WEATHER '•..',£• SHaiyUm 14019 Fair May, taalght aa** teaser- raw. M|h today la the 4k. Uw Far AH toalgbt, 2M0. High tomerrew, aaar 50. SM page J. An Independent Newspaper Under Same Ownership wf Since 1878 Iuu«4 Dally. Monday through Friday, mured •• Second dt» Hutu VOLUME 82, NO. 84 at U» Port ottlc* at JUi Bank. N. J.. under the Act of March 3. mi. RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1959 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE School Board Filing Commuters9 Ike Is Spending Dates Made Known Plight Being FREEHOLD - Candidate for Studied eece regional high school districts WASHINGTON (AP) -About To* Boy Stabbed must file nomlaatiag petitions by dozen suggestions to help the Dee. 24, and candidates tor local nation's financially hard-pressed ATHENS. Greece (APMTes- districts must file by Dec 31. railroads and their harried com- Ident Eisenhower arrived in Driver Killed During Fight Earl B. Garrison, county super- muters probably will be thrash- Athena today for another mam- 10th welcome expressing thanks intendent of schools, has announ- ed out ia Congress next year. ced. it more than 12 years of Amer- In Rt. 35 Car, In Belford Suggestions niay range from di- The deadline on filing day Is ican aid to this tough little ally M1DDLET0WN — RUMCU J. rect subsidies to railroads to tax alongside the Iron Curtain. relief and creation of a federal Truck Crash Smithmi, 37, of 131 Sixth St., Regional Ugh school district The President's big orange West Keaniburg, a painter, will transportation agency. and silver Jet landed at the CLnTWOOO-ACmmoimfm will elect board members Fab. 2, The key to Congressional efforts waa killed early tale ' aaatatog be arraigned before Magistrate and other boards win hold elec- Greek capital's seaside airport W. Gilbert Manion today on a solve tha railroads' problems is after e six-hour stop in Iran mat whaa hia ear ran teto the rear tions Feb. t. School budgets also marked the halfway point In hiaof a grocery track oa Rt 21 charge of atrocious assault and will be voted on at tha elections. anidy of American transporta- battery. tion now being conducted by a 22,000-mile good will tour. Dead ia George E. Woods, Met A full contest may develop in Tbeaaaade of Greeks tamed CliffwoodDr. Smlthson was arrested last Red Bank. The terms of Dr. special Senate Commerce Corn- group headed by Gen. John eat to the Police Captain J. Edgar Wtt- night. Police said he subbed Herman O. Wiley, Samuel Caro- klnaon said the track waa drivaa his nephew, Charles Walling, U. tenuto and George Worthley, Jr., Doyle, retirled Air Force Chief of transportation. by Harold E. Kreil. IS. of ft OU of 197 Ridge Ave., Belford. In will expire. Bergen Rd.. Jersey City. • Tit the chest. get a baMay aad many werk* OpaasHloa Great Report la Jaaaary era were ajvea tune off ae may truck is owned by Safeway The Walling youth Is in fair A. Edward Grudin, 435 Spring It has been' directed to report eeeM catch a gHmpae at the Stores, Inc.. Jersey City. r» condition in Riverview Hospital St., Little Silver, president of Ita findings to Congress next Mr. Kreil had stopped tor the today. the Red Bank Committee for January but there are reports I Prime Minister Constantina traffic light at CUffwoodAve, ga* According to Capt. Raymond Better Education, said the group may seek additional time to de- KaramanUa urged hia people to Rt 35. then etartad_ "probably" will run three candi T. Walling, Smlthson, who had velop a balanced transportation greet Elsenhower "with the en- •••• v^aoe* oasaaj •aaa^gavaaa^Pgt ^sesjaarov been drinking, came to the boy's pun for the country. thuslasm imposed by the person- Wilkinson aaid. >• house around 7:45 p. m. asking The committee formed early The group ia directing Ka study ality of our visitor and the sig- Tha crash threw the victim oat to see him. this year during a battle with the along four major lines—federal nlfleanae of hia mission.'" of hia car onto tha highway.*!* Red Bank Board of. Education tax relief for the railroads, rail- The President's ltmile route awaa First Aid Sojoad took me According to Capt Walling, •CHNT1N9 THI WAY-Peter Spaojiuolo. special officer assigned to the Red Bank Smithson told the boy's mother, over the ltJMO school budget road consolidation on a regional into Athens lay aloag a broad man to Perm Amboy General Mrs. Helen Walling, that the Mr. Carotenuto and Mr. Worth- parking lets, adjusts a sign at the foot of Breed St. Looking on are Deputy Poliee beats, possible over-regulation of four-lane highway beside the blue Hospital where he waa " youth was supposed to work for ley have aaid they will seek re- Chief Leroy McKnight, and George L. Bieliti, president of the Monmouth County railroads and creation of a fed- waters of the Bay of Phaleroo, aouaced deed oa arrival. • election. Dr. Wiley said. "Right then past the Temple of the Capt Wilktaeoa him but never showed up. National Bank and a member of the Operation Crossroad of tha Rad Bank Com- eral transportation agency. When the boy came home, now, I don't know." Olympian Zeus and tha Great were no skid mirks Although the Red Bank Com- munity Chamber of Commerce. Twenty signs pointing towards parking lots wore It is also studying ways to en- Arch of Hadrian. Cspt. Walling ssid Smithson got courage transportation compacts the point of Impact .. ? into an argument with him and mittee for Better Education erected Friday as part of the Chamber's Operation Crossroad. Thousands of U.S. flags am The accident occurred at 1:4S plans to enter a slate of candi- among states similar to the one stabbed him in the chest with a worked out early this year by the bhie and white banners of a. m.. • . '••'•''' .;•'%'•• paring knife. The boy told po- dates, the names "are not ready New York and New Jersey. Greece dotted, the route, flying Mr. Kred will be lice he waa mad at his uncle yet" Mr. Grudin said. School Fand Debate Raritan Seekt State between pepper and orange trees. Jan. 12 before Magietr and decided 'not to work with Urged Higher Salaries 4 Major Pateta "Welcome Elsenhower A. Foster on a technical charge him. The committee waa formed School Bond Okay Among ita tax relief were plastered on hundreds of oi ransing oaam ay aw.. .• ;> when the Board of Education de- buildings. ' There waa oat passenger to Oa> The hoy waa taken to tha hos- RARITAN TOWNSHIP - mendationa may be more liberal pital by the Port Monmouth First clined to increase teachers' eala- Juliano: Township Is depreciation allowsncea on rail- Tonight, m keaer el ma ee- truck. Neither he aor Mr. Krat Aid Squad. rlee before submitting the budget Members of the Beard at road equipment, tax exempt eon- (See IKE Pg. 2) waa. injured, police raportoaV ", Smithion was arrested by Pa- to vote.' Education waat to Trentoa thai etructioft funde for .railroeds and trolmen Howard Collins and Ar- Voters defeated all sections meraiag for a publle bearing abolition of the 10 per eent tax thur Stover. (See SCHOOL BOARD Pg. 2) Not Obligated to Pay i railroad tickets. Issue for coastnetioa of a high The American Municipal Asso- Car Injures Girl SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP -Township Board of Education ciation and commuter railroad This township has no legal oh- district presidents hammered out a four- Four Motor Vehicle llgation to pay any money to the The president of the Board of The state DMstoa of Local point commuter program at a re- Shrewsbury Township Board of Education, H. D. Hubbard, in- Government la rendnrllag the cent Denver convention. It will Walkh Education for the education of terviewed yesterday, said Shrews- be presented to Congress next the children living in its muni- bury Township bad entered into haariag aad ia expected to an- year and Includes: IflDDLETOWN • — Jeaaah Stations to Close cipallpy y owned Alfred Vail Apart- a "gentlemen'a agreement" to Ita formal approval el pay t»,S0O a year, and should I. Creation of a balanced trane- BoyBurned Graaso, It. of dee to Red Bank. Keyport, Free- AntlxxvJullaao told a press co» honor it car atradt ami bold and Long Branch art ex-Ex-Area fcrence Friday sight. 'The agreement they made was J. Deyslopmaatat "rattoaal tax verbal, but ia recorded in the pected to dose Jan. 1. "If there la a moral iMtptVm verbal, but ia recorded in the In Gas Fire ef 411 VertMeaaMuthpd., Bast In an economy and effldeoey > W aooMkaag." the towttUp ?%£ oTiitate Board of Edden- t Earl aVGarrlaaa rapartad 8. Uag-torm. knv-mterast fed- taibtnJLTOWN,N, RoberRobert^ttot i move initiated by Ned J. Par-Man Dies In official ooattnued, "It la lor a awattoa hearing at Trenton,T ' in eral torn to mai _. y, win i* «»:• MrM . HubbarHbbdd statedd. OUMr pUDUC WHQr. 10 a hearing hi MagistraVa eekiaa, acting director of Motor ni very much smaller thaa pcovtd tat la in good condition nvRlvervlew Vehicles, a total of 14 agantkt KlftUe the $0,500 the board la asking as M£^ HoeplteJ today with first aad Court Tnunday oa a charge of No Actlea bat advised the beard It had caralesa driving. In tha state will be dosed. to pay." —AJetter from the ehool board ties j^ d buree suffered ea to trim $18,000 treat ee The Eatontown and Asbury NEWARK — A former New Tiny Shrewsbury Township andrequesting payment was read to 4 A graat-to-aM progrant aim' his face aad ami l a a §£ Mas Lebeax is faportod la fair .Park stations will remain open.
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