A B C D E F 1 2 Robert MacDonald Collection 3 4 Author Title, part no. & title Date ISBN Barcode 0 M0019855HL 38011050264616 5 51 beauties of Scottish song : adapted for medium voices with tonic sol-fa / 0 M0006030HL 38011050265076 6 A Celtic miscellany : translations from the Celtic literatures / Kenneth Hur 1971 0140442472 38011050265357 7 A chuidheachd mo ghaoil : laoidean / air an seinn le Cairstiona Sheadha 1990 q8179317 38011050265662 8 A collection of the vocal airs of the Highlands of Scotland : communicated a 1996 1871931665 38011551310264 9 Acts of the Lords ofthe Isles 1336-1493 / edited by Jean Munro and R.W. Munr 1986 0906245079 38011551867255 10 Amannan : sgialachdan goimi / Pòl MacAonghais ... (et al.) 1979 055021402x 38011551310512 11 Am feachd Gaidhealach : ar tir 's ar teanga : lean gu dlùth ri cliù do shinn 1944 w3998157 38011551310850 12 A Mini-Guide to Cornish. Place Names, Dictionary, Phrases 0 M0023438HL 38011050270191 13 Am measg nam bodach : co-chruinneachadh de sgeulachdan is beul-aithris a cha 1938 q3349594 38011551310421 14 Am measg nam bodach : co-chruinneachadh de sgeulachdan is beul-aithris a cha 1938 q3349594 38011551311031 15 [An Dealbh Mhor] 0 M0023413HL 38011551315883 16 An Deo Greine. The Monthly Magazine of An Comunn Gaidhealach. Vol.XV1, No. 0 M0021209HL 38011050266405 17 And it came to pass 1962 b6219267 38011551865341 18 An Inverness miscellany / [edited by Loraine Maclean]. - No.1 1983 0950261238 38011551866331 19 A B C D E F An Inverness miscellany / [edited by Loraine Maclean]. - No.2 1987 0950261262 38011551866349 20 An Leabhar mo`r = The great book of Gaelic / edited by Malcolm Maclean and T 2002 1841952494 38011551311411 21 AN ROSARNACH:AN CEATHRAMH LEABHARBOOK 4. 1930 t5396913 38011551311023 22 An seanachaidh : leabhar leughaidh Gaiddhlig 1936 t5420698 38011551310066 23 An Stor-data briathrachais Gaidhlig. - Leabhar 1 1993 1897873026 38011551863684 24 An Teachdaire Gaelach : Vol.1 a cheud leabhar, anns a bheil d 1830 t543996x 38011050258196 25 Argyll : an inventory of the ancient monuments. - Vol.3: Mull, Tiree, Coll & 1980 0114915911 38011050265399 26 As an Fhearann / edited by Malcolm MacLean and Christopher Carrell 1986 1851580360 38011551867214 27 As an Fhearann / edited by Malcolm MacLean and Christopher Carrell 1986 1851580360 38011551867222 28 A Thorn in the King's foot : folktales of the Scottish travelling people / ( 1987 0140595082 38011050265142 29 Baardachd na Roinn-Eaorpa an Gaaidhlig = European poetry in Gaelic / Edited 1990 M0018331HL 38011050269896 30 Baird a' Chomuinn : comh-chruinneachadh de'n bhardachd a choisinn an crùn ai 1953 w3996655 38011551865135 31 Baird a' Chomuinn : comh-chruinneachadh de'n bhardachd a choisinn an crùn ai 1953 w3996655 38011551867800 32 Baird Chill-Chomain : orain agus dan le Donna poetry / [by John MacLean and 1936 M0003443HL 38011551864880 33 Book of remembrance : John Kaid Maclean 1939 t5403211 38011551864773 34 Caithness : a cultural crossroads / edited by John R. Baldwin 1982 0950599417 38011551866950 35 CARMINA GADELICA:HYMNS AND INCANTATIONS:WITH ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES ON WORDS, RI : VOLUME1900 t5428501 II 38011551314803 36 A B C D E F CARMINA GADELICA:HYMNS AND INCANTATIONS:WITH ILLUSTRATIVE NOTES ON WORDS, RI : VOLUME1940 t5428553 III 38011551868089 37 Carmina Gadelica : hymns and incantations, with illustrative notes on words,. - Vol.5 / edited by Angus Matheson1954 b5415747 38011551868055 38 Celtic magazine : : a monthly periodical devoted to the literature, history, 1883 t5387110 38011551313706 39 Celtic magazine : a monthly periodical devoted to the literature,history,ant : Vol.ii 1877 t5387239 38011551313664 40 Ceol na fidhle / compiled and arranged by Christine Martin. - Vol.1 1985 y9645537 38011551310223 41 Ceol na fidhle / compiled and arranged by Christine Martin. - Vol.2 1986 y9645655 38011551310215 42 Ceol na fidhle / compiled and arranged by Christine Martin. - Vol.3 1988 y9645773 38011551310207 43 Clo dubh clo donn [sound recording] 1995 RCTRAX9018 38011551310405 44 Cogadh Mor, 1914-18 82 0861520165 38011551867552 45 Coisir a' mhoid : the mod collection of Gaelic part songs. - no.1 : 1896-1912. 1912 t5417489 38011050270100 46 Coisir a'mhoid : the mod collection of Gaelic Part songs. - no.2 : 1913-1925 1926 t5442381 38011050270357 47 Coisir a'mhoid : The mod collection of Gaelic part songs. - no.2 : 1925-1931. 1972 t5417495 38011050270407 48 Coisir a' mhoid : the mod collection of Gaelic part songs. - no.4 : 1932-1937. 1937 M0001757HL 38011050270159 49 Coisir a' mhoid : the mod collection of Gaelic part songs. - no.5 : 1938-1947. 1947 M0001758HL 38011050270258 50 Cuairtear nan Gleann. 0 Mairt 1840- gu Mairt 1841 0 M0022108HL 38011050257859 51 Dance to your Daddy: a children's minstrelsy 0 095459892x 38011551311916 52 Dean of Lismore's book : a selection of ancient Gaelic poetry from a manuscr 1862 t5414019 38011050338873 53 A B C D E F Donald MacPherson : a living legend / editors, Barnaby Brown ... [et al.] 2004 0954672909 38011551311817 54 Eachann Bacach and other Maclean poets / edited by Colm O´ Baoill 1979 0707302714 38011050036899 55 Eilean a'cheo : the isle of the mist : comprising articles on Skye by Skyeme 0 t5383655 38011551310678 56 Eilean a'cheo : the isle of the mist : comprising articles on Skye by Skyeme 0 t5383655 38011551310702 57 [Faroe Islands today] 0 M0023411HL 38011551315867 58 Feis: The first twenty-five years of the feis movement/edited by Kate Martin 0 M0011066HL 38011551311924 59 Flower of the West : The "Runrig" Songbook / Ed. Calum MacDonald / Ed. Rony 2000 0953945200 38011551864211 60 Folk and hero tales / collected, edited, translated, and annotated by the Re 1891 01018892 38011551310710 61 Folksongs from the Highlands = Orain Thormaid / compiled by Norman Stewart ; 1987 t5416685 38011551310306 62 Gaelic in Scotland = Gaidhlig ann an Albainn : a blueprint for official and 1976 0901771546 38011551863718 63 Gaelic proverbs and proverbial sayings, with English translations / (edited 1926 w3918885 38011551869772 64 Gaìr nan cla`rsach = The harps' cry / edited by Colm O´ Baoill ; translated 1994 1874744130 38011551865143 65 Glimmer of cold brine : a Scottish sea anthology / edited by Alistair Lawrie 1988 0080365795 38011551864690 66 Guth na Bliadhna. 1905 0 M0022180HL 38011050258501 67 Guth na Bliadhna. 1906 0 M0022179HL 38011050258444 68 Guth na Bliadhna. 1907 0 M0022178HL 38011050258048 69 Guth na Bliadhna. 1908 0 M0022177HL 38011050258451 70 A B C D E F Highland bird report 2004 (Highland Branch of the Scottish Ornithologist's C 2006 M0011062HL 38011551311890 71 Highlands and Islands : a generation of progress / edited by Alastair Hether 1990 008037980x 38011551867230 72 Highland songs of the Forty five / edited by John Lorne Campbell 1984 0707303494 38011089094307 73 Historical records of the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. - Vol.3 1931 q7632973 38011551311171 74 Historical records of the Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders. - Vol.4 1931 q763298x 38011551311189 75 Historical tales and legends of the Highlands / compiled by Alexander Macken 1878 t5421108 38011551863643 76 Island of Skye / edited by E. W. Steeple ... [et al.] / with a revised appen 1954 M0009558HL 38011551311205 77 Kilmuir & Kilmaluag North Skye : echoes from the past 2006 M0005802HL 38011551869897 78 Laoidheadair Gaidhlig : comh-chruinneachadh de laoidhean spioradail a reir a 1904 q8176922 38011050265514 79 Larousse dictionary of painters 1981 060034035x 38011551864112 80 Leabhar na feinne : heroic Gaelic ballads collected in Scotland, chiefly fro 1972 0716520605 38011551865168 81 Leabhar na h-Urnuigh Choitchionn 0 M0022181HL 38011050258469 82 LUIRGEAN EACHAINN NILL : A COLLECTION OF FOLKTALES TOLD BY HECTOR CAMPBELL / 1981 0861520866 38011551869962 83 Mallaig Line Steam: Special Picture Souvenir 0 M0022286HL 38011050266298 84 Modern Scottish Gaelic poems : a bilingual anthology / edited and introduced 1976 0900025212 38011551865051 85 Modern Scottish history : 1707 to the present / edited by Anthony Cooke .... - Vol 1 : The transformation of 1998Scotla1862320683 38011050270449 86 MOTORING MEMORIES 1999 0950638129 38011551863437 87 A B C D E F Na baird Leathanach = the Maclean bards / by the Rev. A. Maclean Sinclair. V 1898 v8935552 38011551869715 88 Na cnuic 's na glinn / deasaichte le Niall M. Brownlie 1991 b9205393 38011551310082 89 Norman MacCaig : critical essays / edited by Joy Hendry and Raymond Ross 1990 0748602011 38011551864765 90 Odyssey : voices from Scotland's recent past : from oral history collected f 1980 0904919471 38011551866448 91 Odyssey : voices from Scotland's recent past : the second collection / edite 1982 0904919552 38011551866422 92 Odyssey : voices from Scotland's recent past : the second collection / edite 1982 0904919552 38011551866430 93 One hundred and five songs of occupation from the Western Isles of Scotland 1998 1861430388 38011551864245 94 Orain an eilein / air a chur ri cheìle le Cairistiòna Mha`rtainn 2001 1871931827 38011551311882 95 Orain : Dho`mhnaill Ailein / Dho`mhnaill na Bainiche^ 1994 0953498808 38011050265324 96 Origins of the 'Forty-five, and other papers relating to that rising / edite 1975 0707301041 38011551866646 97 Orkneyinga saga : the history of the Earls of Orkney / translated from the 1978 0701204311 38011551864815 98 Orkney's Italian Chapel 1965 t5434128 38011050265779 99 Piobaireachd Society's Collection Books 1-15 2005 M0009583HL 38011551311288 100 Piping legends of the MacCrimmons of Skye including the Piobaireachdh "Salut 0 0954633423 38011551311957 101 Pronouncing
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