to rear. 3 houses on PDL, 6 on Greenfield. Site put forward following publication of Draft SHLAA. Owner has Land adjacent to 172 06 to 10 expressed an interest in developing the site for 100% affordable 728 Woodford 9 9 0 30.0 15 None Woodford Road years housing. Likely that only part of the site fronting Woodford Rd would be released (area of 0.3 ha).
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