Server Discovery for Quake III Arena, Wolfenstein Enemy Territory and Quake 4 G. Armitage Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures, Technical Report 070730A Swinburne University of Technology Melbourne, Australia [email protected] Abstract—This report briefly summarises the server- notes on the ioquake3 variant of the GPL’d Quake III discovery protocol used by Quake III Arena, Wolfenstein Arena source code.) Enemy Territory and Quake 4. When requested by the Server discovery operates similarly for many FPS player, a game client issues a query to a well-known games, due to the decentralised and ad-hoc nature of FPS ‘master server’, which replies with a list of registered (and game server hosting. First, a game client queries a master nominally active) game servers. The client then probes each game server in sequence, presenting the player with server unique to the particular game (a server whose IP information about each game server as replies come back. address is pre-configured into the game client software). Game servers participate in this process by registering The master server returns a list of hundreds (or thou- with the master server when they start up. The server sands) of IP addresses and port numbers representing discovery process is similar for all three games, based on game servers who’ve registered themselves as ‘active’. short UDP packet exchanges. A discussion of UDP traffic The client then steps through this list, probing each listed between game servers and clients during connection and game server for information (such as about current map actual game-play is beyond the scope of this report. type, game type and number of players - typically a Index Terms—Quake III Arena, Wolfenstein Enemy brief UDP packet exchange). As a side-effect of this Territory, Quake 4 probe the client also estimates the RTT between itself and each game server. All this information is presented I. INTRODUCTION to the player (usually as it is gathered), who then selects Internet based multiplayer First Person Shooter (FPS) a game server to join. games typically operate in a client-server mode, with Server discovery is usually triggered explicitly by the game servers being hosted by internet service providers human player running a particular game client. It may (ISPs), dedicated game hosting companies and individual be triggered once or multiple times to refresh the list enthusiasts. Although individual FPS game servers typ- of available servers presented to the potential player by ically only host from 4 to around 30+ players, there are their client-side server browser. A given client will send usually many thousands of individually operated game out hundreds or thousands of probe packets to find and servers active on the Internet at any given time. This join only one game server. presents a challenge - how do game clients locate up- This report is organised as follows. Section II de- to-date information about all the servers available at any scribes the server discovery process and packet ex- given time, such that the player can select a suitable changes for Quake III Arena, whilst section III describes server on which to play. This report summarises the the similar server discovery process for Wolfenstein sequence of events that makes up server discovery for Enemy Territory. Section IV describes the closely-related Quake III Arena (Q3A) [1], Wolfenstein Enemy Territory server discovery process and packet exchanges for Quake (ET) [2] [3], and Quake 4 (Q4) [4]. (Further details of 4. The report concludes in Section V. the UDP traffic between game servers and clients dur- ing subsequent connection and actual interactive game- II. QUAKE III ARENA play is beyond the scope of this report. Details of the Quake III Arena was released in December 1999, Quake III Arena engine’s network protocol may be found and was primarly focussed on multiplayer online game at http://hobbshouse.org/wiki/index.php/ [5], along with play. First we will review the sequence of events from CAIATechnicalReport070730A July2007 page 1 of 8 Fig. 1. A Quake III Arena client’s discovery and probing of registered game servers the perspective of Q3A, then the formats of command between sending a getinfo and receiving a matching packets used during server discovery. This discussion infoResponse). assumes a Q3A client patched to version 1.32. • At any time during (or after) the getinfo / infoRe- sponse process the player may chose a specific A. Q3A server discovery sequence game server to play on from the information pre- Public Q3A game servers automatically register them- sented in the onscreen server browser. selves at master.quake3arena.com:27950, the Q3A mas- From a Q3A game server’s perspective, within minutes ter server. This master server becomes a rendezvous of registering with the master server it will begin seeing point for Q3A clients around the planet who wish to an influx of getinfo probe packets. These probes come know what Q3A game servers are available at any point from active Q3A clients around the Internet (Figure 2) in time. and automated game server monitoring systems (such as Figure 1 illustrates a Q3A client’s server discovery ServerSpy [6]). The flow of player-triggered probe traffic process. will fluctuate with a 24-hour period [7], but rarely ever • The client sends a short getservers request packet stop while the Q3A game server remains registered. to master.quake3arena.com on port 27950, eliciting After establishing basic information about all regis- one or more getserversResponse packets (typically tered game servers, Q3A clients may additionally issue well within 2 seconds). These getserversResponse a getstatus request to one or more selected game servers. packets contain all the currently registered Q3A This elicits a more comprehensive set of information game servers. (The Q3A master server returns mul- about the game server in a statusResponse reply. tiple getserversResponse packets in quick succes- B. Q3A server discovery packet formats sion when the list of registered game servers is too long to fit in a single UDP payload.) Q3A uses UDP packets for all communication be- • After getserversResponse packets are received the tween master server, game servers and game clients. game client begins issuing getinfo probes to each Command messages (such as the server discovery mes- listed game server. Game servers are probed in sages shown in Figure 1) are distinguished by their UDP the order in which they were listed in the master payload beginning with 0xFFFFFFFF, indicating a Q3A server’s getserversResponse packet(s). out-of-band (OOB) command. The ASCII text following • Each game server’s reply comes back in an infoRe- the 0xFFFFFFFF bytes indicates the command message sponse packet. The game client populates its on- itself. The UDP payload length indicates where the screen ‘server browser’ using information contained command message ends (no explicit termination bytes in each infoResponse packet and the game server’s are used). round trip time (RTT, estimated from the time The following list describes the contents of the UDP CAIATechnicalReport070730A July2007 page 2 of 8 able length ASCII ‘infoString’ carrying game-server specific details. The details (in ‘\token\value’ form) include information such as the server’s name, cur- rent map, current and maximum number players, etc. An example looks like: \game\osp\punkbuster\0 \pure\1\gametype\0 \sv_maxclients\20 \clients\5\mapname\jof3dm1 \hostname\EDs LAN Party \protocol\68\challenge\xxx Fig. 2. Individual game servers experience getinfo probes coming (If the preceding getinfo packet lacked the from clients all around the Internet ‘ xxx’ then the infoResponse reply will lack the ‘\challenge\xxx’ pair) • getstatus packets consist of the ASCII text ‘getsta- payload after the 0xFFFFFFFF bytes for each of the tus’ terminated by a trailing 0x0A byte. OOB command packets in Figure 1. • statusResponse packets consist of the ASCII text ‘statusResponse’, a single byte 0x0A, and then a • getservers packets consist of the ASCII text ‘get- variable length ASCII infoString carrying additional servers NN’ or ‘getservers NN empty full’. The game-server specific details (much more than in the value NN indicates the network protocol level of infoResponse reply). the client (for example, a client patched to version 1.32 has a network code of 68). The master server There are no sequence numbers in getserversResponse returns only those game servers who previously packets. The client simply collects and decodes all registered with the same network protocol level. getserversResponse packets it receives after sending a If the client’s in-game server browser has “show getservers command to the master server. empty” and “show full” set, the getservers string Both getinfo and getstatus packets may contain an contains the additional words ‘empty full’. (How- optional challenge string, which the probed game server ever, when tested in July 2007 it does not appear should return as a ‘\challenge\xxx’ pair in the infoString that the master server reacts any differently to these of the matching infoResponse or statusResponse reply. additional words being present.) Figure 3 illustrates the OOB packet format using an • getserversResponse packets consist of the ASCII Ethernet frame carrying a infoResponse. The first byte in text ‘getserversResponse‘ immediately followed by Figure 3 is the first byte of the Ethernet frame’s header, a variable number of 7-byte fields and the trailing and the UDP payload begins at offset 0x2A (42 bytes) text ‘\EOT’. Each 7-byte field contains the charac- from the Ethernet frame’s start. This infoResponse was ter ‘\’ (one byte), an IPv4 address (4 bytes) and coming back from a game server at to UDP port number (2 bytes) of a registered game a Q3A client at (the frame was captured server.
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