376376 Resources Alphabetical Yes-No-Maybe So Having trouble finding a food in any of the food lists? Search for it here alphabetically to determine whether the food in question is Paleo Approach friendly! YES. Go ahead and eat it unless NO. Don’t eat it for now. Refer MAYBE. This food might be tol- MODERATION. This food you’re allergic or have a sensitivity to The Paleo Approach for infor- erated. If you aren’t sure, leave it out is okay to eat, but there are some to it. mation on if and when it might be of your diet for now. (These foods compelling reasons to keep por- reintroduced. are not included in the recipes in this tions small. Refer to The Paleo book.) Refer to The Paleo Approach Approach for more information. for more information. Food Food YES NO MAYBE MODERATION YES NO MAYBE MODERATION abalone P arracacha P A abiu P arrowroot P abusgata P arrowroot powder P açaí P artichoke P acerola P artificial flavors P acesulfame potassium P artificial food color P ackee P arugula P acrylamide P asafetida (check ingredients) P adzuki beans P ashwagandha P African moringa P asparagus P agar agar P aspartame P agave P Atlantic croaker P agave nectar P autolyzed protein P agave worm P avocado P alcohol P avocado oil P allspice P babaco P almonds P B bacon P amanatsu P baking soda P amaranth P balm P amaranth greens P balsamic vinegar P ambarella P bamboo shoot P anchovy P bamboo worm P anchovy paste (check ingredients) P banana P anemone P barcheek goby P anise seed P barley P annatto seed P barley malt P ant P barley malt syrup P antelope P basil leaf P aonori P bass P apple P bay leaf P apple cider vinegar P bear P apricot P bearberry P arame P beaver P Arctic char P bee larvae P Sarah Ballantyne, PhD 377377 Food Food YES NO MAYBE MODERATION YES NO MAYBE MODERATION beech mushroom P buttermilk P beef P button mushroom P beefsteak leaves P cabbage P beet and other vegetable kvasses (check ingredients) P C calendula P beet greens P calico beans P beet root P cam sành P beet sugar P camas P bell pepper P camel P bilberry P camucamu P biriba P canary melon P bison P cane crystals P bitter gourd P cane juice P bitter melon P cane sugar P black beans P canistel P black caraway P canna P black cumin P cannellini beans P black tea P canola leaves P black-eyed peas P canola oil P blackberry P cantaloupe P blood orange P cape gooseberries P blueberry P capers P boar P capsicums P bok choy P carambola P boletus P caramel P bonito P caraway P bonito flakes P carbonated water P borage greens P cardamom P Brazil nuts P cardoon P bream P caribou P brill P carnation P brisling P carob powder P broad beans P carola P broadleaf arrowhead P carp P broccoli P carrageenan P broccoli rabe P carrot P brominated vegetable oil P carrot greens P brown rice syrup P carrot powder P brown sugar P casaba P Brussels sprouts P cashews P buckwheat P cassava P Buddha’s hand P cat’s-ear P buffalo P catfish P burdock P cauliflower P butter P caviar (check ingredients) P butter beans P cayenne pepper P butter oil P celeriac P butterfly kingfish P celery P 378378 Resources YES. Go ahead and eat it unless NO. Don’t eat it for now. Refer MAYBE. This food might be tol- MODERATION. This food you’re allergic or have a sensitivity to The Paleo Approach for infor- erated. If you aren’t sure, leave it out is okay to eat, but there are some to it. mation on if and when it might be of your diet for now. (These foods compelling reasons to keep por- reintroduced. are not included in the recipes in this tions small. Refer to The Paleo book.) Refer to The Paleo Approach Approach for more information. for more information. Food Food YES NO MAYBE MODERATION YES NO MAYBE MODERATION celery seed P cockles P cellulose gum P cockroach P celtuce P coco plum P centipede P coconut P ceriman P coconut aminos P Ceylon spinach P coconut butter P chamomile P coconut cream P chanterelle P coconut cream concentrate P Charentais P coconut flour P chayote P coconut milk (emulsifier-free) P cheese P coconut milk kefir (check ingredients) P cherimoya P coconut milk yogurt (check ingredients) P cherries P coconut oil P chervil P coconut sugar P chestnuts P coconut water P chia P coconut water vinegar P chicken P cod P chickpeas P coffee (not daily) P chickweed P collagen supplements P chicory P collard greens P chili pepper flakes P common dab P chili peppers P conch P chili powder P conger P Chinese artichoke P coriander leaf P Chinese broccoli P coriander seed P Chinese mallow P corn P chives P corn oil P chokeberry P corn sweetener P chokecherry P corn syrup P Christmas melon P corn syrup solids P chrysanthemum leaves P cottage cheese P chuck roast P cottonseed oil P cicada P crab P cilantro P crabapple P cinnamon P cranberry P citron P crappie P clams P crawfish P clementine P cream P cloudberry P cream of tartar P clover P creamed coconut P cloves P Crenshaw melon P Sarah Ballantyne, PhD 379379 Food Food YES NO MAYBE MODERATION YES NO MAYBE MODERATION cress P egg yolk P cricket P eggplant P crimini P einkorn P croaker P elderberry P crocodile P elephant foot yam P crowberry P elephant garlic P crystalline fructose P elk P cucumber P emu P cultured grass-fed ghee P emulsifiers (carrageenan, cellulose gum, guar gum, lecithin, xanthan gum) P cumin seed P endive P curds P enokitake P currant P Ensete P curry leaves P erythritol P curry powder P evaporated cane juice P custard apple P falberry P cuttlefish P F fat hen P dabberlocks P fava beans P D daikon P fennel P dairy protein isolates P fennel leaf P dandelion P fennel seed P date P fenugreek P date sugar P fenugreek leaves P deer P fera P dehydrated cane juice P fernandina P demerara sugar P fiddlehead P derishi P field blewit P dextrin P fig P dextrose P filefish P diastatic malt P fish sauce (check ingredients) P dill seed P flaxseed P dill weed P Florence fennel P dove P fluted pumpkin leaves P dragonfly P fly pupae P dragonfruit P fonio P dried fruit P frog P drum P fructose (added) P duck P fructose (naturally occurring) P dulse P fruit juice P dung beetle P fruit juice concentrate P durian P galactose P durum P G galangal P earthnut pea P Galia melon P E earthworm P gambooge P edamame P gar P edible flowers P garbanzo beans P eel P garden huckleberries P egg white P garlic P 380380 Resources YES. Go ahead and eat it unless NO. Don’t eat it for now. Refer MAYBE. This food might be tol- MODERATION. This food you’re allergic or have a sensitivity to The Paleo Approach for infor- erated. If you aren’t sure, leave it out is okay to eat, but there are some to it. mation on if and when it might be of your diet for now. (These foods compelling reasons to keep por- reintroduced. are not included in the recipes in this tions small. Refer to The Paleo book.) Refer to The Paleo Approach Approach for more information. for more information. Food Food YES NO MAYBE MODERATION YES NO MAYBE MODERATION gelatin P herring P ghee P hibiscus P ginger P high-fructose corn syrup P gladiolas P high-glycemic-load foods (if not explicitly eliminated) P glucose P hijiki P glucose solids P honey P goat P honeydew P goji berries P honeysuckle P golden syrup P horned melon P Good King Henry P hornworm P goose P horse P gooseberries P horseradish P granadilla P horseradish sauce (check ingredients) P grapefruit P hot peppers P grapes P huckleberry P grasshopper P hydrolyzed vegetable protein P Great Northern beans P ice cream P greater plantain P I ilama P green banana flour P inulin P green beans P invert sugar P green tea P Italian beans P greengage P ivy gourd P ground cherries P jackfruit P grouse P J jaggery P guanabana P jellyfish P guar gum P Jerusalem artichoke P guava P jicama P guavaberry P Job’s tears P guinea hen P John Dory P gypsy mushroom P jujube P hackberry P june bug P H haddock P juniper P hake P kaffir lime P halibut P K kai-lan P Hamburg parsley P kale P hare P kamut P hawthorn P kangaroo P hazelnuts P karonda P heavy cream P kefir (coconut milk) (check ingredients) P hedgehog mushroom P kefir (dairy) P hemp seed P kefir (water) (check ingredients) P Sarah Ballantyne, PhD 381381 Food Food YES NO MAYBE MODERATION YES NO MAYBE MODERATION key lime P locust P kidney beans P loganberry P king mackerel P longan P king trumpet mushroom P loofa P kinnow P loquat P kiwi P lotus root P kiyomi P lychee P kohlrabi P macadamia nut oil P kohlrabi greens P M macadamia nuts P komatsuna P mace P kombu P mackerel P kombucha (check ingredients) P mahi mahi P konjac P maitake P korlan P malt syrup P kudzu P maltodextrin P kumquat P maltose P kurrat P mamey sapote P kuzu starch P mandarin P kvass (check ingredients) P mango P lactofermented condiments (check ingredients) P mangosteen P L lactofermented fruits (check ingredients) P manioc P lactofermented vegetables (check ingredients) P mannitol P lactose P maple sugar P Lagos bologi P maple syrup P lamb P marigold P lamb’s lettuce P marjoram leaf P lamprey P marlin P land cress P mashua P lavender P matsutake P laver P maypop P lecithin P mealworm P leek P medlar P lemon P melokhia P lemon balm P melon pear P lentils P mesquite flour P lettuce P Meyer lemon P lima beans P milk P lime P milkfish P limetta P millet P limpets P mineral water P ling P minnow P lingonberry P mizuna P lion’s mane mushroom P moderate-glycemic-load vegetables and fruits P lips P molasses P lizard’s tail P monk fruit (luo han guo) P loach P monkfish P lobster P monosodium glutamate (MSG) P 382382 Resources YES.
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