
THURSDAY, JULY S, 1947 ^iTAGE FOURTEEN ^anrtfPBtrr lEuruins Airraid Avbnct Dally Clrtolatlon T k d W M tb c r For the Moirth of tase. 1917 FOroeaot of C. B. Weather Barvaa , At Oie ratular Monday meeUnf of the Kiwanla Club of Mani heater Troth .\nnounrcfl Ex|mm1 Change Brrolurh Affianml Ei<i;lit Appeals . 9 ^ 5 5 Mentty riossdy cB b abnwvrs aod About Town j to be held at the Manrh-«t-r Mesobor of ttw Aodlt ranttgaad rolbrr warns aad booMt Conntrv rliih a sound niotn n pic­ Announcement itUunrjjYBi^ir siBirsiu ture will he «h >-n entitled ' N- I I I Vrl Plans j Before Boanl Bareem of dm slolleee AH «B«Baber« of Uie A; r Help Wanted" If i» on the Manchester—^A City of f illage Charm UnloB w « roque*tf .1 . > ^ 1 amralirn to «er-.ire the r*-'iTipl'* <•- M the hUMletacd at MeftioaUI t wl<l THE J. W. HALE CORPORATION ment o' returned han<lt<apped vet­ Mu'! .\uw*iiil PrfiHoti /oiling Boanl Mrrliiig Satween 7 and ":30 tomorrow eran* a"d other* The iiK - tma v d1 VOL. LX V l„ NO. 233 fClaaaiece Ae*er«Mag oo tmge If) M A N C H E S T E R . C O N N ., M O N D A Y . J U L Y 7. 1947 (TWELVE PA0E8) PRICE FOUR CENTH ai|bt. be held at n.» n nr u> *1 Kr -nk Krm illy Siilmiillrfl to It* Srhriliilpfl for Nrxl * A N D PImon I* •'herlulrd to f irn 'i H- erotd A*new of 51 Branford attendance price. I (O ra l Town Board Thiirkilay Night •tiew. employed by the Phoenix C. E. HOUSE & SON, INC. ttsta Bank aad Trust Company, Ho’v (V.r.im inioo " ill •••!( • T-- i-'titdn «i:bmllted at lh<- The Euning Board of App'sl* ‘They Looked Something Like Thin* IS Problems Bad recently been elected to mem- bratrd al *e\ en oc i- k t<'i ‘ITow Tin -<l( y meetiii'.' of the K'>aid of ha: eight pe’ it-ona for i onaidera- WILL REMAIN OPEN ALL DAY Sharp Exchanges In the Hartford Chapter momlnit. tndependen<e diiv. at PI. Rehxtmfn .ati.oig toevn inectdig tion at ita m e'iiog to be held next Czechs Will Attend a t tha NaUoaal Aaaoeiation of Mary’* Kpi*«op«l chnnh The Bition on a iiropi j.d Il'iatfKib ap- Seen Urgent Thuratlay night In the Selertmen’s Obat Accountanta. -ervice sill he n«".-Iiid'd ahcit propMKtlon for additional tempor­ U N T IL 5 :3 0 “•3!i leavira ami'e time for p<r- ary hoii-ing veter.'ma may he Hearing Rci .ni In the Municipal Paul Bruno Hacedom of 55 *ona to cel to th'ir sork ot out .'imrsded or withfiriiwii, and a ,iih- Building. Before Palestine By Military of town th en)ov the i ivll holi«lav Oakland street was receiving the ititiite (tetitlon entired, d w.i-i an- John H. Liithbee la .isking to ON SATURDAY, JULY 5TH aoSBtatulationa of hlx friemla on noiinc(-(| thi.r inoining hv Attoinciy The .‘=al\atlon Arrm ‘ «oOien'* make aller/'t on'- and addition* to Sessions at Paris law lilnr hla T7th birthday today. lohn f> l.:iH(|'< who diiilted Htnl w-ciellf* sill *eive their arMiiml Armeti Serricet Apt*etA- Mr. Hairedom ia enjoyln* *oo,l U til >1 *ign> t 'HI Ihl il'x uinc;il n>' a building at l.'i Filkin street whhh In arrordiinrr with thf agreement made hy all Merchants Committee Today Mrawberrv eiipi>er from '• "O health and Is on duty e\ery day In the po> ion of the i l'tk of 1“ smaller In -irea an'l eloxer lo Hie of the Retail Merrhantiv* Division of the (Chamber of ing to Public for a t hla aenrlce station at l.'<» Tol- Ihl* eveniiic In additim to llie Ro.'ird 'd p.'l'ilmi-n. bdil'ling line than the Z'lnl.tg regu­ food thty pn«mi*e ai"«l mm "I'd M ai Turptke. Oominr so near the Mr. I.hK'-II. il.'il'-'l llvit Ihl" p* • lation* all'iw. Tf.i- building ia at ('ommerre in the beginninR of the year these two Cor­ Help in Solving Some , Ci-.l frlio\v*hlp. ppurth. the erent la ohaer%-ed earh tlll'iti, oilginndv |ir'-*'-nled >tlll i* present ic ■ d :u n haiberxh'ip. porations v»-ill remain open on Saturday. On Marshall Offer y w r by bla children and yrand- hefore the b'l-iid" an'l th.il il-wdl Kilwin Be' lst hi-, wh'i got Into Truman Asks Knotty Military !Seetl$' ehUdfUB. Hla seventy-fifth hirth- The U’hil m .Men oii*I I.,iirHtv n main pet:.hi-g po hie fiirtlH i trouble with the Riiilding Inaiactor on .Vorth Mam eti--t. the .Marv lui Amy uraa the ocraaion for a ape- iSl MU* Marlon Sheridan HI I ion. Mis* Rarhara I'nriln an'1 the Zoning B'lairl of Appeal* \Ve are planning to give all our Employees an extra day f ”henev l.d i >r\’ an-l the Wr-*^ Pid> By Robert E. (ielger Drriflp lo Acrrpl In- celebration. Reason I nr < hange when he atsrlc'l to em lose a pfirch congress Let Yaration ot Antliradta hran-'h sill be < ;o«ed all dav. July at hi.* home on Henry street. 1* this .Summer to compensate for w(irking on this day. Washington, July 7 oP The Soft Ceoal Pay Mr and ,Mr* Oeorge .Shendan of Rea on for a |x>aaihle ■ hange In .Mr*, lane Fortin of 15 Hemlock M inm Emb Today irilation Den^itp So- fourth and Ofth. -dreet sntuqinces the eiigsgement niuking application to crert a p'lirh armed service* are appealing to Mr. and Mrs. K B Inman of rtlirtford aniioiinn > Hie encace- tlir petition H* tiie wording of tlie Quntions* During See* Henry street are on a vacation Pf Marcarefa Orcle Iiauchfer* menl of Ihiir dsiighter. .Msiion f''qiie.*t, a.skine an appropriation of her daughter. .Miss Barbara over hia garage which la closer In Displaced the public and especially cz-GI’a Scrontoft. Pa., July 7 virt Rrjpption of t'l the si'leline< than the regiila-| trip to Oklahoma, where they will of Piabetta. ’ li: --ive a * ipper for 1^ iilxr 1(1 John dcM ’rournaiid. <on for "temfHiriir\ ' housing for vet- , •Marl# Fortin, to Robert .MarVst- a io n a t J r r u B a l r m to help solve aome knotty military Pact in Legal The nine-day vacation of 78,(NM tions allow. Iniplem piilalioii Plana; vlalt the family ot their dau(thter. r i-mtieni and fri**nd* T'-c dav. of Mr,. .fi.*( phiiic ToumHiid and eran*. There alto h:i> Ix-en 'piea- | ish. aon of .Mr and .Mr*. Joseph problems that have American In- AFL. anlhrarlle miner* ends Mra. Frank tVviran Bivan of lioH a* to the Intent <>l the signer* [ .MseVarlsh of .domera Rosd. M- George W. Stiant has two sppll- Jnlv 5 at *lx o’( hx-k on the lawn John y Imirnsiid of .Mamhestrr Jerusalem, July 7.— (A*)— Urges Admission of vantora atumned. today and th* hard coal dig­ Poland Still Study­ ktlllwater. at the K of C hor e If the seath- .Ml** .-.hcrlilHii .“ eniplo\rd a* * wh'lher they were seeking a lington rati'His for 'iins'ilerstion. One Is Tangles Now ger* are ache<lul#il In reaume er ahould prove unfavorable. It driiflnman *t l‘rslt A Whitney Air- • ofiipanlon pn-j'-f I to the one i.ow The we'HItiR dale h»* not been fo be alhiwed to use the rear por­ FRIED OYSTERS, CLAMS Sir Abdur Rahman, of India, ‘Substantial Numlier^ i They want quick answers to prrxiurtinn In aome 200 nortk- ing Bid aa Six Na- Robert f. laRtie of ll« Onter sill he held lnd<HU Mr- Hay- (iHfl Mr Ton riiHiHl la attcmlini; being built, or whether they W'luld -•et. tion <if the ;«it Miuth of .’157 Main FISH AND CHII»S WITH OUR NEW FRIALATOR! accused David *• Bon-Gurion, such diverse problems aa how t o ' easlrni PennaylvafUa p4ia. etreet who la enrolled M Boat«m From Europe to Na­ build a landing field or a road vir­ tionH Offirialiy Ac* motxl Peterson and 5lr» Walter Alfred I’nlverdlv. Alfred N V . ' iinaider a diHeti nt Ivpe. .Mr. Ij i- street for hiisi.-iexs piirp'isox. Tim chairman of th^ Jewish Strike of al l/rant Cd) It was the firot varaltnn for Ualvaraity (raduate aehool this Relle r.-'id li-iil he thinkii the other applieat'C.n is t't use .an addi­ tually overnight and how to make bederc. eo chairmen, sill he as- ■imK'rinc In ccromlc encinertinc Our new’ sanitary process gives you a deliciouN, crisp, Agency, today of “ deliberate­ tion as Immigrants the hard coal mlnera ainca cept Invitationa Sent aammer. w it hia neooad •■i*ted hv Mr* Koberl Keir. Jr. The wcddlliR will take plai r Ailg- iigner* intent,I'I to pmdi for a pro- tions! 100 feet adjoining the pres- a gasoline engine-generator small Per C'iPnl of Nallon’b golden brown focid — .Seals in the flavor! Come in and enough for a man to cany.' 1042. They nad omitted a paid tarm Tuesday, after apeo-iin* the Mrs Ruhard U Mi*. Bnintc list 2.’!.
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