UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA FACULTY OF LETTERS “ALEXANDRU PIRU” DOCTORAL SCHOOL PhD THESIS ABSTRACT TEXTILE TERMINOLOGY Supervisor: Prof. Silvia Pitiriciu, PhD PhD student: Angelica Preda Craiova 2021 CONTENTS Introduction...............................................................................................................................3 I. Theoretical and methodological preliminaries...................................................................5 II. Elements of internal textile terminology............................................................................7 III. External textile terminology..............................................................................................8 IV. Semantics...........................................................................................................................12 V. Etymology...........................................................................................................................17 VI. Internal lexical creations..................................................................................................19 VII. Elements of onomastics – a basis for the creation of textile vocabulary....................21 VIII. Morphology. Orthography and orthoepy....................................................................22 IX. Elements of sociolinguistics..............................................................................................23 Conclusions..............................................................................................................................24 Bibliography............................................................................................................................25 2 Introduction The PhD thesis Textile terminology aims at analyzing the language specific to this field, by reference to the current Romanian language, to the dynamics of the vocabulary. The main objective is to identify the specific features of textile terminology, the elements which individualize this lexical field. We have presented the formation of this terminology and its evolution over time, from a diachronic perspective. Another objective is the integration of textile terminology in the sphere of terminologies. The vastness of the linguistic material, the presence of universally used terms and symbols standardized by specialized international and national institutions give a special status to this terminology. In relation to the multitude of scientific and technical fields having a specialized language, textile vocabulary holds a privileged position, in the sense that a large part of the linguistic inventory is recognizable, due to the phenomenon of term circulation beyond the domain. The procedures used in the terminological study are multiple. Through the descriptive approach we have presented the field of textiles with all its branches, explaining the causal relations between the concepts of this scientific branch and its belonging to the system. Another working method has been the semantic analysis of textile terms. We have highlighted the meaning of notions, monosemy or polysemy of some words, the integration of the terminological unit into a lexico-semantic field. By applying the comparative-historical method, we have demonstrated the Latinity of the Romanian language, following the existence and evolution of textile terms in Romance languages. The method is important in order to explain the form of a term, in relation to the epoch in the evolution of the Romanian language, in which the term was borrowed from various languages. By corroborating it with the method of internal reconstruction, we have established some forms of linguistic units from certain periods. Formal analysis has been used to specify the etymology of terms, to establish the evolution of a lexeme, both at the semantic level and at the formal and morpho-syntactic behaviour level. Through the method of structural analysis, we have highlighted the elements of complex structures, the type of relations between terms, the degree of cohesion and their relation with free word combinations. We have used the same research method to explain word formation, with reference to the terms formed by derivation and composition. Specialized phrases constitute nominal or verbal groups, which have been examined by the method of immediate constituent analysis. The referential value of the terminological units in 3 the concrete act of speech has been pointed out through the method of functional analysis, while emphasizing, by relevant examples, the meanings of textile terms in different contexts. In order to illustrate the emotional values of textile terms in literature, as well as in popular language, we have made a stylistic analysis of various uses of lexemes in the living language and in the works of some representative writers of Romanian culture. Another procedure was comparison, through which we have analyzed terms from different languages, while illustrating the common elements, but also the differentiation notes. The basic dictionaries used in the terminological analysis were MDA1, DEX2, DEXI3, as well as the lexicographic works specific to the analyzed field: DST-TEX4, DPST5, Lexicon de fibre și finisare chimică/ „Lexicon of fibers and chemical finishing‟6. The corpus consists of 1100 terminological units, organized according to the structural criterion: 900 simple units and 200 phrases. These were extracted from the technical and terminological standards belonging to the textile field, as well as from technical works, textbooks for students in this technical field7. 1MDA = Academia Română, 2010, Micul dicționar academic, București, Editura Univers Enciclopedic Gold, vol. I A-M, vol. II M-Z. 2 DEX = Academia Română, Institutul de Lingvistică „Iorgu Iordan – Al. Rosetti, 2016, Dicționarul explicativ al limbii române, București Editura Univers Enciclopedic. 3 DEXI = Coordonator științific Eugenia Dima, 2007, Dicționarul explicativ ilustrat al limbii române, Italia, Editura Arc&Gunivas. 4 DST-TEX = Academia Română, Comisia de Terminologie pentru Științele Exacte (2006), Dicționar explicativ pentru știință și tehnologie. Textile, București, Editura Academiei Române, Editura Agir. 5 DPST = Academia Română, Comisia de Terminologie pentru Științele Exacte (2007), Dicționar poliglot pentru știință și tehnologie. Textile, București, Editura Academiei Române, Editura Agir. 6 Aurelia Grigoriu, Vasile Blașcu (2010), Lexicon de fibre și finisare chimică, Iași, Editura Performantica. 7Asociația Generală a Inginerilor din România, Societatea Inginerilor Textiliști din România, Manualul inginerului textilixt, vol. I-II-III (2002-2004), București, Editura Agir. Demetra Lăcrămioara Bordeianu (2012), Fizico-chimia și proprietățile fibrelor, Iași, Editura Performantica. Demetra Lăcrămioara Bordeianu (2006-2009), Tehnologii și utilaje în filaturi, vol. I-II, Iași, Editura Performantica. Mihai Ciocoiu (1998), Mașini de țesut, Iași, Editura Team. Ioan Cioară (2008-2011), Tehnologii de țesere, vol. I-II, Iași, Editura Performantica. Ioan Cioară, Elena Onofrei (2007), Inginerie generală în textile-pielărie, Iași, Editura Performantica. Rodica Harpa (2006), Tehnologia filării și țeserii. Tehnologia tricotării și confecționării, Iași, Editura Performantica. Ioan Iacob (2005), Inginerie generală în textile-pielărie, Iași, Editura Performantica. Ioan Iacob (2009 a), Procese și mașini de preparație a firelor, vol. I, Iași, Editura Performantica. Ioan Iacob (2009 b), Procese și mașini de preparație a firelor – Teste, aplicații și îndrumător de laborator, Iași, Editura Performantica. 4 Chapter I Theoretical and methodological preliminaries So far, there has been no complex work in Romanian lexicography to study all the levels involved by a terminology. There are several studies which analyze a textile term, a lexico-semantic field or an etymological area. Our approach covers a semantic, etymological, morphological, structural, orthographic and orthoepic analysis of the elements that constitute the textile terminology. The thesis is organized in nine chapters which analyze these linguistic aspects. In the first chapter, Theoretical preliminaries, we have presented the various views of researchers on terminology, its development as a science. As for the dichotomy of internal terminology, specific to specialists, and external terminology, known to the general public, our approach insisted on the second terminological type. We have explained, first of all, the notions of terminology, term, terminography. Terminology is the discipline which studies the specialized terms used in various scientific fields, i.e. the formation of those elements, their evolution and use. The term represents the linguistic or symbolic designation of a concept. The “father” of this discipline, Eugen Wüster, argued that terminological units are monoconceptual, monoreferential and monosemantic, which would result in a precise and concise communication only between specialists. Other researchers in the field of terminology (Maria Teresa Cabré, Henri Béjoint, Philippe Thoiron, Juan Sager, Monique Slodzian, Pamela Faber, Angela Bidu-Vrănceanu) talk about the process of determinologization of specialized languages, about their use outside a strict field, this representing external terminology, versus the internal, normative terminology of the Wüsterian type. Terms have semantic evolutions, they become polysemantic, accessing various scientific spheres or even the common language. Socioterminology (for which see
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