445 Subject Index Page numbers in italics denote figures and those in bold denote tables A adenomas, salivarygland 428 –430, anosmia 125,136 abscesses 429, 432 anotia 49, 49 brain see under brain pleomorphic see pleomorphic anterior rhinoscopy129 –131, 131 cervical soft tissue 388 adenoma antibiotic(s) epidural 188, 188 adhesive otitis 76, 76 aminoglycoside 95–96 nasal septal 199–200 aerosol inhalation 158 ototoxic 95–96 oral floor 256, 260, 260 aerotitis 87 resistance 440 orbital 186,187,187 age-related hearing loss 17 rhinosinusitis management 160 peritonsillar 270,270–272, 271 agnosia, acoustic 104 topical 144 retropharyngeal 273, 273 agranulocytosis 265 upper respiratory/digestive tract subdural 188,188–189 AIDS (acquired immune deficiency diseases 159 subperiosteal 66, 66, 186,187 syndrome) 251,251–252 antiseptics, topical 144 achalasia 362,371 aids, hearing 106, 106,107,107 antrostomy175, 176 cricopharyngeal 371–372 air conduction 28 anulus fibrosus 4, 5,69 acid burns airflow, nasal 126,126–127 aperiodic vibration 15, 15 esophageal 362,365–366 alae, nasal, anomalies 215, 217 aphasia 340–342, 341, 343 oral/pharyngeal 277–278 alkali burns aphthae 252 acinic cell tumors, salivary432 esophageal 362,365–366 articulation disorder 336 acoustic agnosia 104 oral/pharyngeal 277–278 arytenoidectomy, partial 305, 307 acoustic end organ see cochlea allergens, ear 54, 54 ataxia 20 acoustic neuroma 92,92,93, 94 allergic glossitis 256–257 atresia acoustic rhinomanometry136 allergic rhinitis 150–151, 151 choanal 211–212 acoustic trauma, acute 88 allergic stomatitis 250 laryngeal 302 acquired immune deficiencysyn- allergystudies 140 meatus 54, 55, 55 drome (AIDS) 251,251–252 Alport syndrome 108 of nostrils 211 actinomycosis aminoglycoside antibiotics, ototox- atrophic pharyngitis 274, 274, cervical soft tissue 388 icity95 –96 275 oral 257, 260 ampulla/ampullarycrest 9, 10 atrophic rhinitis 155 acute otitis media 61–65, 62, 66,76 amyloid, laryngeal 317, 317 attic cholesteatoma 70, 71 acute rhinitis 149–150 analgesia, ear pain 59 audimutism 108 acute subglottic laryngitis 314, 314, aneurysms, cervical 397 audiometry27 –41, 30 358 angina impedance 14, 35–37 acute tubal occlusion 59, 59 herpetic 263, 263 pediatric 40–41 acute vestibular loss/paralysis 99, Vincent 265–266, 266 pure-tone 27–28, 29,34 99, 100,100–101 angiofibroma, nasopharyngeal 242, speech 32–35, 36,41 adenocarcinoma 288, 289 auditorybrain stem response (ABR) salivarygland 433,434 angiography 38, 39,41,99 see also carcinomas cervical 387 auditorycortex 11 adenoid cystic carcinoma, salivary ear 24 auditoryevoked potentials (AEPs) 433,433–434, 434 paranasal sinuses 137 35, 37–38 surgical resection 437, 437 angioma, nasopharyngeal 241 auditoryfatig ue, pathologic 32 adenoidectomy244, 244 angular acceleration measurement auditory field, human 32 adenoids 19–20, 45 auditorymiddle latencypotential anatomy233, 234, 234 angular cheilitis, as earlysymptom (AMLP) audiometry38 hyperplasia 238, 238,243–244, of HIV infection 251, 251 auditorypathways 13 244 angular vein 117, 117 auditoryperception (central) 105 see also tonsil(s) anomic aphasia 341, 343 aural discharge 63, 115 aus: Behrbohm u. a., Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases (ISBN 9783136712030) © 2009 Georg Thieme Verlag KG 446 Subject Index auricle 2, 2,21 bilateral meatal atresia 95 C appendages 49 bilateral vestibular loss 100–101 cacosmia 136 congenital fistulas 49, 50 biological mucosal competence 7 Caisson disease 87–88 dysplasia 49, 49 biopsy Caldwell–Luc radical antrostomy reconstructive operations 49–50 cervical 387 175, 176 see also external ear lymph nodes 387, 404, 404 caloric labyrinthine testing 45, 46, auriculotemporal syndrome 428 nasal 140 47 autogenous nerve grafts, facial salivarygland 419 cancer see tumors nerve surgery113 bites cancer of unknown primary(CUP) autoimmune disease, inner ear 97 insect, oral/pharyngeal 278 syndrome, cervical 402–403 autophony61 tongue 278 candidal pharyngitis 266, 266 blastomycosis, nasal cavity 156 candidal stomatitis 250 B blast trauma, ear 88 carbuncle, cervical 387 bacterial diffuse otitis externa 51 blow-out fracture 206–207, 207, carcinoma in situ, laryngeal 319, bacterial infection 208 321 control 440–442 body-cover model 330–331, 331 carcinomas ear Boeck disease 390 basal cell see basal cell carcino- external 50–52, 53 Boerhaave syndrome 368 ma middle see otitis media bone-anchored hearing apparatus bronchial 360 salivaryglands 420– 421, 421 (BAHA) 106 ear see also specificinfections bone conduction 28, 31–32 external 56–57, 57, 57 balance system bone suppuration, chronic 68 external auditorymeatus 58, acceleration measurement bonylabyrinth 8 71 19–20 bonytumors, ear 94 middle 68, 71, 91, 91 anatomy9, 9, 10 11–12 bougienage 366, 366 hypopharyngeal see hypo- central connections 11–12, 13 Bowen disease 254 pharyngeal carcinoma disorders 97–101, 99 external ear 57 laryngeal see laryngeal central/neural causes 100, 102 oral mucosa 254 carcinoma inflammatory96 –97 brain lip see lip(s) pathogenesis 20,20–21 abscesses nasal cavity225 –227, 226, 226 symptoms 99 otogenic 79, 80 oral cavity282 –288, 283, 286 physiology 18,18–20, 19 rhinogenous 189 paranasal sinuses 225–227, 226, toxic damage 95–96 language areas 341 226, 227 see also vestibule, ear brain stem salivarygland 420, 428, barbiturate intoxication 43, 102 compression, in balance disorder 428–437, 432,432–437 barium swallow 362, 362 102 metastasis 401, 403,434,434, barotitis 87 lesions, in optokinetic nystag- 435 barotrauma mus 47 squamous cell see squamous cell middle ear 87 brain stem evoked response carcinoma paranasal sinuses 207 audiometry(BERA) 38 submandibular gland, lymph- basalcellcarcinoma branchial arches, embryology node metastasis 401, 403 ear, external 56–57, 57, 57 393–394, 394 thyroid gland see thyroid gland nose, external 222–223, 223 branchial cysts 395, 395 tongue basilar membrane 15, 15 branchial fistulas 394–395 base 286–288 bat ear 49, 49 broad nose 215 body285– 286 Behçet disease 252 Broca aphasia 340–341, 343 lymph-node metastasis 400, Békésytest 32 bronchial tree 401 Bell’spalsy111–112 anatomy344, 345 tonsillar see tonsil(s) benign lymphoepithelial lesion carcinoma 360 tracheal 359,359–360 423,423–424 see also tracheobronchial tree cardiospasm 362,371 benign paroxysmal positional ver- bronchiectasis 359 carotid artery378, 378 tigo (BPPV) 100 bronchoscopy345 –346, 346, 347 carotid body379 Besnier–Boeck–Schaumann disease bullous myringitis 52–53 tumor 385,397 147, 424 burns carotid sinus 379 β2transferrintest140 nasal 146 cartilaginous meatus see external Bezold mastoiditis 66 oral/pharyngeal 277–278 auditorymeatus bilateral deafness 109 bursitis, pharyngeal 275 catarrhal tonsillitis 260, 261 aus: Behrbohm u. a., Ear, Nose, and Throat Diseases (ISBN 9783136712030) © 2009 Georg Thieme Verlag KG Subject Index 447 catscratch disease 390–391 cochlear implants (CI) 110 clefts cauliflower ear 54, 55 deaf 109,110,110 face/nose 210 caustic substances see chemical(s) language acquisition 110–111 lip/jaw/palate 210–211, 281, cavernous sinus thrombosis 189 ear examination 22 281–282 Ccellcarcinoma411,411 foreign bodyremoval, ears 56 clinical hearing tests see audiome- cellulitis hearing disorders 107–111 try orbital 186–187 hearing tests 40–41 Clostridium difficile infection 440, periorbital 186, 186 language development, normal 441–442 central hearing disorders 17, 34, 338, 338–339,340 cochlea 104, 105 multiple handicaps 109 anatomy8, 10, 11, 12, 13 central vestibular system nasal septum 199 disorders 95–97 compensation 20–21 osteomyelitis of upper jaw 191 function 14–15 disorders 100, 101, 102 otitis media, acute 64–65 ototoxin damage 96 cerebellar abscess 80 retropharyngeal abscess 273, cochlear implants (CI) 107, 107,110 cerebral concussion 102 273 cochleovestibular disorders cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 85, 85 rhinosinusitis 180–182, 181, 182, 95–104 cerumen 22, 55 182, 183 common carotid artery378, 378 cervical lymph nodes speech audiometry41 composite grafts 216, 217, 218 anatomy380 –382, 382 speech development timetable computational fluid dynamics biopsy404, 404 110 (CFD), nasal airflow simulation classification 400–401, 402 speech disorders 336–338 126, 126 inflammatorydisorders subglottic laryngitis, acute 314, computed tomography(CT) 388–391 314, 358 cervical soft tissues 386–387 diagnostic techniques zygomatic bone inflammation ear 24, 25 404–405 66 paranasal sinuses 137, 138 malignant tumors 398–403 see also congenital conditions/ lesions, evaluation of spread diagnostic techniques anomalies 132 404–405 choanal atresia 211–212 salivaryglands 417 metastatic (secondary) choanal polyps 168 concussion 399–403, 400, 401, 403 cholesteatoma 3, 24, 47,67 cerebral 102 primary398 –403 acquired, middle ear 68–73 labyrinthine 86 surgical management attic 70, 71 conduction, sound 405–406, 406 in chronic otitis media 69, 70 air vs. bone 28, 31, 34 palpation 385, 386 congenital, temporal bone 73 disorders 17, 31, 33, 105 cervical rib 395 epitympanic 4 conduction aphasia 341, 343 cervical spine syndrome 391–392 extension pathways 71 conductive hearing loss 17, 31, 33, cervical syndrome 101 flaccida 69–70 105 chancre meatal 76 congenital conditions/anomalies oral 253, 253 occult 69 cervical 393–397 see also syphilis posttraumatic 76 cholesteatoma, temporal bone cheilitis 247 surgerygoals 72 –73 73 angular, as earlysymptom of HIV tensa 69, 70 ear infection 251, 251 chordoma 288 external 49, 49,94–95 chemical(s) chromosomal anomalies, deafness/ internal 95, 95 ingestion, esophageal trauma hearing defects 108 middle 94–95 362,365–366 chronic
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