Tuition Mahar Plans Suit May Rise OnContract Breach by Phil Plourd Fordham could have handled the situation 12 Percent Former Assistant Basketball Coach with "moreclass." Buddy Mahar is planning to sue the University "It has left a very bad taste in my for breach of contract, an article in the Daily mouth," Mahar said. by Matthew Browne News reported last week. McLaughlin said that he blames Penders The University Budget Planning Mahar, an assistant under the departed for not seeing to his assistants before he left Committee drafted a proposal to raise tuition Tom Penders, was let go after Penders decided Fordham. by 12 percent and to increase the room and to take the head coaching job at the University board fees by a minimum of 12 percent for the of Rhode Island in early October. Because he 1987-88 academic year. The recommendation had a contract until March 31, 1987, Mahar the University will be reviewed by University President said that he feels the University owes him Buddy Mahar Joseph O'Hare, S.J., and sent for approval by about $16,000. "As far as I'm concerned," Quinn was the Board of Trustees December 9. could hive handled According to Penders and Mahar, it was quoted in the Daily News, "we both had valid The proposed increase would raise tuition a stipulation in Fenders' contract that the two contracts, irrespective of Penders'. For the ai Fordham College and The College of full-time assistant coaches—Mahar and the situation with amount of money that is in the dispute, the Business Administration from $6,850 to Interim Head Coach Bob Quinn—would re- University could have handled the situation $7,672 and would raise the room and board ceive full compensation even if Penders re- with more empathy and class." fee from $4,000 to a minimum of about signed or was fired. move empathy " McLaughlin added that he is confident $4,500. If the proposal is approved by the Athletic Director Frank McLaughlin said the University will make some compensation Board of Trustees, the total cost for that the actual arrangement linked the -Bob Quinn to Mahar. undergraduates who reside on campus will be assistant coaches' contracts to the head "We are concerned about Buddy Mahar over $12,000. coach's contract. "When Tom came back from URI [and as a person," McLaughlin said in an interview The 12 percent rise will bring tuition at "Our assistants are under University con- asked for a contract extension], I asked him with The Ram Wednesday. "He was left in a the Law School to $10,416, an increase of tracts," McLaughlin said Wednesday. about Buddy and Bob [Quinn]," McLaughlin lurch due to Tom Penders. 1 hope that [Uni- $1,116. Cost per credit hour at the College at "Accompanying those contracts are letters of said. "Tom said ttiat Fprdharn would take versity President] Father O'Hare and [Vice Lincoln Center and the School of General appointment. In that letter it says that the as- care of them, and I said 'not true.' Besides President for Student Affairs] Jay McGowan Studies will increase by $23 to $213. For the sistant is hired at the will of the head coach, that, I'd says that 95 percent of the time a see the same thing. Though there is nothing graduate schools of Arts afid Sciences, and the contract was based on his." head coach will take his assistants with him." legally binding, Fordham will do something to |Religion and Religous Education, and Mahar was quoted by Daily News sports- Quinn said that he felt the assistants both help Buddy—more out of goodwill than any- Education the cost will rise $24 per credit writer C.L. Smith Muniz as saying that he felt had valid contracts. thing else." hour from $220. The Graduate School of Social Services will increase its fee to $258 from $230 and the Graduate School of Business Administration will increase its cost by $31, to $286. Joseph Cammarosano, executive vice Plourd Cuts Hair, president, said that a major reason for the large recommended increase in fees is because ol the University's need to maintain high Gets Position standards in relation to other leading colleges, especially those that are in competition with rordham for enrollment. The average The editorial board of Volume 68 of The '"crease in tuition for the 1986-87 academic Ram is pleased (and relieved) to announce that year at institutions which had an overlap in Phil Plourd, FC '89, will take over the reigns applicants of four percent or more with of The Ram as editor in chief of Volume 69. wdham College and C.B.A. was 10 percent, As far back as collective Ram memory goes, | while the University increased its tuition by Plourd is the first sophomore-and a cocky one '°"ly eight percent. This discrepancy allows at that- to hold the position. Feeling that he continued on page 3 had accomplished all that he could in sports and knowing that Mike Lupica has the Daily News spot all sewn up, Plourd went for the top job. Who Is This Man? "Hey, look, I write lean hard prose. I knew it was perfect for me after I made that lead sing in my front page D-house fire article," Plourd said while pounding his fist on John Roussey's head. Newly-appointed executive editor, Nick Before Katsoris, CBA '88, could not be reached for comment due to the fact that he was being and after- held in a Massachusetts jail cell for allegedly attempting to transport his 12-year-old The Ram girlfriend across state lines. "He had whips and chains in his trunk, a bottle of Uzo in the makes a man, glove compartment, and the girl was crying and a cocky because she left her cabbage patch doll at home," said the arresting officer. one at that, Apparently, Katsoris was clutching Tina Turner's autobiography much like a bible. out of a, well, Co-executive editor, Matthew Browne, FC '89, baby-faced and bleary-eyed, opted to give wimp. continued on page 5 2 THE RAM Thursday, December 4.1986 THE CAB CALENDAR Wednesday, Friday, Decembej December 5th Reading Dayj Cultural Affairs, a committee of MEN'S SQUASH — Fordhham vs. Campus Activities Board, sponsors a Sunday, Princeton, home at 4 p.m. rip to The Nutcracker Suite Ballet, A Christmas Gathering on Martyrs us leaves MGC at 6:30 p.m. December 7tl Court Terrace. A Service of carols, W.A.C. Christmas Party, featuring CINEVENTS and Special "Events/ readings, and poems. Fordham "The Touch." at 9 p.m. committees of C.A.B., presents A University Community welcome Christmas Caroj at 7 p.m. in Keating sponsored by Martyrs' Court Mimes and Mummers presents Resident LifevStaff. Shakespeare's The Tempest at 8 p.m. 1st. in Collins Auditorium. $2 w/ID, $4 Mimes^and Mummers presents w/out. ^*v hakespeare's The Tempest at 2 p.m. Fordham University Board presents in Collins Auditorium. $2 w/ID, $4 concert in the MGC Ballroom at 8 w/out. Thursday, p.m. $2. v^%^ MEN'S BASKETBALL^-Shoc^er December 11th Shootout, away at 7 p.m. (Wichita, Reading Day S.E. Louisiana* Northern Illinois) onday, December 8th Last Day of Classes! Concerts, a committee of C.A.B., sponsors The Smithereeens, The Saturday, Neats, The Del Lords at 9 p.m. in th December 6th Cafeteria. Mimes and Mummers presents Shakespeare's The Tempest at 8 p.m. in Collins Auditorium $2 w/ID, $4 w/out. MEN'S BASKETBALL-Shocker Tuesday, Shootout, away at 9 p.m. (Wichj Tickets on Sale S.E. Louisiana, Northern Illinois)0" December 9th for WOMEN'S BASKETBALL-Lady Reading Day The Smithereens, Rams vs. Drexel University, home at 3:00 ^ MEN'S BASKETBALL-Rams vs. Hartford, away at 7:30 p.m. The Neats ^ FORDHAM ROWING ASSOCIATION: and ^Annual "Off-The-Water" Party for WOMEN'S BASKETBALL-Lady Crew. Parents, Alumni and Friends. Rams vs. Yale, away at 6:00 p.m. The Del Lord New Hall Lounge. in MGC. ^V Use this form to list events in the CAB Calendar Sponsoring Group. Address Description of Event. -•*•• Date. _ Place Time _Admission Requirements. Of Interest To: • College CBA d General Public • Grad Students DEADLINE: MONDAY at 4 PM • Members of Fordham University Only n leti0 S "7D " °f <his form,please return to: CALENDAR COMMITTEE Campus Center Director's Office THE RAM/Thursday, December 4,1986/3 Fair is fair... Morris, McAllister Win Re-election by Mary O'Neill After the election polls had closed, the a whim." "It seemed like the fairest thing to do," Suitemates John Morris, FC'88, and executive board decided that the write-in Both O'Rourke and Gallagher said that O'Rourke said. "If I had not been in the elec- Kevin McAllister, CBA'88, were elected to re- candidates would not be allowed due to their they enjoyed their terms, during which they tion I would have voted for the guys this time present Martyrs' Court G-House in the RHA disregard for proper nomination procedures, held a dance and other successful activities. too—they were wronged." re-elections held Monday, November 24. The and pronounced O'Rourke and Gallagher as The former president and secretary/treasurer As for the RHA Constitution, the execu- two new representatives took office the winners. But the board overturned its added that they do not have bad feelings tive board has not decided on an official immediately. previous decision last week since they did not about the situation, although they said they policy for elections, but Ryan said, "It will be According to RHA President Tom Ryan, have the legal backing of the RHA Constitu- were sad to give up their positions.
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