WEED IDENTIFICATION GUIDE Carpetgrass American Burnweed Common Chickweed Mouse-ear Chickweed Axonopus affi nis (Carpetgrass) is a mat-forming Erechtites hieracifolia (American Burnweed Stellaria media (Common Chickweed) is a mat- Cerastium vulgatum (Mouse-ear Chickweed) is a perennial that can be identifi ed by its smooth leaf or Fireweed) is a robust summer annual identifi ed forming winter annual or short-lived perennial in winter perennial with alternating leaves that are blades with rounded tips. Typically, a few long by its spiraling, alternating elliptic to lance-shaped temperate regions and is identifi ed by alternating, oblong and covered with hair. Prostrate overall, hairs are present on the leaf sheath at the base leaves with narrow, sharp-pointed bases on the shiny leaves - egg or oval, to broadly elliptic, in Mouse-ear Chickweed will have several upright of the blade. Often found coexisting in centipede lower part of the stem and clasping based on the shape. Upper leaves are without petiole, while the stems. The weed can further be identifi ed by lawns. Carpetgrass is found in the Coastal Plain of upper. American Burnweed fl owers late-spring lower leaves have sparsely, hairy long petiole. Found the white fl owers containing fi ve pedals that are the Gulf states, north to North Carolina and west to through fall and can be found throughout most of throughout North America, with the exception of notched at the ends. Mouse-ear Chickweed can be Arkansas and Oklahoma. Eastern, Central and Southern United States. the Rocky Mountains. found throughout the United States. Clumpy Rye Annual Lespedeza Dandelion Plantain, Bracted Lolium perenne (Perennial ryegrass) or Lolium Kummerowia striata (Common or Annual Taraxacum officinale (Dandelion) is a stemless Plantago aristata (Bracted Plantain) is a winter multifl orum (Annual ryegrass) is a winter annual Lespedeza) is a freely-branched summer annual perennial. With its deep taproots, the Dandelion annual with basal leaves that grow from a taproot. or perennial that is often a weed leftover from legume with leaves that alternate with three egg- is identifi ed by the single yellow fl ower at the Bracted Plantain can be identified by its dark seeding of these grasses in the fall. These plants shaped to oblong, smooth leafl ets with a short spur end of each long, hollow stalk. When the weed green, soft, hairy to smooth, long linear – grass- can become clumpy and unsightly in appearance. at the tip of each. Leafl ets also have prominent matures, the yellow fl ower matures into white, puff like – leaves. Bracted Plantain can be found in most Perennial ryegrass is a low-growing, tufted, midveins with parallel veins. Common Lespedeza balls containing seeds. Dandelion can be found southern states, north to Michigan, west to Texas, hairless grass, lacking stolons or rhizomes. Leaves are dark green, smooth and glossy on the is common in the Southern United States, north throughout the continental United States, Alaska California, the Pacifi c Northwest and Hawaii. lower surface, with untoothed parallel sides and to Pennsylvania and west to Texas, Kansas and and Hawaii. prominent parallel veins on the upper surface. Missouri. Crabgrass, Large Asiatic Hawksbeard Corn Speedwell Plantain, Broadleaf Digitaria sanguinalis L. (Large Crabgrass) is a Youngia japonica (Asiatic Hawksbeard) is a warm Veronica arvensis L. (Corn Speedwell) is a low- Plantago major (Broadleaf Plantain) is a perennial summer annual identifi ed by leaf blades that are season annual that can be identi fi ed by the fl owering growing winter annual with two levels of leaves. herb that can be identifi ed by its distinctive basal longer than two inches and are usually hairy and stalks that branch from the uppermost part of the The lower leaves are near rounded with toothed rosette of leaves and fi brous root system. Broadleaf rolled in the bud. Large Crabgrass germinates in plant. Flowers are yellow to orange-yellow with margins while the upper leaves are smaller in size Plantain leaves are egg-shaped, with parallel main early spring and is found throughout the United fi ve tiny teeth at the end of the outermost petals. and more linear in shape. Corn Speedwell can veins and can be found throughout the United States with the exception of Florida. Asiatic Hawksbeard can be found in Pennsylvania, be found throughout the United States, with the States with the exception of Northeastern United south through Florida and west into Louisiana. exclusion of the Rocky Mountain region. States. Dallisgrass Black Medic Creeping Beggarweed Prostrate Knotweed Paspalum dilatatum (Dallisgrass) also known as Medicago lupulina L. (Black Medic) is a taprooted Desmodium canum (Creeping Beggarweed) is a Polygonum aviculare (Prostrate Knotweed) is a Caterpillar grass, Dallisgrass is a warm-season summer annual or, less commonly, a winter annual perennial which grows from a large taproot with mat-forming, summer annual identifi able by its clumpy perennial with tall, pointed, membranous or biennial. Black Medic is dark green in appearance, long, extensively branched hairy runners rooting blue-green colored, alternating leaves. Leaves are ligule. Leaves are rolled in the bud, fl at and wide, with leaves composed of three leafl ets on long at nodes. Leaves maintain a trifoliate appearance smooth, oblong to linear in appearance and joined with fi ne hairs on the lower section of the leaf. petioles. Black Medic can be found throughout the that vary in size with an elliptic shape including to the stem by a sheathing membrane. The annual Dallisgrass can be found throughout the Southern continental United States and Hawaii – especially a pointed tip. Creeping Beggarweed is found fl owers from late spring until frost and is found United States from the mid-Atlantic west to in lesser or unmaintained turf. throughout Florida and in southern Texas. throughout the United States. Tennessee. Doveweed Carolina False Dandelion Dichondra Purple Cudweed Murdannia nudiflora (Doveweed) is a summer Pyrrhopappus carolinianus (Carolina False Dichondra carolinensis (Dichondra) is a creeping, Gnaphalium purpureum L. (Purple Cudweed) can annual identifi ed by its fl eshy, narrow lance- Dandelion) is a winter annual or biennial with pale- prostrate perennial that roots at the nodes. be found in cooler climates as an upright summer or shaped leaves as well as its stems that root at green erect, branched fl owering stems with bright Dichondra leaves are light pale green and are winter annual, or as a biennial in warmer climates. nodes. Doveweed is also identifi ed by short leaf yellow fl owers at the ends. Leaves are sharply sparsely hairy. Leaves are nearly round to kidney- Purple Cudweed develops from a basal rosette sheaths with short hairs on the upper margins. pointed, with complete or deeply-lobed margins. shaped. Dichondra occurs in moist turf and woods of leaves and the upper surface of the leaves is Doveweed usually germinates later in the growing Carolina False Dandelion can be found in the and can be found from Virginia to Texas. covered with woolly white hairs. season than other summer annuals and can be Southern United States, west to Texas, into Kansas found from Virginia, into Georgia, through Florida and as far north as Pennsylvania and Delaware. and west into Texas. Goosegrass Carolina Geranium Dogfennel Purslane, Common Eleusine indica (Goosegrass) is a summer annual Geranium carolinianum L. (Carolina Geranium) is Eupatorium capillifolium (Dogfennel) is a tall- Portulaca oleracea (Common Purslane) is a with compressed, often fl attened, stems radiating a semi-erect eight to 28 inch tall winter annual or growing, short-lived perennial which can be prostrate, mat-forming summer annual. Leaves outward from a center point that is white/gray biennial. Carolina Geranium can be identifi ed by identifi ed by its deeply dissected leaves that alternate or are positioned nearly opposite, with a in color. Leaves are smooth, folded in the bud, the greenish-pink to red, densely hairy stems as appear as fi ne hair-like linear segments. Feathery slightly spoon or wedge-shaped shape. Leaves are occasionally with hair near the base. Additionally, well as its, round to oval, hairy leaves, with blunt- in appearance, lower leaves are opposite while rounded at the tip, narrowed at the base. Common there are visible, short-toothed membranous ligule toothed margins. Carolina Geranium can be found upper leaves alternate. Dogfennel is found in Purslane is found throughout the United States, at the base of the leaf blade, divided at the center. throughout the continental United States and Massachusetts and New Jersey, south to Florida but is more common in the Northwest, while less Goosegrass can be found throughout temperate Hawaii. and west to Texas and Arkansas. common in the Pacifi c Northwest. and warm regions of the United States. Gophertail Lovegrass Carpetweed Dollarweed Spurge, Garden Eragrostis ciliaris (Gophertail Lovegrass) is an Mollugo verticillata (Carpetweed) is a prostrate Hydrocotyle spp. (Dollarweed), also called Chamaesyce hirta (Garden Spurge) is a taprooted erect summer annual with smooth leaves that have summer annual with smooth leaves that are Pennywort, is a summer perennial weed common in warm season annual with erect, hairy branched hairs on the upper margins of the leaf sheaths. light green in color and spoon-shaped. Leaves Florida and Texas, among other warm season states. stems. Leaves are opposite, with differentiating Gophertail Lovegrass can also be identifi ed by its are arranged in whorls of fi ve to six per node. There are actually several species of dollarweed. base as well as being hairy with teeth on the rolled vernation. It can be found in New Jersey, Carpetweed fl owers white, tiny, fl owers arranged Leaves are round in shape, approximately one inch margins. Flowering mid-through late-summer, south into Florida and west to Texas. in clusters of two to fi ve in mid-summer through in diameter.
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