Durham E-Theses From artifact to icon: an analysis of the Venus gurines in archaeological literature and contemporary culture Lander, Louise Muriel How to cite: Lander, Louise Muriel (2005) From artifact to icon: an analysis of the Venus gurines in archaeological literature and contemporary culture, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/3027/ Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full Durham E-Theses policy for further details. Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk 2 FROM ARTIFACT TO ICON: An Analysis of the Venus Figurines in Archaeological Literature and Contemporary Culture Volume 5 of5 Louise Muriel Lander A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy University of Durham Department of Archaeology 2004 A copyright of this thesis rests with the author. No quotation from it should be published without his prior written consent and information derived from it should be acknowledged. ~ 3 JUN 2005 CONTENTS VOLUMES APPENDIX C: TABLES 465 BIBLIOGRAPHY 521 DIRECTORY OF WEBSITES/PATHS 546 Table 1 FIGURINES REFERRED TO IN DISCUSSIONS OF VENUS FIGURINES IN THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL LITERATURE FIGURE I VENUS FEMME AU TROU LE BUSTE BRNO LA POIRE L'EBAUCHE LE MANCHE LA IMPVDIQUE RENNE MAGRITE DU FEMME DE POIGNARD FILLETTE ILLUSTRATION I ~; • ~ ~~t :~ rf.,'1 w··. ~ ~ ~1(~ '47.1\ ~ I ~ ~ ( DATE OF Unknown, 1860's 1867 1888 1891 1892 1892 1894 1894 DISCOVERY around 1864 FIRST Breuil 1907 Piette 1895 Dupont 1872 Piette 1888 Makowsky 1892 Piette 1893 Piette 1893 Piette 1895 Piette 1895 PUBLICATION FINDSPOT Laugerie-Basse; Laugerie-Basse; Trou Magrite; Le Mas d' Azil; Francouzska Grotte du Grotte du Grotte du Pape, Grotte du discovered by the found by !'Abbe third ossified Piette only states Street, Brno; in Pape, Pape, Brassempouy; Pape, Marquis de Vibraye. Landesque layer that it was found male grave Brassempouy; Brassempouy; left part of the Brassempouy; Nothing further is during the right side of right part of avenue left side of known of the course of cave, near the cave avenue circumstances of excavations wall discovery CONTEXT I Nothing known of Unknown Layer attributed Unspecified Burial; male Layer£, Layer£, Layer£, Layer£, the stratigraphic to Upper skeleton, grave accompanied accompanied accompanied by accompanied position of the Palaeolithic, goods, by Upper by Upper Upper by Upper figure containing decorative Perigordian/ Perigordian/ Perigordian/ Perigordian/ Aurignacian and objects and a Gravettian Gravettian Gravettian Gravettian Gravettian types marnmoth industry industry industry industry shoulder blade AGE/ Site considered Site considered Possibly Site considered Pavlovian or Considered Considered Considered Considered ATTRIBUTION Magdalenian Magdalenian Gravettian Magdalenian IV Gravettian Gravettian Gravettian Gravettian Gravettian PRESENT First known Considered Gravettian Considered Now considered Considered Considered Considered Considered STANDING Palaeolithic Magdalenian; attribution not Magdalenian; Gravettian; Gravettian; Gravettian; Gravettian; Gravettian; statuette. not included in certain; not not included in possibly male; Brassempouy Brassempouy Brassempouy Brassempouy Considered later discussions included in later later discussions figure excluded figures figures figures included figures Magdalen ian; not of Venus discussions of of Venus from Gamble included in all included in all in all included in all included in later figuri nes Venus figurines figurines (1982) and discussions of discussions of discussions of discussions of discussions of McDermott Venus Venus Venus figurines Venus Venu s figurines ( !996) analyses figurines figurines figurines 465 Table 1 FIGURINES REFERRED TO IN DISCUSSIONS OF VENUS FIGURINES IN THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL LITERATURE FIGURE I FIGURINE A FIGURINE A TETE A LA EBAUCHE DE LE TORSE PREDMOSTI PREDMOSTI PREDMOSTI PREDMOSTI LA CEINTURE LA PELERINE CAPUCHE POUPEE STATUETTE STATUETTE STATUETTE STATUETTE ILLUSTRATION I & ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Th DATE OF 1894 1894 Unknown 1896 c. l894 c. l894 c. l894 c. 1894 DISCOVERY FIRST Piette 1895 Piette 1895 Piette 1895 Piette 1907 Piette and de I Breuil 1924 I Breuil 1924 I Breuil 1924 I Breuil 1924 PUBLICATION Laporterie 1897 FINDSPOT Grotte du Pape, Grotte du Pape, Grotte du Pape, Grotte du Pape, Grotte du Pape, I Predmosti; I Predmosti; I Predmosti; I Predmosti; Brassempouy; Brassempouy; Brassempouy; Brassempouy. Brassempouy; unspecified Unspecified Unspecified unspecified right side, near next to the left side of 20 metres from entrance figurine a la avenue entrance I ceinture CONTEXT I Layer£, Layer£, Layer£, Unspecified by Layer£, I Unspecified I Unspecified I Unspecified I Unspecified accompanied by accompanied by accompanied by Piette accompanied by Upper Upper Upper Upper Perigordian/ Perigordian/ Perigordianl Perigordian/ Gravettian Gravettian Gravettian Gravettian industry industry industry industry AGE/ Considered Considered Considered Considered Considered Gravettian; Gravettian; Gravettian; Gravettian; ATTRIBUTION Gravettian Gravettian Gravettian Gravettian Gravettian 26-27000 BP 26-27000 BP 26-27000 BP 26-27000 BP PRESENT Considered Considered Considered Considered Considered Considered Considered Considered Considered STANDING Gravettian; Gravettian; Gravettian; Gravettian; Gravettian; Gravettian; not Gravettian; not Gravettian; Gravettian; Brassempouy Brassempouy Brassempouy Brassempouy Brassempouy included in included in later not included not included figures included figures included figures included figures included figures included later discussions of in later in later in all in all in all in all in all discussions of Venus figurines discussions of discussions of discussions of discussions of discussions of discussions of discussions of Venus Venus Venus Venus figurines Venus figurines Venus figurines Venus figurines Venus figurines figurines figurines figurines 466 Table 1 FIGURINES REFERRED TO IN DISCUSSIONS OF VENUS FIGURINES IN THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL LITERATURE FIGURE STATUETTE FEMME AU THE JANUS THE BUST TETE L'HERMAP- LA LE STATUETTE EN STEATITE GOITRE NEGROIDE HRODITE POL!CHINELLE LOSANGE NON DECRITE JAUNE ,., ILLUSTRATION ~~ i... ~ t I I I i ! DATE OF '1883 '1883 1883-4; Uncertain; Uncertain; Uncertain; Uncertain; Uncertainf ; Uncertain; DISCOVERY retained by Jul1ien 1883-95 1883-95 1883-95 1883-95 1883-95 possibly 1892-4 FIRST Reinach 1898 Piette 1902 Breuil 1928 Breuil 1928 Piette 1902 Piette 1902 Piette 1902 Piette 1902 Piette' 1907 PUBLICATION FINDSPOT Grimaldi; Grimaldi; Grimaldi; Grimaldi; Grimaldi: Grimaldi: Grimaldi: Possibly Grimaldi: Grimaldi; Possibly Barma Possibly Barma Possibly Barma Grotte du Prince Possibly Grotte Possibly Grotte Grotte du Prince Possibly Possibly Grotte Grande cave, Grande cave, Grande, depth or Barma du Prince du Prince Grotte du du Prince depth 4.2-4.7m depth 3.0-4.2m 6m Grande Prince CONTEXT Accompanied Layer Layer specified Sediment may Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown by Gravette containing small only as indicate Sarma points; absence backed points "Archaeological" Grande, but ofNoailles and scrapers by Jullien context burins unknown AGE/ Epi-Gravettian Epi-Gravettian Gravettian Traditionally Traditionally Traditionally Traditionally Traditionally Traditionally ATTRIBUTION c.l7,200 years 16- 14,000 considered considered considered considered considered considered old years old Gravett ian Gravett ian Gravett ian Gravettian Gravettian Gravettian PRESENT Original Original Considered Grimaldi figures Grimaldi figures Grimaldi figures Grimaldi figures Grimaldi Grimaldi figures STANDING Gravettian Gravettian Gravettian; are usually are usually are usually are usually figures are are usually attribution attribution Grimaldi figures considered considered considered considered usually considered recently revised; recently revised; are included in all Gravettian and Gravettian and Gravettian and Gravettian and are considered Gravettian: Grimaldi figures Grimaldi figures discussions of are included in are included in are included in included in all Gravettian; included in all are included in are included in Venus figurines recent analyses all discussions all discussions discussions of included in all discussions of all discussions all discussions as such of Venus of Venus Venus figurines discussions of Venus figurines of Venus of Venus figurines figurines Venus ____ figurines figurines fi~urines - . ... - ---------- - 467 Table 1 FIGURINES REFERRED TO IN DISCUSSIONS OF VENUS FIGURINES IN THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL LITERATURE FIGURE BROWN IVORY FLATIENED RED OCHRE TWO-HEADED DOUBLE THE MASK PREDMOSTI SIREUIL WILLENDORF FIGURINE FIGURINE FIGURINE FIGURINE FIGURINE STYLISED I 1 fLLUSTRATION , e , 3 '~0~ .·~· ,~ t DATE OF 1883-95: Lost 1883-95: Lost 1883-95:1 Lost 1883-95: Lost 1883-95: Lost 1883-95: Lost until 1895 1900 1908 DISCOVERY until 1994 until 1994 until 1994 until 1994 until 1994 1994 FIRST Bisson & Bolduc Bisson & Bolduc Bisson & Bisson
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