* TODAY: NEW DEVELOPMENTS ON SPAN,ISH FRONT * SUP'ER'SPGRTS Pies * .I Bringing Africa South Vol.2 No.305 50c (GST Inc.) Tuesday April 16 Danger looms Farmer's ,wife brutally murdered close to city A 64-year-old woman, Wilhelmina Dentlin­ The suspect was arrested shortly after the in Ovambo as ger, was brutally killed on Sunday night after murder, but refused to give any information she was allegedly attacked by a farmworker to the police. at the farm Seeis about 60km east of Wind­ The suspect, a 25-year-old man, will ap­ hoek. pear in the Windhoek lower court this morn­ Mrs DentUnger was allegedly hit on the ing on a charge of murder. head with a huge rock weighing about 2Okg. According to Eimbeck, the police are in­ The Namibian Police said her head was to­ vestigating a number of possibilities. blood dries up tally crushed. Mrs Dentlinger was the wife ofthe owner of Police spokesperson, Commissioner Slggi the farm. Her husband was not at home when Eimbeck, said lastnlghtthat the motive of the the murder took place. Eimbeck said the murder was still unknown as Mrs Dentlinger Detllnger family have lived ~ t Seeis fo r many KATE BURLlNG was alone when she was attacked. years. A POTENTIALLY dan­ gerous situation is devel­ oping in Ovambo where supplies of blood for acci­ dent and malaria victims are fast drying up. In re­ cent weeks, stocks have dropped considerably and their seems little hope that they will pick up in time to meet the current crisis. The v~';nn<:. ,..,..0' ............. .... t: -,- country are nonnally se1f-s~f­ ficient in blood fo r transfusIOn purposes, but there are real problems at this time of year when malaria is at its height. About a third of all blood donated by volunteers in Namibia is currently being used by the far nOlth, but donors in the Ovambo region are par­ ticularly thin on the ground. According to the PRO of the Blood Transfusion Service (BTS) Susana Wendt, the prob­ lem seems to be a mixture of ignorance and apathy. "Ru­ mours are fly ing that people catch diseases when giving blood and there is widespread misunderstanding about what happens to a patient who do­ nates blood," she said. THE COST OF WAR. The United States said yest~r ­ People were passing on sto­ d 't had received reports from international relief ries that donors become weak" o:~~sations that 'up to 1 000 Iraqi refugees~ere though in fact it takes only d 'n each day near the Iraqi-Turkish border. te~­ three weeks for the body to n~~i:nal organisations have estimated that one .m:~ replace all the blood t ak~n at lion refugees have entered Iran alone. Above_ the donor elinc, she explamed. d his little Girl photographed last week "And everything we use in iraqi man an eo- our clinics is completely ster- waiting for food to be distributed at a refugee camp. See also page 6. Photograph: Agence France-Presse TO PAGE 2 Mystery over Foreign Affairs fakers in SA of the hotel where Shikongo Foreign Affair ~ said " a cer­ FIVE I.nen have been arrested and h.is friends were staying tain ' Mr Shikongo' and four ill South Africa in connection got suspicious wllen Shikongo other men were posing as olIi­ . with fa lsely posing as Namib- allegedly gave them the wro.ng cials of the NamibianMinistry ian Foreign Affairs postal address for the officia~s. of Foreign Affai rs undcr the ~amlb­ The Ministry of Foreign ian Ministry of Foreign Af­ pretext of conducting a cenSU R Affairs said in a statement survey in Somerset cst illt.he rairs. yesterday that lhe incident was W. ., After thorough investiga- Cape, regarding Nanuhlan Clt:.­ brought to their attention by zens working in Soutb Afnca . the South African Interests TO PAGE 2 Appareutly the management Office in Windhoek. , lfH6'NAMtBIAN FAKERS Career opportunities President calls for THE Windhoek Teacher Training College is planning a FROM PAGE 1 careers exhibition for May and invites all companies in ter­ ested in catching the attention of school-leaving students to tion it turned out that the contact the centre for inclusion in the event 'insurance for all' five men could neither pro­ According to WiIlem Oosthuizen, the exhibition is an at­ duce Namibian p asspOlts or tempt to bring employers and students together at one time identity documents and it was rather than leaving school careers guidance teachers all the NAMIBIAN President Sam insurance company to issue invested." Nujoma said, add­ established that they were, in work of arranging visits to and from firms. Nujoma yesterday appealed to policies permitting holders to ing that the Government was fact, South African citizens from Already intending to take part in the exhibition, which will insurance companies to make specify that premiums should working hard to make the the Western Cape region. run from 20-24 May, are the First National Bank, Police, life assurance available to a be invested in Namibia. cow11ry attractive to high qu al­ "All five of them were ar­ University of Namibia and the Namibia Broadcasting wider section of the popula- The Government intended ity foreign investors. rested. " Corporation. tion. to continue encouraging the ,. As iliese efforts bear fruit, In its statement, the Minis­ But Oosthuizen hoped that about 10 firms would be repre­ "I would like to invite you private sector to invest and re- we also urge all our major local tr), of Foreign Affairs strongly sented at the event. "We don't have anyone from the to seek innovative ways of invest in Namibia to strengthen investors to participate in some denied any knowledge of the printing trade or the newspapers, and we would like some making insurance available to the economy and maintain an of these new productive more of our population -_and amicable relationship based on phases, " he said, fi ve men or the intention of companies from the commercial sector," he said. "Em­ not just those who have high- mutual underst~ing and full Old Mutual, which has as­ any Namibian Government ployers who give particular emphasis on training would be paying jobs in Government and co-operation between Govern- sets of RlOO million in Na­ Ministry to conduct such a especially welcome." the private sector," the Presi- ment and the private sector. mibia, started operating about survey. In the past there had been some lavish career exhibitions at dent said. Nujoma called on insurance 70 years ago and is now the 'The Ministry also thanked the Windhoek show when companies from all over South Nujoma was speaking at the companies not only to invest largest insurance company in the management of the hotel Africa had been flown in for the event, he explained. "We opening of Mutual Platz, more of their assets but also to the country. concerned, as well as the South cannot afford to mount something on that scale but we have Windhoek Central Business create more jobs. The company has almost 40 African authorities, for acting had various requests from career guidance teachers to District's latest office complex "Of course these investments 000 policy holders and em­ so promptly to expose the five provide some kind of insight for pupils into the Namihian built at a cost of R40 million. must be secure and prudent, ploys more than 200 people. - imposters. employment scene." 'The President commended because they are the savings of Sapa l~O~I~d~M~u~ru~al~fu~r~b~e~in~g~ili~e~fi~r~st~~p~o~li~c~y~h~o~ld~er~s~t~ha~t~~~e~b~ein~g~~~~~~~~~~~ people about giving blood; of I- squashing hannful rumours and ·..·· .•. ·.· .• · , ~Ij(1j)J.•·.• •.••..•.• .. ....•. · •.••.••..•.••..•.••.••... • •.•••• .••..• .•· .• ·.1.:·. < ;ROM PAGE 1 :.••.. : ...:: ::: ... .....:: ...:: ::.: .:..... 1 .: ·::•. ••. ·.·. 1. making people more aware of .. :::::::::::::.'. ":';":::':':::'::-::::::::;::::.;:;::.;; " . , - - 1 their social responsibility. Oshakati shoot-out case ile," stressed Wendt. "There cannot continue meeting the One member of the BTS was is no chance of catching a dis­ needs of the Ovambo region on his way to Ovambo this ease if you go and give blood. " without more effort from the week for a three-week cam­ due to be heard today It was impoltant for people local population, " said Wendt. paign to p{omote the aims of in the Ovambo region to re­ Since last October the BTS the service and encourage more CIRCUMSTANCES surrounding the murder of a police officer at Oshakati, who was cognise their responsibilities has had a concelted drive to donors. " Everyone expects and respond to this urgent get people to join the ranks of there to be blood wl,len they shot and killed last year, will probably be heard this morning when two former Plan appeal, she went on. 1he IlUffiber blood-donating 'lifesavers'. It need it," said the PRO, "but it fighters are due to face murder charges in the Windhoek High Court; of accident victims needing has proved a success in some has to come from somewhere. Matty Heita and Michael Van der Merwe and another killed by several bullets from transfusions and the seasonal areas of the country, but in We tapped every source we Kalenga are accused ofhaving policeman were allegedly in­ an AK47 assault rifle. upswing in malaria cases was others the message seems harder . could think of in the recent shot and killed Sergeant Daniel vestigating a case of abduction The two men are also ac­ putting the Blood Transfusion to get across. Wendt admitted donor drive, but wiiliout more Francois van der Merwe on at a certain house in ~ocalled cused of attempted murder for Service in the north under that the service needed to think help from the north we really April 18 last ye~ in a contro­ white Oshakati, firing shots at another police­ enOlmous pressure.
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