-INDEX- Arts 15A What's going on arouao 13B At Large 5A Business 23A Calendar 3A A GROWING PROBLEM? CITY FATHERS Commentary 6A Police Beat 2A How about a few Officials recall Recreation 5B Remember When 4A tips from a best advice they Weather 3A master gardener? ,9B got from Dad ...11A 1961-1989 Still first on Sanibel and Captiva i VOL. 28, NO. 24 TUESDAY, June 13, 1989 TWO SECTIONS, 44 PAGES 50 CENTS Boost for BMRH 82-unit Captiva City waives permit fees hotel nixed again By Steve Ruediger tor Rabbit Road duplex Islander staff writer By Frances Adams Islander staff writer The proposed 82-unit convention hotel on Ande Rosse Lane on Captiva was denied zon- Sanibel's Below Market Rate Housing program was ing approval last Wednesday by Lee County given a shot in the arm June 6, when the City Council Hearing Examiner Richard Scott Barker. waived the permit fees for a privately sponsored The application by John Armenia aad Bras- development. dar Associates had previously bees denied by But Jean and Francis Wood's request to waive or county staff and that denial had been appeal- defer the permit fees for their Rabbit Road BMRH ed to the hearing examiner. duplex was narrowly granted, against the recommen- A busloadef Captiva residents attended the ..•$a#bns of City M^jpgerGary Price &nd Building hearing in late April. The group strongly ob- Department official Will Hahn. jected to the proposed hotel. "Does the city want to give them an incentive to do Meanwhile, an application for another pro- the project, or do we want to make more money and ject on the same property has also been make it more difficult for them?" was the bottom-line denied by the county and it too is being appeal- question asked by Councilman Mark "Bird" Westall. ed to the hearing examiner's office. The Woods' request involved a total of $943 in permit That project calls for a retail office complex fees: $313 for a development permit, $470 for a and large parking garage. The hearings on the building permit and $160 for a subcontractor permit. appeal are scheduled for 10:30 a.m. on June 29 The proposed 1,936-square-foot duplex has two two- at the Lee County Courthouse. droom, one-bath units, with approximately 300 Standing stoically among the tall pines, a Great A proposal by a different developer for a square feet of porch area. One unit is dedicated to the White Egret scans the grounds behind bailey's retail complex directly across Ande Rosse BMRH program in perpetuity, and one unit is Shopping Center for a few morsels of fo~d. The Lane from the property in the two cases above dedicated to the program for at least 10 years. egret is just one of a number of critters that can was heard by a county hearing examiner on Westall's reasoning was clear: Since one unit is in usually be found in the area around the enter's May 25. the program in perpetuity and BMRH is a city's pro- pond. Please see HOTEL, page 21A gram, then the city is paying itself. Price explained the fees are to "reimburse the public" for the inspectors' time. Westall, who was recently appointed liaison officer between the city and Community Housing & CEPD assessment hearings rescheduled Resources, the city's housing authority, asked why The hearings on the Captiva Erosion Prevention officials have said. one city department, such as Public Works, should not District assessments for the recently completed beach The mailing delay was the result of a project by the have to pay for permits, while another city program nourishment project have been rescheduled to June county tax assessor. It involved changing some of the should have to pay. 28. They were originally slated for Wednesday, June numbers used in the descriptions of property on Price said there's a vast difference between a city 14. Captiva. department where the expenditures are under the The hearing postponement was caused by a delay in During the hearings, the invidual property owners j-ect control of the city, and a contractor, in this case the mailing of individual preliminary assessment will be allowed to appeal the announced assessment , which isn't subject to the day-to-day monitoring notifications to the Captiva property owners. The figures. Following the hearings, the final assessment y the city. notices are expected to be mailed sometime this week, costs will be announced. Please see BMRH, page 9A City supports county's filing for bridge funding By Frances Adams configuration, or even construction of a bridge at all. plying "an absolute, total mistrust of the City Coun- Islander staff writer Section 3 now states: "A letter of support for this re- cil." Lorenson emphasized the issue at hand was sup- quest...," where it originally stated: "A letter of sup- port of the submission of an application for bridge The Sanibel City Council agreed to support Lee port for this project be submitted to the Secretary of funds only, not the project itself. County's filing of an application for $25 million in Transportation in conjunction with Lee County "We (councilmen) have got to have just a little bit descretionary bridge funds for replacement of the Department of Transportation and Engineering's ap- more trust from the population of Sanibel, so we have Sanibel bridge and causeway. plication for discretionary bridge funds." the confidence that what we're doing is the right thing This support was requested by the county and was The new Section 4 now reads: "Support of this ap- for the people here," he said. given in the form of a resolution which was amended plication by Sanibel City Council does not imply sup- Councilman Mark Westall vocalized his feelings and passed unanimously during the June 6 City Coun- port of any particular design or plan." The original about the overall concept of using federal funds for cil meeting. Section 4, "Effective date," became Section 5. certain types of projects. The original wording of the resolution was the object Mayor Lenn Lorenson prefaced the discussion by "I'm always embarrassed about using federal funds of criticism by several members of the public and was commenting on the "scare tactics" used by people to build a structure which enhances development on changed to clarify further the city's stance of not en- telephoning the councilmen and other city officials to dorsing at this time any specifics of bridge design or complain about their voting for the bridge design, im- Please see FUNDS, page 18A Police said investigation of the incident is continuing. back at CROW, the staff arrived to find a note telling why a ferret had been dropped off there. Of course, POLICE A woman was charged last Friday morning with they couldn't find the ferret because the policeman disorderly intoxication after she accused patrons of a had previously picked it up. So, the CROW staff BEAT Sanibel bar of stealing her pet ferret. Darylanne reportedly looked for it all morning and wondered Powell, 43, of Pittsburgh, Pa., was yelling and whether the note was a joke or whether there had been screaming accusations at patrons of the Lazy Flam- a ferret that had run off or what had happened. ingo when Sanibel Police Sgt. Michael F. Murray ar- All the following information was taken directly from rived at about 1 a.m. Murray said he asked her to stop A Sanibel man brought a turtle into the Sanibel the Sanrbel Police Department reports. screaming and he would help her find her ferret. He police station Thursday. The turtle had been found told her to wait outside the bar. However, as soon as he crossing a road and the man was worried it might be a Police helped a drunk man find his apartment at started questioning patrons, she came back in and sea turtle. Officer Julia Law identified it as a "large about 7 a.m. last Wednesday. He had been trying to started yelling and screaming again, according to green water turtle" and told the man it was found in get in a nearby apartment on Periwinkle Way and the Murray. He had her leave again. She came back in again. He then arrested her. Meanwhile, another of- fresh water lakes. He told police he would put it in one resident had called the police. The police report stated of Sanibel's lakes. that "It was obvious that (the man) was unable to ficer found the ferret at Care and Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW). It had been left in front of the determine which apartment was his due to his intox- Sanibel police found a 1969 Volkswagen that had icated state." rehabilitation facility, which was closed at the time. The officer took the ferret to the police station. Powell struck a palm and overturned on Wulfert Road Thurs- continued to yell and scream in the patrol car and day afternoon. They could not find anybody in the Jefferson Davis Woodring, 34, of Sanibel was charg- refused to answer questions such as her height and vicinity of the car and, as of Friday morning, still had ed Friday with burglary of a structure and battery weight while she was being booked. However, police not been able to contact the Captiva man listed as the after he entered a former girlfriend's apartment on let her hold her ferret in between being booked and be- owner of the car. / Sanibel through an unlocked door. Woodring allegedly ing transported to the Lee County Jail.
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