The Aphids of British Columbia (Forbes

The Aphids of British Columbia (Forbes

58 .J. E"TO~IOI.. SOl'. BI(IT. COLI ' MBlA 70 (1973), A UG . 1, 1973 THE API-III)S (HO"OPTER.-\: .-\PHIDIDAE) OF BRITISH COLl'IBL\. 2. A HOST PLA:\T CATALOGlE' A . R. F ORBES AND B. D. FRAZER Research Station , A griculture Canada Vancouver 8, British Columbia ABSTRACT A host pla nt catalogue is presented for 189 species of a phids collected in British Columbia. INTRODUCTION Ace r platanoides Norway Maple This paper presents a hos t plant catalogue Periph yllus ly ropictus for most of the a ph id s recorded in the basic li st Periph yllus leslUdinacea of the aphids of British Columbia (Forbes. Acer sp Maple Frazer. & MacCarthy 1973 1. Only a phids DrepiITwsiphum plalilnoides actually co lo nizing on hosts are included . Stray Periph y LllIs californiensis alate aphids and species ta ken only in traps are Periph yllus lyrupiclU s not included . The list will be of particular use Adam's Needle see Yucca to econom ic entomologists wi shing to know the African Marigold see Tagetes aphids which occur on crops and ornamentals African Vio let see Saintpaulia and to entomologists studying ve cto r tran­ Agropyron repens Couch Grass smission o f plant virus diseases whenever th ey Sipha kurdjrnu vi must kn ow all th e po tential vectors that occur Agropyron sp Wheat Grass on a crop. M Ilcrosiph llm avenae The plant hosts are listed alphabetically by Siph'l kllrdjmovi genus and species. The aphids colonizing each host are given alphabeti cally by genus and Ald er see Alnus species. A cross index of common names is Ald er. Hed see Alnus included. Alder, Sitka see Alnus Alfalfa see Medicago CA T A LOG UE OF HOST PLANT S AJlium schoe nopras um C hives Abies balsamea Balsam Fir MyzlIs ascaloTlicus Cin<lra curvipes Alnus ('riSlJa ssp s inuata Sitka Alder Cinanl occid entalis Bomerinll variabilis Abies grandis Grand Fir Alnus rubra Hed Alder Mindams abielinlLs E u ceraphis gillettei Abies s p Fir E ll ceraphis punclipennis Ginara ahieticola Pterocallis alni Acacia. False see Robinia Aln li S s p Alder Ace r c ircinatum Vin e Maple Uiirn l' rina va riabilis Periph ylllLs ca liforniensis E ll ceraphis gillettei Periph ylllLs lestudiTlllCell Ptero cilllis Illni Acer g lahrulII /Hocky 1 Mountain Maple Alllelanch ier sp Saskatoon Berry DrepaTl usiphum plilianoides l'ruciphillls corrug alilns Periph y llus hrevispinoslL s /?o epkea scnsurialil Ace r mac rophyllum Broadleaf Maple Ameri can Elm see Ulmus DrcpaTlosiph um plalilTloides Amsinckia interme dia Fiddle-Neck Periph ylllL s ly ropiclII s Pleo lricil uphorus <ll1lsin ckii P eriph yllus tesllldinaccil Aneth II III graVl~olen s Dill Acer n egundo Box- E ld er {.ill'ilriella aegoporiii Drep<lllO siph tim plat aTloiries Annual So\\'thistl t' see Son c hus Pcril'h yllus Tl cgllTldinis Antirrhinllllllllajus Snapdragon Acer palmat 11/11 Japa nese Mapl!' Uril ch ycallrills he /i chr'y-si Periph ylllls testlldiTl ace<1 Apium gra\'l'olens Celery ( ' clIl!rihUl iclIl .\ 0. :!:.... - ,. H(· ... l·.lrt'h ~1;tl i!J II. liliii() \ .\\ . \ l iHlIlt' A lIlil co rthlll1l so lani D r.. \ ' i'lncnlJ \ "'I' I'i. Krit i,..h ( ' olll l n!'l;!. {.ill'ilriellil k O/lIJi .1. E"TOMOL. Soc. BlOT. CO l. r~lIn.·\ 70 (1973), ArG. 1, 1973 59 Apple see Malus Bird Rape see Brassica Apple . Common see Malus Bittercrl'ss see Cardamine Aquilegia s p Columbine BlackbPrry , C llt-Leaved see Rubus AILIi/corehllm solani Rlackherry. Himalaya see Rubus I\.akimia essigi Blackb('rry. Trailing SP (, Rubus Arblltlls seeArbutus B la ~ k c ap Haspbrrry see Rubus Arbutus menzies ii Arbutus. Madrone Black Cottonwood see Populus Wahlgreniel/Il nerVi/til Black Twin-Berry see LOll icera Bl epding H!'art see Dice ntra Artemisia tridt'ntata Sagebrush BI upberry see Vaccinium Aphis canae BllIPberry, Highhllsh see Vaccinium ,Macrosiphllm cuweni IlIl1plra f S tra wberry see Fragaria Aspen . Trf'm lin /! see Populus Bille Lett li ef' see Lactuea As ter see As ter BItH' Sprll ce see Picea Aster sp Aster Box-Elder see Acer Dact ynu tus alllhrosiae Brassica campestris Bird Hape Allbrieta see Auhrieta HYi/{laphis erysimi Aubrieta deltoidea A IIbrieta ;\1YZIIS p ersicae 1\1 yzus asri/lon iellS Brassica napohrassica Myz lI s orfullllS S wede Turnip, Hutabaga Aucllba. Japanese see Aucuba Bre l'icorYTle brilssicae Aucuba japonica Japanese Aucllba Brass ica oleracea var eapitata C abbage Aulacorthum SOlillli BrevirorYTle brassicae Myzlls ascilloniclIs M YZIIS p ersicile Avena sativa Oat MacrosiphlllTl a1:enae Brassica oleracI'a var gellllllifpra NletupuluphilllTl dirhodllm Brussels Sprouts RhopalosiphlllTl Pildi Rre l'ico rvTl c brassici/ c 1\1 i/crusiph II m euph orbiile Avens. Largt' -Leaved see GI'um Balsam Fir sef' Ahies Brassiea sp M II stard Balsam Poplar see Populus .MyzlIs p ersicile Barberry . .J apanesc see Berheris Brittl{' Willow see Salix Barley see Hordeum Broad Bpan see Vicia Beech . Ellropean see Fagus Broaclleaf Maple see Acer Beet. Sugar see Beta Broom. Dwarf. see Cytisus Berbt'ris thunbergii Japanese Barberry Broom . Sco t ~ h see Cytisus Liosomllphis berberidis Broom . Spanish see Spartiulll Berry. Saska toon srr AnH'lanchie r Brussels Sprouts ser Brassica Beta vulgaris Sli gar Bf'et Bull Thistle see C irs iulll Aphis /abal' Butterc up see Ranunculus Butt en ' up. Tall see Ranul1C'ulus Bdula occidt'lltalis \\' f'stf'r n Birch Cabbal-(e s!'!' Brassica Cepegil/l'tlell bet IIli/olill e Caltha s p Marsh Marigold Be tula papyrifera Paper Birch Rh opa losiphllm n y mplwc"e ealaphis heelllieuia Canada Mint see Mentha Betula pendula Weeping Birch Canada Thi ~ lt p Sf'r Cirs ium Eil een/phis pllnctipennis Caps..Ila hursa-pastoris Shepherd's Purse Betula op Birch A phis /"b,, (> Betlliaphis qlladrituberr lllilla Alilacorlhll.m so lalli Ca laphis hetlllicoia Ur"dl yci/lldll s helichrysi EII('eraphis pllllrtipellllis .H .,·z II S iI S ('iii (j n i r II S Cardam in I' 01 igos perma B ittr rcress Bimhreed see Polygon um Bindwrr d . I)\\arf s{,p COllvolndus :\ 'h 'z ll s i/scaloTliclIs Birch see BI,tula Cart'X sPP Birch . Papt'r see Bel u la Allaphis I'errllcosa Birch. \XI ('(' pin/! set' BI,tula /ziph ya IImbel/" Birch. \\' rstern see Betula Trichocallis ('yperi Bird C h"rry see O s maron ia Carnat ion see Dianthus 60 .T . \·;:-' T O\IOI.. SO(". B IUT. C OI . I .\II:].\ 70 ( 1973 ), An:. 1 , 1973 Carpinus b e tulus E uropean H o rn b .. am CIO\' .. r SI'C Trifolium M yzocilllis carpilli Clm !' r. Hl'rl S I'!' Trifolium Carrot see Dau('us Clovpr. Swee t see Me lilotus Cascara se,' Rhamnus Clon'r. Whit f' Sw,'(' t Sf'C M('lilotus Castane a sp C IH' stnut CohlmbilH' s r I' Aquil('gia M yzoc.ll/is ca slallico/il COlllmon Appl(' see Malus Common C hicb\"eed Cat's Ear, Spotted see H y pochot'ris see Ste lla ria Comillon Dandelion S I'(' Taraxacum Ceanothus s anguin('us Sno w brush Common G rollnds(' 1 s('" S(,lw('io Aphis ceallOthi Common I{ pe d Sf'f' "hrag mites ;;e(' Apiulll Cel ery Convolvulus arvt'lls is [)warf Rindweed Chaenome les japonic a Japanese QuillC f' .H yzlIs p ersiCiI P Ahis p o mi Corn s('(' Zea Charlock sf'f' Rhaphanus Chenopodium albulll Lamb's Quarters Cornus Iluttallii Flowering Dog wood Brach yco/U 8 iltrip/if is .\ 1,/f 'r"s iph 1lI11 c llph orbia p Pe mphig lls popll/iveIUl(' Coryilis avellana Hazelnut Chenopodium glau('ultl Goosdoot !\1.',z()(·ullis cor-,"Ii Aphis lilbile Coryilis s p Filbert Cherry see Prullus .11 .\·zo("u llis ru r.l"ii Cherry. R ird sel' O s maronia C,. t, .nl' a s t e r see Cotonea s ter Cherry. [)warf Flow (' rin ~ se,' "rllnus Cotollt"astt'r ht' nryalli1 Henry's Coto neaster Cherry Plum see Prunlls A phis pOll1i Cherry , Swept see Prunlls CntolwH stf' r.lIf'nry·s see Cotonea ster Cherry. Wild S('I' "run us Cotont'as ter sp Chestnut see Cas ta ne a Coto neaster A I>his pomi Chickwcerl Sf'1' ~tl'lIaria ChickwPf'd . Comm on see Stt'llaria Co ltoll woo rl. Black see Populus Chi ves Sf't' Alliulll COllch G rass see Ag ropyron Christmas ({O Sf' S (,f' Ht'llt'horlis Cow P an,nip see H e racle ultl Chrysanth pm um sp(' Chrysantht"llIul11 Craba pple. Wild Sweet see Malus Cra ba ppll's. Ornamenta l and Table Chrysanth t'l11ul11 leucantht'lllul11 see Malus Ox-Eye Daisy Cra nlll'rry. II i~hbu s h see Vaccinium j\1il("f"lJs iph o llie lla lIlil/plo/ii Crattw/!u s dOllglas i i [)o llgl as H a wtho rn No(' ph- ea s l"i eros,l Chrysa nth t'I1IU m mori fol i Ulll t:rat:lt'glis spp H a wthorn Chrysanth('m 11111 A phis p o mi !\1ilcrosipil o lliel/1l sUllh" rni ;\1/' IIJ Pu /o philllll dirlwdulIl /\11 ill'rosiph lUll e llph orbi,le Nh lJ p u /lJ siphulIl /il chii IH yz lI s p crsicue N IJI' ph- e i/ r rEl/aegilo /iil e Cicely . Swep t see 051110rh iza NlJ epke il scierosu Cinna lati folia Indian R c('d G rass Croft Lily see Liliul1l 1\1 u('r() ,"iph llf11 Jra ga riu e eu ril' d Dock see Rumex Rh op u /osiphlllll p a d; Curnint see Ribes Cirs iul1l arvell se C anada This tl e Curra nt.

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