1Z ~ LIBR ~ 0 ill e l5..IJ I NF B MATIOl\T Vol. II No.3 Quezon City, Philippine October 1974 In this issue: The Philippine Population-1985 I 2/PSSC Social Science Information October 19741 Editor's notes The conservatives usually cry very the working hours of labourers will be leaders always meddle with it. Their object, loudly against the rapid mechanisation reduced to half. The reduction in the ive is always to serve the interests of their brought about by the use of advanced .working hours will. certainly, have to be party and not the welfare of labourers. types of scientific technology. The fact is effected. keeping in view the demand for that the mechanisation under a capitalistic the commodities and the availability of ******** framework means more misery and labour resources. unemployment to the common people and The proper use of science, under the The aspiration to become rich by ex­ hence the objection from the conservative collective economic set up will only bring ploiting others is a sort of mental malady. camp. The mechanlsation applied in the forth human welfare. It may well be just In fact,if the eternal hunger of the human I public welfare without hitting the possible that owing to mechanisation no soul does not find the real path leading to I capitalistic framework has to be opposed, one will have to undergo labour for more mental and spiritual wealth, it becomes; because with the double increase in the than five minutes a week. Being not always engaged in the work of depriving others of yield of a machine the requirement of engrossed in the anxiety about grains and human labour will decrease by half clothes,there will be no misuse of their their rights by robbing them of their reo consequently capitalists retrench labourers mental and spiritual resources. They will be sources more than what is required in this mercilessly. A few optimists can, however, able to devote more time to sports, literary material world. If any member of a joint remark "under the pressure of discourses and moral and spiritual pursuits. family seizes the food materials from the circumstances, men will find out the ways store by application of mental or physical . force, he certainly becomes the cause of for absorbing the surplus labourers ;n ******** aifferent jobs and the very attempt of misery to others. Similar is the case when a finding out such means will accelerate the capitalist says; "We have seized wealth by scientific progress. So the ultimate effect The trade union movement is essentially intelligence and labour. If others have the of mechanisation brought about under required for safeguarding the interests mental and physical potentialities they capitalism is rather good". This view labourers and for this proper steps should may do it. Who objects to it?" They do though not .useless has got no practical be taken in order to let it flow in a right not want to realise that the volume of the value for it is never practicable to make the channel. Generally, it is observed that the commodities is limited whereas the require­ necessary arrangement to find jobs for the leaders of this movement do not try to ments is common to all. In most of the retrenched labourers, as rapidly as they are make labourers conscious of their spheres the abundance in one individual's lead~ thrown out of employment due to speedy responsibilities with the same spirit they case to the reduction in morsels in mechanisation. The unemployed labourers try to create in them the sense of their the case of others (or leads to taking the are ruined, bit by bit, due to poverty and demands and rights. The best way to avoid bread out of the mouth of others). Not to hunger. A few of them try to keep their this mal·adjustment is the clear acceptance understand this common necessity of all is souls .and bodies together by of the rights of labourers in the rnanaqe­ a mental ailment. But the people afflicted with this malady' indulging in theft, robbery, corruption and ment of industry and business. other different sorts of anti-social In this direction, mere propagation of are also members of this vast human activities. This situation ii, certainly, not ideology or sermonising some text will not family and consequently, they are our desirable. But there is no possibility of be of much value. There is another great brothers. Therefore, they will have to be such reaction in a collective economic set defect in the general trade union move­ cured of this disease by either making up. There, the mechanisation will mean less ments: - that its leadership does not reo humanitarian appeals or by exerting pres­ labour and more of comforts. With double main in the hands of true labourers. With sure of circumstances. If will be a great· increase in the productivity of machines, party interest at their hearts, political crime even tothinkof their destruction. ~ Social Science lS.IJ INFORlJliI. TION Staff: The PSSC is a nonstock nonprofit, pri- The PSSC Executive Board for 1974·75 are .vate association of Philippine social Armand V. Fabella, chairman: Lo;etta M. Dennis G. Teves, editor science organizations. Incorporated in Sicat, vice-chairman; OscarM, Alfonso, sec­ Leni S. Diaz 1968, it was NSDB·certified as a tax­ retary-treasurer; and Rodolfo A. Bulatao, Rebecca T. Ducusin exempt science foundation in 1973. Mercedes B. Concepcion, Consuelo L. The Council has since January 1972 Gutierrez, Raul P. de Guzman, Gloria D. A quarterly newsletter published by the . been engaged in 13 special programs of Feliciano, Patricia B. Licuanan, Telesforo PHILIPPINE SOCIAL SCIENCE COUN· research, training, and publications W. Luna, Jr., Frank Lynch, Cristina P. CIL (PSSC)· 53 - C Roces Avenue, assistance aimed at making Philippine Parel and Emy M. Pascasio, members. Quezon City, P.O. Box 655, Greenhills, social science more professional, rele· Executive Secretary is Dennis G. Teves. Rizal 3113. Tel. No. 99·97·64. vant, and rewarding. j PSSC Social Scie'nce Information October 1914/3 Readers' comer Calendar PSSC public' service Oct. 26 - Benitez Memoriel Lecture Series at the Correspondence UP Abelardo Hall, 8:30·11:30 a.m. The PSSC Social Science tnformanonr is Speakers: Or. Waldo Perfecto on "New carrying two public service features, the Place­ Perspectives In Vocational Technical ment Service and the Announcements Service. Readers are invited to write in their com­ Education" and Bro. Andrew Gonzales on for the convenience of its readers and other ments. suggestions and queries to the editor "The Constitution and the Language interested parties. with the hope of establishing a forum for the Policy:' The Placement Service hopes to alleviate exchange of ideas among readers. the lack of information on job opportunities Letters published reflect the views of the Nov ,4-e Institute on Agrarian Laws at Bo- in the different social science disciplines correspondents and their publicetion does not cobo Hall. U.P. Dillman. SponlOr: U.P. Lew through a listing of curriculum vitae of profes­ necessarily signify endorsement of the views Center sionals as well as students who might wish to by the PSSCSoc/al Science Information. seek positions in the social science fields. En- Nov. ~g - First Asian Ragional Conference on ,tries are coded to prevent the unnecessary dlis~ Training and Developmiht to be held at the closure of applicants' identities, so that candi­ Philippine Village Hetal, Sponsors: dates in the Placement Service need not be Philippine Society for Training and concerned about losing their present posi­ PSSC placement service Devalopment, UP Institute of Small-Scale tions. Industries. National Manpower and Youth The Announcement Servi,ce seeks to help Council, Development Academy of the Phil­ social scientists and social science institutions Ippines and the Population Commisslo,n. who might wish to submit announcements on Positions open grants. seminars, information needed, re­ Nov. 16 - Benitez Memorial Lecture Series at the searches. etc., of particu lar interest to social UP Abelardo Hall, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.Spgak· scientists in general. Staffassistant ers: Dr. Licerla Brillantes Soriano on "The These services are being offered free of Constitution and Non-Formal Education" charge. Please send information to: Research assistant and Or. Jaime C. Laya on "Education for * College graduate, major in Sociology or in Economic Self-Sufficiency." any of the Beh8\lioral Sciences The Editor • Preferably with experience, 2-3 years Nov. 20-Dec. 11 - Three-week live-in workshoP PSSCSocial Science Information • Contact: for young workers on·population educetlon et 53-C. RocesAvenue Quezon City the UP Asian l.abor Education Center. Spon­ Mr. Mac Rivera sors: International l.abor Organization (lLO) Philippine Business for Social Progress Individuals seeking employment through and Asian l.abor Education Center (Al.EC). Yutivo Bldg., 254 Dasmarmas the PSSC Placement Service should send the Manila Dec. ~ - Panel at the Western Conference for following lnforrnation. Name/mailing address/' Asian Studies on the subject: "The United sex/civil status/age/phone number: Educa­ Politica/Science tnstruetor» States and the Philippines: That Special tional background: highest degree/major fieldl *M.A. Political Science or advanced graduate Relationship' ". Sponsor: Arizona State Un~ of study/institution/year degree was granted:: student In Political Science verslty, Tempe. Position wanted desired field (specific disci­ pline in social science)/position preferred (e.g.. *Send letters of appllcetion together. with Dec. 7- Benitez Memorial Lecture Series at the transcript of records and latters of UP Abelardo Hall. 8:3Q.11:30 am, Speaker: teaching, research, etc.)/minimum acceptable references to: Ambassador LeticljiR. Shahanl on ''The salaryldate available. Constitution and Education for Civic Re. Social science institutions with vacancies ponslbilltv," are requested to submit details about course: Mrs.
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