1951 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 11489 SENATE · The niessage further announced that . EXE!JUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. .the House had passed the following bills, The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the · in which it requested the concurrence of TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1951 Senate the following letters, which were the Senate: referred as indicated: (Legislative day of Tuesday, September H. R. 1538. An act to declare that the GRANTING STATUS OF PERMANENT RESIDENCE United States holds certain lands in trust 13, 1951) TO CERTAIN ALIENS for the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe; A letter from the Attorney General, trans­ The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, H. R. 1548. An act to declare that the United States holds certain lands· in trust mitting, pursuant to law, copies of the on the expiration of the recess. ord,ers of the Commissioner of Immigration for the Bad River Band of Lake Superior and Naturalizai(ion granting the application The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Chippewa Indians of the State of Wiseonsin; Harris, D. D., offered the · following for permanent residence to certain aliens, to­ H. R. 1549. An act to declare that the gether with a statement of the facts and prayer: United States holds certain· lands in trust }:>ertinent provisions of law as to each alien, for the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake and the reasons for granting such. applica­ Our Father, who revealest- Thyself in Superior Chippewa Indians of the State of all that i$ true and pur.e and lovely, we tions (with accompanyjng papers); to the Wisconsin; Oommittee on the Judiciary:. beseech Thee "td ·help us make our minds H. R. 2190. An act to provide for the con­ the fitting audience chambers for Thy veyance to the town of Dedham, Maine, of a TEMPORARY ADMISSION INTO THE UNrrED presence. 0 Thou in whom' there is no certain strip of land situated in such town STATES QF CERTAIN ALIENS aarkness at all, help us to. open wide the and used as a ;road right-of-way; A letter from the Attorney General, trans­ · H. R. 3042. Ah act to abolish the Castle mi~ting, pursuant to. law, copies of orders :windows of our lives that we may be granting temporary admission into the filled with Thy light. We pause in the Pinckney National Monument and to trans­ fer the jurisdiction and control of the lands United States of certain aliens (with accom- midst of duties that press us to acknowl­ therein contained to the Secretary of the . panying papers); to the Committee' on the edge our human frailty and to lean our Army, and for other purposes; Judiciary. weakness against the pillars of ·Thy H. R. 4205. An act to provide retirement TEMPORARY ADMISSION OF CERTAIN DISPLACED · almightiness. · benefits for the Chief of the· Dental Division PERSONS INTO THE UNITED STATES Grant us the und~rstanding and the ·of the Bureau of Medic.ine and Surgery, and A letter from the Attorney General, trans­ courage adequately tO meet the d~m,ands. for other purposes; . mitting, pursuant to law ~ a copy of an order of each recurring day. In a world filled H: R. 4798. An act to amend the Hawaiian of the Acting Commissioner of Immigration with hate may we march under the Organic Act relating to qualification of and Naturalization, datec;l November 16, 1950, bright banners of Thy 19ve. May we be jurors; and · · · authorizing the temporary admission into · H. R. 4945. An act to authorize the use of the United States of certain p.isplaced per­ saved by hope, a hope that tr~nscends · appropriations for refunding moneys errone­ so_ns (with accompanying papers); to. the all mere optimism, that in the day of. ously received and covered· for the refund of· Committee ~n the Judici~ry . ... Thy victory even the wrath of man shall forfeited bail. SUSPENSION OF DEPORTATION OF ALIENS­ praise Thee. Strengthen our hearts with WITHDRAWAL OF NAMES COMMITTEE MEETINGS DURING SENATE ' a confidence that cannot be shaken in A '1ette~ from ·the Attorney ._ G~neral, with­ the sure coming of that dawn when the SESSION drawing the names of Ramon Lara-Sotelo kingdoms of this world shall beceme the On request of Mr. LEHMAN, · and by and Marian · Stepniak from reports relating kingdom of our Lord· and of His Christ. unanimous consent, the Committee 'on to aliens whose deportation had been sus­ Labor and Public Welfare ·was author­ pended, transmitted to the Senate on June Amen. 16 .and July 16,· 1951; to the Committee THE JOURNAL ized to meet this· afternoon d:.iring ·the on the Judiciary. session of the Senate. On request of Mr. McFARLAND, and by LAW. ENACTED BY MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF ST. unanimous consent, the reading of the TRANSACTION OF ROUTINE BUSINESS THOMAS AND ST • . JOHN, V. I. Journal of the proceedings of Monday, Mr. McFARLAND . Mr. President, I . A .letter from the Assis.tant Secretary ·of September 17, 1951, was dispensed with. ask unanimous consent that Senators be t.he Interior, transmitting, pursuant to ia:'w. a copy of bill No. 19-0rdinance to _amend MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT permitted to make insertio.ns in the REC­ section 11, chapter 18, title V, of the Code of ORD and transact other routine business, Messages in writing from the Presi­ Laws of the Municipality of St. ·Thomas and without debate, the time so used not to be St. John, which had been enacted by the dent of the United States were communi­ charged to either side so as to affect the Municipal Council of St. Thomas and St. cated to the Senate by Mr. Hawks, · one prov1s10ns of the unanimous-consent John, v. I. (with an accompanying paper): of his secretaries. · agreement under which the Senate is to the Committee on Interior and Insular MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE operating. Affairs. A message from the House of Rep~e­ The VICE PRESIDENT. Without ob­ PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS sentatives; by Mr. Maurer, one of its jection, it is so ordered. Petitions, etc., were laid before the reading cler~s. announced that the REPORT OF NATIONAL ADVISORY COUN­ Senate and referred as indicated: House had passed, without amendment, CIL ON INTERNATIONAL MONETARY By the VICE PRESIDENT: the following bills of the Senate: AND FINANCIAL PROBLEMS-MESSAGE Three resolutions adopted by the Grand S . 24. An act to amend the act entitled FROM THE PRESIDENT (H. DOC. NO. 239) Lodge of the State of New Jersey, Order of Sons of Italy in America, in convention at "An act to provide better facilities for the The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the enforcement of the customs and immigra­ Atlantic City, N. J., relating to amendment tion laws," approved June 26, 1930, as Senate a message from the President of of the Italian peace treaty, the partitioning amended; and the United States, . which was read by of Ireland, and the return of Trieste to S. 1074. An act to repeal certain obsolete the Chief Clerk and, with the accem­ Italy; to the Committee on Foreign Rela­ laws relating to the Post Office Department. panying report, referred to the Commit­ tions. tee on Banking and Currency, as follows: Resolutions adopt~d by the 1951 annual The message also announced that the assembly of the National Jewish Youth Con­ House had passed the following bills of To the Congress of the United States: ference, held at Camp Wel-Met, Narrows­ the Senate, each with amendments, in burg; N. Y., relating to world peace, and so . I am transmitting herewith,.for the in­ forth; to the Committee on Foreign Rela­ which it requested the concurrence of formation of the Congress, a Report of tions. the Senate: the National Advisory Council on Inter­ A resolution adopted by the Fifty-third S. 1183. An act to amend the act entitled national Monetary and Financial Prob­ National Encampment of the United Spanish "An act to authorize the construction, pro­ lems covering its operations from Octo­ War Veterans held in Grand Rapids, Mich., tection, operation, and maintenance of public ber 1, 1950, to. March 31, 1951, and de­ relating to communism; to the Committee airports in the Territory of Alaska," as scribing in accordance with section 4 (b) on the Judiciary. amended; and (5) of the Bretton Woods Agreements REPORTS OF COMMITTEES S.1864. An act to authorize payments by the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs· on the Act, the participation of the United The following reports of committees purchase of automol;>iles or other convey­ States in the International Monetary wer~ submitted: ances by certain disabled veterans who Fund and the International Bank for By Mr. GEORGE, from the Committee on served during World War II, and persons Reconstruction and Development for the Finance: who served in the military, naval, or air above period. H. R. 4473. A ,bill to provide .revenue, and service of the United States on or after June HARRY S. TRUMAN. for other purposes; with amendments (Rept. 27, 1950, and for other purposes. THE WHITE HOUSE, September 18, 1951. No. 781). 11490 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE SEPTEMBER 18 By Mr. McCLELLAN, from the Committee Organized Crime in Interstate... Com­ the content:> 0f those records and documents an Expenditures in the Executive Depart- merce, I report favorably an original which he had been directed by subpena to ments: resolution, and I submit a report (No. prcduce and to answer ·a series of questions S. 466. A bill to authorize and direct the before the said special committee, together Administrator of General services to trans- 778) thereon. I request that the reso- with all the facts in connection therewith, fer to the Department of the Army certain lution be placed on the calendar.
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