The Ensi's Compedium Sample file The Ensi's Compedium Sample file ΠΡοβκΧΣΩΡΠβ γζ ΧνορσρπΨΤΩΫϋϐ θζϑϓϒηκμξρέΣΣΡβηιλ ΩΥΣιμηδγεΡΠ ΧνορσρπΨΤΩΫϋϐ ΩήαΰίέΫΩνΥειμοςώννιγγ ΩΥΣιμηδγεΡΠ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ΩήαΰίέΫΩνΥειμοςώννιγγ κΧΣΩΡΠβ γζ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ θζϑϓϒηκμξρέΣΣΡβηιλ ψϊθΤΠΡοββσοβγϑϒϓβΠΥΧΨΩΫέ ΧνορσρπΨΤΩΫϋϐ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ΩΥΣιμηδγεΡΠ ψϊθΤΠΡοβκΧΣΩΡΠβ γζ ΩήαΰίέΫΩνΥειμοςώννιγγ θζϑϓϒηκμξρέΣΣΡβηιλ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ΧνορσρπΨΤΩΫϋϐ ψϊΠΡκΧΣΩΡΠβ γζ ΩΥΣιμηδγεΡΠ θζϑϓϒηκμξρέΣΣΡβηιλ ΩήαΰίέΫΩνΥειμοςώννιγγ ΧνορσρπΨΤΩΫϋϐ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ΩΥΣιμηδγεΡΠ κΧΣΩΡΠβ γζ ΩήαΰίέΫΩνΥειμοςώννιγγ θζϑϓϒηκμξρέΣΣΡβηιλ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ΧνορσρπΨΤΩΫϋϐ ψϊθΤΠΡοββσοβγϑϒϓβΠΥΧΨΩΫέ ΩΥΣιμηδγεΡΠ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ΩήαΰίέΫΩνΥειμοςώννιγγ ψϊθΤΠΡοββσοβγϑϒϓβΠΥΧΨΩΫέ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ςΠΡοβκΧΣΩΡΠβ γζ ψϊθΤ σαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ θζϑϓϒηκμξρέΣΣΡβηιλ ψϊΠΡκΧΣΩΡΠβ γζ ΧνορσρπΨΤΩΫϋϐ θζϑϓϒηκμξρέΣΣΡβηιλ ΩΥΣιμηδγεΡΠ ΧνορσρπΨΤΩΫϋϐ ΩήαΰίέΫΩνΥειμοςώννιγγ ΩΥΣιμηδγεΡΠ γζ θζϑϓϒηκμξρέΣΣΡβηιλ ΩήαΰίέΫΩνΥειμοςώννιγγ ΧνορσρπΨΤΩΫϋϐ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ΩΥΣιμηδγεΡΠ ψϊθΤΠΡοββσοβγϑϒϓβΠΥΧΨΩΫέ ΩήαΰίέΫΩνΥειμοςώννιγγ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ψϊθΤΠΡοββσοβγϑϒϓβΠΥΧΨΩΫέ ψϊθΤΠΡοββσοβγϑϒϓβΠΥΧΨΩΫέ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ψϊθΤ ΠΡοβκΧΣΩΡΠβ γζ ψϊθΤΠΡοβκΧΣΩΡΠβ γζ θζϑϓϒηκμξρέΣΣΡβηιλ θζϑϓϒηκμξρέΣΣΡβηιλ ΧνορσρπΨΤΩΫϋϐ ΧνορσρπΨΤΩΫϋϐ ΩΥΣιμηδγεΡΠ ΩΥΣιμηδγεΡΠ ΩήαΰίέΫΩνΥειμοςώννιγγ ψϊθΤΠΡοββσοβγϑϒϓβΠΥΧΨΩΫέ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ψϊθΤΠΡοββσοβγϑϒϓβΠΥΧΨΩΫέ ψϊθΤΠΡοββσοβγϑϒϓβΠΥΧΨΩΫέ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ψϊθΤΠΡοβκΧΣΩΡΠβ γζ ΩήαΰίέΫΩνΥειμοςώννιγγ θζϑϓϒηκμξρέΣΣΡβηιλ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ΧνορσρπΨΤΩΫϋϐ κΧΣΩΡΠβ γζ ΩΥΣιμηδγεΡΠ θζϑϓϒηκμξρέΣΣΡβηιλ ΩήαΰίέΫΩνΥειμοςώννιγγ ΧνορσρπΨΤΩΫϋϐ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ΩΥΣιμηδγεΡΠ κΧΣΩΡΠβ γζ ΩήαΰίέΫΩνΥειμοςώννιγγ θζϑϓϒηκμξρέΣΣΡβηιλ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ΧνορσρπΨΤΩΫϋϐ ψϊΠΡκΧΣΩΡΠβ γζ ΩΥΣιμηδγεΡΠ θζϑϓϒηκμξρέΣΣΡβηιλ ΩήαΰίέΫΩνΥειμοςώννιγγ ΧνορσρπΨΤΩΫϋϐ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ΩΥΣιμηδγεΡΠ ψϊΠΡκΧΣΩΡΠβ γζ ΩήαΰίέΫΩνΥειμοςώννιγγ θζϑϓϒηκμξρέΣΣΡβηιλ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ΧνορσρπΨΤΩΫϋϐ ψϊθΤΠΡοββσοβγϑϒϓβΠΥΧΨΩΫέ ΩΥΣιμηδγεΡΠ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ΩήαΰίέΫΩνΥειμοςώννιγγ ψϊθΤΠΡοββσοβγϑϒϓβΠΥΧΨΩΫέ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ψϊθΤΠΡοββσοβγϑϒϓβΠΥΧΨΩΫέ ψϊθΤ ΩΫέήίΰαβγδδεδβΧΨΨ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ Sample file ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ψϊθΤΠΡοββσοβγϑϒϓβΠΥΧΨΩΫέ ψϊθΤΠΡοββσοβγϑϒϓβΠΥΧΨΩΫέ ΡΥΤΠβ γθηοπρ ςσαΰϑωϊγϕϔϐ ψϊθΤΠΡοβκΧΣΩΡΠβ γζ θζϑϓϒηκμξρέΣΣΡβηιλ Contents [Introduction] About This Product [1] Class Arctypes [1] Cleric Domains [1] Chaos Domain [1] Cosmos Domain [2] Justice Domain [2] Plague Domain The Eternal Realms [4] Sorcerous Origins [4] Cosmic Bloodiline [4] Divine Bloodline [8] Clasess [8] Blessed [11] Tarzan [15] Deities [16] Monsters [16] Alû [17] Anzû [18] Aqrabuamelu [19] Asag [20] Bashmu [21] Gallu [22] Golems [22] Sand Golem [23] Mud Golem [24] Kusarikku [25] Şüräle [26] Ugallu [27] Uridimmu [29] Races [30] Demigod [31] Aqrabuamelu [32] Kusarikku [33] Uridimmu [34] Subraces [34] Dragonborn [35] Spells [36] Special Thanks Sample file About This Product his is only the beggining. The Ensi's Compendium is the second part of The Explorer's Compendium Project, an exposition to many Ancient cultures. Aztec (Done Already), Mesapotamian (this one) Eygyptian, Norse, and Greek (maybe); this has only just Tbegun. This is only the Begining... Sample file Class Archtypes Hombrew subclasess for official clasess. Cleric Domains Domains Divine Strike Cleric Domain Typical Alignment You can channel the elements of destruction into your Chaos Chaotic attacks. Starting at 8th level, once on each of your turns when Cosmos Any you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 psychic damage to the target. Justice Chaotic Good When you reach 14th level, this extra damage increases to Plague Chaotic 2d8. Chaos Domain Being of Chaos Atarting at 17th level, as an action, you become a being of Spellcasting pure chaos. Cleric For 1 hour, you gain the following benefits: Level Spells 1st wrath (see spells section), protection from evil Wings sprout from your back and grant you a flying speed and good of 60 feet. You emanate an aura of rage and menace in a 30-foot 3th mirror image, shatter radius. The first time any unfreindly creature enters the 5th fear, magic circle range or starts its turn there during a battle, the creature must succeeded on a Wisdom saving throw or become 7th confusion , magic circle frightened by you for 1 minute or until it takes any 9th animate objects , power word kill damage. Attack rolls against the frightened creature have advantage. Manipulate Chaos Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you Starting when you choose this domain at 1st level, you can finish a long rest. manipulate the forces of chance and chaos to gain advantage on one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw once. After using this feature, the next time you cast a cleric spell of 1st Cosmos Domain level or higher, you can roll on the Wild Magic Surge table. If The stars, the sun, the sky, the darkness of the night. The you do so, you then regain use of this feature. You also regain moon, and planets from afar, there is musch that we do not use of this feature when you finish a long rest. know. The cosmos domain is a harness on the unkown of the Channel Divinity: Conjure Chaos universe around us. The Mesapotamians have studied the Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to skies for years, and asocciating them with their deities, such sow chaos into the magic of other creatures. As an action, as Utu, god of the sun, and Nanna-Sin, godess of the moon. choose one creature within 60 feet of you. The next time that creature casts a spell of 1st level or higher within the next Spellcasting minute, they roll on the Wild Magic Surge table. Cleric Level Spells 1st Manipulate Gravity, Faerie Fire Channel Divinity: Bend Fate 3th Void, Moonbeam Starting at 6th level, you can use your Channel Divinity 5th Freedom of Movement, Sending feature to twist fate. When another creature that you can see makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, as a 7th Destructive Wave , Freedom of movement reaction, you can roll a d4 and apply the number rolled as a 9th Far Step , Telekenisis bonus or penalty (your choice) to the creature's roll. You can use this feature after the target creature rolls but before any effects of the roll occur. Blessing From The Cosmos Starting at level one, you become immune to (a) fire and radiant damage, or (b) necrotic and cold damage (your Samplechoice). Aditionally, you ga in a hofilevering speed equal to your walking speed plus five. Class Archtypes | Cleric Domains | Chaos Domain 1.
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