the University. the port, take the train to London and travel from Victoria train station via Brighton. via station train Victoria from travel and London to train the take port, recognition of its exceptional interest. exceptional its of recognition A27 eastbound, signposted Lewes. Drivers from the east or west take the A27 direct to to direct A27 the take west or east the from Drivers Lewes. signposted eastbound, A27 Southampton, take the train to Brighton and change for Falmer. From any other other any From Falmer. for change and Brighton to train the take Southampton, the M23/A23 road towards Brighton. Before entering the centre of Brighton, join the the join Brighton, of centre the entering Before Brighton. towards road M23/A23 the educational buildings in the UK to be Grade I listed in in listed I Grade be to UK the in buildings educational Newhaven, which then has a direct train link to Falmer. From Portsmouth or or Portsmouth From Falmer. to link train direct a has then which Newhaven, Falmer on the south side of the A27. Visitors from London and the north should take take should north the and London from Visitors A27. the of side south the on Falmer Cross-channel car and passenger ferries operate between Dieppe in France and and France in Dieppe between operate ferries passenger and car Cross-channel Sussex on the north side of the A27; the University of Brighton also has a campus at at campus a has also Brighton of University the A27; the of side north the on Sussex status in 1993. Falmer House is one of only two two only of one is House Falmer 1993. in status By sea By (six kilometres) from the centre of Brighton. Please follow the signs for the University of of University the for signs the follow Please Brighton. of centre the from kilometres) (six up the heart of the campus were given listed building building listed given were campus the of heart the up The University is at Falmer on the A27 between Brighton and Lewes, about four miles miles four about Lewes, and Brighton between A27 the on Falmer at is University The Brighton. Car From the London St Pancras domestic terminal you can take a train direct to to direct train a take can you terminal domestic Pancras St London the From Designed by Sir Basil Spence, the buildings that make make that buildings the Spence, Basil Sir by Designed Eurostar operates train services from continental Europe via the Channel Tunnel. Tunnel. Channel the via Europe continental from services train operates Eurostar train direct to Falmer from Brighton or Lewes. or Brighton from Falmer to direct train Channel tunnel rail link rail tunnel Channel minutes away from the lively city of Brighton & Hove. & Brighton of city lively the from away minutes University. There is no taxi service at Falmer station itself. It is often quicker to catch the the catch to quicker often is It itself. station Falmer at service taxi no is There University. centre of Brighton. It is about four miles (six kilometres) from central Brighton to the the to Brighton central from kilometres) (six miles four about is It Brighton. of centre transport links are available. are links transport the South Downs National Park, yet it lies just a few few a just lies it yet Park, National Downs South the Taxis are available at both Brighton and Lewes train stations and at many places in the the in places many at and stations train Lewes and Brighton both at available are Taxis be aware that these are some distance away from Brighton, although public public although Brighton, from away distance some are these that aware be Taxi green open spaces. The campus is surrounded by by surrounded is campus The spaces. open green airlines tend to fly to Luton, Stansted and London City airports, but please please but airports, City London and Stansted Luton, to fly to tend airlines train. London Heathrow is around two hours away by coach. European budget budget European coach. by away hours two around is Heathrow London train. www.nationalexpress.com at more campus combines award-winning architecture with with architecture award-winning combines campus The closest airport to Brighton is London Gatwick, which is 30 minutes away by by away minutes 30 is which Gatwick, London is Brighton to airport closest The direct to the University (see buses section on the right), or you can take a taxi. Find out out Find taxi. a take can you or right), the on section buses (see University the to direct locations in Britain. Situated in rolling parkland, the the parkland, rolling in Situated Britain. in locations By air By Pool Valley you need to walk 100 metres to the Old Steine where you can catch a bus bus a catch can you where Steine Old the to metres 100 walk to need you Valley Pool Arriving from overseas from Arriving take about two hours. Coaches also run to Brighton from Gatwick and Heathrow. From From Heathrow. and Gatwick from Brighton to run also Coaches hours. two about take Sussex has one of the most beautiful campus campus beautiful most the of one has Sussex arrive at Pool Valley in the centre of the city. Services are every hour during the day and and day the during hour every are Services city. the of centre the in Valley Pool at arrive www.buses.co.uk www.buses.co.uk from available are information and timetables National Express coaches to Brighton depart from London Victoria Coach Station and and Station Coach Victoria London from depart Brighton to coaches Express National Our campus Our on their way to Lewes and beyond. Travel time is about 20-30 minutes. Bus Bus minutes. 20-30 about is time Travel beyond. and Lewes to way their on Coach 28 and 29 go from the Old Steine and stop right outside the University campus campus University the outside right stop and Steine Old the from go 29 and 28 Old Steine in Brighton; the 25 also runs from Churchill Square. In addition, the the addition, In Square. Churchill from runs also 25 the Brighton; in Steine Old www.nationalrail.co.uk read on to find out the best way to reach us. reach to way best the out find to on read bringing you directly onto and around campus. You can catch a bus from the the from bus a catch can You campus. around and onto directly you bringing at more out Find Falmer. for Lewes at change also can you east, the from coming are London. We have excellent public transport links – – links transport public excellent have We London. The 23 and 25 buses run between the centre of Brighton and the University, University, the and Brighton of centre the between run buses 25 and 23 The there for Falmer. The journey time from London to Brighton is just under an hour. If you you If hour. an under just is Brighton to London from time journey The Falmer. for there Local buses Local Visitors travelling via London and the west should take a train to Brighton and change change and Brighton to train a take should west the and London via travelling Visitors the south coast of the UK, about 50 miles south of of south miles 50 about UK, the of coast south the permits for conference delegates are available from Conferences and events. and Conferences from available are delegates conference for permits minutes. 15 every running trains with direction, each in time travel minutes We are located at Falmer, just outside Brighton on on Brighton outside just Falmer, at located are We visiting before you come, as parking can be costly if you pay on arrival. Car parking parking Car arrival. on pay you if costly be can parking as come, you before visiting eight about Lewes, and Brighton between line the on is Falmer Sussex. of University the It is best to obtain a scratch-card parking permit from the school or unit you are are you unit or school the from permit parking scratch-card a obtain to best is It for signs the follow just – campus University the opposite directly is station train Falmer Welcome to the University of Sussex of University the to Welcome Parking Train accommodation, shops, cafés and sports facilities. sports and cafés shops, accommodation, superb conference, teaching and research facilities, residential residential facilities, research and teaching conference, superb Welcome to our stunning campus. Set in beautiful parkland, it has has it parkland, beautiful in Set campus. stunning our to Welcome Useful contacts Travel information University contact details March 2014 University of Sussex Falmer, Brighton BN1 9RH, UK www.sussex.ac.uk www.facebook.com/uniofsussex www.twitter.com/sussexuni University of Sussex (main number) +44 (0)1273 606755 Admissions enquiries Undergraduate students: +44 (0)1273 678416 Postgraduate students: +44 (0)1273 877773 www.sussex.ac.uk/study Business enquiries +44 (0)1273 873105 www.sussex.ac.uk/business Open day information +44 (0)1273 876787 www.sussex.ac.uk/visitors International and Study Abroad Office +44 (0)1273 678422 www.sussex.ac.uk/international University Conferences & Events +44 (0)1273 678678 www.sussex.ac.uk/conferences 24-hour reception (York House) +44 (0)1273 678220 Security Office Emergency line: +44 (0)1273 873333 Non-emergency line (24-hours): +44 (0)1273 678234 National travel enquiries National Rail Enquiries +44 (0)8457 484950 www.nationalrail.co.uk (UK callers only, premium rate line) Coach enquiries + 44 (0)8717 818178 www.nationalexpress.com (UK callers only, premium rate line) Eurostar + 44 (0)1233 617575 www.eurostar.com Eurotunnel 08443 353535 www.eurotunnel.com (UK callers only, premium rate line) Gatwick Airport +44 (0)844 8920322 www.gatwickairport.com (UK callers only, premium rate line) Heathrow Airport + 44 (0)844
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