City ofPeekskill Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Adopted: City ofPeekskill Common Council, January 26,2004 Approved: NYS Secretary ofState Randy A. Daniels, July 6, 2004 Concurred: u.S. Office ofOcean and Coastal Resource Management, January 14, 2005 This Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) has been adopted and approved in accordance with provisions of the Waterfront Revitalization ofCoastal Areas and InlandWaterways Act (Executive Law, Article 42) and its implementing regulations (6 NYCRR 601). Federal concurrence on the incorporation ofthis Local Waterfront Revitalization Program into the New York State Coastal Management Program as a routine program change has been obtained in accordance with provisions of the U.S. Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (P.L. 92-583), as amended, and its implementing regulations (15 CFR 923). The preparation of this program was financially aided by a federal grant from the U.S. Department ofCommerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Office ofOcean and Coastal Resource Management, under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended. Federal Grant No. NA-82-AA-D-CZ068. The New York State Coastal Management Program and the preparation of Local Waterfront Revitalization Programs are administered by the New York State Department of State, Division ofCoastal Resources, 41 State Street, Albany, New York 12231. ~ J~JJ STATE 0'- NEW Yo<>. OE"'AI'ITMEHT 0 .. STATE 4' SUHc Sn.Ef:T Al.!l..... ~. NY '22:)1<>00' :>£0""£ E: PAT"., R".OY" 0..,.. C\.S ~,- ""'_,.... 0' $.... II""..-abl~ John G 1',_1, Mayor "I) of Pcehk,1l C,ty 11011. MO Mal" Str.,l 1·<..,~s~,Il, "Iy 11)566 I am I'Ic~d In ,,,fi,rm ~"Ll that 1 ha\~ ~ppn»~d tile ('n)' of l'cdsk,ll Local Walerff()l11 R.'l:ah""'tliln 1',OlU"'" (I.WRP). pUr;u3nl h) lhe Wa[erfront Re"lah>..aooll of CooStal A",a, and Inland \.\ """" or< Act b~I)"". "ho p.l1lctpatcJ In the p<epal1loon "f th .. pr<:>l;J'm " 10 be comrr""JJ(d fOf d"'d"Plng l co<"p,chcn,"e ,nlem'"Ole'i",1 ",.""gem,nl progl1lm lh:ll 1"0mo\"" Ihe bal",,,oo I"C5I:f\'aBon, mhancemcm. and LIlli""",,",,, ,,[,he rown\ \':110.111" 'COOU'CC$ I am nQIJf),,,g slale 311cn~lr, Iha' I ha\'c "lJllhJ\M Y"'" L\\ RP and am ....J>u'ng lllem lhat If""f a,MIl;e' mu,l "" un,lcrtalen ,n a mann...,. conS'II.:n!. to the rna, '"'um ~,l~nl 1""doc,,!>le. "nh Ie.., IJrogrJ"" I look fOrward Ie> "o'kmS ""lh )'uu as )"" ""d~a"" ,,\ ,e' ,fall,e ond prote"' ,"our .....al",ii-unt. Randy A Ihl1ld.. ItAD mu go _M•••...... y. .-... ,.."""""," •.."" ...... UNITED STATES DE~ARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Dcu...c and Atmospheric Adm,nistratloft N~ IION~l OCE~" SHlVlCE OF'ICf (If OCl"' A"O COAS lA, R~SOV~C~ .... ~.'OE..U" S, ••' ".....',.M' "0 JAN 1 4 2005 • DEPARTMENT OF STATE COASTAL PROORAMS \lr, George){ SlaftonJ 'JIJI 2 ' D,rttlor. 01 yo 'i01l "f ('o~'lal Rc'\Ourc{'s "ew Yor~ DeP~1I1mcol of Siaic RECEiVED '11 Siale S!rc<:t Albany. :"iew York 12231 Dear Mr. $taftord: "I hr Office of Ocean and Coasl,,1 Resource Managemcm (OC'RM) concurs "lIh your rc'lUCSI to IIleOl1'or'"te lhe CIt)" of I'cekd::J II tocal Walcrfront RCYllnhznllon l'rog",m (tWRI') IntO th(, I'ocw YOll State Coast~( Managemem Progr;,m (NYSCI\.H') as a ROIIURC Progrom Change IRK). We dId nOl receIVe ao)" comffiCms on )"ourn;que.'1. TIlls approval a>surnc, you ,,,II melle no ftlrther ehal1l!~'S to the document m addition to the ones submittctl. After analyzing your RP'C submission. we haw concluded that the submrtted enforcc"blc policin fur lhe City .)f Pe,,~s~ill LWRP. as h'K'tl 1>0;1<",. "1'1: RPCs "rnJ OCRM "pp,..-,"{', Ihem as enforttablc polic'cs of the NYSC\II' The P,·clsltll LWf/ P I'rofHJses t"-o boun..bry ehan!!~.,; to the NYSCMI' ,'lXI,tal bou!l(bry 10 encoml'as, areas that ha"e land and "aler Ibes that collid !la"c "d,rc<:1 and slgmfie"m imP-lei on the coa,tal waters of lhe State 01 l\ew Yor~. The propoScti boundary change' arc mlllor III <;cope and rcprcSCll1 funher detailing (,f the !\"YSCMi' cnru;lal hound"ry "nd are not" subSl"ntlal dl"ngc The follow,"g l'cebl,1l LWRP enfotw"bk polletc' funhcr ,peclfy ;.JYSCMP enforce"ble poltetes: 14. 17. 19,20,21.22.24. and H The follo"- Ill!; P~'t:~sl, II LWRI' enforceahle pohcles "re the sa"...' as th" corrCSllonding ",YSCMI' entorceable polici<,s. e\Cept the "1:. \p(;'I1Jll0n of Policy" scctlon for each Pccls~11I LWRP enforceable policy ha~ been tC'hC<.! or funhcr speclfie<.1 6,8. II. 15. 16. 18. 23. 2~. 27 ..~o. 31. .U, 36, 37, 38. 39. .w. ·11. 42. 43, atd.u These rntston.'; fUllher <.1ellllllhc NYSC\II' enforceJble pohtes 10 be spectfte 10 the Pee~s~,11 LWRP and <.10 nOI represenl" sullslantlal chan~ 'i~w Enr"rceahlc 1'"lid~s The follow,":: !'ccksk,1 i LWI{ I' enforceable pollClcs ~re lie", c"fOlcc~blc pohcics lnal ",c,e ""'11"C,iou,l)" '" lhe -":YSCMP 7,\.19-,\, I\IB. )9C. 190. HA.and }-IA The~c neW enforccable I'olicies f'"1he, <Icl~,1 'hc NYSCMP cnfo":cahle pol,c,es '0 cre~lC policies lhal are s[JCC,fic 10 'he Peck~klll LWRP ~nJ llo nOl represem" ~ubslanual chan!o'C. lIncbapc.'1I t;lllffffable I'oliejes The follo....ing Peekskill LWI{ l' enflXccahlc polic'es arc Ihc ~ame a~ lhe NYSC \II' enfmccahlc pohcies under 19 NYCRK l'..n (,()().5: ') 10. and !J Inapl,licahle Enfl!{(tahl~ I'nljdcs The follow,"& NYSCMI' enfo=able poll'·Ie. do nOl apply and arc not a pan of Ih., Peeksk,lI LWRP 3. ~ 26,2'1...nd 12 In a"u>rdance '" 'lh the Federal Cv.a>tal .\'lallugcll){;nl RcgulallOlls. 15 c.1", R. § 9~J8~. 1-<:&:1;<1 Cnnsi.<1ency "",II apply lil the enforceable pollCtc.,; (onta,ocd In lh,· f"",l C"y of Pn'k!,klll LWI!: I' afler you publish notICe of our apprO"~1 oh" I{ "'Tlg D'\'l.\,on Chid RI.sOU!nv,'· VI I II r CV'DION Ctll M.Il, AlltJl' 11,'1; nit, 1.'1 J\ Ut I'HI\Sl\ILL LOC"'L II'A I UU"kUN'J IUClII ... UJ:...TIO.' PkO(;R....\1 II Ur.kr.,-S•• 01 W;l.P, ,,,dud'''t .11 rrop",.~ lox.l, '.~" md mr,,,! ~n lUJ".' 1!. 100 I """ Sop,,"''''' 14, 100: .., 0"1,, tn r«;.,,, ..-.J <"..."1,, «,,,,,",n" ~n II II l:Rr.AS. ~" !)<r<mb'" n. l~jll~< CO~l"1OI1 CO"<I<,I o..!o~'...o ,h. Cjl~' of ,,-ow. Til t:llF.FOIH , HI: I r RrSOt' n., ,.,,, 'no ("orr""". 1,:ounc,1 01 tho Ci'y of P«~lk,lI I>c,.by di~" Table of Contents Page SECTION I WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION AREA BOUNDARY A. BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION L...:...J. B. REVISIONS TO THE STATE BOUNDARY L...:...J. SECTION II INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS EXISTING LAND AND WATER USES II - 3 Overview II - 3 Southern Planning Area II - 3 Central Planning Area II - 9 Northern Planning Area II - 9 Annsville Creek Planning Area II - 10 Water-Dependent and Water-Enhanced Uses II - 10 Underutilized, Abandoned or Deteriorated Sites II - 11 Southern Planning Area II - 11 Central Planning Area II - 11 Northern Planning Area II - 11 Annsville Creek Planning Area II - 12 Public Access Areas and Recreational Facilities II - 12 Existing Zoning II - 12 Historic Structures, Sites and Districts II - 17 NATURAL FEATURES II - 18 Scenic Resources and Important Vistas II - 18 Topography II - 21 Soil and Bedrock Formations II - 22 Flood Hazard Areas II - 23 Tidal and Freshwater Wetlands II - 23 Water Quality II - 24 Significant Fish and Wildlife Areas II - 25 INFRASTRUCTURE II - 38 Public Water and Sewer Service II - 38 Transportation II - 39 ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES II - 39 Underutilized and Vacant Land II - 40 Southern Planning Area II - 40 Central Planning Area II - 40 Northern Planning Area II - 41 Public Access, Recreational, Water-Dependent Use Issues II - 41 Access II - 41 Utilities II - 42 Water and Air Resources Issues II - 43 Zoning Issues II - 43 SECTION III POLICIES DEVELOPMENT POLICIES Section III - 3 FISH AND WILDLIFE POLICIES Section III - 12 FLOODING AND EROSION POLICIES. .................... .. Section III - 30 GENERAL POLICY ...................................... .. Section III - 36 PUBLIC ACCESS POLICIES Section III - 37 RECREATION POLICIES Section III - 41 HISTORIC AND SCENIC RESOURCES POLICIES Section III - 44 AGRICULTURAL LANDS POLICY Section III - 50 ENERGY AND ICE MANAGEMENT POLICIES Section III - 50 WATER AND AIR RESOURCES POLICIES ................. .. Section III - 52 SECTION IV PROPOSED LAND AND WATER USES Land Use ....................................................... .. IV - 3 Southern Planning Area ...................................... .. IV - 3 Central Planning Area IV - 4 Northern Planning Area ...................................... .. IV - 9 Annsville Creek Planning Area ................................ .. IV - 9 Proposed Public and Private Projects IV - 10 Southern Planning Area ..................................... .. IV - 10 Central Planning Area IV - 10 Northern Planning Area ..................................... .. IV - 13 Annsville Creek Planning Area ............................... .. IV - 14 Waterfront Trail Development .................................... .. IV - 14 Zoning Actions ................................................. .. IV - 15 SECTION V TECHNIOUES FOR LOCAL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM A. LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THELWRP V- 3 B. OTHER PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ACTIONS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THELWRP V- 12 C. MANAGEMENT STRUCTURES NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THELWRP V- 14 Procedures for Department of State and City of Peekskill Review of Federal Actions for Consistency with the LWRP V- 16 Guidelines for Notification and Review of State Agency Actions where Local Waterfront Revitalization Programs are in effect.
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