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Joseph Abeles: A Preliminary Inventory of His Studio Collection in the Performing Arts Collection at the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center Descriptive Summary Creator: Abeles, Joseph, circa 1908-1991 Title: Joseph Abeles Studio Collection Inclusive Dates: 1935-1975 Extent: 80 document boxes (33.6 linear feet) Note: This brief collection description is a preliminary inventory. The collection is not fully processed or cataloged; no biographical sketch, descriptions of series, or indexes are available. Access: Open for research. An advance appointment is required to view photographic negatives in the Reading Room. Please contact the Center before requesting this material: [email protected] Administrative Information Acquisition: Purchase, 1978 (R8022) Processed by: Jennifer Hecker, 2001; Martha Estrada and Steven Reyna, 2008; Daniela Lozano, 2012 Repository: Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin Abeles, Joseph, circa 1908-1991 Scope and Contents Joseph Abeles (circa 1908-1991), New York theater photographer, established his Talbot Studio in 1935 and formed the Friedman-Abeles Studio with Leo and Sy Friedman in 1957. They were photographers of stage productions and personalities, as well as magazine photo stories about theatrical subjects. This collection of photographic files from Abeles' studio consists predominantly of publicity photographs (some with manuscript notes) for individuals in the performing arts, 1935-1975 (bulk 1950-1970). The collection is arranged in two series, I. Prints (subdivided into A. Portraits and B. Publicity), and II. Negatives (arranged and subdivided to parallel the prints). Approximately 1800 subjects are represented. There are about 11,850 photographic prints (including 8 x 10's, 5 x 7's, proofs, and contact sheets) and 18,500 negatives. The prints in the Portraits subseries are arranged alphabetically. The individuals represented in the portraits are mainly actors and actresses, but agents, artists, athletes, authors, beauty contestants, cartoonists, choreographers, comedians, composers, conductors, critics, dancers, designers, directors, librettists, lyricists, musicians, playwrights, politicians, producers, singers, television hosts, and many other personalities are also included. The files are generally identified as to the year or years in which the photographs were taken. Many celebrated performers of today were captured early in their careers, e.g., Jane Fonda (1960), Dustin Hoffman (1957), Bette Midler (1967), Paul Newman (1953), and Christopher Walken (1968). The portraits are usually publicity shots, but occasionally there are photographs that show actors in character, rehearsal, or performance. The Publicity subseries contains prints representing other commercial work done by Abeles and are arranged in these categories: Airlines, Art Shows, Awards, Buildings and Restaurants, Business, Fashion, Film Reviews, Health, Miscellany, Music, New York City Life, Parties, Stage Shows, Sylvania, Television Shows, and Theater Related. Some of these photo sessions were done for Time or for the New York Times . 2 Abeles, Joseph, circa 1908-1991 Series I. Prints Subseries A. Portraits Abbott, George, circa 1965 Box 1 Abrahams, Doris Cole, 1974 Adams, Neil, 1955 Adler, Luther, 1946 Adler, Richard, 1955, 1968, 1973 Adler, Richard, and Jerry Ross, 1955 Adrian, Max, 1956 Albritton, Louise, 1953 Alcade, Mario, 1957 Alda, Alan, 1967 Alda, Robert, 1952 Alden, Hortense, 1958 Alenberg, Emanuel, 1972 Alexander, Alex, 1971 Alexander, Jane, 1968 Ali, Muhammed, 1969 Allen, Woody, 1964 Allentuck, Kathy, 1972 Allison, June, 1941 Alvarez, Carmen, 1960, 1967, undated Ameche, Don, 1954 Ames, Florenz, 1940 3 Abeles, Joseph, circa 1908-1991 Amran, David, 1959, 1964, 1967, 1969 Anda, Geza, 1964 Anderman, Maureen, 1975 Andes, Keith, 1960 Andrews, Dana, 1963 Andrews, Julie, 1954 (The Boy Friend), 1954, 1960, 1960 (Camelot) Andrews, Nancy, 1963 Andrews, Tige, 1953, 1962 Anka, Paul, 1964 Antoon, A. J., 1972 Appel, Anna, 1951 Arliss, Dimitra, 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1974 Box 2 Armstrong, Louis, 1965 Arnold, Edward, 1950 Arnold, Victor, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1970 Arroya, Martina, 1960 Arthur, Beatrice, 1952, 1958, 1968 Ashley, Elizabeth, 1959 Atkinson, David, 1967 Aubrey, Skye, 1968 Aumont, Jean Pierre, 1960, 1962 Axelrod, George, 1952 Aylmer, Felix, 1953 Ayres, Lem, 1948 Babbin, Jackie, 1975 4 Abeles, Joseph, circa 1908-1991 Baddeley, Hermione, 1963, 1970 Baez, Joan, 1964 Bainter, Fay, 1949 Baker, Benny, 1971 Baker, Josephine, 1935, 1960 [negatives only] Baker, Stanley, 1951 Baker, Virgina, 1954 Baldwin, Peter, 1961 Balfour, Katherine, 1957 Balin, Ina, 1957 Ball, Lucille (Wildcat), 1960 Ball, William, 1955 Balsam, Martin, 1950, 1959, 1962 Bamberger, Theron, 1949 Bancroft, Anne (Miracle Worker), 1960 Bankhead, Tallulah, 1941 Bankhead, Tallulah, with Lee Cobb; Billy Rose; Joseph Schildkraut, (Clash by Night), 1941 Bardot, Brigitte, 1959 Box 3 Barrie, Barbara, 1963 Barrie, Wendy, 1952 Barry, Gene, 1949 Barrymore, Diana, 1940, 1951, 1957, 1959 Barrymore, John, 1939 Barrymore, John, Jr., and wife Clara Williams, 1948 5 Abeles, Joseph, circa 1908-1991 Barrymore, John, Jr., 1954 Bart, Lionel, 1963 Bartholomew, Summer, 1975 Barton, James, 1956 Baselone, Michael, 1962, 1965 Bates, Alan, 1957 Baxter, Alan, 1948 Baxter, Keith, 1962 Bay, Howard, 1969 Beal, Royal, 1937 Bean, Orson, 1956 Beatty, Tally, and partner, 1959 Beatty, Warren, 1958 Bedelia, Bonnie, 1961 Bedford, Brian, 1962, 1974 Begley, Ed, 1951, 1958 Bel Geddes, Barbara, 1966, 1972 Belita, 1957 Belafonte, Harry, undated Box Bellamy, Ralph, 1949 (Detective Story), 1958, 1958 (Sunrise at Campobello) 4 Bellaver, Harry (That Championship Season), 1974 Ben Ami, Jacob, 1952, 1959 Bennett, Joe, 1976 Bennett, Margo, 1965 6 Abeles, Joseph, circa 1908-1991 Bennett, Tony, 1950 Benny, Jack, 1962 Benta, Robert, 1966 Benta, Robert, with David Newman, 1966 Bentley, Muriel, 1949, 1958 Berg, Gertrude, 1964 Bergen, Polly, 1951 Bergere, Lee, 1968 Berghoff, Herbert, 1952 Berlin, Alexandra, 1968 Berlinger, Warren, 1957 Berman, Shelley, 1973 Berman, Shelley, and Mimi Hines (Prisoner of 2nd Avenue), 1973 Berman, Shelley, and Robin, 1966 Bernardi, Herschel (Fiddler on the Roof), 1965 Bernstein, Ira, 1976 Bernstein, Karl, 1954 Bernstein, Leonard, 1946, 1960 Besoyan, Rick, 1957, 1964 Best, Edna, 1956 Bethencourt, Francis, 1967 Bettis, Valerie, 1948 Betts, Jack, 1974 Bibb, Leon, 1968 7 Abeles, Joseph, circa 1908-1991 Bickford, Charles, 1940 Bigley, Isabelle, 1950 Billingsley, Jennifer, 1957 Birch, Pat, 1974 Bishop, John, 1977 Black, Karen, 1962 Box 5 Blackmer, Sidney, 1938 Blaine, Vivian, 1951 Blair, Janet, 1948 Blass, Bill, 1966 Blitzstein, Marc, 1940 Block, Martin, 1954 Blondell, Joan, 1958 Bloomgarden, Kermit, 1966 Blyden, Larry, 1964, 1967 Bob and Ray, 1965 Bochner, Lloyd, 1952 Bock, Jerry, 1960 Bolender, Todd, 1963 Bolger, Ray, 1967 Bolin, Shannon, 1957 Bond, Sheila, 1952 Bondi, Beulah, 1950 Boone, Richard, 1949 Boone, Richard at Lunt-Fontanne Theatre, 1963 8 Abeles, Joseph, circa 1908-1991 Booth, Shirley, 1960 Booth, Shirley, and Jean Pierre Aumont (Second String), 1960 Bosley, Tom, 1960 Bosley, Tom and Martin Balsam, 1962 Bostwick, Barry, 1970, 1971, 1974, 1976 Box 6 Bosworth, Patricia, 1959, 1962 Bova, Joseph, 1966 Bowan, Sybil, 1957, 1961 Bowden, Charles, 1962 Bowman, Lee, 1952, 1962 Boyd, Steven, 1955 Bracken, Eddie, 1953 Brando, Marlon, 1946, 1948 Brennan, Eileen, 1959 Breslin, Pat, 1951 Brett, Jeremy, 1956 Bridges, Lloyd, 1954, 1967 Brigil, Stockton, 1964, 1966, undated Britton, Barbara, 1960 Britton, Sherry, 1958 Brook, Clive, 1950 Brooks, Mel, and Anne Bancroft, 1965 Brooks, Patricia, 1961, 1966 Brooks, Steve (Jim), 1964 9 Abeles, Joseph, circa 1908-1991 Brown, Barry, 1976 Box 7 Brown, Barry, and Fritz Holt, 1976 Brown, John Mason, 1955 Brown, Sheila, 1970 Brown, Vanessa, 1952 Brubeck, Dave, and company, 1972 Bruhn, Eric, 1964 Brynner, Yul, 1949 Brynner, Yul, and wife Virginia Gilmore, 1949 Buchwald, Art, 1969 Buckholz, Horst, 1959 Budge, Don, 1975 Buka, Donald, 1949, 1950 Buloff, Joseph, 1937, 1954 Bunnell, Peter, 1971 Burnett, Carol, 1955, 1957 (with first husband), 1962, 1963 Burns, David, 1941, 1963 Burns, George, and Carol Channing, 1963 Burr, Anne with children, 1974 Burrows, Abe, 1952 Burstyn, Ellen, 1957 Burton, Richard, 1951, 1960 Burton, Richard, and Kathleen Nesbitt, 1962 Burton, Richard, with Julie Andrews; Robert Goulet, 1960 Buzzi, Ruth, 1964 10 Abeles, Joseph, circa 1908-1991 Byrne, Galea, 1958, 1969 Box 8 Cabot, Susan, 1949, 1951 Cacoyannis, Michael, 1965 Caesar, Irving, 1971 Callahan, Billy, 1946 Callan, Mickey, 1968 Callas, Maria, 1962 Cameron, Hope, 1949 Camillo, Marvin, 1974 Camponella, Joseph, 1959, 1965 Canary, David, 1962 Capalbo, Carmen, 1958 Capote, Truman, 1952 Carey, McDonald, 1963 Carey, Philip, 1950 Carlin, Tom, 1958 Carlson, Richard, 1938, 1948 Carmine, Al, 1972 Carney, Art, 1957 Carnovsky, Morris, 1950 Carpenter, Thelma, 1968 Carr, Paul, 1956 Carradine, David, 1972 Carradine, John, 1949 11 Abeles, Joseph, circa 1908-1991 Carrol, Len, 1970 Carroll, Diahann, 1963 Carroll, Paul Vincent, 1951 Carson, Johnny, 1964, undated (with second wife) Carson, Mindy, 1957 Case, Alan, 1955 Casey, Larry, 1960, 1962 Cason, Barbara, 1962 Cass, Peggy, 1952, 1965 Cassidy, Jack, 1956, 1960, 1966, 1967 Box 9 Castle, Gene, 1968 Castner, Alan, 1966 Cavett, Dick, 1968 Champion, Gower, 1961, 1968 Champion, Marge, 1965 Channing, Carol, 1949, 1953, 1955, 1963 Chaplin, Charles, Jr., 1949 Chaplin, Sidney, 1956 Charlap, Mark "Moose",

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