1-'11e N atio11al Shakespeare COlTIpany presents ! NOTRE DAME'S STUDENT MAGAZINE ThE CoMeDy Of ErRoRs ELECTION 1992 Mon. and Tues. November 2 & 3 Washingtol1 Hall 8:10 pm Tickets: Student - $7 Non-Student - $10 Tickets available at the LaFortune Information Desk , Sponsored by: STUDENT J ACTIVITIES non-profit organization U.S. POSTAGE Also Inside: Water Polo . PAID Ghosts of Notre Dame Notre Dame. IN Permit No. 10 • aSliM . _ SCHOLASTIC - NOTRE DAME'S STUDENT MAGAZINE i. Entertainment reviews and previews and a Coming Distractions pull-out calendar of eventse In depth sports coverage. E Read one for the Gipper! CampusWatch plus .... Week in Distortion and On Other Campus. 3 Ethanol 4 Stomping Ground . 6 The Ghosts of Notre Dame News articles and Campus Life stories that let you know what's happening on campus. Remember: If you see news -happening ... you're probably reading Scholastic! If you don't have time to write home every week, let us do it for you: Give your parents a . " . subscription! ~-----------------------------------...;::~::..--:.- Please send years of Scholastic to: . Name: _______________ . T· 2 Editor's Notes • : " ~J Address: ______________ . ;.:::. .- ...... '" 20 On Other Campuses City: ______ State: __ ZIP code: ___ 21 Week In Distortion .. ,,', " 22 Final Words Enclosed is a check payable to Scholastic Magazine for $25.00 x __ years = $_---"- _ . Please send this form wi.th payment to: Business Manager Cover art by Jake Frost Scholastic Magazine .' ,:') . 303 LaFortune Student Center Notre Dame, IN 46556 -==-------. ~- _. ---- -- ---~- • aSliM . _ SCHOLASTIC - NOTRE DAME'S STUDENT MAGAZINE i. Entertainment reviews and previews and a Coming Distractions pull-out calendar of eventse In depth sports coverage. E Read one for the Gipper! CampusWatch plus .... Week in Distortion and On Other Campus. 3 Ethanol 4 Stomping Ground . 6 The Ghosts of Notre Dame News articles and Campus Life stories that let you know what's happening on campus. Remember: If you see news -happening ... you're probably reading Scholastic! If you don't have time to write home every week, let us do it for you: Give your parents a . " . subscription! ~-----------------------------------...;::~::..--:.- Please send years of Scholastic to: . Name: _______________ . T· 2 Editor's Notes • : " ~J Address: ______________ . ;.:::. .- ...... '" 20 On Other Campuses City: ______ State: __ ZIP code: ___ 21 Week In Distortion .. ,,', " 22 Final Words Enclosed is a check payable to Scholastic Magazine for $25.00 x __ years = $_---"- _ . Please send this form wi.th payment to: Business Manager Cover art by Jake Frost Scholastic Magazine .' ,:') . 303 LaFortune Student Center Notre Dame, IN 46556 -==-------. ~- _. ---- -- ---~- mention this in a forthcoming column, the WELCOME BACK Gipp has managed to get an E-mail address for himself. That's right, you can" now send - - ~ I Welcome back from break! Scholastic all of your questions to the Gippover the hopes that you had a relaxing and refreshing computer at "[email protected]". ·This may week off. We would like to help bring you prevent him from griping abo"ut not getting back into the swing of the semester with this mail. e week's issue, which focuses on next week's - -: Presidential election. Inside, you'll find two News stories relevant to the election. Chris ano Blanford examines the issue of ethanol, of - interest to environmentalists as well as , automoblie companies and farmers. Writer Jenny Tate probes the opinions of Notre A-familiar scent fuels national debate Dame students about the upcoming election, and this week's two Final Words come from the campus's largest political organizations. ber 27 speech in Iowa, he said: "I'll bring the would significantly increase levels of car­ Lest you get swept away by all of the . byChris Blanford EPA and the Agriculture Department, and bon dioxide in the atmosphere, and was enhancing global warming. election hype, we wanted to let you know all the people together. We will do the - - I orne say·· it .smells like wet, rotting Growing corn by traditional methods .. : -I that we didn't forget about Halloween. research we need to hammer out the difficul­ - "' News Editor Karen Lawrencechecked up on Also, the staff of Scholastic ~ould like to "S leaves.' To others the smell is similar to ties here. We'll resolve it and we'll use leads to soil erosion and a reduction in soil :: : i rumors of ghosts and other spooks around wishits Editor- in~Chief a happyt~enty-first stale beer .. It is ethanol, a flammable product ethanol as a part of our nation's energy nutrients. This loss, he said, makes the soil campus. birthday on Friday, October"30!.Y6n&ratu- of fermentatiori, and 1992 is the first year security future."· an increased source of carbon dioxide into This week's Sports stories take a look at lations; Patti! .. :-"" that its use as an alternative fuel will be a . Ross Perot, however, has said and written the atmosphere, whereas soil rich in organic two teams with a close relationship to water: One final comment: ~e .would like" to serious election issue~ The decisions made little on farm subjects. He has vowed to matter absorbs carbon dioxide. the Notre Damewaterpolo squad (afloat and remind youto exercise your most b!!Sictight by the wiliner of the Presidential rac.e will eliminate the giant subsidies for giant agri­ . Also, producing ethanol using current looking good) and the Navy Middies (soon. as a citizen. Please vote, even if you f~l that affect the air on the Notre Dame campus, the cultural corporations, buthe doesn't specify techniques requires more energy than the to be all washed up). Along with Sports, you're choosing among~three less-than­ prices for gas and the job market in the which subsidies or what type of operatiQns. fuels produce, Parton said. To produce 1.65 you'll find all of the. usual departments impressive· candidates. Make the"" eleCted Midwest. In addition, in his campaign book, United gallons of ethanol, it requires the energy where you always find them. This weeks officials responsible ·to you'"by using·'the Both GeOrge Bush and Bill Clinton have equivalent of 2.35 gallons of gasoline. entertainment section features a review of power that yoU' have over them. been pushing for greater use ofalternative Even new techniques, such as those being Madonna's latest naughty concoction, re­ Enjoy the issue. .... fuels. Since a clean-air policy that favors the researched by theNew Energy Company of viewed by our Editor-in-Chief, Patti Doyle. use of ethanol, would help consume the bil­ Indiana Inc. in South Bend, only increase lions of bushels ofsurplus com and drive production of ethanol by 30 percent. Even if "[email protected]"? ". " grain prices liigher, Bush and Clinton have the procedure is scaled up to a commercial :: ~. >.; .... been competing, each hoping to prove that level, the energy output will still be short of .; " he woulddo' abetter job running farm pro­ the energy required.to produce it. Fans as well as foes of the Gipp may be . ~':" disappointed this week. The Gipp has had to grams. ~ Several experts from the Department of take a week off (the note on his desk said that Since he was vice president, Bush has Agriculture said they know of no conceiv­ he's been brought in for a talking-to by beenpus~ingfor the use of alternative fuels; able market for the amount of fuel that Admiral Stockdale) .. Although he'llsurely In 1987, he issued a'position paper that told would result from' the conversion of the of a plan that would convert much of the com surplus com. Despite this, a USDA report surplus into cash for American farmers. To notes the gasoline-ethanol blends reduce the ... further sway Midwestern voters, he an­ emissions of carbon monoxide and other . .,'.' .. nounc~(f a program at the beginning of Oc­ We Stand, he writes that special taX favors, pollu·tants. Scho~i~ is1"'bliskd ~Iy t?TOughouttkschool 'J"lTtxcepl during LellerstoScholDsticmustbetypedtmdincl~tkwri;~';;nIlmI:,oM~eSs tober -that· would rewrite· environmental such as those for ethanol fuel use, should be Compared to gasoline, ethanol is less =tmi7ullum tmd "aaztum pmods AI tk Uni1XTsity of Notre Dame, tmd phone number. UniTJersity students should. inclrdi tJ.!eiryearin Notre DIlmI:, IN, 46556 tmd printtJi AI ~ Papas, Inc., Milford, IN school tmd colkge. FacultYmenJbersshould include theirdeJiarlmeni.1i1l rules to encourage the use of ethanol­ eliminated. These government subsidies toxic and its biodegradable. Both of these 46542. Tk subscription rAleis $2S.00lyear tmd backissuesarellTXlilabk ~lIers must be signed. Names wil1 be wiJhkld up;;;, ,~t in. <a:tain AI $1.25/copy •. Tk opinions expressed in ScholDstic are those of tk rnstances. ,-,' ,.,'.: . blended fuels in some of the nation's smog­ help keep tlle price of blended fuels competi­ qualities make the consequences of a large authors tmd e<fjt01S and do not necessarily reprl!Se7lttk opinions oftk ScholAstic r<:S<TTJ<S ~kright"to reject lellers that ar~ ;ibeloriS orobs~ Iiy" giest cities, including Chicago. Under the tive with unblended unleaded gasoline. fuel spill less environmentally threatening. entire editoriJzl board of ScholDs/ic or oftk UmTJeTsity of Notre Dame the laws ~f the Umt~ StAles. ScholDstic also ~1I idit.{orcopyfittii1g, its odministrAlion, faculty or students. Editorials signed ScholDsti; gram~lcm or spel~rng errors tmd ScholDstic style. Ba:a"use o/space, proposed. Environmental. Protection Bush's ethanol policies have angered both All these factors must be taken into con­ represent tk opinion of tk majority of tk "",cuti"e tJiitoriRl boiud. ScholAst,C cannot pnnt allldtersrtcdTJed. _, ' .. :,:: .". Manuscripts are wtIcmne. Al1 unsolicitied materials becmne tk prap­ Agency rules, fuels blended with ethanol environmentalists and oil companies. Ac­ sideration when the votes are cast for Presi­ my of Scholastic.
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