RICE UNIVERSITY ANORTHOSITE-GABBRO-GRANOPHYRE RELATIONSHIPS, MOUNT SHERIDAN AREA, OKLAHOMA by EDWARD C. THORNTON A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Thesis Director's Signature: Houston, Texas May, 1975 ABSTRACT ANORTHOSITE-GABBRO-GRANOPHYRE RELATIONSHIPS MOUNT SHERIDAN AREA, OKLAHOMA Edward C. Thornton Field work, phase analysis by microprobe, petrography, and oxygen isotope analysis have been undertaken in an ef¬ fort to establish the relationships among the anorthositic, gabbroic, and granophyric rocks of the Mount Sheridan area in southwestern Oklahoma. The gabbro has been found to be somewhat finer-grained when in contact with the anorthosite. Petrographically, the gabbro is quite different from the anorthosite. The anorthosite is essentially a one-pyroxene rock (clinopy- roxene) while the gabbro contains both augite and hyper- sthene. Quartz, micropegmatite, and biotite are present in the gabbro but essentially absent in the anorthosite. The anorthosite is a cumulate rock with well-developed igneous lamination whereas the gabbro is generally not laminated. The above information established that the anorthosite is the older unit and that the gabbro was sub¬ sequently intruded into it. The gabbro is transitional into the overlying grano- phyre through a zone of intermediate rock. The zone of transition has been found to extend into the gabbro itself as has been determined by phase analysis, in addition, diabasic inclusions are present in the granophyre - evi¬ dence of possible mixing of basaltic and granophyric magma. These observations suggest that gabbroic and granophyric magmas were emplaced simultaneously at Mount Sheridan and that the intermediate rock between the gabbro and grano¬ phyre may have been generated by mixing of the two magma types. 18 The granophyre has a 60 value of + 4.7 +0.7 (this study) while Johnson and Denison (1973) report that the initial value for the Sr87/Sr86 ratio is 0.707 + 0.001. The granophyre has a minor amount of ferroaugite (this study). Chemical and mineralogical data suggest that the granophyre may have been derived, in part, from a basaltic parent but volume relationships indicate that melting of crustal or upper mantle material was also important. A tectonic-magmatic model is presented to demonstrate the possible genetic relationships of the magma types. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study is part of an investigation of the Wichita Mountain complex of Oklahoma in progress at Rice University under the direction of Dr. Powell, the writer's chief ad¬ visor. He has provided the advice and encouragement nec¬ essary for completing the study. Dr. J. A. S. Adams and Dr. D. R. Baker, who have been on the thesis committee, have reviewed the manuscript and provided stimulating comments and criticisms. Recognition is made of the financial aid received from the Welch Science Foundation under the administration of Drs. J. A. S. Adams and J. J. W. Rogers. Special thanks are due Michael L. Johnson for his guidance in obtaining the oxygen isotope data. He has also provided much stimulating discussion and advice during the course of the work. The author has had the good fortune to be able to communicate either directly or by correspondence with many of the people who have performed important studies in the Wichita Mountains. Drs. R. E. Denison and J. F. Fischer have provided important information during our discussions. Drs. H. E. Hunter and A. B. Spencer have guided the author in recognizing critical field relationships. Dr. Warren Hamilton has corresponded with the author - many of the ideas presented in this paper are clearly a product of the influence he has had. David Phelps, a fellow graduate student working in the Wichitas, has provided stimulating discussion con¬ cerning crucial problems and has forced the author to continually reevaluate his observations and conclusions. Finally, thanks are extended to the many other student and faculty members who have provided much needed aid during the study. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 Regional and Tectonic Setting 1 General Geology of the Wichita Mountains 5 Statement of the Problem 8 Field Observations and Mapping 12 Previous Work 12 The Present Study 12 Petroqraphy of Rock Types 18 Layered Series (Gabbroic Anorthosite of the Raggedy Mountain Gabbro Group) 18 Mount Sheridan Gabbro 19 Granophyre (Mount Scott Granite) 22 Phase Chemistry 24 Oxyqen Isotopic Analysis 28 Chemistry of the Granophyres and Granites of the Wichita Complex 31 Discussion 34 Age Relationships of the Rock Units 34 Petrographic and Phase Chemistry Study 36 Oxyqen Isotope Analysis 39 Chemistry, Relative Ages, and Origin of the Granites and Granophyres 40 Conclus ions 43 Petrogenetic Relationships 43 Magmatic-tectonic Development of the Wichita Complex 44 Appendix I: Analytical Technique - Microprobe Analysis 52 Appendix II: Analytic Technique - Oxygen Isotope Analysis 55 Appendix III: Petrographic Reports of Representative Samples 56 References 62 ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1. Index Maps 2 F ig ure 2. Geologic map of the eastern portion of the Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma 3 Figure 3. Geologic map and cross-section of the Mt. Sheridan area 4 Figure 4. Cryptic Variation - Little Mt. Sheridan 16 Figure 5. View of Mt. Sheridan 17 Figure 6. Sample T-61 17 Figure 7. Sample T-68 20 Figure 8. Sample T-49 20 Figure 9. Sample T-39 21 Figure 10. Sample T-35 21 Figure 11. Sample T-50 23 Figure 12. Sample T-32 23 Figure 13. Pyroxene Quadrilateral 26 Figure 14. Time Relationships of the Principal Rock Types 45 Figure 15. Development of the Wichita Complex 47 Figure 16. Emplacement of Central Complexes 48 Figure 17. Evolution of Macrma Types 49 TABLES Table 1. Major Rock Units of the Wichita Province 6 Table 2 . Representative Pyroxene and Amphibole Analyses 25 Table 3. Oxyqen Isotope Data 29 Table 4. Chemistry of Various Peralkaline and Non- peralkaline Granites and Granophyres 32 INTRODUCTION Regional and Tectonic Setting Mount Sheridan is located on the northern boundary of the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge about 20 miles northeast of Lawton, Oklahoma (Figures 1, 2, and 5). The Wichita Mountains, a range trending northwest-southeast, are a group of granite and gabbro hills and, although relatively modest in terms of elevation, rise dramatically above the surrounding Permian plains of southwestern Okla¬ homa . It has been suggested by recent workers that the Paleozoic trough extending from the Ouachita foldbelt northwest across the foreland platform of Southern Okla¬ homa is an aulacogen (Hoffman, Dewey, and Burke, 1974; Ham 1964, 1967, 1969). The igneous rocks may represent the products of magmatism associated with rifting of con¬ tinental crust that began in the Early to Middle Cambrian. Downwarping of a broad trough occurred from Late Cambrian to Late Ordovician with sedimentation changing from elastics to carbonates. This trough was tectonically deformed in the late Paleozoic, accompanied by the development of vertical and trancurrent faults. Thick accummulations of Mississ- ippian to Permian elastics were deposited in the Anadarko and Arbuckle Basins while, simultaneously, the Wichita and Arbuckle Mountains were uplifted (Figure 1) . -1- Figure 1. Index Maps A. Structural Provinces of Southern Oklahoma. Area within rectangle is shown in Illustra¬ tion B. From Ham e_t al. (1964) . B. Wichita Mountains. Index map showing principal towns and roads. Area within rectangle is shown in Figure 2. 2 < OÙ 3 >1 •o A 8! A the 43 o O I" P 54J of 10 o> aA a 0» 3 map £ >i a •p O A 3 A a p •P O *H a •H L a •H P P O « (*• lf> A •P —K m © P S * ' tN -P o w co G <0 © m O O H x *o 8 •H H P •H rl P P PA *Hg P-|>. Geologic 0 G s - .3 â A 0> >t A P A A s° B •P A *o © & % « A A A •P 2 ■H 2. •P O •wB 4J M II U (3 «3 G 0 G U -H P A gA C<0 A K U 0 5 O A <P H O w •p W P PA m8 •u P iH XI « § *P •O A *0 a • p * A o A CP •H a 4J A •P ■s Figure © x £ X CO A £ < £ O £ © p road Fault Public Unimproved .road 5 General Geology of the Wichita Mountains The geology of the Wichita Mountains was described early in the century by workers such as Taylor (1915) and Hoffman (1930). They believed that the igneous rocks were Precambrian in age and were time equivalents of those rocks exposed to the east in the Arbuckle Mountains. Hamilton (1956, 1959) pointed out that the two are not correlative, the granites in the Arbuckles being Precambrian in age while those in the Wichitas are Cambrian. Furthermore, he emphasized that their tectonic settings are different, pointing out that the Arbuckle granites are probably of the calc-alkaline variety, a type commonly produced in or¬ ganic provinces, while the anorthosite and granite of the Wichitas are components of a large lopolith. The granites associated with lopoliths are somewhat alkalic and are more commonly present in anorogenic magmatic provinces. More recent petrographic and mapping work was undertaken by Hunter (1962) and his students (unpublished M.A. theses, University of Oklahoma). Ham, Denison, and Merritt (1964) have effectively summarized the work of previous investiga¬ tors and their own studies, outlined below. The Raggedy Mountain Gabbro Group, a portion of the basement rock of the Wichita area, is now thought to be Early to Middle Cambrian in age (535 + 30 m.y.) as deter¬ mined by isotopic dating methods (U238/Pb206, U235/Pb207, Table 1. Major Rock Units of the Wichita Province Data from Merritt (1967) and Ham et al. (1964). 6 7 Pb207/Pb206, Th232/Pb208, Rb87/Sr87, K40/Ar40î Ham, Denison and Merritt, 1964).
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