University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-3-1907 Albuquerque Citizen, 12-03-1907 Citizen Pub. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Citizen Pub. Co.. "Albuquerque Citizen, 12-03-1907." (1907). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/2622 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TRAIN ARRIVALS WEATHER FORECAST No i 7.45 p.m. No. 4 7. 50 p. m. H No. p. m. 710. 55 CITIZEN reiver. Colo., Dec. 3. Fair tonight 1 JQUEEQU No. 8 1. 10 p. m. and Wednesday. No. o 1 1. is p. in. GET THE iNEWS FIRST" VOLUME 122. AL15UQUEHQUE. NEW MEXICO, TUESDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 3, 1907. NUMBER 200 ROOSEVELT POINTS THE NEED PRESIDENT m CONGRESS STATEHOOD BILL IS. BRADLEY 010 NOT THAT THr tM IS SOUND IS INTRODUCED TODAY Business Conditions in Good Shape but Jury Reported a Verdict of Changes Are Needed in System of "Not Gvllty" at 10:30 -- to Keep Up With Great Will Take Usual Course But O'clook This Currency Will be Given Proper Morning. Growth-Mu- st Incourage Intelligent Farmers - Agricultural Interests at Santa Fe. DEHOHSTMflOn.OF to Prosperity. APPLAUSE FOLLOWED PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE SAYS LAWS MUST BE ENFORCED ALIKE BEF0REB0TH HOUSES Immediately Upon Being DtsJ charged. Defendant Rode Away From Court House In an Autom- REGARDLESS OF WEALTH Of! POWER Message From New State of Okla-Kecclv- obile-She Will Join Her -- Glad to be In Union Sister at Goldflelds. Nev. and Under Self Governme- Changes In Regular Army With Better Pay Urges Radical nt-New State Washington, D. C. Dec. i. The For Officers and Quick Advance- Jury in the case of Mrs. Annie f. Prosperous. Hradlev who was charged with the ment For Officers of the Line-Coun- try Must Keep En- murder of former Senator Arthur M. Brown, of Utah, at a local hotel. "It 1s Idle to bnllil battleship itnlow In nllltlHI to iirmidlng tlm ni en bimI the mean for tlioroinrh Washington, Dec. S. (Special.- )- December 8 last, this morning Navy and Back It Up With Coast Defenses Par- - larging training o provide tin- auxiliaries fur tlicm I'nlifM we provide (looks a l tlie oiliii- Mat loin Wo The bill for statehood for New Mex- brought in a verdict of not guilty. thK. ilellclcncy shoo hi no longer be. ico was Introduced by W. H. An- The Jury reported In -- Dis- the court ticularly on Pacific Extends no Encouragement to Ml to 'lst. IVrtiticnl Ions of tliei Ixxt lvw should he p ruvldcMl for ail our jrreati, hnrlior.' drews, delegate to congress, today. room at 10:08 o'clock. When the I linn itooMCveii s Jiessfr u tioiijrrvws. It was bill number four. court asked If they reached a Ver- honest Corporations but Says All Must Not be Condemned The bill U quite similar In many dict, the foreman answered, "We respects to the last statehood bill. have." Because of a Few-Urg- es More Power for National Gov kind, and stlimore that they have and all other great corporations will harmony with the several state com It provides for single statehood for "What la your verdict, gentle- In part sougm to prohibit what could do well to recognize that this con- missions, each within Its own prov New Mexico, however, and retains men?" ernment In Dealing With Complex Problems Among not be effectively prohibited. and trol must come; the only question Is luce, to achieve the desired end. the name of the slate of New Mex- "Not guilty," was the answer. have In., art In their prohibitions as to what governmental body can Kliernuui Anti-Tru- st Imw. ico. Demonstration of applause follow- be allow- In my The bill provides ed Commerce-La- ws confounded what should most wisely exercise It. The courts Moreover. Judgment there that the gover- the announcement. Trusts and In Interstate Need Amend ed and what should not be allowed. will determine the llmim within should be additional legislation look nor, the chief justice of ftlrs. Uradley was Immediately dis- It is generally useless to try to pro- , which the federal authority can ex lug to the proper control of the court and the secretary, apportion charged from custody. .Following ing-Ta- rlff Revision Not Advisable Now. hibit all restraint on competition, ercise it. and there will still remain great business concerns engaged in the territory for the purpose of hold- the ovation she left the court house whether this restraint be reasonable ample work within each stste for interstate business, this control to be ing an election for delegates to a in an automobile. In a few daya or unreiisonable; and where It Is not the railway commission of that exercised for their own benefit and constitutional convention. There she will Join her sister at Uoldliebl, useless It Us generally hurtful. state; and the national interstate shall bo 113 delegates to the consti- Nev. To the Keiinte and House of Repre- done by legislation to help the gen The successful prosecution of one de- commerce commission will work In (Continued In $tiplctiicnt.) tutional convention and the division sentatives: eral prosperity; but no such help of to immediately of the territory a permanently vice evade the law for their election No nation ha greater resources beneficial character develops another device to accom- shall be according to population upon 1EXAS ADMISSION WON'T thiti) our mid 1 think It can be truth- can be given to the less able and less plish the same purpose. What is the vote for delegate to congress in fully said that the citizens of no na- fortunrte save us the results of a needed is not sweeping prohibition the 1906 election, the apportionment policy ln.-ur- e to tion lxuwews greater energy and in- which shall the ad of every arrangement, good or bad, JAPANESEAMBASSADOR SEGRETARY TAFT IS IN to be made on the sixth Tuesday af- dustrial ability. In no nation are vantage of all Industrious and eff- which may tend t restrict competi- ter the passage of the enabling act STAND IN KANSAS the fundamental buslneiss conditions icient people who act decent Iv: and tion, but such e supervision by congress. pounder ours at this very mo- this Is only another way of saying and regulation as will prevent any The bill provides twenty daya than that any benefit whien cornea to the that ment; and it la foolish, when such restriction of competition from being IS SUDDENLY GALLED THE RUSSIAN after the passage of the measure b Topeka, Kan., Dec. S. , less - Judge Dana is the cm.-- for people to hoard mo- able and less fortunate must of to the detriment of the- public, as congress, the governor shall & necescsity come ever more to the issue today decided In the case. In which ney instead of keeping It in sound well as such supervision and regula- proclamation calling the constitu the atate of Kansas Is trying to prov bank?; for It is ich hoarding that more able and more fortunate. If, tion as will prevent ether abuses In tional convention for the Mon- therefore, tha less fortunatp Is third that the International Harvester Co. It the Immediate- occasion of money man no way connected with restriction of day after tha election for delegates. trust con- " . envy CAPITAL existed, that the "Texas i nge-i'icy- Moreover, a. moved by of his more ffcriunnte as rule, the competition." Other provision contained In fession" company ad-iti- sh brother to at , tha f the of the was not business of our peonle in conducted strike condition I have called your attention' In oiii are an appropriation to. f.ve as vitt'i.:-- U unaer Which in T- writ honewty and probity, and thhs they have both, though al- million dollars, and nectlona i'fnt- ' unequally, prospered, the result will these quotations to what I have of land case. applied alike to farms and factories. ready said because 1 - am satisfied for the maintenance of public BcllooJs tin ttfe Texas case, which is sim- railroads and baiks. to all our assuredly be that while damage may as In the to come to ona thut It is the duty of the national Unlooked For Alovo of M- Czar's Officials Tender Amer. statehood bill of lflfifl ilar to thls, the Harvester company legitimate commercial- enterprises. the struck at, it will government to embody in action the two million acres of faivd confessed a judgruont and paid a any large body f men, how- visit with an even heavier load the with new liqui- In one who principles thus expressed. ikado Flurry In cans Wel- which the state may fine of JS5.00J for violating the law certa-- i some strikes the blow Taken as Causes Cordial ever, there are to be date the railroad bonded indebted- of the state. , who are dishonest, and, if condi- a whole, we must all go up or go Interstate Commerce. ness nVi . n. ...... kA1 I . V. n . W . the c.own of Grant and Santa Fe coun- tions are such that these men pros- logetner. No small part of the trouble that Washington. come. ties. of the line Imposed, by Texas was in per or commit their misdeeds with "Vet, while not merely admitting, we have comes from carrying to an The new state must assume all the nature of a compromise and not impunity, their example in a very but lisisti.ig upon this, is extreme the national virtue of e, liabilities of the territory.
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