THE UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA CLOTHING PRACTICES OF PAKISTANI I^IOMEN RESIDING IN CANADA by GHAZALA SHAHEEN A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF GRADUATE STUDIES PARÎIAL F'T]LFIIMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE DEPARTMEM OF CLOTHING AND TEXTILES I^IINNIPEG, MANITOBA L976 OF ..----=.fiANllOß --.-a {1ßnanlEs ''CLOTHING PRACTiCES OF PAKiSTANI l,'lOI4EN RESIDING IN CANADA" by GHAZALA SHAHEEN A dissertation subnlitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies of the University of Manitobu in partiut fulfillment of the requirements of the rlegree of }4,ASTER OF SCIENCE @ tgzo :.-: Per¡rrissio¡¡ lus becn grantcd tt¡ tho LIB!ìARY OF TllU UNIVUR- SITY O$; MAN¡TOllA to lond or s:ll copies of tl¡is rlissertation, to the NATIONAL L¡BRARY Ot¡ CANADA to nticrul'ilm tl¡is rlissertation and to lend or setl copics of the film, and UNtVIiRSITY Mlclì,OF¡LMS to publish u¡r ubstruct of this dissèrtation The author resstves other publicution righÊs, and neitlrer the disscrtation nor extensiw oxtracts t'rom it nruy be printed or otlrer- wisc reproduccd without thu uuthor's writtc¡r pennission. ,::::;::llj',:!?a:l Ì r:-' :.: '' , ABSTRACT The purpose of this e>çloratory study was to in- vestigate the relationship between clothing practices of Pakistani women residing in Canada and their religious commitment, agê, education, occupatíon, length of resi- place of .i.',, ,.'r1 t dence in the vJest, counËry of citizenship and : .: :: . residence in Pakistan. The relationship between clothing styles \,.üorn by Pakistani women and the styles they liked but would not \iüear \,vas also investigated. Questionnaires, received from 102 respondents rvere statistically anaLyzed. The Pearsonts correlation coef- ficient was used to compute the relationship between clothing styles worn and the styles they liked but would not wear. a chi-square test of independence was used to determine the relationship between cloËhing styles !üorn and Ehe independent variables in Ehis sËudy' ¡-i, .íj ' :. '. -r:i.- t:1 .-ilhe resulCs indicate a significant relationship beËween clothing styles respondents wore and the styles Ëhey liked but would not l,úear for pantsuits, gowns, saris and sari blouses. The reasons for not wearíng the sËyles liked weïe mosËly related to modesty. Data shows thaE religious commitment, level of education, occupation, length of residence in the l,üest, countïy of citizenship l:1 : ::: I ì ::.-r:-t,l ,l ii and place of residence in Pakistan influenced the wearing of certain types and styles of clothing. No significant relatÍonship was found between age and clothing styles worn, which was probably due to a relatively young sample. Eighty-five percent of the respondents Ìivere under thirty- five years of age. í?r.-:ì1i:::.ì ACKNO!'TLEDGMENIS The author T/üishes to e>(Press sincere appreciation ,,,, :.,::, to her advisor, Mrs. C. Gonzales, and to Ehe other com- ":::.:: mittee members, Mrs. M. E. TyrchniewLcz and Dr. K. Klostermaier ,.-..,,r,:. I would like Eo acknowleoge with thanks, the ,.,.,,';, assistance of Dr. B. Johnston with the statístical analysis. .,,.i,, ,-.', lit, Sincere appreciation is exEended to Dr. M. I. Morton, ". Professor and Head of the Department 'of Clothing and Tex- tiles, for her interest and encouragement. Gratitude is e>çressed to the authorrs family in Pakistan, for Eheir continug.d support Ehroughout this study and to the authorts son for his patience and toler- ance. Last, but not least, mY very personal appreciation to my husband for his perseverance, understanding and emotional support throughout Ëhe study. :: : l_1_t TABLE OF COIüIENIS Page LIST OF TABLES ............................. " " " ' vii LIST OF FIGURES ........................a...."""' X LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS .............""."""".." xi Chapter I. IMRODUCT ION 1 SPECTFTC OBJECTTVES .......... ........... 3 DEFTNTTTON oF TERMS ............... ...... 4 II. REVIEI/ü OF LITERATURE .......... ............ 7 ACC{.ILTURATION ........................... 7 THE RELTGTON OF rslÁI4 ................... L2 CLOTHING RESTRICTIONS IN ISIA}'I .......... L7 CLOTHING OF THE PAKISTANI I/üCN4AN .. .... 2L III. METHODS AND PROCEDURE .......... ........... 35 ASSUMPTIONS .... .. .. ... .. .. ... .. ... ' . 36 I DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMEIIIS .............. 36 Questionnaire on Clothing Styles ... -.. 37 QuesËionnaire on Religious Commitment .. 38 Personal Data Inventory ............... 39 i: :..' i:j: SELECTION OF SUBJECTS ..... .............. 40 PRE-TEST .......... ............' 4L ADMTNTSTRATTON OF QUESTIONNATRE' . ... o. ... 42 1_V l.:r:?:' !:_::¡r v Page STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF DATA ............ 44 LrMrrATroNS ............................. 45 IV. FTNDTNGS AND DISCUSSION. ..... .............. 46 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SAMPLE .......... 46 Age"Respondents and Marital Status of ...... " "" "" " " ""' 46 Formal Education and Occupation of Respondents ....."".r"" '."" t"' ' 48 LengEh of Residence Abroad and CounËry oË Citizenship of RespondenËs .... " ' 49 in Paki'stan . Place of Residence Religíous Commitment of Respondents " ' 5f CLOTHING PRACTICES OF PAKISTANI üIOMEN IN THE SAi\4PLE ............. '...... ..... 53I TYPES AND STYLES OF CLOTHING hiORN BY RESPONDENTS ........"""' """ """ 59 Relationship Between Clothing Styles Pakistani- !üomen I,,lore and the Styles They Liked but !{ould not [rlear 69 RelaËionship Between Religious Com- mitment and the TYPes añd StYles of Clothing lrlorn by Rèspondents . ... " 77 ,)::.1 Relationship Between Age and Ëhe Types and SËyleb of Clothing lrlorn by Re- spondeátS ......" """""""" "" 81 RelaEionship Between Education and the' TyPes and Styles of Clothing trttorn by Rä^sponOents'..........."""""""' ö5 the i]. .- ' Relationship Between Occupation--ano Typ"" ano Styles of Clothing lrlorn by ..- ResponOents ...............""""" Ól vi Page Relationship Between Length of Resi- dence in the lrlest ano the Types and Styles of Clothing lrlorn by Re- SpOnCentS ............ .......... 90 Rélationship Between CiEizenship and the Types and Styles of ClothÍng lrlorn by Respondents ..... ................. 92 Relationship Between Place of Resioence in Pakistan and the Types and Styles of Clothing l,üorn by Responoents 94 EXAT{INATTON OF HYPOTHESES .......... 96 V. SUMMARY .................... ............... 101 RECOMMENDATTONS ............... .......... 105 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY .................... ......... LO7 APPENDIXES A. qUESTIONNAIRE .......... B. LETTERS SEI{I TO RESPONDENTS ............... Lzg C. CATEGORY ORDER FOR THE FIVE CLOTHING STYLES AND THE ORDER IN V'IHICH GARMENTS APPEARED ' IN EACH GROUP OF 25 qUESTIONNAIRES ...... 135 D. LETTER AND VUESTIONNAIRE TO SECTJRE THE NAMES OF FEMALE RESPONDENTS ............. I3U E. CHI-S\¿UARE;TIONSHIPS TABLES FOR SIGNIFICANT RELI{' ........................... T4L LIST OF TABLES Table page 1. Frequency ancl Percentagq Pistribution by Age at fimê of Stuoy of 96 nesponoelts,ano by Age at Time of Arrival Abroao of 91 Rãsponcents ..........'.o""""..""" 47 2. Frequency ancl Percentage-Distribution by Le'vel ôf Eoucation oi tOt Responoents . .. 4¿ 3. Frequency and Percentage D-i-stribution by Fórmal- Educatíon in the Vùest of L02 Respondents ......'... """"""""..' 49 4. Frequency ancl Peqcentage Distlibution- by Leingth- of Resictence in the !üest of 100 Resþonclents and in Canaoa of 102 Re- SpOnCentS ... ....t"""tt"""""'"ò'"' 50 5. Percentage Distribution by Population of the Plãce of Resioence in PakÍstan ot 100 Respondents ... .... "" " " "" ".. "' 52 6. Frequency ancl Percentage--Distribution of ttie Sewing ano Buyinþ Habits of T02 ResponOeriEs ........"""" """"""' 55 7. Frequency ancl Percentage-Distribution of ttie Tyþes of ClothÍ-ng Received from Pakistän by u9 Respoñoents .... ¡.. '. " " ' 56 ð. ' Frequency ano Percentage- Distribu.lion of ttie Tyþes of Clothinþ Likeo by Husbanos of. 96'iìesponoents .1... .................. 57 9. Frequency and Percentage pi-stribution of ttie Styles of Clothiñg Liked by Husbanos jð, OÍ. 96 i{eSpOnOenES ....................... ,:.:.ì:.-, i"""' t0; Percentage DistribuËion of the^TyP." anc Styles-of Clothing Vüorn by L02 Re- SpOndentS .......""t"""""t""tttt 60 vl_l_ viii Table Page 11. Frequency Distribution of the Types a1_cl Styles of ClothLng L02 Responoents Vüore anã lJoulo lrlear in-the Future .. .. .. ..... 7Z L2, Pearsont s Correlation Coefficient for ctothing styles PakisËanÍ trrlomen lrlore and the-Styles-.................. They Likeo but Vùoulo not Wear ... ... t " " t 73 t3; Reasons for not lrlearing the Clothing Styles Responoents Líkeo ................. 74 L4. Chi-square Values Showing RelationshiP-Be- tween Religious CommitmenË ano the Clothing Style lriorn-and not Vüorn by 101 Respondents.. 78 15. Chr-square Values_ Showing Relation"hip Be- twee-n Age and the Clothing Style I,üorn ano not lrlorñ by 96 Responoents .............. Ez 16. Chi-square Values Showing Relati-onship Be- Ëweén Age at Time of Arrival Abroad and the CloEhing SËyle vrlorn ano not vüorn by 9l ResponOeñEs ....................." "' . ó4 L7. Chi-square Values Showing Relationship Be- twedn Level of Ecucatiõn ano the Clothing Style lrlorn and not lüorn by 101 Re- spôndents ...... ...... ...." " .. " o " ' o " ö6 18" Chi-square Values Showing RelationshiP Be- twedn Eoucation Abroao ancl the Clothing Style V,Iorn and not l¡riorn by 102 Re- spônOentS .. ...............o..""""..' Eö Lg. Chi-square Values Showrng RelaEi-onshiP Be- twedn Occupation ano the Ctothing Style !{orn and not V'lorn by LjZ Responcents . .. 89 20. Chi-square Values Showing Relationship Be- twedn LengËh of Resiclence
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