''Were it left for me to decide whether we should have a government ,,;wt1tbU1' 'newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I . should not hesitate a moment_ to prefer the latter." - Thomas Jefferson VOL. 11 NO. 2 o adline for all submitted articles to The Scribe is 3:00 p.m. Thursday prior to issue articles are to appear. Due to SEPTEMBER 6, 1984 e problems with printing, there will be NO EXCEPTIONS! Flash and the Kids High School and College Career A Real Coup! Stu_de.nts Urged to On Thursday, September 6, appearances. They appeared in Focus Flash Cadillac and the Continental American Graffiti performing the Kids will be petforming in the Pub. family hits "At the Hop", "Louie, Apply Now _for Private This event, sponsored by the Stu­ Louie", and "She's So Fine". In The University of Colorado at dent Center and UCCSAS, will be Apocalypse Now, they performed Colorado Springs is hosting a free to UCCS students, faculty, "Susie-Q" appearing in a U.S.O. Financial Aid CAREER FOCUS on Friday, September21 from 10:00to3:00at and staff and $5.00 for the general show. Flash Cadillac tours all parts High School and College stu­ about $500 million dollars. Much the UCCS campus. public. A free-taco bar will be fea­ of the country sharing the stage dents who have not received the private financial aid is based on with entertainers ranging from tured in the Pub. The concert will necessary state or· federal funds for factors other than need or family If you have wondered what you Rush to The Mills Brothers to begin at 8:00 pm. continued education are urged to income. but on criteria such as can do with a major in psychology, George Carlin. Television appear­ "Flash Cadillac are the best apply to The Scholarship Bank for major, ~ccupational goal, willing­ communication , economics, rock ances include The Tonight ShCMI 'n' roll stage act I've private educational funding. ness to enter contests, write essays geography , business, education or and Happy Days. ever seen . including the Working in conjunction with or take on an internship. engineering (or any other major, Rolling Stones. " This evening promises to be ex­ high school and college financial for that matter!) CAREER FOCUS Rolling Stone Magazine citing and entertaining and all stu­ aid counselors, The Scholarship The Scholarship Bank has ap­ will be your opportunity to com­ dents, faculty, and staff are en­ Flash Cadillac's credits are im­ B~nk will send students a proximately 25,000 source~ of pri­ pare a variety of work experiences pressive including movies, h~t couraged to attend. Flash Cadillac, computer-generated printout of the vate financial aid and will send and environments to specific col­ singll:!s, concerts, and television Thursday, September 6 at 8 :00 pm. private aid sources that the student students a list of 20 to 50 names lege majors. Representatives from appears specifically qualified to and addresses upon receipt from the areas of media, government/ receive. According to the director the student of a questionnaire. The non-profit, manufacturing/ Display of of the search service, private fi­ questionnaire can be ordered from industry, health, business and ser­ nancial aid from corporations, The Scholarship Bank in Los vices will meet with participants on Challenged Books trade groups, lllld educational and Angeles by sending a stamped, a one-on-one basis to aid them in civic foundations amounts to ap­ self~addressed envelope to 10100 discovering career options. proximately one fourth of all fi­ Santa Monica Boulevard, #2600, at th.e UCCS nancial aid available, or a sum of Los Angeles, CA 90067. - In addition, workshops on re­ sume · preparation , Job search Bookstore strategies, and interviewing Huckleberry Finn is "racist. " techniques will be presented by Mother Goose's Nursery. Librarians and booksellers are FALL SHORT COURSES local employers. There will also be panel discussions on the changing Rhymes are "anti-Semitic" and promoting Banned Books Week . Computing Services will offer a series of short courses beginning the image of sales careers and a pre­ Mike Royko 's Boss is "detrimen­ nationwide. Sponsoring organiza­ week of August 27 thru September 13. The courses are held in Cragmor sentation for the mid-life career tal to students and will contribute tions believe that most would-be Hall, Rm 26, (the term. room) and are open on a first-come/first-serve to social decay. '' book banners act with what they basis. Students should take either Course · A or B before taking the changer. Books like these, challenged or consider to be the highest motives text-editing Course C. (The EDT editor is common to both systems.) Participation is free , and lunch banned on similar grounds during - protecting themselves, their . COURSE A: INTRO TO THE PDP 11/70 will be available for a small fee. the past year, will be displayed at families and communities from COURSE B: INTRO TO THE VAX 11/780 Because participation is limited, the UCCS Bookstore through out perceived .injustices and evils and COURSE C: USING THE EDT EDITOR National Banned Books Week, preserving the values and ideas . reservations are encouraged by September 8-15, 1984. Most of they would have the entire society calling 593-3246 or stopping in the these books are well known but are embrace. The result however; is Student Life office (Library 127) considered dangerous or objec­ always and ever the denial of SHORT COURSE HOURS no later than September 18 . tionable by individuals or groups another's right to read. The UCCS During the week of August 27 classes will be offered only on who would deny others access to Bookstore believes that Americans Wednesday, August 29 and Thursday, August 30. The schedule will be This special event is sponsored them. support our basic right to read the same as Wednesday, September 5 and Thursday September 6. by UCCS Career Services, UCCS Other books challenged recently guaranteed in the first Amendment Student Life, and UCCS Alumni WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 3 (NO CLASSES LABOR DAY-MONDAY) and Friends Association . It is being are: Stephen King's The Shining, to the Constitution of the United AND SEPTEMBER 10 because ''the story contains vio­ States . held in conjuction with UCCS MON TUE WED THUR FOCUS, Sept. 21-22 , an all­ lence, demonic possession and Banned Books Week is spon­ B . A ridicules the Christian religion, ' ' sored jointly by the American 2:00 PM ... .. ... .. ... .... ... A B university open house. B C A C William Golding's Lord of the Library Association, the American 4:00 PM ........ .... ... .... · · · · C B Flies, is ''an inappropriate reading Booksellers Association, the As­ 6:00 PM ...... ... ... .. ... C A A C B C assignment," and the Time-Life sociation of American Publishers, 8:00,PM book on Toyko because the book the American Society of Jour­ includes a photograph of. the nalists and Authors, and the Na­ ·The Scribe backsides of nude Japanese men at tional Association of College ADVISORS Ext 317 a public bath. Stores. Advisors are located in Room 25, Cragmor Hall, Their role is to ·Is Searching assist students in the use of the system. Because of the number of For Quality UCCS Focus languages and packages now on the systems, it is not possible for advisors The University of Colorado at the Colorado Springs campus. to be able to help debug general programs. Writers Colorado Springs is opening its Registration will begin :at 9:30 campus to the entire community on a.m. with coffee and donuts. Food Saturday , September 22 , 1984. booths wilt be available all day. The UCCS -Scribe is presently This year's theme is UCCS FALL ADVISING SCHEDULE Children 's activities and day care searching for some part-time staff FOCUS, focusing on the total uni­ MONDAY-THURSDAY ........ .. , 10:00-10:00 PM will be available and there will also writers to fill the positions of con­ versity . Everits begin at 9 a.m. and FRIDAY ... ..... .. .. .... .. ... ... .. 10:00-3:00 PM be plenty of free parking. tributing writers. We are looking continue all day on the UCCS SATURDAY . ... .. .. .. .. ... ... 10:00-3:00 PM Scheduled in conjunction with for quality writers who would SUNDAY : . .. .. ... .. .. .. 12:00-3:00 PM campus. UCCS FOCUS are the CAREER enjoy contributing an article or two Focus on academics: faculty FOCUS program on Friday , Sep­ every week to The Scribe. We are presentations, laboratory de­ tember 21, the 7TH ANNUAL willing to pay fo r these articles and monstrations, campus tours , art PIKES PEAK WOMEN 'S FES­ would like to discuss the positions exhibits and information booths. TIVAL on September 22 . SPSS ADVISING with students who wish to write Focus on special events: and would take the job seriously . If parachute demonstrations, musical UCCS FOCUS offers ari excel­ TUESDAY+ THURSDAY . .. .... .. .. 5:00-7:00 PM this opportunity sounds appealing performances, " Focus on Fitness' lent opportunity for you to intro­ WEDNESDAY . .... :.·,· . ..... .. .. 2:00-5:00 PM duce family and friends to your to you, contact The Scribe at x469 fun run and the alumni barbeque. (593-3469) or leave a message at university. PLEASE NOTE: THERE WILL BE NO ADVISING ON LABOR A special focus will be the foun­ the Student Center Desk. We Contact the Student Life Office, DAY, SEPT. 3, OR THANKSGIVING 2+ AND 23. ders ' reception honoring persons would be very happy to hear from Library 127, ext. 264, for addi­ whose efforts were critical to the you . establishment and early growth of tional infom1ation . ISSUES & ·oPINIONS • • • Editorial columns and letters to the editor published on the' 'ISSUES & OPINIONS..'' page ofthe Scribe do Footnotes not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper.
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