JANUARY 2017 二零一七年一月號 JANUARY 2017 | FINE MUSIC | FOREWORD 前言 1 From The Desk of HR4 George Wong © 掌台人隨筆 ▲ Tune in to Radio 4 this year for more music featuring the wind and brass ensemble! 今年,第四台將播放更多管樂團音樂。 Happy New Year! 2017 will be another colourful year on Radio 4 and I am 新年快樂!2017年第四台充滿姿彩,在此率先為你重點推介。 glad to share with you some of the highlights. 「年青人」成為今年的焦點之一。樂壇新秀在2016年12月31日 ‘Youth’ is one of our focuses this year. Following the Young Music Makers 截止報名後,隨即進入錄音和現場試聽階段。入圍者將陸續安 deadline for application on 31 December 2016, tape and live auditions will 排參與拍攝造型照、製作電台及電視專輯,並準備於閉幕音樂 help us decide on the list of Successful Candidates, who will attend the 會亮相。部份新秀更有機會到澳門,以及在香港電台的慶祝特 photo-shooting session, record for radio and TV, and appear at the Final 區成立二十週年音樂會中演出。看來,出爐的「樂壇新秀」今 Concert. Some of them will be performing in Macau, and at the ‘Young Music 年將會很忙碌噢! Note’ concert marking the 20th anniversary of the HKSAR. It will be a busy year for our new coming YMMs. 連續三年,第四台與音樂事務處攜手製作美樂主持@校園計 劃,今年的比賽安排在 月份舉行。屆時,一眾中小學生將在 For the third year in a row, we will be teaming up with the Music Office 4 台上大展身手演出廣播劇。另外, 亦是音事處成立四十週 to present the Fine Music DJ@Schools project, which will have its finale 2017 in April. It will be a chance for primary and secondary school students to 年,這組織一直鼓勵年青人學習音樂,我們將於4月份為你帶來 explore their talent in presenting a radio drama. Incidentally, the Music 屬於他們的特備節目。然而,本月先送上香港中樂團的生辰特 Office, which has been actively promoting music especially among the 輯。無獨有偶,兩個音樂組織同於1977年成立。 younger generation, will be having its 40th birthday. Special programmes will 音樂創作方面,由香港作曲家聯會主辦,一年一度展現年青作 be broadcast in April to tie in with the anniversary. Before that, this month we 曲家才華的音樂新一代將於6月舉行;而在7月份,四台插班 first bring you a programme series to mark the birthday of the Hong Kong 生則邀請一群更年輕,就讀中小學的小小「作曲家」到直播室 Chinese Orchestra, which was also established in 1977. 來。他們參加了由康文署主辦的管弦新動力後,將在節目中分 On composition side, New Generation Concert, our annual collaboration 享他們首次創作的喜悅。 with the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild, will be staged in June. In July, 不少年青人學習木管和銅管樂器。第四台今年正計劃推廣這類 R4 Buddies will welcome even younger ‘composers’ studying at primary 音樂。事實上,杜程已從去年 月份起在新節目程迷古典中, and secondary schools to the programme to share their experience of trying 12 out the works in LCSD’s Music Animateur Scheme. 每週播放管樂團音樂,而聖誕園林音樂會2016亦以管樂團為 主角。由本月開始,「四台插班生」更加入管樂環節、相關訪 Many youngsters find pleasure playing in wind and brass ensembles. This year, 問,以及2016年香港青年音樂匯演管樂團比賽的精彩錄音。 Radio 4 will delve more deeper into the genre. From December 2016, we’ve begun with Colin Touchin’s new programme, In Touch with Music, that has 從青年─我們的未來,談到過去。今年5月是蒙台威爾第誕 started our wind and brass ensemble exploration, and we hope you enjoyed 生 450週年,紀大衛將以專題形式介紹這位巴羅克巨匠。而 this year’s ‘Christmas Concert in the Park’ that placed wind and brass music 8月份,我們將播放由本地的聲蜚合唱節帶來作曲家著名的《晚 in the limelight. Starting this month, R4 Buddies will be highlighting wind 禱》。 and brass with special segments, interviews, and recordings made at the 年亦剛巧碰上多位美國作曲家的誕辰紀念,其中包括 Hong Kong Youth Music Interflows 2016 – Symphonic Band Contest. 2017 比卓、夏里遜、格拉斯、亞當士和美藉華裔的譚盾。7月份, So much about youth – our future, let’s look at our antecedents. This year is 李正欣會為你帶來一系列相關的特備節目。 Monteverdi ’s 450th birthday. In May, there is a special series on the great Baroque composer hosted by David Gwilt, and in August, we will bring to 最後,恭賀你農曆新年快樂。在新曆十三那天,我們將於一號 you a recording of Monteverdi’s famous Vespers sung by Hong Kong’s own 錄播室慶賀雞年元宵節,請來一群本地潮樂好手演出。他們獨 SingFest Chorus. 特的樂音和風格,肯定為不少資深樂迷帶來窩心的懷舊氣息。 請即留位! It may be mere coincidence that 2017 also marks the anniversaries of quite a few American composers including Amy Beach, Lou Harrison, Phillip 祝你有娓娓動聽的一年! Glass, John Adams, and the Chinese American Tan Dun. You can hear 第四台節目總監 蕭樹勝 programmes of their music presented by Joanna Lee in July. Last, but not least, this month I must also wish you Happy Chinese New Year. We will celebrate the Lantern Festival with a Hong Kong–based Chiu Chow music ensemble in Studio One on the 13th day of the Year of the SHARE Your LOVE of Music with US, Rooster (9 February). Seasoned music lovers will find their authentic sound Become a PATRON『美樂集』of ‘FM’ ! and style of performance particularly heartfelt. Book your tickets now. Radio 4 would like to thank the patrons DIAMOND PATRON 鑽石贊助者 May this be a tuneful year to you! for their generous support. If you would Sir Gordon & Lady Wu 胡應湘爵士伉儷 like to become a patron of ‘FM’ Fine Music, please call us on 9073 3474 for PLATINUM PATRON 白金贊助者 無名氏 further information during office hours. Anonymous 香港電台第四台謹向以下贊助者的慷慨 SILVER PATRON 白銀贊助者 Ms. Rayne Chai Chih-hui 蔡之慧女士 支持致以最深謝意。有興趣成為「美樂 Jimmy Shiu 集」贊助者的朋友,可在辦公時間內致電 Head, Radio 4 9073 3474 查詢有關詳情。 We want to know what you think! 謝謝你的迴響 Radio 4 wants to hear from you to help improve our fine music broadcast services. ▲ The colours of the pen shaft and the clip are for reference only. Fill out the listeners survey and you may even 筆桿和夾的顏色只作參考。 receive an awesome 4-in-1 Radio 4 gift pack. 第四台希望聽到你的意見,以提昇我們的美 Figo 樂廣播服務。完成以下聽眾問卷,你更有機 © 會獲得第四台的四合一小禮物包。 1. On average, how often do you listen to Radio 4? 你隔多久收聽第四台? Daily 每日收聽 A few times a week 每週幾次 Once a week 每週一次 Occasionally 間中收聽 Rarely 很少收聽 2. How do you usually listen to Radio 4? (check all that apply) 你以那種方法收聽第四台?(可選多項) On radio 收音機 Online 網上 Mobile apps 手機應用程式 3. At what time are you most likely to listen to Radio 4? (check all that apply) 你通常在甚麼時段收聽第四台?(可選多項) 0600 – 1200 1200 – 1400 1400 – 1800 1800 – 2000 2000 – 2400 2400 – 0600 4. What types of Radio 4 programmes do you prefer listening to? (check all that apply) 你喜愛以下那類型節目?(可選多項) General music programmes 一般音樂節目 Concerts 音樂會 Artsnews 藝術新聞 Artist Interviews 藝術家訪問 Educational / Informative 教育 / 資訊 Religious 宗教節目 News 新聞 Traffic 交通 5. What types of music do you prefer listening to? (check all that apply) 你喜歡下列那種類音樂?(可選多項) Western classical 西洋古典音樂 Chinese 中樂 Jazz 爵士樂 World 世界音樂 Movie 電影配樂 Contemporary classical 現代音樂 Others, please specify 其他,請註明: _______________________ 6. What do you think about our overall balance of music genres? 你認為我們播放各音樂類別的比例如何? It’s a good mix of music genres 現時的比例很好 I would like more __________________________________(music genre(s)) 我希望有更多________________________________________(音樂類別) I would like less ___________________________________(music genre(s)) 我希望有更少________________________________________(音樂類別) 7. What do you think about the overall balance between music and speech? 你認為我們總體音樂與說話的比例: A good balance 比例很好 Too much music, more speech should be included 太多音樂,應有更多說話 Too much speech, more music should be played 太多說話,應有更多音樂 8. Why do you listen to Radio 4? (check all that apply) 你為何收聽第四台?(可選多項) Radio 4 plays music that I like 喜歡第四台播放的音樂 Good presenters 有喜愛的主持人 To enhance my knowledge 希望增進知識 For background music 作為背景音樂 Others, please specify 其他,請註明:____________________________ 9. What is your perception of Radio 4? (check all that apply) 第四台給你甚麼印象?(可選多項) The Fine Music channel 美樂電台 Arts channel 藝術頻道 Bilingual channel 雙語電台 Educational channel 教育頻道 Others, please specify 其他,請註明: ____________________________ 10. Are you aware of any of these special events organized by Radio 4? 你知道第四台舉辦過這些活動嗎? Christmas Concert in the Park 聖誕園林音樂會 RTHK Quartet 香港電台弦樂四重奏 Music Beyond Borders 無限領域 Artist-in-Residence 駐台演奏家 Concerts at RTHK Studio One 香港電台一號錄播室的音樂會 Young Music Makers 樂壇新秀 We want to know what you think! 11. Please name your favourite Radio 4 programme(s), if any: 謝謝你的迴響 請列出你喜愛的第四台節目: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Please name your favourite presenter(s), if any: 請列出你喜愛的第四台主持: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13. From 0-100, overall, how would you rate Radio 4? 請以0-100,為第四台評分: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. What language(s) do you speak? 你能操下列那種語言(可選多項): English 英語 Cantonese 粵語 Putonghua 普通話 Others, please specify 其他,請註明:________________________________________ 15. How old are you? 你的年齡: 17 or under 17或以下 18-24 25-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60 or above 60或以上 16. What is your education background? 你的教育程度: Primary School 小學 Secondary School 中學 University / College 大學 / 大專 Postgraduate 研究院 17. What is your musical background? (check all that apply) 你的音樂背景(可選多項): None 沒有 I sing in a chorus 合唱團員 I play in an orchestra / band / ensemble 樂團 / 樂隊 / 合奏小組成員 I work in the field of music 我是音樂工作者 I have learned to play an instrument or sing 曾學習樂器或歌唱 I am a music graduate 音樂畢業生 Others, please specify 其他,請註明:____________________________ We want to know what you think! 18. Other views (continue on a separate sheet if needed): 謝謝你的迴響 其他意見 (如空間不足,請另紙書寫): Please send the completed survey by post before 15 January 2017 to: 請於2017年1月15日前,將填妥的問卷郵寄至: Radio 4 Survey 九龍廣播道30號 RTHK Radio 4 香港電台第四台 30 Broadcast Drive 「聽眾問卷調查」收 Kowloon Alternatively, you can return the above survey by fax to 2339 6427 or log in to radio4.rthk.hk to fill in the online version. 你亦可選擇以傳真擲回問卷,傳真號碼:2339 6427;或登入 radio4.rthk.hk 填寫網上版本。 If you want to receive our free gift, please provide us with the following information. Information received will be kept confidential and will only be used for posting the gift to you. 如果你想獲得禮品,請清楚填寫以下資料。所有資料將會保密,並只用於郵寄禮品。 Name 姓名:_______________________________________ Tel. no. 電話:________________________________________ Address 地址: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________
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