50094 Federal Register / Vol. 55, No. 233, / Tuesday, December 4, 1990 / Notices The priority now states that the RIE project exemplary practices in the use of school package are published in this issue of must “Develop and implement a procedure to exiting data in planning State transition the Federal Register. This consolidated validate exemplary programs * * * involving programs. individuals with disabilities and technical application package includes the closing experts in the validation process.” The [FR Doc. 90-28341 Filed 12-3-90; 8:45 am] dates, estimated funding, and Secretary believes that since the purpose of BILLING CODE 4000-01-M application forms necessary to apply for the RIEs is to implement program awards under one of these programs. replications, consumer organizations are Potential applicants should consult the involved as information targets to the extent DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION statement of the final priorities they are involved in operating or facilitating program replications. The RIEs are not the published in this issue to ascertain the [CFDA Nos.: 84.133A, 84.133B, 84.133D, and substantive requirements for their primary mechanism for dissemination of 84.133E] rehabilitation information to consumer applications. organizations. Office of Special Education and The estimates of funding levels in this C han ges: None. Rehabilitative Services notice do not bind the Department of C om m ent: Several commentera urged that Education to make awards in any of the priority focus on assisted housing for these categories, or to any specific individuals with long-term mental illness was National Institute on Disability and too restrictive, and emphasized the need for Rehabilitation Research; Invitation for number of awards or funding levels, information in other areas. Some commentera Applications for New Awards Under unless otherwise specified in statute. have stressed that appropriate use of State Certain Programs for Fiscal Year 1991 Applicable Regulations data, especially school exiting data, is a key element in planning for transition programs, Note to Applicants The Education Department General and suggested that RIEs focus on this aspect This notice is a complete application Administrative Regulations (EDGAR), 34 of transition programs. package. The notice contains CFR parts 74, 75, 77, 80, 81, 82, 85, and Discussion: Priority areas for RIEs are 86; and the following program selected based on both the needs of service information, application forms, and delivery agencies and the availability of instructions needed to apply for a grant regulations: model projects that potentially could be under these competitions. NIDRR Research and Demonstration Program validated and replicated. Most of the published a consolidated application (CFDA No. 84.133A) 34 CFR parts 350 suggested additional priority areas in long­ package on August 1,1990 at 55 FR and 351. term mental illness are being addressed by 31318 for several programs in which Rehabilitation Research and Training the RRTCs, and the RRTCs have a strong there are no priorities. NIDRR also Centers (CFDA No. 84.133B) 34 CFR mandate to disseminate information. published a closing date notice on parts 350 and 352. However, the Secretary agrees that RIEs could contribute significantly to the August 23,1990 at 56 FR 34085 for State Knowledge Dissemination and resolution of transition problems by Grants for Technology-Related Utilization Program (CFDA No. 84.133D) identifying and disseminating model State Assistance for Individuals with 34 CFR parts 350 and 355. planning efforts. Disabilities under Public Law 100-407. Rehabilitation Engineering Centers C h an ges: The priority includes a specific The final priorities for the programs Program (CFDA No. 84.133E) 34 CFR requirement for the identification of included in this consolidated application parts 350 and 353. Program Title: Research and Demonstration Appucation Notices for Fiscal Year 1991 Deadline for Estimated Estimated Project CFDA No. Program Title Funding Priority Transmittal of No. of Size of Award Per Period Applications Awards Year (Months) 84.133A. Research and Demonstration. Health Care Policy and Rehabilitation........ March 1, 1991 $175,000 36 National Job Coach Study.......................... March 1, 1991 175.000 36 Involving People With Psychiatric Disabil­ March 1, 1991 175.000 36 ities as Consumer Advocates in Voca­ tional Rehabilitation. National Study of Transition of Individuals March 1, 1991 175.000 36 with Severe Disabilities Leaving School. Alcohol and Substance Abuse as Barriers March 1, 1991 175.000 36 to Job Re-entry for Persons With Trau­ matic Brain Injury. Case Management in the Vocational Re­ March 1, 1991 175.000 36 habilitation of Persons With Psychiatric Disability. Purpose: Research and Demonstration rehabilitation of individuals with (1) The proposed activity relates to Projects support research and disabilities. the announced priority; demonstrations in single project areas Selection criteria: The Secretary uses (2) The research is likely to produce on problems encountered by individuals the following selection criteria to new and useful information (research with disabilities in th,eir daily activities. evaluate applications under this activities only); These projects may conduct research on program: (3) The need and target population are rehabilitation techniques and services, (a) Potential impact of outcomes: adequately defined; including analysis of medical, industrial, Importance of Program (Weight 3.0). The (4) The outcomes are likely to benefit vocational, social, psychiatric, Secretary reviews each application to the defined target population; psychological, recreational, economic, determine to what degree— and other factors to improve the (5) The training needs are clearly defined (training activities only); Federal Register / Vol. 55, No. 233, / Tuesday, December 4, 1990 / Notices 58GS5 (6) The training methods and (9) The training content is service setting. developed subject matter are likely to comprehensive and at an appropriate (f) Program/project management; plan meet the defined need (training level (training activities only); of operation (Weight 2.0). The Secretary activities only); and (10) The training methods are likely to reviews each application to determine to (7) The need for information exists be effective (training activities only); what degree— (utilization activities only). (11) The new materials (if developed) (1) There is an effective plan of (b) Potential impact of outcomes: are likely to be of high quality and operation that insures proper and Dissemination/Utilization (Weight 3.0). uniqueness (training activities only); efficient administration of the project(s); The Secretary reviews each application (12) The target populations are linked (2) The applicant’s planned use of its to determine to what degree— to the project (utilization activities only); resources and personnel is likely to and achieve each objective; (1) The research results are likely to (13) The format of the dissemination (3) Collaboration between institutions, become available to others working in medium is the best to achieve the if proposed, is likely to be effective; and the field (research activities only); desired result (utilization activities (4) There is a clear description of how (2) The means to disseminate and only). the applicant will include eligible promote utilization by others are (d) Probability of achieving proposed participants who have been traditionally defined; outcomes: Key Personnel (Weight 4.0). underrepresented, such as— (3) The training methods and content The Secretary reviews each application (i) Members of racial or ethnic are to be packaged for dissemination to determine to what degree— minority groups; and use by others (training activities (1) The principal investigator and (ii) Women; only); and other key staff have adequate training (iii) Handicapped persons; and (4) The utilization approach is likely and/or experience and demonstrate (iv) The elderly. to address the defined need (utilization appropriate potential to conduct the (g) Program/project management: activities only). proposed research, demonstration, adequacy of resources (Weight 1.0). The (c) Probability of achieving proposed training, development, or dissemination Secretary reviews each application to outcomes; program/project design activity; determine to what degree— (Weight 5.0). The Secretary reviews (2) The principal investigator and (1) The facilities planned for use are each application to determine to what other key staff are familiar with adequate; degree— pertinent literature and/ or methods; (2) The equipment and supplies (1) The objectives of the project(s) are (3) All required disciplines are planned for use are adequate; and clearly stated; effectively covered; (3) The commitment of the applicant (2) The hypothesis is sound and based (4) Commitments of staff time are to provide administrative support and adequate for the project; and adequate facilities is evident. on evidence (research and activities (h) Program/project management: only); (5) The applicant is likely, as part of its non-discriminatory employment (budget and cost effectiveness (Weight (3) The project design/methodology is 1.0). The Secretary reviews each likely to achieve the objectives; practices, to encourage applications for employment from persons who are application to determine to what (4) The measurement methodology degree— and analysis is sound (research and members of groups that traditionally
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